No Ordinary Love (11 page)

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Authors: Elaine Allen

BOOK: No Ordinary Love
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Catima smiled. “I’m your momma; I know these things.” She pulled her daughter into her arms for a hug.


Busy on the telephone, Casey talked the business of interior design with Briannah’s grandmother, Nadia, who was a very good friend to the interior designer Casey wanted to apprentice with. She’d had an interview with the interior genius a week before and had yet to hear back from her. Casey had been sure that she’d at least have favor since the designer belonged to the same sorority, but even that hadn’t worked. So she used what she had and called in for a favor of her own. And as usual Nadia had been able to pull a few strings and get her a second interview.

“So tomorrow I just take my portfolio down to her and let her look it over?” Casey paused while Miss Nadia spoke.

“Alright, now you make sure that you have your best work to show to her.”

Casey smiled. “Yes, I understand that my work has to speak for itself. You’ve seen it Miss Nadia, you know I have potential to be great; otherwise, you wouldn’t have put in a good word for me…”

“Well hopefully we can turn all that potential into a very rewarding career. Staging is something very new and fresh in the designing crowd, and you have the ability to do that. She’ll be impressed with you.”

“Thank you very much and I’ll be sure to drop by the shop to see you,” she told Nadia.

“You and the girls should stop by one day and we’ll all have lunch. Love you sweetie, tell that young man I said Hi.”

“Love you too. And I’ll tell him.”

That went well
, Casey reflected. Briannah’s grandmother and Catrina’s aunt Chanel were both valuable resources when it came to the networking opportunities. She was finding that the saying, it’s not what you know but who you know, was actually true. With the help of Chanel she’d been able to do a co-op at a prestigious designing firm in L.A. the previous summer. It had been an experience, and now she was ready for another one.

Looking down at her work, she sighed. “Time to get to work,” she murmured. Minutes passed as she engrossed herself in her designs, choosing plans that contributed to her skill and scrapping ones that she considered had flaws. “Okay, so this, this, and this one, oh and this one too,” she picked. Then she fell silent. She’d had her portfolio ready for days, so maybe it would be a mistake to change it at this late of a date. She frowned at it and then went with her initial instinct to make a few minor changes.

It was the light tapping on her door an hour later that had her glancing over at her clock. Time had passed so quickly.

“Come in,” she called softly.

Daemon opened the door. “I wanted to see if you wanted to go catch something to eat with me. Nothing fancy. I was just gon’ shoot up to Poor Tony’s, and I thought it’d give us a chance to talk,” he said, lingering in the doorway.

The first few days of constant sun caused his golden skin to tan a shade darker than usual. The fresh haircut complemented his handsome face. She smiled as she thought that he reminded her of a light skinned version of Idris Elba; an actor from a BBC soap opera she’d started watching.

Casey felt like dancing the gig. Hadn’t she been telling everybody how it would happen for them soon? Now he was asking her out on a date. She frowned, she wouldn’t call Poor Tony’s the proper place for a first date, but they did have bomb ass baked macaroni and cheese as far as she was concerned.

Daemon laughed because she only responded to his question by nodding her head.

“You ready?” he asked.

“Just let me throw on some clothes.”

“What you have on now is fine, Case. It’s only Poor Tony’s.”

Casey thought about the small soul-food restaurant near Clearfield Street and mentally agreed that her sorority T-shirt, jeans, and Gucci flip flops would have to do.

They were silent as Daemon drove, only music played, filling Daemon’s GMC Yukon Denali with the melodies of a love gone sour. This quiet gave Casey time to perfect what she’d always knew she wanted to say but never thought she’d have the opportunity to.

“I need to stop on the Ave. real quick. Is that cool?” Daemon asked as he pulled over on the corner 17
and Susquehanna Avenue.

Casey rolled her eyes, there was no point in asking her, they were already there. She hoped that whatever the stop was, that it did not take a long time.

“Go ahead,” she told him. Then she watched as he crossed the street, shook hands with two guys standing in front of the bar before going inside.

Casey folded her arms over her chest and took in her surroundings. Susquehanna Avenue had changed drastically over the last couple years. Though the neighborhood itself was prime real estate for upcoming developers attempting to make room for the increasing student body at Temple University, the residents and its businesses had suffered.

The crab shack which was run by a woman and her two daughters for years had not opened for the crab and seafood season. The building that used to be both a check cashing place, and cleaners had been knocked down and was currently under construction as an apartment building. The church that used to be on the corner had closed and was now abandoned like much of that side of the street except for the Chinese Store.

The deli which everyone in the neighborhood called the Double El, had been there and was owned by the same couple her entire life Casey reflected. She hoped that it would never go anywhere due to the mass reconstruction of the neighborhood.

The neighborhood drug dealers and tough guys loitered the street in groups. They could be found either sitting in front of the empty and abandoned houses or crouched and huddled around a game of dice. It had been their habit for as long as she could remember. The same guys she noted but they were much older now.

Casey could still recall the summer nights she, Catrina and Briannah had spent strolling down the Ave. after a basketball game on 16
St hoping to get noticed by the older and popular guys. The memory brought a smile to her lips. There had been so many guys who hadn’t talked to her because she was Tommy’s niece and considered her something like a little sister to Daemon. Growing up, she’d hated that.

She hoped that this dinner had nothing to do with sisterly feelings and then she began to second guess the reasons he wanted to have dinner with her.

She sat back, closed her eyes and said a quiet prayer that it didn’t.

Tex’s bar still stood on the corner of Chadwich St as it had for years. The men and women lingering out in front of it could be found there day in and day out. It had been rumored that her mother had spent an ample amount of her time there. It got under her skin that her father could be one of those men who stood out there day in and day out.

Casey shook the unwanted thoughts away. Wasn’t she over her selfish mother and faceless father?

Casey mustered up a half smile when Daemon returned to join her in the car

“Sorry, ‘bout that. You cool?” He asked sensing her mild annoyance.

“I’m good, just hungry,” She answered.

Once they arrived at Poor Tony’s, Casey ordered Barbeque chicken wings, baked macaroni and cheese, and candied yams. Daemon ordered chicken breast, collard greens with macaroni and cheese. They decided to eat their food in the restaurant.

The place was small and cramped. The lights were dim and it smelled of all things barbeque. There was four two-tops tables set with cheap salt and pepper shakers on top of them. The tables were accompanied by two metal foldup chairs on either side.

Isn’t he going to say something?
Casey wondered as she watched him plow through his food with great appreciation for the cooks. Casey was only pinching at her food, too nervous to eat. She decided to lighten the mood and stuck her fork into his plate scooping up some of his greens to get his attention.

Daemon looked up just as she put a forkful of greens into her mouth. “You know I hate that,” he told her.

Casey smiled and shrugged. “I couldn’t help myself they looked so good,” she told him licking her lips. “And they taste good too.”

“You too much,” he responded with a laugh. “I thought about what you said,” he added. Then there was a slight pause as he wiped his lips with a paper napkin.

As the silence prolonged, Casey arched a brow and said, “And?”

“And I’m willing to try.”

He said it so simple. Must think it’s that easy
. After all this time there was no way she was going to make it easy for him.

Casey licked her lips and smiled. “Try what, Daemon?” she questioned.

Daemon chuckled. “Why you being so difficult?”

Sucking her teeth, she said, “Funny for you to be asking me that question.”

Daemon cleared his throat. She had a point. In the past five and a half years she had made enough moves to entice him and any other man that happened to get into her path. It shouldn’t be difficult to state exactly what he’d decided he wanted.

The night of Casey’s get together had put things into perspective for him. He’d ended up in bed alone with his thoughts wondering to her and what she was doing. In the days following, Daemon had decided that his feelings for her were real and worth exploring.

“I want to try this relationship thing with you. I want to try and make you my girl,” he replied smoothly.

This is crazy.
Casey blushed, but was able to keep a straight face when she said, “That’s good, Daemon, cause I want to try and make you my man.”
They were both all smiles. “It wasn’t that hard, now was it?” Casey murmured.

God, I have him. Daemon Hicks is mine!

He nodded and made sure that his eyes were level with hers. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you found someone else. It scares me that I need you. That I depend on your presence,” he admitted.

Casey shook her head. “It shouldn’t scare you. I’ve known it all my life. I’ve had a crush on you since I was ten.” Casey reached for his hand. “And I’ve loved you since I was old enough to handle that type of emotion.” She smiled and relaxed a little when his hand went into her hair. “You have to be sure that this is what you want.”

“I want this, Case. I want you. I’on know how long it’s been. But for a while, it’s only been you. I fight it so hard ‘cause I’m scared to hurt you. I love you and that is the last thing I want to do.”

“You wanna try and that’s enough for right now. Actually that’s so much for right now.” She stood up in a rush of excitement and surprised herself by kissing him across the table.
When the kiss was over and her heart was settled, Casey smiled. As an afterthought, she figured that she wasn’t even pissed that their first date was in a place where a meal cost less than ten dollars.

Later when she reflected on their evening, she made a mental note to let him know that he owed her a dinner at her favorite upscale restaurant. That night she fell asleep dreaming about her future with him.

Chapter Seven

Dazed and Confused


Why is he here when he’s not supposed to be? I come home and find him in my bed and smile. Instead of kicking his ass out, I cuddle in beside him and relish in his warmth. His house, my house, it’s too much, too fast. Just what am I doing with him?
Catrina shook her head to clear it, figuring that 8 a.m. was entirely too early in the morning to be thinking so hard.
Shit, how’d I let this happen? This is only supposed to be ‘whenever I need it dick.’

Deciding that she wouldn’t be able to think clearly with him beside her, Catrina slipped out of bed, slid into her robe, and left the room. Going down the stairs, she could hear Chantel and her family moving around in the dining room. Cinyah was talking excitedly about the much anticipated party in her first grade class. Chris was sitting at the head of the table indulging his child by listening and Chantel, well, she was scanning over a revised copy of a contract for her newest model.

It was very rare for Catrina to be up before nine, so Chantel said, “Good morning. What are you doing up so early?”

“Good morning, Aunt Trina,” Cinyah spoke.

Catrina yawned then shrugged. “Morning. I don’t know.”

“Dave woke?” Chris asked her.

Catrina sucked her teeth. “He still asleep. He don’t have be to work until one.” The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” she offered patting her scarf covered head.

All six feet and three inches of Mike was standing on the other side of the screen when she opened the front door.

Instantly, her heart jumped into her throat.

She rolled her eyes to cover her fear. He’d always had the problem of showing up uninvited more recently than in the past. The last time he’d had the nerve to question her about why he’d seen her with David one day, she had flipped out on him requesting that he not question her every move. He’d apologized and that had been that.

“Mike,” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I’d stop by and see you before I headed off to work. Wassup? Can I come in?” he asked, putting his hand on the screen door handle. He discovered that it was locked when he turned it. His handsome face scrunched up.

“Mike, you can’t just show up at my house anytime you feel like it. You should have called first.” Hesitantly, she looked back towards the stairs. It was probably best to deal with him outside, since she knew that he would get undoubtedly loud.

“You got some otha nigga in ‘nere or something?” he asked when she stepped out the house.

Although she was nervous, she boldly said, “Maybe I do.” Catrina figured she had to be that way because Mike would continue to pop up where ever and whenever he felt like it.

“What? You’n fuck wit’ me no more?”

She could see the change in his demeanor, the angry vein in the middle of his forehead showed up. As far as she could detect, he was past the point of being upset. “I like you, Mike, but I have some other things going on right now, and you’re obviously looking for more than I’m ready to give.”

Pissed, Mike stared at her. “You try and kick that shit to some otha dude. All you gotta do is be straight wit’ me. If you‘n wanna fuck wit’ me no more, you need to say it. All the shit I been doin’ for you.”

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