Packing Heat: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (Barone Crime Family) (33 page)

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y whole damn
body was buzzing as we walked back toward the book signing.

The girl was incredible. One second she was pissed as hell at me, and the next she was sucking my cock in public like a pro. I couldn’t believe how intense and amazing she was, but I should have figured it out by now. She kept me guessing, and I loved that.

But I felt like I was finally getting to know her as a person, and I was finally letting her know me. Yeah, sure, we were fake married and all, but we had never really known each other. I was getting more comfortable around her every day, feeling looser and better.

Which maybe could be a bad thing. My sole mission, my real mission, was to get back into active duty combat. I couldn’t afford any distractions, even if that distraction sucked my cock and made me come like I’d never felt before.

I needed her though. I needed her help in keeping up this charade, making my superiors happy, making America happy. I needed her in so many different ways that I was beginning to forget which was the truth and which was the lie.

As soon as we walked back into the bookstore, I could tell something was up. The crowd was slowly dispersing, and Livy came up to us, looking annoyed.

“What’s up, Liv?” I asked.

“You guys took too long,” she said. “What were you doing?”

“We just went for a walk,” Selena said quickly.

Liv glanced at her and then back at me. “Come on. We have an interview scheduled for now.”

“With who?” I asked.

“Some women’s magazine. Cosmo, I think.”

“Cosmo, you think?” I said, laughing, but Liv was already walking away. We hurried to catch up with her.

She led us through the store and into the back. There was an employee lounge back there, which Liv hustled the two of us into.

“We can use this,” she said. “The Cosmo person will be here soon.”

“No cameras?” Selena asked.

“No. Just an interview.” Liv nodded and then left.

I looked at Selena. “Ready?”

“I guess so.”

“Don’t worry. It’s not taped, so it’s a lot easier.”

A minute later, a tall, bald, older man walked into the room.

“Nash Bell,” he said, “I’m Richard Mint, reporter from Cosmo.”

I stood up and shook his hand. “You’re not what I expected.”

Richard grinned. “Is it because I’m old and also a man?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well,” Richard said, “we don’t always choose our calling.” He sat down across from us. “You must be Selena,” he said.

She smiled. “Nice to meet you. I don’t think you’re old.”

Richard laughed. “Thanks, dear.” He pulled a small recorder, a notebook, and a pen from his bag. He placed them on the table and looked at me. “I’m going to hit record, okay?”

I nodded. “Go for it.”

He pressed the button and leaned back. “So, this should be quick and painless. I have a few questions from our readers for you two.”

“Okay,” I said. “Ask away.”

“First question is for you, Selena. What kind of panties does Nash prefer you wear?”

She blinked, surprised. “Excuse me?”

“Your underwear, dear. What’s Nash’s favorite pair?”

“Uh,” she stammered. “I, uh, black.”

I grinned hugely at her. She looked so incredibly taken aback. I probably should have warned her that these women’s magazine interviews tended to be all about sex, but it was a little more fun to see her surprise.

“Black?” Richard asked. “What sort, dear? Thong, boy short, bikini?”

“Thong,” Selena said, turning bright red.

“Very good,” Richard replied, writing something down. “Another for you, Selena. What is your favorite sexual position?”

She squirmed uncomfortably and looked at me. “Do I have to answer?”

“You don’t have to do anything, babe,” I said.

“Our readers are very curious about you, Selena,” Richard said. “I’d love it if you could tell me whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“Any position Nash puts me in is what I like,” she said quickly, looking down at her hands.

I laughed. “She likes it from behind, Richard.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Anal?”

“No!” Selena said quickly. “Oh my god, no.”

“Maybe,” I said, smirking hugely at her. “We haven’t tried yet.”


“Very good,” Richard droned. He looked totally bored by the whole thing, but I was loving the way Selena reacted to everything. “Nash, what is your favorite part of Selena’s body?”

I stroked my chin. “Great question, Richard.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, she has a wonderful ass. Don’t you agree, Richard?”

“Of course,” he said simply.

“But I have to say, my favorite part is her lips. She has such a beautiful mouth.”

“A wonderful smile,” Richard agreed.

“I was thinking a lovely mouth for something else, but sure, her smile too.”

Selena looked absolutely shocked. “You can’t print that,” she said quickly.

Richard laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll clean this up.” He looked at her. “Same question to you about him.”

“His arms,” she said quickly.

“Are you sure, babe?” I asked. “I think the part you ask for the most is my—”


I leaned back and crossed my arms, grinning hugely at her. “My arms it is then.”

Richard nodded, writing it down. “Almost finished,” he said. “Nash, what first attracted you to Selena?”

I paused for a second. I could make a joke out of this, say something about the way her tits made my cock hard, but for some reason I was compelled to say the truth.

“It was the way she looked at me,” I said. “Like I was a regular fucking person, and she didn’t care about me one bit. That got my attention.”

She smiled slightly, relieved that I hadn’t said something else.

“And what about you to him, Selena?” Richard asked.

“He’s an asshole,” Selena said. “His cocky attitude, I guess.”

I laughed. “Not very flattering, babe.”

“Well, you are an ass.”

“An ass man, you mean. I’m wild for that sweet fucking ass.”

Richard smile at us. “You two seem like you’re really in love,” he said.

Selena looked back at him and was unable to speak for a second.

“We are,” I said quickly, covering for her. “Very much in love.”

She smiled and reached over to put her hand on my arm. “Yeah.”

“Last question. Selena. If you could change something about Nash, what would it be?”

She smiled. “Nothing. He’s perfect.”

Richard looked at me. “And anything about Selena?”

“I’d make it so that she never got tired.”

Richard raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I’d like it so that she never got tired of me fucking her over and over. She has to sleep, and that can be very annoying when I want to keep making love to her all night long.”

Selena turned bright red and smacked my arm while Richard wrote that quote down. “Very good. Thanks you two,” he said, standing.

I stood and we shook hands. He turned and left.

“I’m going to kill you,” Selena said.

I grinned hugely at her. “What’s wrong, wife?”

“What’s wrong? You just said some totally inappropriate things about me!”

“So?” I asked. “You’re my wife, and that’s the sort of shit those readers want.”

“Still,” she said, clearly annoyed. “You’re such an asshole.”

“And you seem to love that about me,” I said, sitting down and leaning in toward her.

Livy walked in at that moment. “So,” she said. “We have a break scheduled for you two. I guess you can do that.”

Selena stood up quickly. “Good. I’ll meet you guys back at the hotel.”

Livy shrugged and Selena quickly left the room. Livy looked at me. “What did you do?”

“Nothing,” I said, grinning. “I was just being my normal self.”

Livy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, don’t. It’d be easier for everyone if you’d be someone else.”

I laughed as I walked out of the room, my mind still locked on the memory of Selena sucking my cock and greedily swallowing my come.

She pretended like she was a nice girl, embarrassed of sex questions, but I knew the truth. The girl was insatiable, starving for me.

And I fucking wanted to keep her that way.


his was my life now
. One second I was down on my knees, Nash’s cock down my throat, and the next he was embarrassing me in front of a reporter.

I was so angry that I had to just get out of there. I stormed out of the bookstore, ignoring everyone around me, and headed back to the hotel.

I needed to think. I could walk the whole way, which was fine, as I really didn’t feel like seeing or talking to Nash at the moment. Of course there was nobody in the world I could talk to about this since everyone believed I was Nash’s real wife. And what would I say, even if I could?

I was conflicted. He was an asshole one second and an amazing man the next. There I was, feeling bad that he wanted to leave, when a minute later he was making fun of me in front of a reporter.

He drove me crazy, absolutely insane. He got under my skin like nobody else before him.

At least Providence was a cute town. I walked through the cool streets, and nobody stopped to bother me. Without Nash at my side, I was just another invisible face in the crowd, which I really liked.

A few minutes into my trek back to the hotel, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked it, assuming it would be Nash. Instead, it was my mother.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, sweetie,” she said. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Just walking home from a book signing right now.”

“Really?” she asked. “Don’t they have cars for you?”

“I wanted to walk,” I said, smiling.

“Well listen, I have a surprise for you.”

I frowned. “What’s that?”

“Me and your father are in Providence right now.”

I stopped dead in my tracks, right in front of this cute little pizza place. The smell of cheese and grease wafted all around me as I stared ahead.

“Are you serious?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“How did you know we were here?”

She laughed. “I can read a website, honey. Your tour dates are right there.”

“You and Dad are both here?”

“Of course we are.” She paused. “Look, I’m sure you’re busy. I know this is a big surprise. But you haven’t been very responsive, and we both want to meet your husband. Frankly, we’re worried about you.”

“You don’t have to worry,” I said.

“Good. Prove it. Have dinner with us tonight.”

“I’ll have to ask Nash.”

“Good. Call me back soon.” She hung up.

I stared at my phone in total shock and horror.

My parents were here and wanted to meet Nash. I couldn’t blame them, not really. I’d been putting them off for a while now, trying to ignore them, trying not to put myself in the position where I’d have to lie to them.

Like going to dinner and introducing them to Nash.

Shit. I couldn’t imagine a worse position. I clenched my jaw and dialed Nash’s number.

“Look who’s crawling back,” he said smugly.

“Nash,” I said, “I have a problem.”

“Got lost? Listen, babe, you really shouldn’t storm off like that.”

“Cut it out,” I said.

“I’m just saying, you need your big strong man around to protect you at all times.”

“Listen to me,” I said, annoyed. “My parents came to Providence. They want to meet you.”

He paused. “Seriously?”

“Tonight. They want to get dinner.”

He burst out laughing.

I held the phone away from my ear, frowning. “It’s not funny,” I said into the receiver, but I could still hear him laughing.

Of course he found this amusing. He had no family he needed to lie to. The only things he cared about were the Navy SEALs and going back into combat. Everything else was just one big freaking joke to him. Including me.

It was so damn frustrating. And if I could, I’d hang up on him then and there. But I needed him to play along. I couldn’t just keep putting my parents off forever. They’d have me committed to an institution or something eventually.

“Nash?” I asked finally. He had calmed down.

“Yeah, okay,” he said. “I’m in.”

I sighed. “You’re sure?”

“Positive. Parents like me.”

“Please don’t mess this up.”

“Babe, you’re my wife.” I could practically hear the huge grin on his face. “I’d do anything to make you happy.”

He hung up the phone, and I had a sinking feeling that something was going to go very, very wrong.

* * *

couple hours
later and I was in the back of the town car with Nash, butterflies tearing up my stomach.

“Don’t look so nervous,” he said. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I’m not so sure,” I said. He grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He was wearing his suit and tie again, and he looked absolutely incredible. I hadn’t even needed to force him to put it on; he had just done it on his own, which had surprised me.

“Need to make a good first impression,” he had said, grinning at me back in the hotel room.

I came back to the present and glanced at him. He smiled. “Relax,” he said.

“I just hate lying to my parents,” I admitted. “It’s stressful.”

“I get it,” he said. “Let me do most of the talking then. You won’t have to say too many lies.”

“Thanks, but that doesn’t make me feel too much better.”

“Sorry, babe. Best I can do.”

The car pulled up outside the restaurant. It was a small place, cute but expensive. I followed Nash inside. The hostess sat us right away, probably because she recognized Nash. He ordered a whisky and I ordered a glass of wine. Fortunately, my parents were running a little late.

“So, what are they like?” he asked.

“Nice people, I guess,” I said. “I like them, but they’re my parents.”

“Doesn’t always mean you’ll like them. I didn’t get along with my parents.”

“Really? What happened to them?”

“Dad ran off when I was a kid. Mom drank herself to death by the time I was eighteen.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“She was a bitch and he’s an asshole. I joined the military and never looked back.”   

“So the military is like your family.”

“Yeah,” he grunted, “it is. They brought me up more than my drunk-ass mother ever did.”

I nodded, and just then I spotted them. Mom waved and Dad smiled as they walked toward us.

The butterflies in my stomach intensified, and Nash followed my gaze.

“Game time,” he mumbled.

I stood up. “Hi, Mom, Dad.” I hugged them both.

“Hi, honey,” Dad said.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Wood,” Nash said. “I’m Nash Bell, your daughter’s husband.”

“You’re taller in real life,” Mom said.

“Thanks,” he said, smiling.

Dad shook his hand. “It’s good to meet you, Nash.”

“Likewise, sir.”

We all sat down, and immediately I felt incredibly strange.

“So,” Mom said. “Tell me. Why are you two married?”

I gaped at her and Nash laughed.

“We’re impulsive and impatient, I guess,” Nash said. “There was no disrespect meant, Mrs. Wood.”

“Call me Tracey,” she said. “We’re family now after all.”

“Honestly, I love your daughter. We married because we want to be together. We never meant to leave you two out of the process or to surprise anyone.”

“Which was why you told us after the wedding,” Dad said.

Nash nodded. “It’s my fault. Selena wanted you both there, but my life is so crazy right now. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.”

Dad nodded, and I was so terrified that they could see through his bullshit.

“No more of that,” Dad said.

“No, of course not, Mr. Wood.”

“Chris,” he grunted. “Call me Chris.”

Mom smiled. “Well. Let’s get drinks and celebrate.”

Mom ordered a wine and Dad ordered water. He looked so thin, much thinner than I remembered, though he was smiling and laughing. I guessed he was probably hiding his suffering and sickness for the sake of the meal.

After some small talk and once their drinks had come, Nash proposed a toast. “To your daughter, Selena.” He looked at me, grinning. “The love of my life. To starting a new family.”

“Here, here,” Dad said. We clinked glasses and drank.

“So,” Mom said, “when are you two having kids?”

I nearly choked on my wine, but Nash laughed.

“Soon, I hope,” he said.

I wanted to kill him.

“Really? Does your schedule let you have kids?” Dad asked.

“No, not at all, Chris. But I’m hoping it’ll calm down soon.”

“Good,” Mom said. “I want grandchildren.”

“Oh, we’ll give you as many grandchildren as we can.”

“You want a large family?” Dad asked.

“Huge,” Nash said. He grinned at me. “I can’t help it. When I think about your daughter, I just want to have as many babies with her as possible.”

I was bright red. I couldn’t believe him, but Mom and Dad were laughing, eating it up.

“Look at her,” Nash said. “I’m embarrassing her, but it’s true. We want a big family.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, dear,” Mom said. “It’s okay. Sex is a part of marriage.”

“Mom!” I said. “Nobody was talking about sex.”

“That is how you make babies, babe,” Nash said, grinning hugely. He loved this.

“Nash makes a good point, honey,” Dad said.

I couldn’t believe him.

“How often are you two trying?” Mom asked Nash.

“Oh, every day at least,” Nash said nonchalantly. “You never know when it’ll happen.”

“Good man. Always be prepared.”

“Oh my god,” I said. “You are not talking about us having sex right now.”

The three of them laughed, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

But, on the bright side, Nash had clearly already won them over. It was hard not to like him when he wanted to be charming. Even my parents had been dragged into his magnetism and clearly couldn’t get away. Even to the point where they somehow thought it was okay to joke about their daughter having sex.

Soon we ordered food and fell into a comfortable conversation. Mom and Dad asked Nash about his work, about his life, and about our tour. He did the majority of talking, only pausing to let me confirm any details. Really, that was how I liked it. Of the two of us, he was the much better liar, probably because he had been trained to be a special forces guy. He had to be able to lie for his country.

But not me. I was just another regular girl, not trained to lie, not built to fight.

“Tell me, Nash,” Dad said. “How are you going to take care of our daughter?”

“Dad,” I said, “he doesn’t take care of me. I take care of myself.”

Nash smiled. “It’s okay, babe. Chris just wants to make sure that I’m not some bum.”

“He’s on television,” Mom said. “He can’t be a bum.”

Nash laughed. “You’d be surprised. But to answer your question, sir, I’m doing very well with the book sales. It’s going to be optioned into a movie soon. After all this blows over, I was thinking about going into military consulting. You’d be surprised by how well that pays and how in demand people with my kind of training are.”

Dad nodded thoughtfully. “So you have a plan.”

“Yes, sir. Get your daughter pregnant soon and then provide for my family.”

“Sounds good,” Dad said, grinning.

I was so embarrassed.

“So, Nash, tell us,” Mom said. “Is Selena just about the hardest person to live with?”

“Mom!” I said. “What the heck?”

She shrugged, smiling. “It’s true. You’re so messy.”

Nash laughed. “No, Tracey. She’s fine. I don’t cut her any slack. I’m trying to instill some military discipline into her.”

“Good man!” Dad exclaimed. “I like the sound of that.”

Nash grinned hugely. “That’s right. We drill every day. She’ll be very clean by the time I’m finished with her.”

I couldn’t believe him. There was no way my parents weren’t going to get the subtext of that comment. I was ready to stomp on his foot, but Mom just smiled and laughed.

“Well, if you can get her to clean up, it’ll be a miracle.”

“Great. Let’s just all pile up on me,” I grumbled.

“Sorry, honey,” Mom said. “You just don’t bring a lot of boyfriends around.”

“Really?” Nash asked. “How many before me?”

“Oh,” Dad said. “One, back in high school.”

“She doesn’t date much,” Mom said. “Well, didn’t at least.”

“Really?” Nash asked. “I would have pegged her for a girl with lots of boys.”

“That’s not true,” I said quickly. “I had boyfriends. I just never brought them around for obvious reasons.”

“I don’t know, honey,” Dad said. “You’ve always been more interested in studying hard than meeting boys.”

“Studying hard, huh?” Nash asked. “Sounds about right. Your daughter is a regular old bookworm.”

“She used to spend hours in her bedroom reading romance novels,” Mom said, laughing. “She was such a moody teenager.”

“Romance novels?” Nash grinned at me. “The steamy kind?”

“No!” I said quickly. “No. Just regular books. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

“They were steamy all right!” Dad said, and I turned bright red. “What? They were.”

Nash laughed loudly along with Dad, and Mom gave me a well, what can you do look.

The waitress came soon after with our meals. Without a doubt, so far it had been the weirdest dinner of my life. Nash was charming, clearly winning over my parents, and they seemed so willing to make jokes about my sex life, not to mention to air my embarrassing past life. As if anybody was cool when they were a teenager?

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