Power of the Pen (5 page)

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Authors: Xyla Turner

BOOK: Power of the Pen
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“What do you know about Barry?” she smiled at me.

Giving her a half-smile, I wrapped my hand around her ankle, bringing it up to my mouth. My lips kissed her ankle bone, then I made little kisses all the way down until I reached her center. I continued my perusal of her body, by lifting her other leg to do the same.

Shifting so I could grab the condoms on the dresser, I threw the three-pack on the pillow next to her head. She picked them up, tore one off and handed it to me. Once it was opened, I slid it on, then leaned down to her.

“Hold on,” I said.

Her hands wrapped around my neck and before I could enter her, she looked at me like I was the only man in the world. Like the only man that mattered at that moment, like she wanted me and only me. Blinking away that thought, I entered her and fucked her hard and fast. Those heels were digging into my ass, the way I liked. She was moaning, clenching my dick and screaming for her God, just the way I liked. Fucking magnificent.

It was not long after that I erupted in her. Once I disposed of the condom, relieved myself and shut down the rest of the house, I came back to start the foreplay again, but her eyes were closed. She was sleep. Her breathing was even and she was in dreamland. I crawled into bed beside her, with my hands behind my head. I could still taste her on me, hoping that she would be game for the morning because I definitely wanted more of this one.

Chapter 4



My oxygen was cut off. I woke up, trying to catch my breath, but I couldn’t. There was something squeezing me, like a giant cobra. Once my eyes focused, I saw the guy from last night with his head on my chest, both arms wrapped around my stomach and his body half caging me in. He was murmuring something, but it was too low for me to hear.

“Hey, hey,” I tapped him. 

No response.

“Hey, Zach,” I pinched him, which got him up and off of me.

Those unfocused hazel eyes were trying to figure out who I was.

“My fault,” he murmured, as he left the room.

Really? After waiting for him to come back and noticed it was only 2:48 in the morning, I went back to sleep. Around 6 AM, I woke up again and there was no Zach.

Okay, buddy. I got the hint.

Quickly, I grabbed my clothes, keys from his pocket, panties and coat from the second floor and did my walk of shame all the way down to the first floor. He was not in the living room on the second floor, so I assumed he was in the den, where the TV light was reflected from the walls. He apparently had no intentions of saying goodbye, so I just returned the favor, when I made my exit through the front door. A voice seemed to scream, ‘
Front door open
.’ It felt as if his security alarm were announcing to the entire neighborhood that someone was leaving. I quickly closed it and got in my car to go home. As I turned off his street, I saw in the rearview mirror that his front door was open as he stood in it wearing nothing but his boxers.

Oh well.

There was no need to delude myself that he would have called because dude did not even get my name. I guess they were called one-night stands for a reason.


When I got home, I crawled into my bed for another three hours. Tomorrow was Monday, which meant I had interviews, meetings and other things I had to attend. The first thing I needed to do was get a shower, put in an ad for an assistant, and then wash clothes. My girl parts were a little sore from the beating ole’ boy put on me last night. He was not kidding when he said, “Hold on.” There would be no complaint from me because he literally fucked me to sleep. My body was so sated, it felt like I was in another realm. I liked it hard. There was a time for slow and sensual, but I liked it hard.  Truth be told, the guy from last night could get it again because I liked everything he did and made me do last night. The mirror play was hot as shit. Who knew I would love that?

Completing the three things on my to-do made me feel more productive. I texted Sheree to see if she wanted to grab dinner. We needed to talk. She asked if Gab was coming, and I told her it would just be the two of us. She agreed, so we met up at one of the local sports bars that served ribs and veggie cuisine for Sheree since she became a vegetarian three months ago.

“Hey Girl, what’s up?” Sheree smiled when I walked to her booth.

“Nothing much, how about you?” I returned.

“You know, just doing me.”

“Hmm,” I mumbled.

“So, what happened to you and that fine specimen of a man from last night?”

“He did his thing, I did mine, and then I left.”

“Damn, was it good?” She asked, a little too curious.

“It was alright.”

My grandma used to tell me, don’t share too much about your man with your girls because they might want to start getting curious.

“Just alright?” she frowned. “Damn, he looked too good to be true.”

“Yeah,” I signaled for the waitress, wanting to get this over. “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“How may I help you, ladies?” The chipper waitress asked.

“I’ll have the ribs, with macaroni salad and collard greens.” I handed her my menu. “Also, I’d like water.”

Sheree shook her head.

This conversation was going to be interesting.

“I’ll have the stir-fry vegetables, cooked in vegetable oil and light salt.” She handed the waitress the menu. “I’ll also have water with three lemon wedges.”

The waitress nodded her head and walked away.

“So, you were saying,” Sheree turned her attention back to me as if to say, ‘this is how it was done.’

She had me twisted. “Yes, I was saying, about last night. There were three distinct moments when you said or did something that did not sit right with me, so I wanted to find out if there was a problem.”

I folded my hands on the table.

“A problem?” She looked shocked. “Why would I have a problem with you?”

“I have no idea, but I get the feeling you have some animosity towards me and I’m not sure where that is coming from, if there was something I did or what.”

Sheree scoffed, “I don’t have a problem with you. I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you give me some examples?”

“Sheree, look, I know we’ve only known each other for some months now, but here are some facts about me. I’m direct I won’t bullshit you, and I don’t do well with these sort of conversations. You say you don’t have a problem, fine, but when you keep making snide comments and trying to hit on a man, that I’m currently with right in front of me, I get the feeling that you have a problem.” I shrug my shoulders.

“This is over a man? Come on Lauren, you are bigger than that.” She tried to be nonchalant.

“Ha,” I scoffed, “You know damn well this isn’t about a man. This is about you and me, and the problem you have with me.”

“I already told you I don’t have a problem with you, but we will have one if you don’t stop.”

“Sheree that is what I’m trying to tell you dear. We do have one.”

The waitress returned with our waters and a bread basket with a side of butter. Immediately, I take a sip of water and reach for the bread. Sheree scoffs again and that did it for me.

“This,” I point to her, “is the shit I’m talking about.”

“What shit are you talking about?” she raised her voice. “The fact that you are going to eat yourself into an early grave? Huh? That you are a plus-sized woman who has no qualms about that and flaunt it for the rest of us to see?”

She threw her napkin down.

“What?” she sneered. “What the fuck are you talking about the great, almighty, do no wrong Lauren.”

I shook my head, “And you said you didn’t have a problem.”

“Fuck you,” she snapped at me. “You think because you got your own business, your life together, and you are happy, that you are the shit. Well, you are not. All you are is a fat, gluttonous pig getting ready to see an early grave as you eat bread,” she gestured to the basket. “And ribs, macaroni salad, and collard greens. Then to top it off, you get water. Why not get a bucket of Kool-Aid to add to the diabetes you are going to get?”

My back straightened as Sheree told me what she really thinks of me. Six months, this woman has been in my face, my space, my house, my car, everything, and this is how she felt the whole time.

“Sheree, what are you mad about more, that you are
and don’t really like
or that you, I point to her, “don’t really know who

If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead in the basket of bread. Her pretty face contorted into something evil.

“I know exactly who I am, you bitch!” She yelled.

At this point, the entire restaurant was looking in our direction.

“No, you don’t, or you just don’t like who you are, so you change your hair constantly, and hide behind your clothes and good looks, but you are one, sad bitch. You don’t like me because I’m okay in my skin, and in your head, you look ten times better than me, but end up with duds because you are desperate and men see that a mile away.”

I leaned into her, “So, the real bitch between the two of us, is you. I never wanted anything you had, never. But, here you are upset because I’m a fat bitch.” Before I could even get the laugh out, she picked up the glass of water and threw it in my face.

My mouth was sputtering out water when the realization hit me of what she just did. I saw a man in a white shirt, heading in our direction, but it was too late. I reached across the table, grabbed her blond and brown hair, and then banged her head on the table. Before I could bang her head again, someone grabbed me by my arms, trying to pull me out the booth. My grip on her tracks were lethal, so she was coming out the booth as well, screaming for me to let her go.


“Let go, now,” someone commanded in my ear.

I turned to see it was the guy from last night.
Oh boy
. Not my finest moment. Letting go of her hair, I went to grab my purse. The guy’s hand was tight about my waist so I could not get very far. When I turned to give her my middle finger, her eyes were on his hands wrapped around me and that was when Sheree lost her shit. She lunged for me, but I used her momentum to push her to the side of me, so she went flying past into the booth seat where I was just sitting. Then I pounced on her, fist pulled back and ready to strike. The next thing I knew, the whole place went spinning and I was upside down looking at someone ass.

“Hey, put me down,” I yelled as he held my legs together so that I could not kick.

“Put me down.” I kept yelling, but he did not listen.

The wind hit me, instantly chilling me, as I had no coat on. The seriously strong man who was carrying me, took me one block in the opposite direction from my car to a big black, pickup truck.
Oh boy
. My world righted again, as he sat me in the bed of the truck. I looked up at him to see that he had my jacket and purse in his other hand, but he was pissed with those hazel eyes glaring at me. What was I to say, thanks?

“I had it covered,” I snapped.

That was clearly the wrong thing to say because he dropped my stuff next to me on the truck. Then, he bent so he was directly in my face with our noses touching. His arms were planted on each side of me. “You,” he growled. “Having it covered, should not have resulted in my pulling you off of her.”

Leaning back a bit, I looked him in the eyes, and said, “I had it covered. I did not need your assistance.”

“I should spank your ass.” He grounded out.

“What?” I choked.

“You fucking heard me; I should spank your ass for that shit.” Those eyes burned into me. “Put you right over my knee.”

So, under normal circumstances, I would have probably smacked the shit out of a guy for saying something like that to me. Now, I just wanted him to do exactly what he said. I blinked up at him and did not respond. Agony crossed his face, and then he closed his eyes and backed away.

“Fuck,” he paced in front of me.

Okay, I thought as I put my coat on and grabbed my clutch.

He turned and gave me a look that stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Why did you leave this morning?” he asked.


“I am not going to keep repeating myself.” He snapped.

“We had fun, it was time to go. You weren’t even in the bed when I got up.”

“Because I damn near smothered you in your sleep and I didn’t want to do it again.”

“Well, buddy, it was just one night, so it’s cool.” I jumped off the truck, only to be thrust right back on it, now with one hot, but angry guy pinning me there with his body and those beautiful eyes.

“I wasn’t done with you,” he simply stated.

“Isn’t that the sweetest thing,” I laughed. “Well, sorry, I don’t need to stick around to be dismissed, like you did that chick from a couple of nights ago.”

“That was different.”

“And this isn’t,” I shook my head, “What’s my name?”

He continued to stare at me. “Exactly,” I pushed him and moved to get off the truck again.

This time, he let me but followed. “Where are you going?” he asked.

“Home, is that alright with you officer?” I snapped back.

When I reached my SUV, as I went to open the driver’s side door, he slammed it shut and turned me around, so I was pinned yet again.

“What now?” I exhaled. “Let’s not do this, okay? I’m a big girl, you are definitely a big something, so let’s just you know…”

“No, I don’t know.”  He was looking at my lips.

“Let’s just call a spade a spade. We fucked, it was good, now let’s move on. I’m sure Sheree,” I pointed to the restaurant, “in there will gladly go home with you tonight.”

“I want to taste you tonight.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen.”

“That’s a shame.” He licked his lips, “I’ll have to spank that ass on another occasion.”

Here he goes again, talking about spanking my ass.

“Don’t even deny that you don’t want that,” He mumbled before he took my mouth in his.

He sucked, bit and nibbled on my lips and tongue. The man was aggressive and was using everything in his power to subdue me with his lethal mouth. I grabbed onto his jacket and stood on my toes, as he lifted me and ground me into the truck. He was hard, I could feel it through my jeans. My truck was parked on the street, so cars started to honk at us with shouts of,
yeah, get it in, and get a room
. Shit, the way we were going, we did need a room, but I had things to do that did not include him fucking me to sleep tonight. Maybe another night, if he asked for my contact information.

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