One Night in A Bar (6 page)

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Authors: Louisa Masters

BOOK: One Night in A Bar
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“Mandy! Pay attention. He’s a client, so having sex with him is a bad idea. He’s blackmailing me. I don’t want the world staring at nude statues of me. Is that enough of an issue to start with?”

Mandy pursed her lips. “You said the features of the statues were indistinct, so that’s not a problem. The blackmailing thing ties in with the statues and the sex, so it’s also a non-issue. The way I see it is, he wants to sculpt you, and if you don’t agree he’s going to tell your boss he won’t work with you. We’ve already decided the sculpting is fine.”

“You decided.”

Mandy nodded. “Fine, I decided. I’m also deciding that the only possible problem is the sex aspect. So let’s talk that one out. Aside from him being a client, why can’t you have sex with him?”

She hesitated. “He’s a client,” she hedged.

Mandy arched an eyebrow.

“Uh, he’s a client, and I don’t want my boss to find out and think I’m a slut, and he’s not really—” Karen broke off.

“Not really what?” She looked away, but Mandy was relentless. “Karen? Not really what? Not really your type? Is that what you were going to say?”

“It sounds wrong when you say it straight out like that.”

“It is wrong. Remember when you met him? That night you were at a bar that was nothing like your usual hangouts. You met a whole lot of people that you’d never normally socialise with. You had fun! So far, all the guys you’ve dated who were your type have been duds. And let’s not even talk about Stuart—the man who was having an affair with two other men.”

Karen closed her eyes. “I know. And I know that I had fun at the bar. But then I had sex with a stranger in an alley. That’s not me.”

“Isn’t it?”


“Are you sure? Because when we left the bar—after you’d had sex with a stranger in an alley—you were in the best mood I can remember you being in for years.”

“I was drunk!”

Mandy nodded. “That’s true. But be honest with me, Karen. Completely honest. It’s not the sort of thing you usually do, but do you regret it?”

Karen opened her mouth to answer, then closed it. Did she regret it? She’d felt shame the next morning, true. She still had trouble believing what she’d actually done. But if she could do it over, would she?

“That’s what I thought.”

“It’s just… I’m so easy when I’m with him. I met him, and within thirty minutes we had sex. We met again, about business, for God’s sake, and within hours we’re having sex. He made me come just by playing with my breasts!”

“Exactly. He made you come just by playing with your breasts. Stuart never managed that. In fact, as I recall, Stuart had to work to make you come. With this guy, you’re free. You can be whoever you want. And, if he makes you hot, go for it! It’s not like you’re jumping every guy in sight, which, by the way, would make you easy. One guy…one really sexy guy, if I remember right…that’s not easy.”

“I guess.”

“So what’s the problem? Enjoy him.”

Karen stared into her coffee cup. “I don’t think I know how.”

Mandy looked taken aback. “How to what? Enjoy him?”

“Yeah. Well, I know how to enjoy sex. But I’ve never—you know… And after the fuss I made tonight, I don’t know if he’ll want to…”

“Hang on,” Mandy shook her head as if to clear it. “Let me make sure I understand. You’re not sure that he’ll want to have sex with you again? I don’t think that’ll be a problem, it sounds like he’s pretty into you. And men are generally up for it if they know it’s available. Oh”—comprehension spread across her face—“I get it. You’ve never been the instigator.”

“Right.” Karen’s cheeks were burning. She’d never been embarrassed discussing personal things with Mandy, but, for some reason, right then she wanted to crawl under a rock.

“Well, that’s nothing to worry about! You just have to send him some signals. You can do this, I know you can. Go after what you really want, for once.”

Karen sucked in a deep breath. “Yes. I want him. I can do this. What kind of signals?”


* * * *


Her hands were shaking when she pressed the buzzer and waited for Daniel to let her in. She’d spent the last two days swinging between impatience for Saturday to come so she could jump his bones, and dread that she’d need to make the first move for the first time in her life.

“Karen?” Daniel’s voice, gravel and whisky, rumbled through the intercom, and she was instantly wet. God, what he did to her.

“Yes,” she was proud that she’d managed to keep the quaver out of her voice. The door released with a click, and she pulled it open.
You can do this, you can do this.
She took the stairs rather than the elevator. It gave her time to compose herself. Think of how it feels when he’s in you. When he touches you. By the time she reached his floor, she was panting, and not just from the stairs.

The door to his apartment was ajar, so she walked in and closed it behind her. “Daniel?”

“In the studio.”

Dropping her purse onto the couch, she headed down the hallway. He looked up when she stopped in the doorway.


Karen’s confidence wavered. “I’m not late.”

“Whatever. Strip.” He turned back to contemplating the table, where he’d laid out a plain white sheet. She stared at his back, completely thrown, until she remembered what John had said about artistic temperament.
I am strong


He turned back and cast her an irritated look. “Please what?”

“You meant to say strip, please.” She kept her gaze steady on his. He scowled at her, then heaved a massive sigh.

“I’m being a jerk, aren’t I? I can get like that when I’m working. Just tell me to get over it.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back, relieved, and went into the bathroom to strip. She knew it was silly, he was going to see her naked anyway, but it just made her more comfortable. God knew she felt uncomfortable enough walking out there naked. She wished she had enough hands to cover herself.

You can do this

When she finally re-entered the studio, it was to find that he’d set up a standing mirror next to the table. She looked at it nervously.


“Yeah?” He adjusted the mirror to the left, not looking in her direction.

“What’s that for?”

“It reflects the light, gives me some shadows and perspectives.” He angled it slightly, then stood back, seemingly satisfied. Karen was not so pleased. It would also reflect her body. Her nude body.

“Come on, hop up.” He patted the table, seeming to not even notice her nudity.

Signals, Karen, signals. You have to give him signals. She looked at the table, and then over to where he was completely preoccupied with his sketchpad. Clearly, he was one of those people who got totally involved with his work. He probably wouldn’t even notice a signal right now. She’d try later.

Coward. She sighed and clambered up onto the table, completely without grace, and lay back.

“Great. Now, do you remember the poses? We’ll start with this one.” He put his hands on her leg, and she flinched.

He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She stumbled over the word. “I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

He bent her leg and planted her foot flat on the table. “You’ll be fine. This will actually be very boring for you, but, because the pose is lying down, you can just relax.” He arranged her body, right down to locks of her hair. Once he’d created the visual he was looking for, he went back to his sketchpad and picked up a pencil. She lay on the table, watching him, the frown of concentration on his face, and a sudden rush of affection overtook her.

“That’s better,” he said approvingly.


“You just relaxed. Whatever you’re thinking, keep thinking.” He winked at her, and her nipples, already hard in the cool air, tightened even further. Suddenly, she didn’t know what she’d been so nervous about. When he was finished with his sketches, she would definitely make a move on him.

She let her eyes drift closed to think about it. She’d stay nude, of course. No point in getting dressed if she wanted him to do her. Maybe she’d just walk up and kiss him. Couldn’t get more obvious than that. Then she’d run her hands down his chest, back up again, under the tatty shirt he was wearing, so she could feel his skin, all that hot, hot skin, with those sensitive little nipples.

And he’d put his hands on her, and pull her up against him, and she’d be able to feel his cock, hard and throbbing against her nude body. She’d open his pants and touch him, then go down on her knees and taste him… Her pussy gushed at the thought, and she pumped her hips, involuntarily.

“Karen?” She started, and opened her eyes. Daniel stood beside her, dark eyes burning, fists clenched. “What are you thinking?” His voice an octave lower than usual, and she knew he already knew.

She smiled, a wicked smile, and rolled on to her side. Propping herself on her elbow, she reached out with her other hand and grabbed the waistband of his pants, tugging him closer. He came unresistingly, and stood statue-still as she freed him from his pants and boxers.

She’d never really seen his penis, not properly, not when he was aroused. He was thick and long and swollen, throbbing in her hand. She traced a finger down the vein, loving the way his breath caught.

Leaning forward, she planted a kiss on the very tip, darting her tongue out to catch the drop of moisture welling there. Savouring the salty tang, she raised her gaze to meet his.


A smile curved his lips, and she smiled back before lowering her head and taking his cock in her mouth. The moment the plump head slipped between her lips, the tension she hadn’t known she was feeling released.

This was where she wanted to be.

She set to work in earnest, swallowing him whole. He made a sound she’d never heard before as her throat muscles tightened around him, and the power of it flashed through her like lightning. She lifted a hand to play with his balls, stroking the soft skin as she alternated between sucking and deep-throating his shaft.

“Ka-ren.” His gravel and whisky voice was even rougher than usual. He slammed his hands down on the table, muscles straining as he used them to support himself.

She eased back, swirling her tongue over him, until his dick slid out of her mouth with a wet pop. Tickling his scrotum, she licked up and down his cock, her pussy creaming as she felt it twitch. Her clit began to throb.

“Daniel?” she paused to trace her tongue over the vein running up the underside of his cock.

“Yeah.” It was a grunt, barely comprehensible.

“I want you.”

She took him back in her mouth and sucked. He came explosively, his hoarse shout better than a thousand words.


Daniel collapsed against the table. Dear God, Karen’s mouth had done him in. Shifting slightly, he hoisted himself onto the table and flopped down next to her, finally letting all his muscles go limp.

It had been hard to keep his distance when she’d taken her clothes off and he’d seen all that gorgeous creamy skin. The sleek curves of her body, the way her breasts sat heavy and full with their tight pink nipples.

He’d known straight away that she was nervous, and had tried to stay strictly professional to calm her down. Which meant no unnecessary touching, no matter how much his hands itched to slide over that lusciously shaped hip.

Then she’d relaxed. It was like someone had flipped a switch. She’d gone from stiff as a board to completely pliant.

And then beyond.

When her breathing had roughened, he’d worried that maybe she was having a panic attack. Then her body had started moving, just a little. And he’d known, because only a few days ago she’d moved like that against him.

His cock had gone rock hard. What was she thinking of? Him? The two of them, sweaty, on the table? Or was she remembering them in the alley? That had been some of the hottest sex of his life.

Her body had moved more, her hips actually thrusting, and his control had broken.

And now he was stretched out beside her on the table, drained from the best blow job he’d ever had.

“You all right?” her soft question roused him from his sex-induced stupor.

“I’m great.” He rolled on to his side and propped himself up on one elbow. She had a smug little smile on her face, and he traced a finger over her lips, the same lips that only a few minutes before had sucked him dry. “How are you?”

She sat up and stretched, and he admired the gentle bounce of her breasts.

“I’m fabulous.”


* * * *


“Daan-iel,” Karen pulled her mouth away from his. “We don’t have time for this. The exhibit—oh, God—the exhibit starts in a couple of hours and we need to get ready.”

Daniel ignored her and focused on nibbling his way down her neck. She had a really sensitive spot just behind her ear…

She moaned and turned pliant in his arms, and triumph surged in his chest. He backed her up until her knees hit the bed, then lowered her to the mattress, returning his mouth to hers to capture those wonderful little moans. In his pants, his dick throbbed, hard as an iron spike.

Her hand trailed up his arm then down his chest, and he knew exactly what she was thinking. And, as much as he loved having her mouth on him, he caught her hand. Tonight, he wanted it to be about her. He wanted her so dizzy with pleasure that she’d do whatever he wanted.

She moaned as he captured her other hand and held them both above her head with one of his. Briefly, he considered tying her to the bed, something they both enjoyed, but he didn’t want to give her time to remember they were running late.

He trapped her earlobe between his teeth and tugged, then licked his way down her throat to her collarbone. He was careful to rub his beard against her—he’d noticed how much she liked the sensation of the silky hair against her skin.

One handed, he opened her blouse and tugged her bra out of the way. She was squirming against him, thrusting against his pelvis, and his dick loved it, the pleasure-pain making him gasp.

She yelped when he grazed his teeth over her nipple. He laved her with his tongue and settled in to suckle strongly. He loved her nipples, pink and firm and always happy to see him. He loved the taste of her skin, the way she moaned when he touched her. He let go of her hands, and she fisted them in his hair. The pull was just short of pain. He groaned as he switched breasts, nipping her with his teeth again.

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