Prince's Courtesan (3 page)

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Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #Romance, #Futuristic

BOOK: Prince's Courtesan
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He could feel her psychic signature as it uncoiled and brushed against his 
mind. The delicate contact, the one he’d sought for so many years, had him 
hard and aching in a heartbeat.

He sucked in a harsh breath. He thought time had exaggerated his reaction to her, but the need hit him with the force of a star cruiser, as sharp and immediate as he remembered it. It had been all he could do to control himself earlier, when she’d been in his arms.

She’d shielded herself though, concealed the glory of her aura from him so he couldn’t feel it. It was probably automatic for her. She’d spent so long hiding among commoners without a jot of psychic ability. If she hadn’t learned to conceal herself, then she would have stood out like a sore thumb.

Easy pickings for those he’d sent after her.

Here, where she couldn’t see him and she had no need to conceal her abilities anymore, she’d relaxed a little. It was just a fraction, but it was enough to test him. He leaned his head against the cool metal of the door and sighed as he basked in her warmth. All he wanted to do was break the damn door down and get in there. Gather her into his arms and take her as his again.

He stepped through the door and paused, all his senses on alert. His men had checked out the entire hotel, and the sensor sweeps had confirmed it was clear, but there was no sense tempting fate. So many assassins had been sent after Seth that he’d learned never to relax his guard. The instant he did, the prick of a knife against his throat would end his life.

His gaze swept the main room of the suite. When his eyes and instincts had assured him there was nothing out of the ordinary, he looked at the petite, slender woman framed by the window. His heart slammed into his chest as triumph surged through him. At last, after so many years, he finally had her, but it was a bittersweet victory. He had her prisoner, but unless he kept her shackled, she would be gone again.

Her back was to him, but the tension in her frame told him she knew he was there. He walked forward, his eyes  caressing the lines of her figure. The purple-black hair he remembered cascaded down her back in silken waves, brushing against the creamy skin he’d spent night after night fantasizing about. The court gown bared her delicate shoulders and the sensuous curve of her spine, but the slender arms at her side were unadorned by a noblewoman’s arm cuffs.

The slight plumpness of youth had faded from her cheeks and limbs, leaving a haunting air to her features and a delicacy to her build that bypassed his anger and plugged straight into the instincts of a man looking at the woman he loved.

He came to a stop behind her, so close he could reach out and touch her.

He didn’t though. He’d waited so long for this moment, played it out in his mind many, many times, but now that it was here, he didn’t know if he could go through with it. He’d planned to humiliate her, to take what he wanted in the most brutal way possible, then cast her aside when he got bored.

She stiffened, just a small movement, but Seth caught it. Her head turned to the side, just enough for him to catch a glimpse of her profile.

“How did you find me?” Her voice was melodious and soft, betraying no emotion. Mentally he applauded her. She projected the image of the perfectly brought up lady. Even if he’d stormed in here, bloodstained blade in hand after cutting a swathe through the entire staff of the hotel, he doubted she’d do more than raise a delicately arched brow.

It was perfection, and at the same time, a total sham. Sethan gritted his teeth. He knew under that prim and proper manner there was fire and passion. Just one night with her had bewitched him, but then she’d run and left him bereft.

“You’ve been sloppy these past couple of months, Jai,” he replied, giving the name of the worker she’d been masquerading as. She’d been working as a menial, lowly worker cleaning up after other people rather than come to him.

Anger mounted again, but he controlled it.

“There was a sighting last month at the spaceport on Terranis, so I was in system when your ID was picked up here.”

Jaida nodded, turning to look out the window again.

Seth’s temper went up another notch. “You didn’t really think you could outrun me for much longer, did you? Even if you hadn’t come here… You know I would still have found you, don’t you?” He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him.

His breath caught in his throat as he looked down into her face, clear of grime for the first time. Lady, she was more beautiful than he remembered.

She looked up. For a split second Seth fell into the sapphire depths of her eyes before her lids swept down. When she looked back up, the fear he’d spotted there was gone, and the mask back in place. Under his hands, a tremble ran through her frame, cluing him in. She was scared, more than she was letting on.

Seth’s lips compressed a little. Good. She should be. He leaned in, his breath stirring the curls by her ear. “There’s no escape from me, Jaida, not for you. Not ever.”

She tried to stifle the shiver that ran through her body at the callused grip on her shoulders. The threat in Sethan’s voice was implicit and the look in his eyes hard. He was exactly as she remembered him.

Those thoughts were ones she had once reveled in and built teenage fantasies about. Thoughts she’d spent five years trying to forget, and Lady help her, ones she didn’t want to be reminded of now. Her heart ached as she avoided his gaze. She couldn’t meet it, or he would read the expression in her eyes.

“Look at me.” His voice was soft, but the words were an order. The words of a man who was used to being obeyed. “Answer me. Admit there’s no escape.”

Her throat tightened in panic. Her gaze travelled up the heavily embroidered tunic, past the open collar, and up to his jaw. Strong and shadowed with stubble, it was as far as she dared look. She wasn’t a noblewoman anymore, and despite her bravery earlier, no commoner looked upon royalty directly.

“No, Your Highness, there’s no escape. There never was,” she replied dully, trying to deflect the storm she knew was coming. She started to look down again, but his hand moved, driving into the hair at the nape of her neck. His fingers twined in the long strands and pulled her head back gently.

She didn’t fight; there was no point. He was stronger than she was. She kept her eyes down, refusing to look at him.

“Look at me. I won’t ask again,” Sethan said in a low voice. “You don’t want to anger me or—”

Her gaze snapped up, and she glared at him. “Or you’ll what? Hunt me across the galaxy again? Or this time do you plan to do me a favor and kill me?”

His eyes hardened and she quailed inside, refusing to show fear. Seth’s temper was as famous at court as his charm. Five years ago she’d been treated to that charm, but now, after she’d wounded his ego, she suspected she was going to get treated to the other.

“Oh no, my lady, I have something far more…pleasurable in mind than killing you.” He leaned in, his intent unmistakable. She waited until his breath whispered over her lips, until his lips were mere millimeters away from hers, then she turned her head.

His kiss landed on her cheek.

Seth froze. His hand, still clamped around the back of her neck, stilled as he rested his forehead against hers. A moment later he pulled away, and his warm breath fanned against her hair.

“If that’s how you want it…we can play hardball. But I guarantee you won’t like it.”

His voice was tight with anger, body coiled with tension. Jaida knew better than to look up. She was sassy, yes. The places she’d been, she’d had to run her mouth off to avoid being overruled and lost in the masses. Even so, she’d never faced down any loudmouth in a bar who was half as dangerous as Seth.

His grip tightened further on the back of her neck, forcing her to look around. She didn’t want to. She tensed her neck to fight him, but it made no difference. Within seconds their standoff was over and he dragged her chin around and up. Her gaze darted to his for a second and met warm mercury.

His eyes blazed with anger, desire, and hidden beneath, a deep, dark need that frightened the life out of her.

Unable to look him in the eye a moment longer, she looked down. An answering desire flared through her body like a flash fire, leaving a simmering heat in its wake. Desperation and denial chased each other throughher head.

She didn’t feel anything for him, didn’t want to feel anything for him. Not with how he’d treated her in the past…how he continued to treat her now.

Like something he owned, a possession.

His arms tightened around her as he bent his head. He was going to kiss her… She stilled in anticipation, and hated herself as she realized what she was doing.

Tension wound itself around the arousal that hummed through her body as she waited for her lips to be assaulted again. Deep inside, she cried for the gentle kisses he’d courted her with five years ago.

Naive as she’d been back then she’d still sensed the baser desires he’d held in check. Then, it had thrilled her. The fact that he wanted her so much, yet treated her with such reverence and care, made her feel like a princess.

His princess.

Hard reality wormed its way back into her heart. All that had stopped when he’d gotten her into bed and taken what he wanted. Her prince charming had disappeared with her virginity, and then he’d shown his true colors.

Anger swirled around him like a cloak of darkness, but his kiss was surprisingly gentle. Firm lips slanted over hers, paused, and then moved into a slow but thorough exploration. She held herself still as he pressed featherlight kisses across her lips. One side to the other and then back again. When he’d done a complete circuit, he pulled away a little, nuzzling her nose in a gentle gesture. A gesture that could almost be mistaken for loving.

Oh, he was good. Even though she knew it was a lie, her heart threatened to melt.

“Resist me all you like.” His voice was a low whisper. He had a voice that was pure temptation, husky tones that made her think of hot, sweaty nights of pleasure between cool sheets.

“I’ll get what I want. I always do.”

“What do you want?” she whispered helplessly against his lips. After his earlier cruelty, his gentle manner confused her. Which was the real Seth?

“I want you.” He nibbled at her lower lip and her control started to crack.

Sparks of desire shot through her body, bouncing and ricocheting off each other like bumper cars. She shivered, wound so tightly that every sensation was increased a hundred-fold.

“I want you, all of you. I want you in my bed, your…”

Your heart, as mine is yours?

Seth paused to smooth his tongue over the tiny hurts he’d inflicted. “…your admission that you belong to me.”

Her hopes crashed and burned like a solar racer in a fatal accident, shriveling to ash in her chest. She…this…was just vindication for him. She’d run from him and his male pride just wouldn’t allow that.

“No more talking. Right now, I want to taste you. All of you.”

Still numb with shock at the path her thoughts had been following, she didn’t realize at first what he was about. Hooking his fingers into her gown, he started to drag the fabric off her shoulders. A quick tug and the hidden fasteners gave. The dress slid down her arms, the neckline following suit.

Jaida gasped and clutched at the falling fabric, catching it between her arms and her body. Cool air whispered over the exposed tops of her breasts.

Under the silk, her nipples tightened to aching pebbles as his hungry gaze roved over her skin.

A wave of heat washed down her spine as he pulled her back into his embrace. One hard arm curled around her waist, and she leaned back, away from him.

“Nothing doing. I gave up tasting for New Year.”

Even to herself her denial lacked conviction. She felt his lips quirk as he nuzzled her neck. “Want to try that again and mean it, sweetheart?”

“Wanna fuck off and die?”

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

A large hand spread out over the back of her hips and pulled them snugly against his. Her eyes widened as the hardness of his cock pressed against her. A spiral of arousal seared through her core as unbidden memories of their single night together assaulted her.

“Is that supposed to impress me?” she challenged, despite the fact her body clenched at the thought of having him inside her, a thought that tapped into every feminine instinct she had and demanded she press against him.

Insisted she rub her soft curves against the harder plains of his body in a deliberate attempt to tease him and make him follow up on the hard promise pressed against her. She didn’t. Exercising a control she had no idea she was capable of, she curled her lip. “Adequate. I guess. I’ve had better.”

The temperature in the room dropped several degrees. Behind them there was a knock on the door. “Your Majesty? The flyer’s here and waiting for you to board with your…companion.”

Seth lifted his head. His eyes were as hard as diamond when he stepped away and straightened his jacket.

“Adequate? Oh, my lady, you’re going to regret saying that,” he promised, and Jaida felt the truth of his words right down to her soul. “Cover yourself, we’re leaving.”

Chapter Three

“Glorious, just glorious. She takes after her great-aunt, you know. She was Kevat’s consort before your grandfather beat him in challenge.”

Seth and his archchancellor stood in front of a large pane of one-way glass looking into the harem preparation chambers beyond, the man prattling away without apparent need for a reply from him. Behind them Seth’s manservant was busying himself at the refreshments table. Seth frowned, casting a quick glance over his shoulder as Warin set a water jug down heavily on the table, the crystal crashing against the highly polished surface.

Something had obviously annoyed the man. He wasn’t usually so sharp with his movements. Most of the time Seth didn’t know he was there. Just as a servant should be.

“They said she was like the Kiare flower—delicately beautiful and utterly addictive. Your grandfather risked everything, even his marriage to your grandmother, to possess her.”

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