No Ordinary Love (5 page)

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Authors: Elaine Allen

BOOK: No Ordinary Love
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David took her hands in his. “Bey, I missed you.” He was hoping that Chris would be able to get rid of the girl before Catrina noticed anything funny.
As the pain in her abdomen began to intensify, she grabbed his forearm for support.
Something is wrong with the baby,
she thought. Catrina winced, and dug her nails into David’s arm.

David frowned down at her. He’d felt her change and was worried. “You okay?”
Shaking her head, Catrina let his arm go, and her hands went protectively to her stomach. This had to be some type of nightmare. “Wait— No—” She could swear there was a haziness clouding her mind she couldn’t see straight.

“Dave!!” The shouts were coming from behind them, and they were female.

While struggling to stay standing Catrina tried to look around him. It enraged her that she knew that voice. Struggling to put the face with the voice, Catrina squinted against the pain, dizziness, and the poor street lighting.

She recognized the girl walking towards them. Frowning, she took a step away from him.

“What are you doing with her?” Sharde questioned nastily.

David completely ignored her, studying Catrina, who now looked as if she was about to fall face first onto the concrete. It felt as if she were spinning and when she looked down at the sidewalk, it seemed as if it rushed up to meet her face.

Her pain was intense enough to make her cry but it was the realization of what was happening inside her body that had the first tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Chris!” she yelled.

Can’t be angry. Have to get calm. Please get calm, Catrina.

David made a move forward. “This is not what you think—”

Catrina stepped away from him. “I don’t care,” she flagged. “This nigga is with this bitch and he act like I’m stupid,” she stated when she reached Chris.

“You okay?” Chris asked as he slung a protective arm around her shoulders and pulled her with him. He shot his older brother a furious look for being caught again.

“Trina!” David called her.

“Please take me home,” she cried to Chris.

“Catrina, let me take you home so I can explain,” David pleaded.

“I don’t want you to take me anywhere. You’re so stupid!” she raged. She took a moment to wonder if her pain had stopped or if she was just too angry to feel it.

“I’ll take her,” Chris told David.

“David,” Sharde called from behind them, “what are you doing?”

Catrina knew that Sharde was smart to remain where she was. She guessed Sharde figured the distance between them kept her safe. In this instance, she was correct. There was too much pain for her to take any type of action against the other girl. Although they were not friends, they lived in different hundreds of the same street and knew one another in passing. They were acquainted with one another enough that the girl knew that David was her boyfriend. Catrina would remember the girl’s betrayal. It did not affect her deeply as David’s did.

“Chris, take me home,” she ordered. “And if I see that bitch on my block,” she spoke of Sharde knowing that she would, “I’ma beat her ass.”

He had to fix this, David thought. “Yo, she don’t mean shit to me, Bey,” David stressed.

“I don’t wanna fuckin’ hear it,” she yelled, instinctively going over to push David.

Chris intervened by standing between his brother and Catrina. “I’ll take her,” he stated. “Give her a little time,” he pleaded with David as a crowd of people on 20
and Susquehanna Ave. started to circle around them to watch.

Catrina walked away before David could see the tears begin to stream down her face. “You gon’ be a’ight?” Chris questioned once he was seated beside her in his nineteen ninety Crown Victoria.

Catrina couldn’t bring herself to speak so she just shook her head. She felt like she was losing everything. At that moment she stopped feeling completely. Then there was nothing, not the cramping or the ache in her heart, they both seemed to have disappeared.


The unexpected knock at her bedroom door had Casey stopping in the process of getting dressed.

“Who is it?” she asked checking her appearance in the full length mirror attached to the back of her door. She admired the subtle curves of her body and hoped that someday Daemon would as well.

“D,” the answer came.

Knotting her the belt to her robe, Casey smiled and said, “Come in.”

Daemon entered her bedroom wearing his reading glasses and the boxing shorts and white-tee that had become his pajamas. He cleared his throat after taking in her appearance. He glanced around the well lit room.

The bedroom was all her. It was painted her favorite color; lilac. In the one corner she had named the wall of fame there were posters of R&B stars Usher, Monica, Xscape, and other various popular music artists. The 19 inch television and stereo both sat atop a black work desk next to a five tier black bookcase. It was filled with romance novels, fashion and hair magazines, school books, and a few childhood dolls that she had yet to part with.

The dresser, chest of drawers and night table were all adorned with small trinkets, nick-nacks, framed photos of those closest to her. There was a picture of her grandmother on the nightstand next her bed. He knew she kissed the photo every night.

R& B singer Monica’s song “
Don’t take it personal
” played through her radio speakers.
Casey stared blankly at him waiting for him to state why he was in her room. “What?” she asked with a smirk.

Frowning, he eyed the clothing that covered the top of her bed. The purple comforter almost lost beneath the mountain of clothing, stuffed animals and massive pillows she had on top of it. “My mom wanted to know if you wanted her to heat you up something to eat.”

Casey shook her head. “Naw, I’ma get something while I’m out,” she answered.

“Out? Where you think you going at this time of night?” he questioned angrily as his eye made contact with the digital radio reading of the time. He couldn’t shake the notion of her having a boyfriend, or what he thought she was doing with this boyfriend.

Casey laughed and while secretly hoping to make him jealous she said, “Curtis is taking me to the movies.”

Daemon sucked air through his teeth. “Do you know what time it is?” It was already after nine pm. “What movie you think you going to this late?”

Casey sighed and shook her head. “D, you are so funny. It’s Friday night. Date night. I’m sure you remember what that is, right?”

Was it Friday already? He’d been so busy organizing and planning that the entire week had flown by without him even noticing it. Ever since he’d broken up with Tamika, his girlfriend of two years he’d been focusing all of his attention on his studies in Business Management, working in his uncle’s mechanic shop and selling drugs.

“I guess it is,” he murmured more to himself than her. When he looked over at Casey again, he was shocked to see her pulling her jeans over her hips. Daemon swallowed the lump that had begun to rest in his throat. Casey was going on as if he wasn’t even in the room. Her friends were definitely having too much influence on her, Daemon decided. He made a note that he would have to speak to his mother about that.

It was easier for him to contemplate talking to his mother than thinking about how hard he’d gotten watching her little show. She didn’t understand how much he fought with the inner male who just wanted to be let loose on the new prey. Daemon didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to fight against it. If she slanted those seductive dark brown eyes his way like she was pleading with him to be taken, she probably would be. Daemon shook his head to clear it.

Casey was down on her hands and knees, searching beneath her bed for her boots when she finally looked up at him and said, “If you don’t have anything else to say, you can leave.”

Daemon felt the muscles in his stomach beginning to clench as he watched her tight behind strain against the denim.

“Well?” she inquired, standing up.

“I don’t like what’s going on with you, Casey,” he began.

It’s working
, she thought and made a mental note that he used her whole name. “And what would that be?”

How could he explain it without giving up that he was attracted to her? “This new attitude you have. And a boyfriend? When you get a boyfriend?”

Casey threw her head back and laughed hard. “Are you serious? I’m not supposed to have a boyfriend?”

Either way he answered, Daemon knew they’d end up arguing. So he chose his words wisely and truthfully. “It’s not that,” he admitted. “I just realized that you’re growing up.”

Casey had to smile at that. She couldn’t conceal the happiness that radiated from her now that she knew he saw her not just as his best friend’s niece but as a regular girl. “Have you?”
Guess I walked right into this one, he thought. “Yeah, I have. Casey—”

“You’re not my brother, my uncle, or my cousin so why don’t you just cut this act,” she purred in a voice that was entirely too grown to be hers.
After that comment, Daemon pushed the pile of discarded clothes to one side of the bed, sat down on her bed and made himself comfortable.

So he’d touch her just this once, Daemon rationalized silently as he looked directly into her eyes. “And what is that supposed to mean?” he questioned her as she sat down beside him.

Smiling, she nudged his shoulder. “It means that you notice I’m not a little girl anymore,” she invited, reaching out to touch his face.

“I noticed, Casey. It’s just that I don’t want every other nigga in the neighborhood noticing. I’on wanna have to fuck none of deez young boahs up. So make me feel a little better and don’t get yourself trapped with some dickhead. All I’m saying is be careful,” he advised, grasping the hand that had so recently caressed his face.

“I’m not doing anything, D,” she confessed. “And when I’m ready, I promise you’ll be the first one to know,” she whispered.

Daemon could still smell the familiar scent of the Lancome’s

Miracle on her when he took her chin in his hands and turned her face so he could stare into her eyes. It was a mistake, Daemon knew, but he was lost.

There were foolish butterflies gliding around in Casey’s stomach. She couldn’t remember how long she’d wanted this. She felt the kiss before he cupped the back of her neck in his hands. Closing her eyes, she braced herself for the impact that she’d known it would have.

When his skillful lips captured her, she dug her fingers into his shirt and turned into mush. Daemon deepened the kiss, making her head spin.

He would stop Daemon reminded himself even as he murmured, “Move back.”

Yes, he’d stop before they went too far, but ooh, not yet. Not when he’d yet to have the feel of her beneath him. There she was. Her legs spread wide as he relaxed between them.

Casey tried not to show that her untutored body was no match for his, but she was entirely too excited. She wiggled and moaned in pleasure.

“I want you,” she panted as he kissed the slim column of her exposed neck. She didn’t know or care about where she’d gotten the heart to say such things when being with him was all she could think about. Daemon untying the knot of her robe and what would come after was all she could think about. Casey closed her eyes as he molded his hands to her firm breast, then sighed and arched her back, he bent his head to take her pebble of a nipple into his mouth.

It must be the man
, Casey concluded. She’d done this before, and it hadn’t felt this right. That’s when she let all her lingering doubts on whether Daemon would be her first fade away.

Casey licked her lips as she felt the snap of her jeans give way to Daemon’s tugging. She instinctively raised her hips so that he could slide the denim down her legs.

There were all types of alarms going off in his head as Daemon peeled away the white string bikini she was wearing. The faint whispering of Casey’s voice had enticed him to go against his own judgment. His fingertips touched her most intimate part. Daemon delved inside her most sacred place, sending her into a whirlwind of hip moving.

Casey moaned and bit down on his bottom lip as her hips fought to keep up with on his fingers as they stroked on her nub that was now beating on its own.

Oh, God, he’s kissing the inside of my thigh,
she thought when his mouth began to explore her body.

“Just let go,” he murmured when her legs began to clamp around him.

Daemon kissed her where she wanted him to the most and sent her into a shaking convulsion. He attempted to hold her still as he tasted her, little flicks that tickled her spine causing Casey’s fingers to grip the bed sheets beneath her as she moaned.

“D! Casey?” the shout came from below.

The voice of his mother brought him back to reality.
, Daemon thought.
What am I doing?
Abruptly, he went to Casey’s room door and stuck his head out. “She doesn’t want anything to eat, Ma.”

“Oh, okay,” Serena responded.

“Fuck,” he muttered when he looked over at Casey who was now sitting up on her bed terrified after having almost been caught. Daemon huffed as he sat down at her desk… far away from her. He had to put the space between them. As guilt ate at him, he dragged both his hands down his face. “Damn.”

Casey didn’t want to think about what would have happened if Ms. Serena would have come in. It surprised her that she hadn’t noticed that they were at risk of being discovered until Daemon pulled away from her. Watching him, she could see the guilt in his eyes, and she didn’t want to hear him verbalize his thoughts.

“Don’t say that you’re sorry.” She shrugged. “It happened, D and if your mom hadn’t been here we would have finished.”

Standing up, he sighed but didn’t object. “God, Casey, you’re only fifteen.”

Since humiliation was already a part of it she said, “So what?” A latent reminder that she was naked had her pulling her robe closed. “I’ll be sixteen soon and don’t act as if you haven’t fucked a fifteen-year-old recently,” she retorted on the verge of tears.

Struggling not to notice the tears that came to her eyes Daemon said, “Case, you know that it is not that simple. I wasn’t thinking with what I’m supposed to be thinking with. I would have taken your virginity if my mother hadn’t-”

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