Pinstripes (29 page)

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Authors: Faith Bleasdale

BOOK: Pinstripes
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Chapter Twenty-three


The three kept apart until Monday, when Ella rang them both to tell them the document had arrived. She had paid handsomely for it and was pleased to see that they had done a great job. It looked like a genuine company report.

They met up at Clara
’s flat and poured over it. They were less nervous now. They knew that the stakes were high, and that if the plan for Isabelle didn’t work they would have to abort the project, but now that they were getting close, they wanted revenge even more.

Clara told them that she
’d spent the whole weekend with Josh. He hadn’t left her side. “Aren’t you worried about him and Isabelle?” Ella asked.

No,” Clara replied, indicating that the subject was closed.

Virginia shrugged. If she had someone like Josh interested in her, which would never happen, there was no way she would make him sleep with anyone else. They discussed the next phase of the plan.

“I know we want this over and done with quickly, but perhaps we should make sure they have two dates before he lures her back to his flat,” Clara said.

I think you’re right, although it seems a little unfair on Josh. She’s not great company, is she?”

Yes, but we need to be sure that she falls for it. If it happens too quickly maybe she won’t,” Virginia said.

I agree. Two dates it is, then.”




Josh called Isabelle on Monday afternoon. Her secretary answered.

Isabelle Holland please.” Josh put his business voice on.

May I say who’s calling?” the girl asked, in a singsong voice.

Josh Lambert.” He could tell the girl was new because she forgot to put him on hold and he heard her shouting over to Isabelle that a Josh was on the line and he heard Isabelle say, “Bloody well put him through, you idiot.” When Isabelle’s voice finally came on the line, he had managed to stop laughing.

Isabelle Holland.”

Hi, it’s Josh.”

Josh, how are you?” Her voice was more sickly sweet than before.

Fine. Are you on for Wednesday?”

Of course, I’ve booked a court.” She was very keen.

What time?” Josh asked. He wasn’t sure how he would be able to sleep with her.

Seven. Shall we meet at the club?”

Yes, sure. I’ll meet you in the lobby at five to, then.” Josh saw he had another call coming through.

Lovely, I’ll see you, then.”

I must dash, I’ll be looking forward to it. “Bye,” Josh hung up, picked up his other line and wondered how he had got mixed up in all this.




Clara saw Josh on Tuesday night and gave him the report. He took her to bed, and after he fell asleep Clara cried. She got up and did another couple of lines of cocaine. Eventually, she passed out.




Virginia sat at home and waited for the post. The response from her parents hadn’t arrived yet and they hadn’t called either. It was a worrying, if unsurprising, development.




Ella spent a lot of time with Jackie and tried to keep her mind off the other two. She found them occupying her thoughts more than she wanted. And she didn’t understand why.


Chapter Twenty-four


On Wednesday as he got to work Josh was fuming. Clara had insisted he had two dates with Isabelle. He felt as though he had been hired to do this, and he felt cheap. He had tried to talk her out of it, but Clara wouldn’t budge. If he wanted her, he had to do this, and he wanted her so much. He put Isabelle out of his mind at work, although he couldn’t do the same with Clara. He would have loved to know what was going on in her head. But he had no idea. Resignedly, he got his secretary to order him a cab for half past six and went to the gym.

He was there before Isabelle, and as he stood in the lobby in his crisp white shorts, he realised he was nervous. He couldn
’t figure out whether going through with this would ensure that Clara and he could be together or whether it would do the opposite. He didn’t have much time to dwell on it, though, because Isabelle arrived. “Josh, hello,” she said, touching his arm.

Hey, there. Ready to play?” he said, in his most seductive voice. He guessed that if he ever left the legal profession he could get a job as a male prostitute. He had wanted so much to say no to Clara, and all his common sense told him that he should have done so. But he knew this was his only option, so he threw himself into the role. They walked on to the court and the game began.

After the first few minutes, he had sussed her game. She wasn
’t very good and Josh had to play below his usual standard to ensure she got any points at all. By the end, although he won, he hadn’t wiped the floor with her.

Great game,” he said, as they stood on the court.

s, you play well,” Isabelle panted.

Can I tempt you to have dinner with me as a thank you?” Josh asked.

That would be lovely.” Isabelle’s eyes lit up.

They changed and met in the lobby. Josh had been waiting for quite a while when Isabelle came out. She had doused herself in perfume, which made Josh feel nauseous, and she was wearing too much makeup. She looked unattractive.

“Ready?” Josh asked.

Yes. Where are we going?” Isabelle asked. Josh had planned to take her to a restaurant near his flat, but that would have to wait for the second date.

The Oxo tower,” Josh said. They walked outside and hailed a cab. Josh held open the door and ushered Isabelle in, lightly touching her bottom. He saw by the redness of her face that she had noticed.

So, tell me about your job,” Josh said, and switched off as she talked about her own importance for the entire journey. She was the most egotistical and boring woman he’d ever met.

They arrived at the restaurant and she was still talking. She had told him about all the people she was in charge of, the money she made, the stupid secretaries she had to put up with. She talked and talked. Josh thought of Clara.

When they sat down, Isabelle finally ran out of steam and Josh took control. He ordered the wine and suggested the food.

Tell me about your job, Josh,” Isabelle said finally.

Well, as a City lawyer I get so much information about companies that I could make a fortune. Of course, I can’t do anything about it, more’s the pity. I’d be the richest guy in Britain – or nearly anyway,” Josh guffawed.

Really? How come?” Isabelle asked, as the starter arrived.

I specialise in takeovers. That’s where the money is. Often the stock price is really low but about to go through the roof. Because I work on the takeovers I know what’s happening well before the information is public. Of course if I acted on it I’d be fired, and as I quite like my job and have a decent amount of money anyway, it’s not necessary. It’s also illegal, as you know, but it would be nice sometimes.”

So you get all the insider information. There are leaks, though – I’ve seen them myself.”

Sure, but that’s still illegal. Of course, if you got some information and used it no one could prove you’d been tipped off or worked on that tip. You could just have made a good judgement. But if I was involved, they’d probably hang me out to dry.”

Josh, that’s amazing. Imagine having that information and not being able to use it. It must be terribly frustrating.” Isabelle’s eyes were shining.

Yup, but that’s life. It’s frustrating.”

I guess so.”

here’s one I’m working on at the moment that’s a killer. It’s going to be so big, but again there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Perhaps you could let it slip to me?”

You know what? You’ve got a great sense of humour. And lovely eyes.” Josh looked into them. They weren’t lovely at all; they were on the small side, like her chest.

you.” Isabelle flushed.

Josh kept the wine flowing. After dinner, they had coffee and brandy, and Isabelle was drunk. Josh drank quite a lot himself. As he wasn
’t going to sleep with her that night, the drink helped alleviate the boredom. He was not looking forward to seeing her again, but he had told himself he would, for Clara. As they finished the brandy, Josh leant his head close to Isabelle’s. “Isabelle, I’ve got a really early start. Regrettably, I must call it a night.”

Isabella looked disappointed.
“Oh, well, of course, if you must. Where do you live?”

Chelsea,” Josh said. “You?”

Hampstead. I guess we’re on opposite sides of London.” She laughed weakly, but Josh could feel her disappointment.

Yes. Isabelle, can I see you again?”

When?” Isabelle asked eagerly.

Friday?” Josh suggested. It was only two days away and then this would be over. He didn’t want to waste any more time.

OK. Are you sure I can’t tempt you back for coffee?” Isabelle asked, licking her lips.

Sorry, darling, but I really do have to work early tomorrow. How about dinner on Friday?”

That would be lovely.”

Good. I’ll call tomorrow to fix it up.” Josh motioned to the waiter for the bill. When he had paid it, he stood up. “Come on, I’ll put you in a cab.”




The next day, Josh called Clara and told her that the evening had gone according to plan and he was seeing Isabelle again on Friday.

Do you want to come over to mine tonight?” Clara asked, pleased with him.

No, darling, I have to work late. I’ll call you after Friday.” Josh tried to sound pleasant, but he was angry with Clara. He kept thinking she would realise the madness of the plan, or of his part in it. She would be so consumed by jealousy that she would tell him to stop, to pull back and not to sleep with Isabelle. But she didn’t.

OK, Josh, call me, and good luck.”

I need it, Josh thought as he hung up. Then he called Isabelle to make the arrangements.




Clara rang Ella and Virginia, and they decided to meet on Saturday after Josh had successfully taken Isabelle to bed. Until then there was no more for them to do. When Clara hung up, she felt restless. She was not sure why, but she felt dissatisfied with everything. She entered a cocaine haze that lasted for the next couple of days.


Chapter Twenty-five


Josh arranged to meet Isabelle at the restaurant he had booked in Chelsea, La Ciboulette. It was on the King
’s Road and therefore nearer to his flat than hers. Isabelle had offered another game of squash, but Josh had declined, saying he would not get out of work on time. He ensured that he was early and sat down, ordered a drink and waited.

Isabelle was on time. He saw her walk in and arrogantly ask the maître d
” to show her to Josh’s table. As she came over confidently, Josh took in her outfit. She was wearing a sharp navy suit with a white top underneath. Her skirt was short and showed off her legs, but the rest of her figure was boyish. She had no curves, unlike Clara, and her face was cold and unappealing. Josh grimaced at the thought of later as she approached him.

Josh,” she said enthusiastically.

He stood up and kissed her cheeks.
“Isabelle, you look lovely,” he lied. “I hope you like French food.”

J’adore.” Isabelle laughed. Her laugh was false, like everything else about her, and Josh felt depression engulf him. He told her what was good and ordered red wine. Isabelle chose her own food this time, but she asked Josh if she’d made a good choice. Josh guessed that she didn’t date much – her sophisticated manner dropped every time she spoke to him.

Over the meal Josh flirted and flattered her. Isabelle ate barely anything, but he noticed that she drank quite a lot. She was interested in everything he said and hung on his every word. He also noticed that she took more than a polite interest in his work.

“I think your job must be so exciting. Tell me what you’re working on,” Isabelle said, after numerous glasses of wine.

Oh, it’s not that exciting. I have to provide a lot of documentation for companies. I can’t tell you what I’m working on right now, but it’s taking up an awful lot of time. I have to take my work home with me. Actually, I have a lot to do this weekend. But that’s life. I guess you get the same.”

We never stop, do we?” Isabelle reached over to stroke his arm.

No, but that’s what makes us interesting.” Josh laughed.

After dinner, he decided to make his move.
“Would you like to come back to my place for coffee?” he asked, brushing his lips against her ear.

Yes, please,” Isabelle said, and Josh paid the bill.

As they left the restaurant, Josh put his arm around her and Isabelle leant into him. He hoped he would be able to get an erection.

They walked into his flat where Josh pulled her to him and kissed her. She responded eagerly, too eagerly.

I’ll make coffee, you make yourself comfortable,” he said, steering her to the sofa. He walked out. The document was within her view on his coffee-table.




Isabelle was disappointed about the coffee. She didn’t want coffee, she wanted Josh. As she waited, her eyes were drawn to a document that sat on the coffee-table. It was marked ‘Private and Confidential’.

Careless, Josh,” Isabelle mumbled, and tried to look at it without touching it. Then, checking that Josh was still in the kitchen, she picked it up and quickly put it down again. She tried to think what to do. She knew this must be the big deal Josh had spoken of earlier. She took deep breaths and looked again. Without disturbing it, she could only read the top cover. It seemed to consist of a load of legal jargon that Isabelle didn’t understand, but then she saw the magic words ‘takeover’ and ‘Microsoft’. Isabelle thought she had died and gone to heaven.




Josh watched her from behind the door, and knew they had succeeded. As he took the coffee in, he made a noise opening the door so he wouldn’t catch Isabelle doing something she shouldn’t be doing.

Isabelle turned to him.
“Josh, I don’t want coffee. I want you,” she said. She took the cups from him, put them on the table and jumped on top of him. She ripped at his clothes passionately. Josh began to enjoy himself— he was a man, after all. She pulled herself out of her clothes, and although she was flat-chested, she had an athletic body. He pulled her to her feet and took her to bed. The sex was energetic, and Josh had no problems climaxing. Isabelle was wild. She jumped on top of him and screwed him as if she hadn’t been screwed for ages. Josh supposed she hadn’t. Afterwards he removed the condom, kissed her forehead and pretended to go to sleep.




Isabelle lay still for half an hour before she was convinced that Josh was asleep. When she was satisfied that he was, she crept out of bed and went to the sitting room. She lay naked on the couch and went through the report page by page. Although most of it consisted of legal terms, she understood that Microsoft were about to take over JF Technologies. And JF Technologies had very cheap stock. It was manna from heaven. She read it again committing the details she understood to her memory.

Although using the information would mean giving up Josh, which was a huge sacrifice, Isabelle knew she could make money for herself, her clients, the company, and be a heroine. Her dilemma was between having Josh or being the first female managing director of SFH. The choice was simple. Isabelle had one golden rule. Work before sex. Josh would have to go.

She slipped quietly back into bed and fell asleep, thanking her lucky stars.




Josh woke to find Isabelle’s legs wrapped around his. He roused her gently, and before she could say anything he jumped out of bed and made for the shower.

Isabelle lay there for a few minutes. She couldn
’t stop thinking about Josh’s report. Now she had read it she had a chance to make some serious money. She could advise her clients and her boss without them suspecting that it was a tip-off— she often worked on hunches. She resolved to work on a proposal that weekend so she could come up with feasible reasons why they should buy into it. She would use the information she had read in the report to do so. She licked her lips and felt horny at the thought of the money and success she was about to encounter. Fleetingly she was sorry that this would mean the end of her and Josh. But Isabelle knew you couldn’t have everything. And Josh would get over her eventually. She needed to get home.




By the way that Isabelle rushed off, Josh knew she had fallen for the report. He saw a flicker of guilt in her eyes as he said he would call her. He knew she wouldn’t answer his calls. Although it was only half past seven in the morning, he rang Clara.

Hello,” a sleepy voice said.

Clara, it’s me.”

Josh, it’s the middle of the night.”

No, it’s morning. Anyway, I thought you might like to know how I got on last night.”

Shit, yes. Sorry, I forgot.”

Great, Clara, you make me do this by saying it’s the most important thing in your life, then you forget.”

Josh, just tell me what happened.”

She fell for it.”

You’re sure?”

Positive. I know she’s going to do just what we want her to do.”

Fantastic. Josh?”

Yes, darling?”

Did you sleep with her?”

Clara, that was the idea. Your idea.”

I know. Just checking. Josh?”


Was she any good?”

No. It was like being in bed with a washboard.”


Yes. I’ll be over this evening. “Bye, darling.”





Clara leant back into her pillow. They had done it. They really had. It would only be a matter of time before Isabelle hanged herself with the rope they had given her. The drunken pub plan had worked. She called Virginia.


Virginia, it’s Clara.”

Clara, what time is it?”

Early. You should be up anyway. Listen, Isabelle fell for it. Josh is sure. He didn’t go into details, but he’s sure she’s taken the bait.”

My God. Really?”

Yes, I told you it would work, didn’t I?”

I can’t believe it.”

Well, you should. Be at my place for lunch. We’ll celebrate. One o’clock?”

I’ll be there.”




Virginia didn’t know what to do with herself. Although it was early, she couldn’t contemplate going back to sleep. She couldn’t believe it had actually worked. She made herself a cup of tea to celebrate.




Ella picked up the telephone, knowing it was Clara.


Ella, how did you know it was me?”

I couldn’t sleep last night for worrying about things.”

Well, you didn’t need to worry. It all worked perfectly.”


Yes. Josh said it all went to plan.”

So now we just have to wait.”

I know. It’s going to be hard. Lunch at my place, one o’clock.”


Ella smiled, hoped that everything was going to work and fell asleep.




Clara had a line of cocaine to celebrate. She knew it was a bit early even for her, but this was a special occasion.

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