Old Enough to Love... (Just One of the Guys) (13 page)

BOOK: Old Enough to Love... (Just One of the Guys)
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“Thanks for the ride. I’ll call you in a little while.” I headed in.


The pizza place was jammed with celebrating fans, and Ali and I had seats at the end of the table out on the patio. I could tell by her expression she was a little disappointed. The older guys were playing a beer drinking game. I knew Austin wasn’t of age and assumed the others weren’t either so I wasn’t sure how they were served. Fake ID’s? We watched as they bounced the quarter off the table and into a small glass of beer. If you made the quarter, you got to pick who drank the small glass. 

“Where’s Dad?” I asked Ryan.

“Mom’s car wouldn’t start after showing a house. He thinks she left the lights on,” Ryan laughed.

“Can Ali and I play?”

Ryan pursed his lips and didn’t respond.

“Hey Austin. Give us a try,” I tried.

He furrowed his brow. “You’re dad would kill me.”

“So would her brother,” Ryan added with a serious look.

wanna drink beer?” Ali whispered just to me.

“Not really. But it beats watching.” I had tasted my father’s beer when I was a kid though he never drank all that much. I didn’t like it then but the game did look fun.

Ryan’s phone rang. He plugged one ear with his finger, then obviously unable to hear, he took it outside. I slid into Ryan’s chair. Ali followed me over.

“OK. Give me the quarter…what’s your name?” I snapped and pointed to the hot blonde.

“Vince.” He eyed Austin who nodded his approval then handed me the coin.

“Thank you, Vince,” I said and bounced the coin off the table. Swish!

Both my fists shot straight in the air—first time success.

gonna drink?” Austin prompted.

“You!” I shoved the glass toward him and a little sloshed outside the glass.

“All right. I see how you are.” He swallowed and slid it back. “You’re up again.” They didn’t fill the glass as full as they had before.

Bounce. Swish! “SWEET!” Ali and I laughed. “Vince!” I said.

He laughed as I shoved the glass in his direction. Back to me.  Pour.

Bounce. Swish! “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Austin shouted. Ali and I cracked up knowing our fun would end when Ryan rejoined us.

“What’s your name?” I pointed to the guy next to Vince.



It was fun, playing the game, fitting in with the group. Then I missed and it was Ali’s turn; she didn’t make it even once.  Kyle’s turn.

Bounce. Swish! “Ali.” He pushed the glass her way. She blushed and chewed on her lip.

“It’s a small glass.” She shrugged, too the glass and swallowed with a grimace.

Pour. Bounce. Swish! “Emma.”

I smiled unwilling to feel intimidated. “I know. I know. Drink!”  I downed it quickly and shivered with the bitter aftertaste.

We played for a good forty-five minutes before Ryan returned spoiling the fun. It never got back around to us.  Ryan took one look at us and shot Austin a glare. “What the hell?”

Austin laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “She was very persuasive.”

“They are fifteen and my dad’s gonna have my ass.”

“They didn’t drink that much. We weren’t filling the glass,” Vince added.

“Where’d you go anyway?” Austin asked.

“Had to run my dad the jumper cables. He said sorry for bailing on you.”

Ali and I giggled. We couldn’t defend what we had done. And we were lucky we hadn’t been caught. Ryan opened his phone and dialed.
I was toast. My folks loved Austin—maybe they wouldn’t be that angry. My bladder was full, and when I stood, the room titled. I giggled and Ali followed.




“Thanks for calling me, man. Has she ever drank before?”

Ryan shook his head. “No. Never.”

The pizza place was busy and hearing the congratulations from the fans was nice but knowing Emma wasn’t ok, made me uneasy. Dick measuring was never a good thing, but I sized up Kyle, Vince, Cole and Austin as I waited for her. They had shown poor judgment in allowing this and the more I watched them, the less I liked them. 

Her laughter was infectious and when she saw me, her little lips rolled inward. Damn she was cute…drunk but cute. Someone whistled and she swayed her hips in an exaggerated manner from side to side. Though the corners of my mouth turned up, there was no doubt I’d hurt someone that tried anything.

Ryan took hold of Ali’s arm. “I’ll take
home. You’ve got Em.” He led Ali out.

“That is so sweet.” Emma reached up and touched my cheek. “Babe…you’ve got me Babe.” She sang, off key, and she had the tune but couldn’t recall the words. “How does that song go?”

“Let’s go.” I smiled. 

“Austin—bye. I’ll see you in
Ju Juuune!” Her arms wrapped his neck and I stood by patiently.  

“Bye—Emma,” He chuckled and met my glare. 

She crinkled her nose and snorted. “See ya, Vince…Kyle. Wait.” She held up her index finger to me. “I am so sorry. I forgot your name.” She spoke to the ginger next to Austin.


“YESSSS! Cole…it was snice meeting you.”

“You too.” He laughed and they waved as she and I walked out.

“What a great group of boys,” she complimented.

“They’re men, Emma. Men who got a couple of young girls drunk in record time.”

She missed entirely the two cement steps outside the pizza parlor and fell, ironically landing on the ‘watch your step’ words. I lifted her, not just to her feet, but into my arms.

“Look at that,
Zaaach. It says ‘Watch your step.’” Then she busted up laughing. 

At the Jeep, I slid her across to her seat and got in twisting the key.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I’m not sure.” I reversed the jeep. “You can’t go home.”

“Are you mad at me?”

My eyes found hers then returned to the road. “No. I’m not mad,” I said, unsure if my voice was convincing. 

“What are you?”

“I wish I would have come with you tonight. What happened to your dad?”

“Why? Why do you swish…” she slowed her words. “Why…do…you…wish you’d comed?”  She shook her head knowing it still didn’t come out right.
              An unexpected snicker came from my mouth. “If I would have been there…never mind.”             

I was naughty?”

Naughty?  This girl had never been naughty a day in her life. Trying a drink at age fifteen was far from naughty. I pulled into a spot at the city park. I didn’t want to be angry at her for trying something that I had already done myself.

I smiled at her. “I believe you were naughty.” I agreed eager to lighten the mood.

The giggles returned and I couldn’t help but laugh with her. “I can be naughty,” she said as she unbuckled her seat belt and leaned toward me. Before I realized what was happening, her sweatshirt was up and over her head, exposing a white cotton tank. No bra underneath.

“Em. Stop.”

“I’m hot,” she complained.

Yes you are.
I scratched my head with both hands. The straps of her tank rested on her upper arms and I gently lifted them back on her shoulders. What was I doing? This was the chance I’d wanted.  I could take her right now. So easily.  Suddenly, she crawled over the center console to my seat and crept onto my lap, straddling me.

Em,” I said weakly, my body responding to her.  

Her lips found my neck and my head relaxed against the headrest. Caught between stopping her and wanting her to never stop was the most tangled line I’d ever walked. But, when she whispered “kiss me” in my ear, my thoughts went down a dark path.  The hands that held her protectively, now forced her back against the steering wheel. Questions about her innocence assaulted me. Her actions screamed experience to me and identifying the feeling that festered inside me was impossible. Anger?  Jealousy? Sadness that I wouldn’t be her first?

The moonlight touched her cheekbone and I traced up and down her jaw. Her head turned to my touch. I liked this. Not waiting another second, I raked my fingers through her hair and pulled her close to me, my mouth wanting to make sure that if she had done this before, mine would be the mouth she remembered.  Her tiny little tongue stroked my upper lip and when mine reciprocated, a whimper came from her throat that brought my eyes open. It was as if I’d hurt her.

Her eyes fluttered open and, she panted. The smell of beer on her quick breaths pushed me back over the waffling line. A smile touched her lips when her hands maneuvered under my shirt and touched my chest. Her fingertips then grazed down my abdomen. What was she doing to me? I wouldn’t do this, not with her virtually drunk. With a force I shouldn’t have used, I gripped her upper arms and yanked her hands out from under my shirt.

“What?” she asked. “You dont twant me?” Her words jumbled no matter how hard she tried.

God, how could she possibly think that?  What was wrong with this girl? Was this a joke? Frustrated, I pinched the bridge of my nose and laughed out loud.

She fell over the console, moving away from me, and fumbled for the door handle. I locked the door. She pulled out her cell phone and texted someone. I wanted to know who.

Just say it,” she hissed. “Jush shay you don’t wan me.”

I hit the steering wheel. She really didn’t get it. “You…” I said softly “…have no idea how bad I want you. I…can’t think of one thing in this world I want more.”  I couldn’t look at her.

“Then why’d choo stop?”

He bent forward and rested his forehead on the wheel. “Because I’m an idiot and because ‘
choo’ are buzzin or drunk and a definite lightweight.” 

“Please,” she hesitated. “Kiss me again.”

She was begging. Who was I to say no? My lips mashed against hers and when she gasped, I breathed into her. I kissed her long and hard and I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone. I didn’t fight this time when she lifted my shirt over my head and stroked my chest. But then that whimper came again snapping me back like a rubber band. What was that?  Was this noise of hers a good thing or bad?  This type of noise was foreign to me. I’d had girls that intentionally moaned before, bordering on annoying but this was different. Involuntary. Pleasurable? Painful? Confused, I pushed her away once again. 

to stop.” I unlocked my door and stepped out.

She got out on her side. Silence loomed between us. My body, shaking with desire, needed tamed. There were two ways to do that.  Take her or leave her alone.  I wouldn’t take her. I couldn’t. Damn my stupid feelings! Why did I have to care so much about her? I needed out of this town.

Car lights hit me. Ryan stepped out of his truck and approached the Jeep. Self-conscious, I retrieved my shirt.

“What’s going on?” Ryan asked looking from me to Emma.

“No-thing. Ab-so-lute-ly nothing,” Emma said angrily.

“Why are you here?” I directed at Ryan.

“Em, texted me. Said she needed a ride home. Told me you all were here.” Ryan seemed just as puzzled.

Pissed, I spun around. “You what?”

She avoided looking at me which pissed me off even more.

Frustrated, I jammed my hands in my pockets. 

“I’ll take care of her.” Ryan said and slugged my shoulder. 

My eyes never left her as she stumbled into the truck and parked herself in the seat. Her eyes never found mine again.



The Earth’s rotation halted or so it seemed. The minutes passed like hours and the hours passed like days. We hadn’t spoken since the night I’d drank too much. Not since rejection night in his Jeep.  The same Jeep that he and Estelle
scrogged in. Twice!

Ali and I walked up the school yard and my eyes focused on the grass after I’d spotted his Jeep in the lot. I was nervous. Embarrassed. The inexplicable hurt of him shoving me away from him hadn’t gone away. 

“I have to tell you something,” Ali squealed full of energy.

“What’s that?” I asked acting interested.

“You aren’t going to believe me.”

I was not in the mood. “Try me.”

She took a deep breath and held it. “I think I have a crush on Ryan.” Her words were giddy. “Who’d have ever thought? I’ve known him for like…what it’s been…my whole life. But, Emma. You should have seen him Friday. He was so totally awesome. He wouldn’t take me home even though I said it was OK.” She slugged me in the shoulder. “Oh my God, I still can’t believe we drank that beer.” She shook her hands in front of her trying to get back on subject. “Anyway, I was goofy…I mean really goofy. He took me to Starbucks and we ordered a drink and we just sat and listened to music and talked. He knew I had to be home by midnight and around 11:30, we took off in his truck. I think he got a text from you.”

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