Punished Into Submission (25 page)

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Authors: Holly Carter

BOOK: Punished Into Submission
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“Kat, don’t you look stunning this evening?” Arrow leans in and kisses each cheek and I do the same.

“You scrub up alright yourself.” I say, wiping the gloss off his cheeks.

“This is Reyner, my date tonight.” Arrow steps to the side and nods to the girl.

When she puts out her hand and I take it, it’s sweaty.

“I’m his girlfriend.” She spits, making Arrow choke.

“I’m Kat, nice to meet you Reyner.”

“I’ve heard so much about you, and you are so fucking beautiful. I think I might have had too much to drink now because I’m rambling and I’m nervous and I don’t even know why I am here apart from to please Arrow and he is like my master or something and I’m just so fucking stupid.” Reyner lets my hand go and covers her mouth to stop herself.

I look at Arrow and the poor guy looks somewhere between shocked and mortified.

“Well, Reyner.” I say, lightening the mood. “Masters love to be pleased by their subs. You being here tonight has pleased him to no end.”

“Do you really think so?” she looks hopeful when she speaks.

“I do. Now, what would please him even more is if you joined me for a dance.” I say, putting out my hand and stepping to the side so she can see the masses of people dancing.

“Dance with a girl, I have never... I mean...I ah.”

“I’m not asking you to fuck me, baby girl. I’m asking for a dance.” I shake my outreached hand. She looks from my hand to the Arrow and he nods before whispering something in her ear. She smiles, and then reaches out for my hand.

Arrow mouths ‘thank you’ to me and I nod in return. I pull Reyner through the crowds of people and into the middle of the dance floor before I twirl her to me. I place my hands on her waist and her arms wrap around my neck. She’s not as innocent as she looks. We sway to the music together. Her eyes drift around the room and I know she is looking for Arrow. He’s moved from where he was and his new location is unknown. I giggle.

“Are you sleeping with my boyfriend?” Reyner asks as I look to her.

“No way, what makes you think that, in that pretty head of yours?” I stop moving.

“You’re gorgeous and stunning and I’m just me. I don’t live this lifestyle and I never have, but now I’m here and I like it and you know it and I just worry I won’t be good enough and....” I raised my fragile hand to shut her up.

“Do you like him?” I ask a little blunt.

“I, I do.”

“Stop trying so hard. Be yourself. And shut the hell up and dance.” I pull her close again when she giggles. It’s adorable and tempting.

We move to the music for a few more songs and she loosens up more. We both try out stupid dance moves and laugh at others doing the same. I see Arrow in the shadows watching Reyner. His face is passive and dark. He smiles quickly before he turns and approaches David at the bar. I note David has been watching some of my awesome moves tonight and wondered if maybe I should have got him up here for a dance. Rumbles joins us on the dance floor sporting a pirate patch on his eye. The minute I see him, I burst out laughing and it takes time to recover my breathing.

Reyner and Rumbles shimmy and shake as my thirst boils to the surface. I excuse myself and make my way to the bar. I stop short of my destination when I see Hunter and a blonde about three seats away from David and Arrow. The blonde leans in and says something to Hunter, which must have been funny or stupid because he laughs. When the blonde leans back, I growl.


I stand glued to the spot as I watch their continuous exchange. I have to admit; it’s mainly all her, but it pisses me off that he is even in that situation. But I’m only here for a short amount of time and when I leave, I will be top dog. A body hits my back and pushes me forward. I turn instantly and see the stripper from last week apologising profusely.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” She says, stepping forward. “I got pushed and I ran into you and I am so sorry.”

“It’s fine.” I eye her.

“Did I hurt you?” her hands wrap behind me and she runs them down my back. “Does it hurt?”

“Oh honey, it hurts.” I say, leaning in.

I have no fucking idea what I’m doing, but jealousy, like envy is a curse. They are sins, and apparently I love to sin. Her eyes darken as I run my hand up her stomach to her breast.

“What’s your name?” I ask, watching her lips part when I brush my finger lightly over the material.


I grab her by the hand without a second thought and drag her through the crowds and towards the bathroom. I push against the door and step to the side to let people past as we enter. The mob of giggling girls exists and I cease to care if anyone one else is inside. Turning my body so I cover Kellie’s, I push her against the wall, my lips meet hers.

She tasted like Hunter did, rich, sweet, and sexual. It was a feeling I had missed, dominating others, enjoying their want for more, but not being able to receive it unless it was for reward. And trust me; she had earned her reward by helping me. Kellie was one of the sexiest women I have ever met, and I was looking forward to seeing her again once I was out of this stupid deal. I relished the feel of her tongue against mine. My hands gripped her hair and I tugged, breaking the seal of our mouths.

“Do you belong to anyone?” she asked, breathless.

Do I belong to anyone? There were a few answers for this question, but I used the one less likely to cause friction, well...the kind that could cause injury not inflicted by me.

“I don’t belong to anyone, ever, sweet girl. I’m an owner, and right now I want to own you.” I say, licking her lip teasingly. She opens instantly, and it’s game on. My hands let go of her hair and start to roam her body. Starting from her neck, down her breasts and stomach. The crowds keep coming and going from the bathroom, but I don’t give a fuck. They can watch for all I care, it’s not like anyone really knows who I am. And this is the safest place for us right now, well until I can get this pretty little thing down in the basement.

“Am I interrupting something?” I vaguely hear a voice, but ignore it as I devour the woman in front of me.

She moans in my mouth, as my hands get closer to the prize.

“Is this why you hide from me, Kat?”

I break away from Kellie’s lips and turn my head slightly to see Hunter standing behind me. In an instant his hands are on my hips, his fingers dig into my skin, sending a biting pain through me.

“Kellie, would you please excuse the Mistress and me for a moment, we have something to discuss.” Hunter says, softly. It’s a side of him I have seen all day, but something tells me when she leaves, I’m going to get the rough and edgy side of him. The side that breaks down my walls and leaves me breathless, waiting, and wanting more.

“Yes, Sir.”

Kellie looks to me briefly before putting her head down and moving away. My hands leave her skin and I suddenly feel dirty, disobedient, and sinful. It feels good, yet bad at the same time. I watch Kellie leave, and Hunter follows her to the bathroom door. He steps outside and the music floods the enclosed area. The door shuts again and Hunter stands staring at me. I can’t gage his mood for a moment, but than his eyes narrow.


In three short strides he’s in front of me, moving me back until I’m trapped between him and the sink. His hands grip my dress and he rips it suddenly. Without words, he picks me up like I’m nothing and firmly places my bare ass on the cold tiles of bench. I scream in surprise.

“Kat, you naughty fucking girl. Who the fuck do you belong too?” he says, through gritted teeth as he produces a pocketknife from his pocket.

I hold my breath.

He brings the knife to the front of my bra, never taking his eyes off mine, cuts straight through the middle cups, freeing them. The chatter on the tiles tells me he has dropped the instrument on the floor. I know he would never hurt me like that, it surprises me how much I trust him.

“I want to feel you, all of you,” he says with a growl to his tone.

He pushes me back, hard. My back hits the mirror and I hear the shatter behind me. He isn’t fucking around tonight. He wants what he wants and I’m fucking loving it. Maybe I need to kiss girls more often. He teases me by leaning into me, I lean forward to kiss his sweet mouth and he moves away. The devilish grin appears. Cheeky motherfucker.

His mouth and hands move to my breasts, while his fingers tease my nipples to hard, painful peaks as his tongue bites and sucks my sensitive skin. While one hand supports my weight, the other grabs his hair as he takes one of my nipples between his teeth and tugs it hard. I bite my lip, stopping myself from crying out. But the feelings go straight to my core and I can feel the moisture forming and my inner muscles tighten. He does the same torture to the other nipple, and I’m grateful for the ability to keep my emotions in check at this stage of the game.

When he bites down on my nipple he pulls it harder before sucking the delicate skin into his mouth. I know he is marking me, and while I hate it, I love that he is doing it. I mentally note to kick his fucking ass later. He lets go of my nipple with a pop, I watch him as he eyes his handy work.

“Why do you do this to me?” Hunter grabs my hips roughly, bringing them forward on the sink. I slide easily; effectively he stands between my wet thighs. “You are fucking maddening, you got my fucking attention now, what are you missing, Kat? Are you missing the dominating side of yourself? Do you want to hurt someone? Because you will only feel like shit after you do it, you and I both know that. So why don’t you do as you’re told and keep these hands and this mouth for me?” As he speaks he picks up my hands and places them next to my thighs.

Hunter strokes my lips with his finger before tracing it down my chin, throat, breasts... Hunter’s words start to sink in. He thinks he knows everything about me, but he doesn’t. He guesses. And I hate that, because he is very close to the point that makes me weak and vulnerable.

“Screw you, Hunter.” I spit back, pissed off and horny as hell.

“Oh, sweet girl. You will be screwing me in a matter of minutes, and when you come, you will know it’s from me, not my brother, not you’re precious Sailor, not some chick you picked up in MY sex club. From me, you’re Master.”

I squeeze my eyes closed when Hunter’s mouth places wet kisses on my inner thigh. They move up towards my wet sex and as he gets closer to the point of entry, I itch to direct him. But Hunter needs no direction; his hot mouth devours my core with luscious licks and sucks. It’s when he inserts two long fingers into my soaking opening that I moan loudly.

“That’s it, let me hear you,” he murmurs against my sex.

I want him inside me. His mouth is deliriously good, but his cock is so much more satisfying. Bringing a hand up, I toy with my nipples, pulling them, it makes me writhe and squirm in rhythm while his tongue drives in and out of me. Hunter teases me for what seems like hours with his fingers and tongue. One of his hands moves to my clit and applies pressure. His breath hisses out as I start rocking against him, trying to find that release I was promised, I’m impatient and can’t wait any longer. I need it, I want it, I will beg for it...

“You’re so wet.” His voice is soft, breathless. “I love the taste of you; you’re so sweet and your pussy loves to be licked. Do you like it, Kat? Does anyone do this better than I do?”

“I want you,” I murmur, not sure why I am giving Hunter the reassurance.

His mouth moves up to mine; I taste my sweetness on his lips and tongue. I feel hungry for him, and in desperation I palm his rock hard length that’s restrained in his pants. I feel his hands cover mine before he moves them to the back onto my thighs. Hunter pulls away, effectively breaking our kiss. His pupils dilate; he looks feral with hunger. Without taking his eyes off mine he steps back, his hands moving to his belt. Thank fuck...I need him to fuck me, hard.

Hunter slides his belt out of the loops awfully slow, and by the time it’s fully removed, I’m biting so my lips so hard, I can taste blood. I watch, waiting for his hands to move to his button and zipper, but it doesn’t come. My eyes roam up his body to his perfect face, the corners of his mouth lift, a dangerous grin forms...

Oh no...

“Hands behind your back.” He orders, surprising me.

I hesitate at first, but then comply placing my hands behind my back. Hunter steps forward; taking the belt in his hands he threads it behind my back and around my wrists, knotting it tight. My breasts peak forward further into Hunter’s chest. When I’m bound, Hunter takes a step back and eyes me.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Hunter says, daftly unzipping his pants, and pushing them down his thighs. His cock bounces free, and instantly my mouth waters.

I want nothing more than to wrap my lips around him and suck him until he sees nothing but me, until he feels everything I feel right now. My eyes widen as his hand grips his length, and he starts stroking himself. His jaw tightens as I let a growl escape me. Hunter knows how much I hate him pleasuring himself.

He steps forward nestling between my thighs.

“Legs on my shoulders, I want to be deep inside you.”

I close my eyes as I place my legs on his shoulders. I know what’s coming next, and as much as I want it, the intimacy between us is getting too close for comfort.

“Open those fucking eyes, Kat. I want you to watch me fuck you.” Hunter’s voice is hoarse.

I do as instructed.

Hunter flexes his hips and I feel his tip slide into me slowly. My muscles clench around him instantly, stopping him from going further, or pulling out. He hisses as I relax again letting him fill me, and stretch me.

“That feels so good, you feel so fucking wet for me.” His breath is hot on my mouth.

As his cock moves in and out, in and out, Hunter looks to where our bodies are joined. An O forms with his mouth, which drives me totally wild. As his movements become harder, faster, my breathing becomes heavier. I’m panting, moaning, building up to something big.

“Can your friend make you feel this good, Kat? Huh, can she?” One of Hunter’s hands thread through my hair, pulling it tightly.

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