No Ordinary Love (13 page)

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Authors: Elaine Allen

BOOK: No Ordinary Love
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“That’s good. Tell me a little bit more over dinner,” he told her when they entered.

The table was set intimately for two with candles burning, creating a flickering glow.

“You cooked?” she asked.

“Something like that.” He smiled and pulled out her chair. “Sit down.”

“I sure will.” She sat, and he pushed her chair in. “Thank you,” she murmured, catching his hand in hers.

Daemon leaned down and kissed her.

God, no man has ever cooked for me before.

“Just enjoy,” he said when the kiss ended. He moved to the stove and took out two plates from the oven. “I thought about you today,” he was telling her as he set the food before her. “And I said, ‘what could I do to surprise her?’ Are you surprised?” he inquired when he sat across from her.

“Yes, very. This isn’t like you.” She eyed him considerably.

He shrugged. “I know, but this is something I overheard you mention like two years ago, when you were on the phone with one of your friends.” He cleared his throat and put his hand to his heart. “I would love for a man to cook for me,” he imitated her with his best impression. “Candlelight, flowers, music, me and him…”

Casey laughed. She wasn’t sure what time that was, because there had been so many times she’d been on the phone with a friend explaining what she wanted from a man. The important thing was he remembered.

“I do not sound like that,” she told him, shaking her head.

Daemon grinned. “Yes, you do. But it’s cool; I like it,” he told her.

It was a surprise for him to find out that he enjoyed making her smile. This was all still very new to him. He hadn’t been in, or even attempted to be in, a serious relationship for over five years. He’d only been in love once and that had been for less than a second when the girl, up and transferred to another college. That had been the one and only heartbreak that turned him into a dog. There hadn’t been anybody he’d cared about, except for Casey in all that time.

Casey stared at him and wondered what he was thinking about as he ate his food. Occasionally, he’d stare at her for a second, ask a question, wait for her response, respond, and then go back to eating.

Casey knew she was ready. That this was the right moment to do what she’d dreamt about doing her entire life. He was also ready for her, she thought. This had been six years in the making. And tonight he’s set the stage for something she was sure he had no idea was going to happen.

Casey stood up as he began clearing the table, grabbed his hand leaned into him and said, “You know, D, I didn’t need a home-cooked meal, but I’m grateful.” She pressed a light kiss to his cheek. “You made a dream come true and you have no idea how that makes me feel.” She took the plate from him and setting it back down on the table. She kissed him again, this time on the other cheek, trying her hand at quiet seduction. “How it makes me wanna make you feel,” she continued, placing her hands on his chest, and pressing her body into his.


She sighed. “I know we talked about waiting, Daemon, but I don’t want to wait. I’ve been waiting forever,” she murmured, watching him intently.

He was tempted but held back. “I don’t want to move too fast for you,” he told her.

Casey laughed and took his hand. She began walking out the kitchen. “I’ve been ready for a while,” she let him know, starting up the stairs. “I was waiting for you.” She noticed that she was no longer pulling him along, that it was more like he was walking with her.

“You sure?” he inquired, when they reached the door to his bedroom.

Casey turned the knob, opened the door, and stepped inside. “You on the wrong side of the door,” she told him.

Daemon stepped into the room and took her by the waist. He sighed heavily, like he was giving up. “I’ll stop, if you ask me to.”

Always the gentleman
, she thought, shaking her head. “I won’t. Now stop trying to make me nervous.” She blushed.

She loved him and yearned to tell him as he kissed her in a way that only could be a prerequisite to love making. Yet, she was afraid to involve those emotions until she felt he was ready to reciprocate them. She knew he loved her; it just wasn’t as intense and consuming as hers.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid to put the hammer to use,” she purred playfully into his ear.

Daemon laughed as expected, took her hand and guided it along his slacks until they rested on his erection. “I’on think he’ll have any problem getting down to business, do you?” he asked arrogantly.

She swallowed.
Holy shit
, she thought as her hands explored their way past his waistband and into his boxers.
I didn’t think it was this big
, her thoughts continued. “Can you say Mandingo?”

Casey didn’t know she’d said it aloud until she heard him chuckle and say, “You think you can spell it?”

Flushed with red cheeks, she buried her face into his chest. She laughed even as butterflies began to swim in her stomach. Was she supposed to tell him that she was nervous as hell now? Could he tell that she was scared to death of what they were about to do?

As if reading her mind, he whispered, “It’ll be okay.”

Shyly, she looked up at him. Her eyes for the first time that night were innocent and trusting. Daemon knew that he was complicating their relationship by not giving her the words she deserved when she was offering herself to him in a way she’d never offered herself to anybody else before. Though, he had yet to realize how deep his love went. He did understand that he loved her and owed her something.

“It means a lot to me, Casey, letting me be your first. I’ve fought so hard against you for so long when I want you like I can’t remember wanting anything. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to hurt you so, I’ll try not.”

Casey softy kissed his lips to silence him. “Shhh,” she murmured, her hands going to work on the buttons of his shirt. “Just be with me. I know you can’t make promises to me about not hurting me, ‘cause maybe you will, even if it’s not intentional.”

Time seemed to freeze as they slowly peeled away each other’s clothing piece by piece. Daemon surprised Casey by picking her up and carrying her to his bed. Casey watched him, mesmerized by all that was going on inside her as he went to his stereo and turned on a compilation of what she considered R&B singer R Kelly’s greatest loving making songs, then to his dresser to where he pulled a few condoms from the drawer. She swallowed a lump as she watched him encase himself, protecting them both. Casey smiled at his thoughtfulness and was happy that he’d thought of it before she’d asked him about it. Her heart began to pound double time in her chest.

She assured herself that what she felt was natural as he replaced the larger light with a smaller, dimmer one and laid his body beside hers. Casey moaned as he quietly began to explore her body with his hands and lips. Her eyes closed as the sensation of his touch filled all her senses.

Oh, God
was all she could think as he played with her breast and took the rigid brown nipple into his mouth and massaged the other.

Oh, God
was all she could murmur when he kissed his way down her stomach and legs, only to spread her thighs to taste her.

Oh, God
was all she could shout when her world burst into a thousand pieces from his lips and tongue work. She gasped and rode the wave for a minute.

Daemon didn’t give her time to fall from the cloud she was on before he settled between her thighs. He kissed her lips. “Just relax, Casey,” he murmured against her lips when her body tensed at his slight intrusion.

She was trying to relax, and nodded as she attempted to loosen up just a little and whimpered at his next down stroke. She closed her eyes tight and bit down on her bottom lip against the pain of it.

“Ahhh,” she moaned, clenching her thighs around him. Her leg was shaking from her withholding and tensing.

Steady and go slow, he warned himself. To her he said, “Case baby, relax and let me in.”
Slowly, Daemon lifted one of her legs higher so he could administer more of his lengthy shaft into her. When he was buried securely in her, he stopped. Casey’s eyes fluttered open when she realized that there was only a little of the initial pain there and that he wasn’t moving.

“You okay?” he asked her, dropping a kiss to her lips. Breaking down barriers had never been so difficult before, he thought as he felt her hands roam down his back, less frightened than they’d felt before.

“Yeah,” she answered huskily. She turned her face into his neck and lightly kissed him there. “You feel so good,” she told him.

Daemon had been holding back until that point and slowly gripped her hips and began his dance. He moved in and out slowly at first allowing her the time to catch the rhythm. When she began to stir beneath him, he dragged her hips higher to deepen his strokes. He whispered things he’d thought about doing and planned on doing for the rest of the evening.

Casey did a combination of a moan and a hmmm both in appreciation for current treatment and in anticipation of what was to come. Her hand began to get slick with his perspiration as she kneaded his backside. By the end she was practically begging for him to release her from what she felt.

When he did, she screamed his name and tightened her grip on him. Daemon continued his work until he reached his goal. For a minute he laid there on top of her depleted of all energy.

Hours later when the silence was so thick that you could count the breaths of the person beside you, Daemon lay awake and placed his hand on Casey’s hip. Her body already so responsive to his curled into his and ended up with Casey’s head resting on his chest and their legs tangled. While she sleepily dreamed of a future, Daemon cautiously analyzed the now and how he would handle what was next. There was no pretending that he’d be able to sleep alone in his bed again when it seemed as if she now belonged. No denying that he’d just enjoy having her in his arms until the sun came up.

“I have no clue know what I’m going to do with you, Case baby,” he murmured into the darkness of the room.

Chapter Nine

Losing It


Waking up with a man’s arms around her wasn’t a new thing for Casey. Those mornings included her virginity; it was something she was so happily missing today. She sighed as she replayed the events of the night before. He had filled the bathtub up and taken a bath with her, then had given her a massage and debated with her about how flexible she was. She chuckled; she didn’t think that she could move.

After trying to prove him wrong, every muscle in her body had to have been used the night before, because they all ached and cried for warm water.

I’m not a virgin anymore, and he is still beside me
. Casey wanted to stay beside him until the end of time.

When Daemon stirred beside her and pulled her body closer to his own, the morning after butterflies began doing their job. Flustered, Casey sighed. She was sure that she would be past nervous reactions, but it was apparent that she wasn’t. There had to be a thousand things racing through her mind at this point.

I hope he isn’t feeling guilty; I’d be crushed, then I’d kill him. I wonder what I’m supposed to say. ‘Thank you, Daemon, for devirginizing me?’
She didn’t think she could say that with a straight face. Casey giggled to herself even as she thought about it. She decided to play it casual and go off of his vibe. But not too casual, a girl doesn’t lose her virginity every day.

“Umm,” she purred when Daemon dropped a kiss to the base of her neck.

“Good morning,” Daemon murmured sleepily.

Smiling, she turned to him and said, “I thought that you were asleep.”

“I bet. And you were contemplating how to handle this morning. I can hear the gears working in your head. What do I say? How do I act?” Ain’t that right?” he questioned, rolling them over.

Casey tried her best not to laugh when she began her speech. “Daemon,” she started, running her hands down his sculpted back, “I would like to thank you for devirginizing me with as less pain as possible.” She burst out laughing. She couldn’t finish.

Daemon laughed along with her.

Casey frowned. “Was I okay, though?” she asked quietly.

“Worked me like a pro,” Daemon answered with a smile.

Casey’s eyes widened. “What?”

He kissed her. “I’m only playing, Case, but I can teach you to work it like a pro, if you want me to,” he informed her.

Casey rolled her eyes. “You must have lost your mind,” she told him, even though the idea of being a freak tempted her.

Daemon licked his lips, then hers. “No, but I’m definitely interested in making you lose yours.” He began nibbling on her bottom lip.

While she wanted to scream something corny like, ‘
Make me lose it, Daddy!!’
she thought,
This is real
, and told him, “Well, I’m definitely interested in you trying.” Then she thought of how sore she felt down there. “On second thought, how ‘bout you make me lose it later, I don’t think I can… I’m kind of sore,” she told him.

“We sorry we made you sore,” he teased, kissing the hollow of her neck. “We’ll see if we can make you feel a lil’ better,” he added, rolling off her.

“Where are you going?” she questioned him.

“To run some bath water.”

Beside her head, the phone began to ring.

“Hello?” she answered as Daemon went into the adjoining bathroom.

“Can I speak to D?” The voice was female.

Casey frowned. “Who’s this?” she questioned.

“Karen. Is he dere?”

“Hold on.” She got up, wrapped the sheet around her, and carried the phone in the bathroom. He was adding bubble bath to the water when she handed the phone to him and said, “It’s for you.” Casey folded her arms over her chest and stood there.

“Sup?” he asked unaware of who was on the phone.

“Where you been at? What have you been up to?” Casey could hear her talking.

He looked at Casey and then started talking. “How you been?”

Really? He gon’ carry on a conversation while I’m standing right here?
Casey didn’t say anything when she left him alone in the bathroom.

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