Poppy's Passions (21 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Beck

BOOK: Poppy's Passions
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"Your husband loves you, Rose, and it sounds like he's trying to make this easier for you. I'd listen to a man who loves me over our father any day.” Michael's squeeze of approval said more than any words. “I'll talk to Alex's doctor and make the arrangements, then maybe we can stop by tonight?"

"That would be nice. I'll have supper for all of you,” Rose said, cautiously. “Will C and T be along with Michael tonight?"

"Cody and Trevor, and yes, I'd like them to meet Alex and Jon.” She'd be lying if she said she wanted them to meet the rest of her family.

"Okay, bring them on over, we'll be ready when you get here."

They talked a few minutes more, exchanging details, and when she hung up all three men looked at her expectantly. “Well boys, there's been a change in plans. I hope you packed your dress-up clothes, because now it's your turn to meet my family."

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Chapter 20

People in the past had commented about how great it was all the Maguire sisters were nurses. What they saw as dedication was her father's bend for tyrannical behavior. Poppy wished she'd bucked the system and chosen her own career, but at eighteen she'd wanted to please him and have something in common with her sisters.

There hadn't been anything she longed to do so nursing fit. She couldn't be entirely bitter about the decision. Her grandmother had been a nurse, which was why her father respected the profession so much, and it did pay well. She'd been able to support herself right out of school and not all jobs could boast that. Buying her townhouse had been a move she could comfortably make on her own. She was a long way from her townhouse though as the car turned off the highway.

Her sister's community was much more than she could have ever hoped to afford on a nurse's pay. The exclusive, gated community was home to San Antonio's most wealthy families, and it wasn't Rose's nursing salary paying the mortgage.

She married into an incredibly wealthy family and nine months later the twins were born, securing her place in not only the Tallendaggo family but also their social circle. Poppy knew her eldest sister had never worked a day outside those few months before getting married and while pregnant, and she'd only done that because their father insisted. After the twins were born, she made a “career” out of being the wife of a wealthy man, a true southern hostess.

The home Rose shared with her husband had never been open to Poppy in the sense she could drop by for dinner. The few times she'd been in the house had been to babysit or fill an empty seat for dinner parties. The place was huge and gorgeous, and she hadn't seen more than the entertaining rooms, nursery and the twins’ bedroom.

Six months ago she didn't think that was odd, even if she'd hoped it would change. Now she knew how wrong her family relationship was and didn't know if it could change.

Cars lined the circle driveway, a hybrid luxury SUV, and an expensive, imported sedan attested to a family within. The bright yellow Jaguar announced not only were the house and grounds beautiful and expensive, the people inside were as well.

"Pretty area,” Trevor said as they walked past the Jaguar. “Not my style, but nice. Must have taken a lot of time, money, and lack of imagination to make everything look exactly the same. Honestly, it creeps me out. I wonder how long it will take someone to call the cops on Fred and Jack waiting out by the driveway."

"Shush.” Poppy laughed. Trevor's teasing broke the thick tension that had built on the ride from the hotel. “My brother-in-law is Greg Tallendaggo, lots of old family money. I'll explain to them about the security guys. Lavender is here with her husband who is an investment banker. They have two kids, plus Rose's twins. Crissy and Lily have four more, but they both live in Arizona."

"Damn. Tons of kids. Hmm, Tallendaggo sounds familiar,” Trevor said absently. Poppy took the stairs slowly, her apprehension more than her bulk making her feet heavy. “Does he do business in LA?"

"I have no idea.” With Michael rubbing his hand up and down her spine as they waited at the door, she tried to remind herself she wasn't the girl she'd been the last time she'd seen her family. The wind blew straight through her light jacket, making her long for the parka she'd left at home in Michael's truck. “But he always gives me diamonds and stock options for Christmas, so he must do well enough."

"Well shit, that Tallendaggo.” Trevor laughed out loud when the door opened. “Grubby, what the hell are you doing in the ‘burbs?"

She stepped back as Trevor and “Grubby” Greg embraced hard, both laughing and talking at once. The huge entry was empty but it took a minute for Trevor, let alone Greg to realize they still stood out in the winter chill. “Hell, Grubby invite us in. Poppy's getting cold."

"Yes, yes, get in here.” Greg welcomed them in with more exuberance and excitement than she'd ever seen from her usually reserved and professional brother-in-law. “These must be your brothers. Michael and Cody, right? I heard about you two back when I ran in the racing circuit. I haven't seen Trevor in years, not since I got married and started playing with matchbox cars instead of the big ones."

"Hell, I'm not racing anymore either,” Trevor said. When he sold all of his race cars and equipment he told her it was getting boring. She knew he did it because drag racing was dangerous and he had kids to worry about being around for. His new hobby of model car building was much easier on her nerves and if it wasn't as exciting, he didn't complain. “Can't take the chances when little ones are involved."

"You've got kids now? That's great. We'll have to do a play date or something while you're in town. Poppy? What are you doing here?"

She didn't know how to answer, because what came to mind seemed too obvious. “Um, I brought Trevor and his brothers to meet Alex."

"So how do you know these guys? Wait, don't answer. You're my wife's little sister and some things are best left unsaid. Christ, you are pregnant. Rose is going to go apeshit. Don't you think it's a little irresponsible? First Steven, now—"

"Shut the fuck up, Grub.” All signs of Trevor's good mood vanished when Greg's criticism made her wince. “A real, real good way to get on my bad side is to say anything negative about Poppy. Understand?"

She couldn't believe her eyes when her larger than life, cocky brother-in-law paled and fell all over himself to apologize. Before she realized what was happening they were all herded to the heated glass greenhouse, one of her favorite spots, with an ottoman brought over by Greg himself. Trevor looked around while Poppy, Michael and Cody sat, waiting for Greg to return with the others and drinks.

"What in the world do you have over Greg?” she asked Trevor when they were alone.

"I'm not sure.” His amused shrug told her he didn't hate the VIP treatment. “Although, it's probably more than his house. I've never seen a grown man grovel so hard, so fast."

"Why would you have his house?” Cody asked before she could.

"A few years ago some of the guys and I raced for pink slips but instead of cars we would bet deeds, property, accounts, businesses, that sort of stuff. I got into it for a while and made some serious bank. Grubby and a couple others send me mad money every month to cover the old debts.” He turned to her and looked stern. “So if he's a shit to you, Poppy, I want to know."

"After what happened earlier, I don't think that will be a problem.” She hoped the new turn of events helped the night go smoother and smiled when she heard the rapid approach of little feet. “Stampede!"

"Auntie Poppy!"

Half a dozen children ranging from five to ten jumped her in a wild barrage of hugs, kisses and shouted stories. Michael and Cody playfully kept them from possibly hurting her while the other adults shook their heads in amusement. The kids tickled her and squealed happily when she laughed loudly.

Even surrounded by children, she could see her men sizing up her sisters. The two present were the oldest of the family, both around forty and they looked good for their ages. Rose, surgically so. It amused Poppy how her sisters often wore similar clothes, today pastel cardigans and khakis along with high heels and tasteful jewelry.

There were honest comparisons to be made. Her older sisters were taller and slimmer than she was. They were perfectly pressed and fresh from the salon while she was in a pair of corduroy pants and a bright pink sweater. She'd even completed the ensemble with the gaudy, plastic ring Cody won for her in a gumball machine in the hotel lobby.

Not long ago she might have felt insecure around her sisters, might have slumped and assumed her date found them more attractive, but not anymore. The looks on her men's faces when they turned back to her assured her, as far as they were concerned, she was the prettiest woman in the room and the only one who mattered.

"Okay, kids, back to the playroom.” Rose's announcement wasn't one Poppy wanted to hear. There was never enough time to spend with her nieces and nephews, but she hadn't seen them in over a month. “Auntie Poppy will be down to play very soon, I'm sure."

All but the twin boys ran out of the room, receiving many hair ruffles and head pats as they passed the adults. They might treat her like crap, but her sisters and their husbands raised good kids and they loved them. Both boys still on her lap had shaved heads but one was obviously ill, much thinner and paler, though like his doctor assured her Alexander was on his way to being well.

Greg made introductions while she spoke quietly with the boys, hugging and kissing them. Cody kept the conversation going to Poppy's surprise, as she continued to listen about school plays and basketball camps. After ten minutes she realized he did it so she could have a little more time with the boys.

"Alexander, Jonathan, supper is ready downstairs with Nanny Josie,” Rose said. “Dad ordered your favorites."

"Chockie chokes.” Jonathan's excitement had him jumping off her lap but not before a last kiss. “Come on, Alex, you can eat chokes."

Alex kissed her cheek as well and ran after his twin. “I can eat it all. The nurse said so."

Michael helped Poppy to her feet after the twins were gone, and they followed her sisters and their husbands to the dining room. Michael made no secret of holding her to his side as they walked, and she knew the brothers noticed the lack of welcome she was given. Ahead of them Rose and Lavender laughed, their arms around each other's waists, but they had yet to acknowledge her.

Poppy was used to it and could go a full holiday without saying more than a dozen words to any one of her sisters, but from the way Cody was scowling and Michael kept her close, she knew they didn't like it.

She'd tried to explain her family several times, but it didn't compute with the brothers. Their mother loved them. Every time they left with her near, she gave them kisses and told them to be careful. Their dads helped them with their cars, played cards and drank beer with them. They always had a friend in their brothers, even if they disagreed.

She couldn't expect them to understand the animosity and disinterest in her family, but the breathing example helped them see what she meant when she said they weren't “close."

"We put on a full southern supper for ya'll.” Rose showed them to a large buffet, heavy with true southern fried on the good silver and fine china passed down from their mother. “We didn't have time to cook ourselves, but CaraDees right here in town does a very nice spread. Please, help yourselves, and we can get to know each other better."

Everything on the buffet was golden fried perfect or covered in butter, the kind of meal her boys appreciated, complete with iced bottles of beer at the end and small wine glasses for dessert liquors. Smothered chicken and pork chops, smoked brisket, roasted Brussels sprouts, hush puppies, garlic potatoes, and spinach salad adorned the table. Brownies and pie had their own sideboard.

Halfway through the buffet Michael looked over and frowned at her glazed carrots and roll while his plate was loaded. “Baby, is there anything here that doesn't make you miserable?"

"I suppose this isn't exactly a figure friendly meal.” Lavender was second oldest with a sarcastic bend. More often than not it pushed into mean, and the sneer on her face when she looked at Poppy's plate stayed true to character. “But Poppy's never worried about staying slim, have you, honey?"

Trevor's eyes narrowed and Greg jumped in, the sheen of perspiration on his forehead again making her wonder what Trevor held over her brother-in-law. “Ha ha, funny joke. I think Poppy looks great. Remember how big you were, Lavender, when you were pregnant with Wesley? I think you said you gained fifty pounds, but you wouldn't know after the lipo and tummy tuck."

The daggers shot at him might have killed a lesser man but Greg continued, returning his focus to Poppy. “We keep lots of lighter meals in the refrigerator. Chicken breasts and steamed vegetables mostly. Would that be something you could eat, honey?"

"Ah, yes.” Unnerved by his solicitous behavior, she looked up and saw her family watching them intently while Trevor grinned and winked at her. “I have peptic ulcers, so any of those things would work fine."

"I'll be right back.” Greg all but ran from the dining room.

Five minutes later the Maguire women, Poppy included, watched Greg. His bizarre behavior took the focus off her, which she was grateful for, but seeing him bow and scrape to Trevor, who remained cold, was beyond odd.

"Okay, apparently Greg's been taking his pain pills again,” Lavender announced. He'd just set a glass of water in front of Poppy and asked if it had enough ice. Lavender couldn't let it pass unmentioned. “What is this business about security people? What have you gotten yourself into, Poppy?"

"My fault,” Trevor said quickly, jumping in before Poppy could explain. “We had some trouble with a drag racer last time we were in town. You know how that can be, right, Greg?"

"Oh, yeah,” he immediately agreed. “It can be a rough crowd, which is why I got out when I did."

"I wish I'd gotten out a little sooner so it wouldn't be an issue,” Trevor said and smiled apologetically, but she didn't need any more apologies from him, she knew he would never knowingly put her in danger.

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