Oliver's Hunger (Scanguards Vampires #7) (28 page)

Read Oliver's Hunger (Scanguards Vampires #7) Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Contemporary, #vampire romance, #vampire, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Oliver's Hunger (Scanguards Vampires #7)
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Your body yearns for this. You feel the pull on your vein, and it feels like I’m licking your clit. Like I’m sucking your sweet pussy. You want me to take more.

“Oh God!” she cried out, her eyes searching his. All fear in them had vanished, and all he could see now was desire.

With every pull on your vein, you sense my touch more intensely. You feel me licking you. You feel every inch of my cock as I’m driving into you. Your heart beats in synch with mine.

He could hear how her heartbeat adjusted to his, how she allowed him to control her reactions, to guide her in the sensual exploration of her body.

Your breasts are aching. Your nipples are hardening, burning. They can feel the tingling that spreads all over your body, the slow waves that wash over you. Heat engulfs you. The fire inside you is burning ever higher. You need me. You feel my cock filling you, my tongue licking your swollen clit.

Faster and harder. You feel the pressure build.

Oliver watched in rapt fascination how her body reacted to his suggestions. He’d never seen anything like this: every thought he planted in her mind took root and transformed Ursula into a woman burning with passion and desire. Her eyes shone with lust, her entire body was glistening with moisture, and her lips released sounds of pleasure he’d never heard from her. Her moans and sighs, her soft cries, they all aroused him, hardening his cock again. Even though he’d come only a few short minutes ago, he was ready again. All because Ursula excited him.

You feel my fangs pulling harder. Wanting more. And you want more too. You want to give me everything you have. You open up. You lay yourself bare. And then you feel everything at once. My fangs in your neck, my hands on your breasts, my tongue on your clit, and my cock in your pussy. Then the waves hit you like a tsunami. They wash over you.

Ursula’s interior muscles clenched around him, squeezing him just as tightly as he’d predicted when she climaxed, an expression of wonder in her eyes.

Oliver let go of his own control and joined her in her moment of bliss, shooting more semen into her welcoming body until they finally both stilled. He hugged her to him, pressing gentle kisses on her face and neck.

“Oh, my god,” she murmured, still breathless. “I never thought . . . ”

He lifted his head and smiled. “I’ve never experienced anything better.” It was the truth.




Ursula enjoyed the way Oliver’s arms held her to his body as he lay behind her in the bathtub. The warm water sloshed around them, and she felt more relaxed than she had in a very long time. After they’d made love, he’d apologized for being so rough with her and had insisted that they take a bath together so he could soothe her sore body. It was true, he’d been a little rougher than the first time, when they’d had sex in the van, but he hadn’t hurt her.

“How did you become a vampire?”

She turned her head to look at him, and Oliver brushed a wet strand of hair from her cheek. His gestures were so tender and gentle that it was hard for her to reconcile them with the fact that he was a vampire.

“I had an accident. I was driving down a winding road with Quinn. We’d just left a party. I saw the car that came toward me too late and swerved. We hit a crane. I was thrown through the windshield.”

“You weren’t wearing a seatbelt?”

He shook his head. “I’d forgotten to put it on. I don’t know why—I always wore one. Maybe it was meant to be.” He forced a grim smile. “I was impaled on the shovel of an excavator.”

Ursula pulled in a deep breath. “Oh my god!” She could only imagine how painful it must have been.

“I don’t remember the impact or what followed. I was dying. If Quinn hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here today. He turned me right there and then.”

“He saved you.” She stroked her hand over his cheek. “Why were you with him in the first place?”

“I worked for Scanguards. I think I might have told you about that before. I was the personal assistant of the owner, Samson. He took me under his wing, and he trusted me.” A pained expression came over his face.

“What’s wrong?”

Oliver closed his eyes for a moment. “When I realized that they were going to hide you from me, I was so angry I said terrible things to Samson.”

She tipped his chin up. “You have to apologize to him.”

“I know. But I can’t let him know that I found you. If I do, they’ll most likely move you somewhere else. I hate lying to my colleagues, but they don’t give me much of a choice.”

She faced away from him again and leaned against his chest. “They don’t believe that you can control your urges, is that it?”

Oliver combed his hands through her hair. “To them, I’m young and inexperienced. They think they know better.” He sighed. “Come, I’ll wash your hair.”

He pushed her lower in the tub so her hair sank into the water then pulled her up again. As he shampooed it, he continued, “Most of my colleagues have been around for a very long time. They’ve lived so many lifetimes that I think sometimes they forget what it’s like to be young.”

As Oliver massaged her head gently, she sighed contently. “You might be young, but you’re very good.”

He chuckled. “Good at making love?”

Ursula laughed. “Good at washing my hair.”

He huffed in mock-protest. “Wait until I get you underneath me again.”

“What if I want to be on top next time?”

“Oh, I’m totally open to that.”

“Are you?” she teased, enjoying the lighthearted banter between them.

“Mhm.” His hands continued to massage her scalp, and he fell silent for a few seconds. Then he cleared his throat. “Uh, Ursula. There’s something I wanted to ask you.”

Surprised at his hesitant tone, she tensed slightly. “Yes?”

“Remember when you told me that your captors wouldn’t allow you any sexual gratification?”

She nodded.

“You said that the reason was that they thought your blood wouldn’t be potent anymore.”

Ursula’s breath hitched. She knew where this conversation was going. And she didn’t know whether she dreaded it or welcomed it. “That’s what they claimed.”

“I was wondering . . . if that meant, the drugging affect of your blood would be gone forever, or just for a period of time, like maybe a few hours or days. Have you ever given it any thought?”

“I never thought of it. Not while I was imprisoned.” Though she’d been thinking of it since—ever since he’d told her in the van that he wanted to bite her while making love to her.

Oliver’s hands removed some of the foam from her hair, dropping it into the bathwater. Then his hands came up again, caressing her neck.

“Did you like my bite?”

A shiver ran down her spine, making her entire body tingle. “It was different from all the other bites. It was . . . gentle.” And she had loved it. But she was scared to admit it openly. Because it would invite too many problems.

Oliver pulled her back, dipping the back of her head into the water to rinse her hair. When she sat up again, he drew her back against his chest, circling his arms around her torso, his cheek next to hers.

Excitement and fear collided inside her when he dipped his head to kiss her neck. She held her breath, half dreading, half hoping that he would sink his fangs into her, but he removed his lips from her skin again.

“You were beautiful when I watched you react to my virtual bite. But I was envious too. Because you experienced it first hand and I didn’t.” His voice was husky, and one of his hands now slid down to her belly and lower still until he reached her sex. He cupped it, then extended his middle finger and drove into her.

She let out a stifled moan. “Oliver, I . . . it’s too risky. We don’t know what’ll happen.” She couldn’t let him bite her, not just for her own sake, but also for his. She didn’t want him to become a drug addict. She cared too much about him to let this happen. “Please, you don’t know how you’ll react to it.”

She sensed him freeze, then withdraw his hand from her sex. “Baby, did you think I was going to bite you now? I’m not.”

She turned her head, surprised. “You’re not? But why . . . I thought you were asking me.”

Oliver shook his head and smiled. “I wanted to know if you would allow me to take a sample of your blood and have it tested.”


“Yes, you know that Maya is a doctor. We could give her samples of your blood from before we have sex and then again from after. And then she can see if there’s a difference. Maybe then we can figure out if what they said is true, and if it is, for how long your blood is safe after sex.”

The hopeful glint in his eyes was undeniable.

“Do you really think that Maya can do that?”

“She’s a good doctor. And she’s done a lot of research on what affects vampires and what doesn’t. I trust her.”

Slowly, she let the implications of his request sink in. “And if it’s safe, what will you do then?”

His blue eyes looked mesmerizing when he gazed at her with scarcely-restrained desire. She barely felt how he sat up and turned her body so that she straddled him. Underneath her, she felt the hard ridge of his erection probe at her core. Slowly, he pulled her down onto him, impaling her on his shaft.

“That’ll depend on you. It’s your decision.” He kissed her gently. “You already know what I want; now the question is: what do you want?”

A few days ago, her answer would have been clear cut and instantaneous, but tonight things were more complicated. She was falling in love with Oliver, and she wanted to give him everything he wanted. But did that include her blood? Was she willing to give him what her captors had stolen from her for three years? And if she did—if there was indeed a way for him to drink her blood without being affected by the drug within—would he be able to hold onto his control without falling into bloodlust and sucking her dry? She’d seen him when he’d craved blood before. What would happen when he couldn’t control that craving any longer?

“I don’t know what I want,” she murmured, tears forming in her eyes.

Oliver brushed his thumb over her cheek. “You have all the time in the world to make a decision. I’ll be waiting for as long as it takes.”

Then his lips were on hers, kissing her first softly, then more passionately, while his cock moved inside her in the same rhythm.




“Here,” Oliver said after he and Ursula had gotten dressed. He pulled a cell phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s a spare I have. It’s untraceable. I’ve programmed in my number so you can reach me, and I can contact you.” He motioned to the phone on the nightstand. “I’m guessing that phone is only a house phone. I’ve put the ringer on vibrate. Make sure nobody finds it. Hide it from Vera and the others, but keep it close enough so you know when I’m trying to contact you.”

“Thank you.” She lifted herself on her toes and kissed him.

“One thing: I know you want to talk to your parents, but it’ll have to wait.” He pointed to the phone in her hands. “The phone is locked. The only number you can call is mine. I’m sorry, but I had to do it. I know you’ll be tempted, and sometimes it’s just better to remove temptation before it has a chance to take root.”

She nodded. “I understand. Really, I do.” Her eyes confirmed her words.

He drew her into an embrace, holding her to his chest for several minutes without speaking. Then he kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back tomorrow night.”

After leaving Ursula, Oliver checked in with Cain and went patrolling with him. Cain was one of the few colleagues whom he hadn’t pissed off yet, and Oliver took great pains not to say anything that would lead to an argument.

“Glad you joined me; it’s not as boring that way,” Cain said as they walked toward the entrance of another nightclub, where a couple of dozen clubbers lined up to be let inside.

“Guess it was different the other night. How bad was it?” Oliver tossed him a sideways glance then let his eyes wander over the young people outside the club to scan for anything unusual.

“It wasn’t pretty, let me tell you that.” He lowered his voice, so the humans around them couldn’t hear him. “She looked like he’d butchered her.”

Oliver spoke just as quietly. “Worse than one of our kind in bloodlust?”

Cain shoved his hands in his pockets. “And so useless. What a waste of a life. It’s terrible what drugs can do. It’s evil, pure evil.”

Oliver thought back to the time when he’d taken drugs as a human. “Yes, senseless.” And if Samson hadn’t pulled him out of it, he would have perished. Thinking about it now brought back the guilt he felt about how he’d parted with Samson. He stopped just before they reached the entrance to the nightclub.

“Listen, Cain, do you mind if I leave you for a while? I need to talk to Samson.”

Cain rocked back on his heels. “Something important?”

“Something very important.”

“No worries. I’ve still got a few more clubs to check out. Call me if you want to rejoin me later. That is, if you’re done before sunrise.”

Oliver checked his watch. He’d spent half the night with Ursula, and this was already the third club he and Cain were checking out. “It’s late. I’ll call you if I’m done in time.”

It took Oliver twenty minutes to get to Samson’s house. When he stood in front of the entrance door, he hesitated for a moment. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with cool night air, before he rang the door bell.

“Here goes,” he mumbled to himself.

The door was opened by Samson himself. His boss stared at him, his face serious. For a long moment they simply looked at each other, neither saying a word. Then Samson broke the silence. “Come in then.”

Samson stood to the side to let him enter, then shut the door behind him.

Oliver stood in the hallway, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, not knowing how to start. He hadn’t exactly thought this through. He wasn’t like any of his colleagues who had a way with words. He was much simpler than that. Less sophisticated.

He sucked in a breath, then raised his eyes and looked at his boss. “I’m sorry, Samson. For what I said.”

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