Our Kind of Love (21 page)

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Authors: Shane Morgan

BOOK: Our Kind of Love
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HOLY SHIT! This is my first time and
it’s…mind-blowing! There’s no candlelight. No slow music or rose petals
splattered across the sheets. It’s only me and Micah, and that’s enough. He’s
enough. It’s perfect.

Getting over the icky sensation, my body
suddenly bursts open with an immense amount of emotions. I relax beneath him,
surrendering to the warmth between my thighs as Micah gently thrusts back and
forth, groaning with pleasure.

“Oh…” I breathe, his grunts accompanying mine.

I travel up and down his strong, muscular back,
pressing my fingers deeper into his skin. To my surprise, I’m braver than I
expected, nibbling on his ear and sucking on his neck. I tightly wrap my legs
around his lower back and exhale over and over, “Don’t stop.”

Micah makes love to me until we’re both out of
breath, drenched in sweat, and have to peel away from each other because we can
go no more.

Exhausted, he collapses on his back but clings
to my hand as I settle my own thrashing heart. He struggles to ease over and
kiss me tenderly on the lips, before lying back on his side and placing an arm
over me. We stare at each other for a long moment before he closes his eyes.

And to the calming sound of rain and Micah’s now
labored breathing, I shut my eyes as well and give in to sleep.



When I awaken, I notice it’s still dark and raining
out. I don’t have to look for my phone to see the time because I know it’s
really late. My parents will be enraged when they notice I’m not in bed, and
that my car is missing. But I don’t want to think about that right now. I
refuse to leave now and disrupt this beautiful moment.

Micah’s asleep next to me. He looks absolutely
peaceful. His hand is swathed over me protectively. I feel it tighten when I
shift just a bit. I move over and kiss him softly on the forehead. His eyes
flutter awake.

“Hmm...You’ve been admiring me, huh?” He nuzzles
me closer and grins. “You just can’t get enough.”

“You’re right,” I say before kissing his lips.
“I can’t.”

We gaze at each other for a while, drowning in
adoration. Micah touches my cheek and runs his fingers up and down my arm,
sending chills all over my naked body.

After another minute I break the silence. “I
want to know everything.” There’s still a great mystery about this guy that I
want to unravel, now that we’ve connected in such a way. “Tell me more about your
grams or what your life was like in Haxtun.”

His face grows tense, but he speaks anyway.
“Grams meant the world to me. My whole life I wanted to make her happy and be
the best I could….” He trails off as a sad memory crosses his mind. “I guess…I
failed her.”

I crumple my forehead, wondering how this
amazing guy could possibly fail anyone. “What do you mean?” I ask.

Micah glances away from my eyes and looks over
at the window. Blue lights consume the room in a quick flash, followed by a
terrifying rumble. Startled, I snuggle closer to him.

He laughs at me. “Ooh, someone’s scared of a
little thunder, huh?”


As it quiets down between us again, I continue
to question him. “What happened to your parents? You never told me.”

He sucks in a razor-sharp breath before he says,
“Reign, I might not have a shitload of problems like some, but there are things
about me that I’m scared to tell you. My life isn’t pretty. It’s far from it.”

I ease up on my elbow and rest my head in the
palm of my hand. “Micah, I don’t want pretty. I want honesty.”

Pushing up, he relaxes his back against the
headboard. I join him, holding his hand to let him know I’ll never judge him.

“It’s okay,” I whisper. “You can tell me

Micah peers into my eyes. His Adam’s apple bobs
as he gulps hard before saying, “Well, for one, my parents weren’t together.
I’m the product of a drunken one night stand gone wrong. My mother left me with
my dad and grams after I was born. I grew up without her.”

I rub his arm. “She missed out.”

He shakes his head and continues, “My dad never
gave up drinking, and for most of my life, he was in and out of rehab. Finally,
he just gave up and disappeared too.”

“I’m sorry, Micah,” I mutter lowly, kissing him
on the cheek.

“Don’t be. I never lacked anything growing up.
My grandmother was incredible. If anything I was spoiled,” he forces a grin.

I can’t imagine what my life would be like
without my parents. I’m so grateful for them. But my heart breaks for Micah.
From the array of emotions in his eyes, I can tell he’s been hurt by his
parents and losing the only family he had.

Stroking his face, I tell him, “Hey, you have me

This time, his mouth turns up into the natural,
sexy grin that I like. “You’re so sweet.”

“Am I?” I tease, kissing him on the forehead,
then on the nose, and slowly make my way to his lips. He grips his arms around
me as he deepens the kiss.

The way he embraces me it’s as if he fears he’ll
lose me too, and almost as if there’s still something he’s holding back from

I pull away to meet his gaze. “Anything else you
wanna share?”

That dark shadow covers his face again and Micah
breaks away from my eyes.

“I was in—” he starts.

My phone buzzes on the floor and it distracts
us, or rather provides a necessary interruption that he needs to not say
another word.

“It’s probably my mom,” I sigh, looking at him
with a sad expression.

“Answer it,” he says.

“But I don’t want to leave.”

Micah lifts his hands and cups my face. Then he places
my damp strands behind my ears. “We have many more nights to come. I’m sure of
it.” But his eyes say otherwise. He doesn’t look so sure.

Nodding, I slide down to the edge of the bed and
reach for my phone, still inside the pocket of my wet jeans. I look at the
screen at my two missed calls. Both are from Mom.

“I checked with Mrs. Nunez,” she bombards me the
instant she answers when I call her back. “She said that Claudia’s fast asleep
and you’re not there. Not to mention your car isn’t parked outside.”

“Mom, I can explain—”

“Oh I’m sure you can, as soon as you get back in
this house.”

 I let out a deep sigh when I get off the
phone. Micah comes up to my back and nuzzles me in his strong and very naked

“I have to go,” I tell him.

He spins me around to face him. “So it seems.”

Getting up from the bed, I put on one of his
t-shirts and sweatpants. I’m in for it, going home in a guy’s clothes, but
there’s no way I’m putting back on my drenched attire.

Eyeing me from head to toe, he grins widely.
Big trouble, but cute.”

I shrug. “Pray for me.”

Micah walks me downstairs to the main door. He
kisses me again and squeezes me tightly in his arms. I pull out of his grasp to
open the door and leave, but before I can run to my car, he touches my hand and
says, “Thank you.”

I peer back, smiling as I ask, “For what?”

He kisses me one more time.
choosing me.”



Mom and Dad are waiting for me in the living
room when I reach home. Appalled looks engraved on their faces as they do a glance
over. They blink wildly, checking if I’m really wearing a guy’s shirt and

“I’m not even gonna ask about your,” Mom
gestures with her hand before saying, “clothes. But I did ask you not to go out
tonight and you snuck out of the house, anyway.”

“When did you even start sneaking out?” Dad
adds, rubbing his forehead.

I’m still so mesmerized by Micah and him being
all over me tonight, that I can’t get the way he made me feel out of my head
long enough to come up with a sensible excuse.

prods, growing impatient. “It’s almost three a.m. Where were you?”

I shake my head and mumble, “Just…out.”

Amazed by my answer, they look at each other
then back at me.

“Were you drinking?” Mom asks, accusation
cutting through her voice.

“No, I don’t drink.” That much I can say.

“You used to not do a lot of things,” Dad
mutters, “Sneaking out being one of them.”

They both look so tired…so old lately.

“It’s late,” Mom finally says, massaging her
temple. “We’ll talk about this later. Go to bed.”

Obediently, I leave them in the living room and
saunter upstairs, taking my time to slip out of Micah’s clothes—sure to inhale
his intoxicating scent before I crawl into bed.

Thoughts of him swarm my head while I lie there
in the dark, staring at the ceiling. I can’t stop thinking about the way his
strong hands felt against my skin, his fresh, out-of-the-shower scent devouring
me, and more than anything, the passionate way in which he made love to me.

Losing my virginity turned out to be way better than expected. It’s a night I
will never forget, and I only want to be with Micah so much more now.

I think of him for another few minutes before my
brain gets tired and I fall right to sleep.



I feel the warmth of the sun prick my face and I
open my eyes. It’s no longer raining. Birds chirp outside, and it sounds like
someone’s playing reggae music downstairs. We haven’t played music in the house
in so long.

Rolling over on my side, I push off the covers
and sit on the side of the bed, stretching my hands over my head. I’m tired
from barely getting any sleep. When I reach for my phone and look at the time,
I see it’s almost ten o’clock. Shit! I’m late for work.

I rush to the bathroom to shower fast, all the
while wondering why Mom didn’t wake me. After showering, I put on a green
tribal summer dress, brown sandals, and scamper downstairs, still yawning.

I’m shocked to see Dad at the stove, making his
special hash brown, egg white nests, and Mom’s taking water bottles out of the
refrigerator and packing them inside of a cooler.

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