Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella) (41 page)

BOOK: Nowhere to Run (Stephanie Carovella)
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Delucci arched an eyebrow, flicking his gaze to a shaken Gena and a frustrated Jase, before sweeping his eyes over Stephanie. He didn’t miss the mixture of pain and anger, before her face became a polite mask.

“We searched Leigh Walker’s apartment,” Delucci said quietly.

“Yes, yes I know,” Stephanie said impatiently. “Jase came over to tell me. He said you found evidence in Leigh’s apartment. He also mentioned you were looking for a murder weapon. Did you find it?”

Gena nodded, swallowing hard. “It was hidden in the lid of his toilet. Our lab’s running tests already. The knife we found has already been determined as a match to the wounds on both Angel and Carolyn’s body. The lab tests will confirm it,” she said, unable to look at Stephanie. “We believe it’s also the weapon he used to kill Katrina Andrews.”

Stephanie nodded mutely, not even noticing when Jase walked over to her, taking her hand in his own and interlacing their fingers together.

“Then you’re going to find my fingerprints on it,” she said softly, adding quickly, “I stabbed him with his own knife.”

“Has Walker been arrested?” Jake asked from the doorway, smiling when he drew their attention.

“That’s why I’m here. I stopped by Jesse Carlisle’s place, and he mentioned you’d vacated the premises. I’m not sure that’s wise Ms Carovella,” Delucci said.

“I guess it’s a good thing, I don’t care what you think then, isn’t it?” Stephanie said coldly. “Let me guess, you can’t find Leigh?”

Stephanie watched Delucci nod and she shook her head, muttering, “This is unbelievable. Yet again, the L.A.P.D manages to fuck everything up.”

“Stephanie, we’ve issued an arrest warrant for him. Until we catch him we’ll have a police escort outside this apartment, or wherever you’re staying, at all times. I promise you you’ll be safe,” Gena said softly, giving Stephanie a tiny smile of reassurance.

“You’ll excuse me, Detective Evans, if I choose not to believe you.” Smiling dangerously, she turned to Delucci. “I’ve heard all of this from the L.A.P.D before.”

“Ms Carovella – Stephanie – I can assure you, we won’t let anything happen to you. You have my word on it,” Delucci said, raising his hand and putting his hand to his heart.

Stephanie mimicked his action, saying mockingly, “Oh, then by all means, how could I possibly
believe you?”

Jase slid an arm around her shoulders, knowing the action wouldn’t be missed by Delucci. He would process it, analyze it and come up with the same conclusion both Jake Carlisle and Gena had. Jase just didn’t care anymore.

“Stephanie, Gena and Frank are just doing their jobs. It’s not their fault Walker has disappeared. They didn’t know what they would find inside the apartment – what
would find within his apartment. They went with their instincts. I’m sure we’ll find him.”

“Gee, I feel so much better,” Stephanie said sarcastically, lifting her glass up to toast Jake when he chuckled from his position, leaning against the front door.

Jase drew Stephanie closer, pressing his lips to her forehead, his lips trailing to her ear. His breath was hot in her ear, when he whispered, “I promised you I’d keep you safe, and I will. Believe in me. Believe in

Stephanie nodded. Leaning against him for support, she wrapped her arm around his waist. With narrowing eyes, she asked Delucci, “You dropped the charges against me for trespassing, right? And no charges were pressed against me for carrying a concealed weapon?”

Delucci nodded, not liking the direction of the conversation. He wasn’t surprised when Stephanie’s lips curved into a cold smile. “Good. If you really think Leigh is guilty of all these murders, then I’m going to want my gun back. If that son of a bitch really thinks he’s going to hunt me down like an animal, then he’s going to get the shock of a lifetime.”



Chapter Forty-One


Jase ran down the corridor of
, stopping only when he saw Detective Sandra Barton talking to a stranger, her pen flying across the notepad she held in her hand.

“How is she?” he asked breathlessly, glancing from Sandra to the man, who stood beside her.

“She’s still unconscious, Jase,” Sandra said, reaching out to touch his hand when she saw the pain flash in his eyes. Turning to the man beside her, she smiled brightly. “Jase, this is Blaze Davies. He found her, barely conscious, on Highway 5.”

“Highway 5?” Jase asked, his voice sharpening with interest.

Blaze Davies nodded, turning cool eyes towards Jase. His gaze flickered over him, before he instantly dismissed him. Returning Sandra’s smile, he said quietly, “I’m sorry I can’t provide you with any helpful information.”

Sandra flipped her notebook shut and held out her hand to him. “Mr. Davies,” she began, pausing when he arched an eyebrow. “Blaze,” She began again, shaking her head. “If you hadn’t found Cynthia when you had, she wouldn’t be alive right now. The L.A.P.D owes you their gratitude.”

Blaze took her hand in his own, inclining his head at her gratitude. “I only did what any other person would if they’d come across Cynthia.” Removing his hand from hers, he curtly nodded to Jase, his smile fading. “Now, if I’m not needed anymore?”

“No. Of course not, you’re a busy man,” Sandra said, almost breathlessly. Jase scowled, shifting restlessly from side to side. He needed to see Cynthia. He needed to ensure she was okay. When he’d got the call, he’d been glad to escape. He’d stopped trying to act as a buffer between Stephanie and Gena, figuring Delucci could deal with them. The tension in the room had reached crisis point, when he’d left. He’d almost been tempted to tell Delucci to avoid giving Stephanie back her gun. He was pretty sure, given how she was feeling about Gena right now, she wouldn’t think twice at using it on her.

Walking silently into the hospital room, he cursed softly when he saw Cynthia lying unconscious in the bed. She looked so small and fragile hooked up to machines. It broke his heart to see her like this. She’d been his best friend growing up in Birmingham. He’d been the one who’d convinced her to move to L.A, telling her it would change her life. Darkly, he thought it had, but not for the better.

Pulling a chair from where it sat against the wall, he dragged it closer to her bed, collapsing into it. “God Cyn, I’m so sorry.” Reaching out to take her hand in his own, he stared at her bruised and battered face, unable to tear his eyes off her.

“The doctor said she’s going to be okay.” Sandra said, clearing her throat as she entered the room.

Jase glanced up from Cynthia’s face, shaking his head in anger. “Maybe, eventually, physically she’ll be okay but mentally -” he broke off, angrily gripping the hospital bed’s metal railing. “What this sick fuck did to her...I can’t even begin to imagine. He had her for how many days?”

“For well over a week,” Sandra said, adding quietly, “As soon as she was brought in, we were contacted. The doctors were very thorough and conducted a rape kit. They provided us with all her clothing, fibers, swabs and everything they could. They also did a pubic comb. We’ll find the guy who did this to her.” Pausing, she said softly, “I already have a name.”

“We already know who he is, Sandra. We searched his apartment this morning. We found his mementos and his wall of horror. Gena was over at my place when you called. They’ve found a murder weapon,” he said, his gaze shifting back towards Cynthia.

Sandra nodded in agreement. “Good. We’ve also got Barbara Madden’s statement. She came forward, Jase. After reading about Carolyn Mathers’ murder in
and hearing about Cynthia’s disappearance, she came forward. She gave us a name.”

“Leigh Walker will pay for this,” Jase said, his voice husky with pain. Lifting Cynthia’s hand, he brought it to his lips, whispering, “I promise you, Cyn, I won’t let that bastard get away with what he’s done to you.”

“Who the hell is Leigh Walker?” Sandra asked, surprise in her voice.

Jase turned his head towards Sandra, annoyance on his face. “He’s the guy who has been committing all these murders. We found all the evidence in his apartment. He’s one sick son of a bitch. He actually stalked Stephanie Carovella and married her. He’s obsessed with her.”

“Stephanie fucking Carovella. Now that’s a name I was hoping to never hear again,” Sandra said fiercely, anger washing over her.

“Whatever issue you have with Stephanie ends here. She’s a victim in this. Just like Barbara Madden is,” Jase said grittily. Taking a deep breath, he battled to control his emotions. Every minute he spent with Stephanie only made him crave more. He wanted to
her. He knew it would take time to get through her barriers, if she ever allowed him to, but he knew she was worth it. Huskily, he said, “Stephanie is as much a victim as Cynthia. Don’t let your personal issues with her cloud your judgment.”

“Jase -”

“Are you telling me Barbara Madden didn’t give you Leigh Walker’s name?”

Relief slid over Sandra’s face, when Jase changed the subject. Following his lead, she said, “No, Jase. The name she gave me was Jake Carlisle.”

Jase stood up quickly, knocking over his chair in the process. The blood draining from his face, he said harshly, “Jake Carlisle? Are you positive that’s the name Barbara Madden gave you, Sandra?”

When she confirmed it with a nod, he bolted out of the hospital room, Sandra chasing at his heels. “Devlin, wait up. What’s got you so worried about Jake Carlisle?” Sandra asked, trying to keep up with him.

When he refused to stop and answer, she grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. “Damn it Devlin, will you stop for a moment and talk to me? Who is Jake Carlisle?” she snapped impatiently, sick and tired of being kept out of the loop. Gena was her partner, yet she’d joined forces with Delucci and Jase Devlin, who wasn’t even a Detective anymore.

Jase stopped, his breathing harsh. “Jake Carlisle is Jesse Carlisle’s brother. The son of a bitch has been in the house the whole time and we didn’t even suspect him.”

“Jesse Carlisle, the photographer who found the first victim?” Sandra asked irritably.

“The first victim was my girlfriend, Sandra. She had a name. It was Angel Monroe, you got it? Angel Monroe. And yes, Jake Carlisle is Jesse’s brother,” Jase snapped.

Flipping his phone open, he hit the dial button, barking into it. “Frank, are you with Stephanie and Gena still?” Pausing, he waited for Delucci’s response, adding grittily, “Good, because you’re going to want to hear this.”




“Stephanie, I don’t think having a gun is going to solve your problems,” Gena said, giving her a shaky smile.

Stephanie glared at her. “Well it’s a damn good thing I don’t care what you think anymore, isn’t it?”

“Gena’s right,” Jake said, smiling when Stephanie scowled.

“Jake it may not solve my problems, but it’ll make me feel a hell of a lot better. I want my damn gun back,” Stephanie snapped, glaring at Rafe when he laughed huskily. “What’s so funny?” she demanded to know.

“You are. I like women with spirit,” he said, shrugging carelessly.

Gena turned her gaze towards to where Delucci stood outside on the deck talking on the phone, his face impassive. His eyes met hers and she saw them flicker towards Jake, as he spoke quietly. Watching him end the call and slip his phone back into his jacket pocket, she wondered who he was talking to.

Delucci studied Jake Carlisle. He liked the man. Playing with the handcuffs, he had removed from his pocket, he watched Gena reach out and touch Carlisle’s arm. His mouth twisted into a grimace, acknowledging Gena Evans wasn’t going to like this. He wondered why he cared so much about how she felt and pushed down the feelings, refusing to analyze them.

Straightening his back, he walked back into the living room. There were times he hated his job and this was one of them. If Carlisle was their killer, he’d played them all beautifully, especially Gena.

“That was Jase,” he said quietly to her, not wanting the others to hear. “Cynthia Mallory has been found, barely alive, off Highway 5. Jase and Sandra are at the hospital. They’re waiting for her to wake up.”

“Thank God,” Gena said, closing her eyes and breathing a sigh of relief.

“There’s more, Gena,” he said urgently. Opening her eyes, she looked at him, seeing for the first time the handcuffs in his hand. “Take the cuffs,” he urged her.

“Frank, I don’t understand,” She said, taking his handcuffs off him. She blanched slightly when he drew his gun.

“Jase said Barton spoke with Barbara Madden. She came forth. She gave a name.”

“Was it Walker’s?” she breathed, excitement in her eyes.

Delucci shook her head, sympathy shining in his eyes. She frowned, confusion flooding through her. “No, Gena. I’m sorry it wasn’t Leigh Walker’s,” he said, turning to face Jake Carlisle, who stood nearby watching their interaction.

Gena followed his gaze, her breath catching in her throat, as Delucci raise his gun and aimed it at Jake Carlisle. “Oh my God,” she whispered, her hand lifting to her mouth, as she stared at the man she loved, unable to comprehend he could be a killer.

“Jake Carlisle, you’re going to have to come downtown with me,” Delucci said firmly.

Jake looked from Gena to Stephanie, seeing the same disbelief and shock mirrored in their eyes that he knew was in his own. “You’re kidding me right? What the hell for?” he asked, shock ripping through him.

“We’ve got a witness who has pinned you for the murder of Carolyn Mathers,” Delucci replied, eyeing Jake’s size. He knew if Jake Carlisle refused to cooperate with them, he’d have no choice but to use force. Keeping his gun aimed on Jake, he nodded to Gena.

Her face carved in stone, Gena slowly walked towards him, the handcuffs dangling from between her fingers. Jake stared at Gena, disbelief on his face, as she placed his hands behind his back and cuffed him. “I’m sorry Jake,” she whispered, pain and hurt showing in her eyes.

“Not as sorry as I am, Gena, if you actually believe I could do this. Not as sorry as I am,” he whispered hoarsely. Turning his head towards a stunned Stephanie, he began, “Steph…”

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