Punished Into Submission (26 page)

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Authors: Holly Carter

BOOK: Punished Into Submission
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No one has made me feel the way he does, but I will never tell him that.

“If you didn’t bust in here, she probably could have.” I smile between each rough thrust.

Hunter’s rough laugh fills the room as he continues to drill into me. His rhythm gets faster, effectively making me moan louder. Hunter’s laugh ceases.

“Look at me.”

I look at him even though I know I shouldn’t.

My heart skips a beat, and sounds in my ears.

He’s beautiful.

He’s dominating me.

I hate it.

I love it.

What scares me more is the longer I stay here, the more I want him, crave him, need him...and I don’t want to need him. I don’t want to need anyone, least of all, Hunter. As my orgasm hangs on by a thread, Hunter pulls all the way out, and rams back into me sending me into a shuddering, screaming mess. My muscles clench tightly around his cock, milking his own release. My voice echoes throughout the empty room, as does Hunter’s grunting satisfaction.

Hunter’s movements slowed as our breathing returned to normal. My body was covered in a fine mist of sweat, as was his brow. With my wrists tied tightly behind my back, I couldn’t move away when Hunter leaned in and kissed me gently. It shocked the shit out me, and what’s worse, I liked it.

The whole time we fucked, our eyes never left each other. It felt so wrong...yet it felt so right. I was fucking falling hard, and the fear of not being caught was catching me. Hunter pulls away when I stop returning his heated kiss.

“What’s wrong?” Hunter asked with a slight frown.

Swallowing hard I tried to find the words to explain my thoughts, but nothing comes to me. All I could think about was his cock still buried deep inside me. I needed to get away from this, from him.

“Untie me, now.”

“Don’t think you’re getting off that easy.”

A laugh escaped me.

“I got off just fine, thanks. Next time maybe you should knock before you come into the women’s bathroom.” I bite back, as Hunter starts untying the belt.

When my hands are free, I rub my wrists. Hunter starts to massage my shoulders back to life and whilst it feels good, I need him to leave me alone. I shrug him off, and push his chest, willing him to step away. He steps back righting his clothes as I do the same. But the problem is, my dress is ripped and my bra has been cut.

“Guess I am walking out of here naked.” I say, heading for the door.

“Like fuck you are.” Hunter roars.

I feel his hand grip my arm then pull me back just before I get to the door. He pulls harder, effectively halting me and steps around me to open the door. When he lets me go, I can still feel his hand on my skin, hell; I can still feel the evidence of Hunter inside me, slowly making its way out of my body. I need a fucking shower, pronto. He starts talking to someone and I see one of Hunter’s security guards standing just outside the door. They speak briefly and he leaves.

“Cam has gone to find you something to wear.” He says, turning around to face me. “Don’t pull that little stunt again, this mouth is mine, you understand? While you are here, Kat, you will obey my fucking rules.”

His words shock me. We just fucked like animals, but something tells me I’m not done yet.

“You’re done for the night. I want you to shower and meet me in my room in an hour. I have a few things to sort out down here, and then I will be up.” Hunter opens the door when a knock breaks through. He takes a dress from Cam and hands it to me without looking back. Just like that, he’s walked out on me this time. Why is it that when I feel the crunch it’s okay to run, but when I see Hunter walking away I feel anger, lust, envy, pride, greed, but worst of all, I feel lost.

I throw on the sundress before heading out the door. The party is still pumping; naked bodies roam everywhere, drunken prosecutors, police officers, rich businessmen, and even some high profile celebrities are everywhere. I spot Kellie sitting at the bar, and that’s where I head. She’s talking to someone who stands next to her. She nods a few times before getting off the stool, collecting her bag and she starts for the door. As I approach the shadow becomes clear, it’s Sailor.

That ‘what fuck moment’ comes into play and I abandon the track for Kellie and head to where Sailor sits. He picks up his glass and downs the amber liquid before standing himself. I watch as his jacket slides over his broad shoulders, and fear that he’s leaving kicks in. I push through the last few bodies and make it to where he stands.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I say, throwing my arms around his neck, and inhaling his smell.

Sailor looks shocked, and confused. But I ignore him.

“I have missed you. Please tell me you will take me home with you?” I whisper into his ear.

I finally relax when his arms come round and embrace me tightly. The music plays in the background, voices so loud I swear I can hear them from miles away. I need to drown out the world and just be with Sailor. I need him. I need him to tell me that all of this will be okay, and I will come out in one piece on the other side.

“I have missed your smart mouth back home, Pussy Kat.” Sailor says, hugging me tight, but then he lets me go. I do the same and step backwards hitting a solid wall.

I turn to see Hunter, his eyes ablaze.

“Am I interrupting anything?” he questions.

“Not a thing, Hunter. Are you ready for that meeting yet?” Sailor says, looking from me to Hunter then back again.

“Sure, meet me in my office.” Hunter looks to me. “I want to have a word with Kat first.”

Sailor grabs my hand and brings it to his mouth. He turns it over and kisses my palm before letting it go and walking away. I watch him disappear through the crowd without another word, another look... nothing.

“Please do as I ask, Kat.” Hunter’s voice rings in my ears.

“I’m going.”

I go to step away, but Hunter grabs me around my waist bringing my back to his front. I feel his warm breath on my neck.

“I want you to be in my room in an hour, don’t be late.” Hunter kisses my neck then lets me go.

I walk away, leaving Hunter standing at the bar. I don’t have the energy for the fight right now. That tight feeling you get when something isn’t right forms in my chest. Something is going on with Sailor, and my heart tells me that whatever it is, I’m not going to like it.

Chapter Nineteen

slip on my nightie after my shower and sit on Hunter’s overly large bed. The afterthought of my reactions seem to catch me and I’m fucking pissed about what just happened. It’s not okay for me to seduce and corner an innocent girl but it’s okay for Hunter to talk trash and make me jealous. Envy. It sinks in like thorn to the side. He’s doing it on purpose.

Hunter walks in and closes the door. He holds up a piece of rope and I know he has something else on his mind. But so do I. I go to open my mouth as Hunter takes wide strides towards me. He picks up my hands, but is careful with my wrist that aches from being tied behind my back.

“When I tell you to keep your hands to yourself, I mean keep your fucking hands to yourself.”

“I didn’t think you would notice since you were talking to America and all.” My tone is bitter.

Hunter just smiles. The fucking smile that gets on my nerves when I’m pissed but makes me weak at the same time.

“Jealously is a curse, Kat. Remember that.”

A knot in my stomach forms as a flash of something hinders in my mind.

Jealously is a curse...

I close my eyes and remember when my mother used to tell me that...

“Jealously is a curse Katie, don’t ever get caught up it in. it will break you, it will shatter everything you think you know, and prove that every feeling you think you feel is a lie.”

I sat in the corner, dirty, afraid and alone. Yes, afraid of my own flesh and blood. Dirty because we had no water and I hadn’t been able to shower in days. Alone, because I have been here that long without anybody. No food, no water, nothing...

“Jealously fucks you up when you least expect it, it ruins your life. I know this, Katie, because you ruined my life, you fucked everything up. He was supposed to love me, not you. You’re a whore Katie; you’re a filthy fucking whore who will never be enough.”

Shutters rack my body as I remember her face so close to mine, her finger digging into my skin, slightly piercing it until I start to bleed. I bite back a cry, because I don’t want to be weak, if I show weakness it never stops. Nothing ever stops...

“Kat, are you okay?” I hear Hunter’s voice break through my dream.

I feel the burning of my wrists as I wriggle them, making the rope burn further into my skin. It’s numbing me. It’s taking away that memory of her, and what she did. The pain shoots through me, its physical pain; I need emotional. I open my eyes when I feel a hard tug. Hunter’s green depths stare at me with concern. Without saying anything, my hands are being untied. He looks at the grazing red marks that have been made with worry. For a moment I want him to ask me why...

But he doesn’t.

Instead, he places open-mouthed kisses on my wrist. I watch in awe as he tenderly kisses each mark over and over. He can be so gentle when he wants to be, and I have never craved gentle with anyone else, but it can’t happen that way. I pull my wrist free from his grip. I grab a hold of Hunter’s pink tie, and undo it. Hunter watches every move I make as I take it off. I slide the silk through my fingers before I drape it over my eyes. I don’t want to see tonight, I would be happy never to see again.

I inhale, and exhale calming my sudden nerves.

I don’t know why, but this punishment makes me slightly nervous. And I, Kat, never get nervous about being intimate with anybody. Hunter takes the tie off my face and puts it on the table before he climbs onto the bed, pushing my body onto the sheet as he slips his body slightly over mine. His leg parts my thighs as his chest comes close to flush against my breasts. As our eyes meet, the instant connection draws out lips together. Like always, his lips are soft, inviting, and addictive.

I’m that addict.

“You never feed an addiction that can’t be controlled without feeling,” he said, his fingers stroking my cheek when he does.

“I’m not an addict, you are,” I scream, before I’m slapped hard across the face once, then twice.

“Oh, but one day you will be. And when you are, you will come back to me. You always do, Kat.” he pulls my chin roughly making me look at him. “I will feed you again.”

I cringe.

Hunter’s tongue is rubbing against mine in a melting; all-consuming kiss and I can’t take it. I pull away and push his face away from mine. I need physical pain, because the emotional pain wouldn’t be enough. I can see him, and feel him; I can almost smell his breath when I inhale. I need it gone.

I’m a fucking addict.

“Kat?” Hunter half warns, have asks a question.

“I need you to hurt me, Hunter. Physically hurt me. And I need you to do it now.”

“Kat, no.” Hunter sits up and takes me with him.

“Now, please, I fucking beg you.” My hand slaps over my mouth after I speak those words. I’m vulnerable.

Hunter tucks several of my curls behind my ear. His fingers brush my cheek and I lean into his touch, but only for a second.

“Okay.” Hunter says, getting up from the bed.

He picks up his phone and walks into the bathroom for several minutes before walking out again. He picks up the rope and puts it in his pocket before taking my hand in his. The bass is heard through the walls as we walk into the hall. I start to turn at the stairs but Hunter keeps walking along the hall. I haven’t been down this part of the palace, so I have no idea what is down here. After walking past another two dozen doors, Hunter stops at a set of double wooden doors that look similar to the main doors into the palace. They are dark chocolate brown and when Hunter pushes them open, they creek loudly. I walk inside a cold, dark room and wait for Hunter’s instructions. He pushes the door closed with brute force then turns, his body leaning against the door. I hear a click and dim lights come on around the room lighting it up.

In the middle of the room chains hang with cuffs on the end of them. Directly on the floor underneath are some devices. I walk over to them and turn, my eyes meeting Hunter’s. I grab the hem of my nightdress and pull it over my head; my wrist sends a shooting pain up my arm when I do. I stand in front of Hunter, completely naked and at his mercy. I need him to hurt me. I bend down and cuff each ankle using my sore wrist. I hold the last restraint in my one unsecured hand and wait for Hunter to make his move. I’m basically submitting to this man without saying those words and he is just standing there, not saying a word, not moving...just staring.

“Do you want a fucking invitation?” I snap.

He strides towards me, his hands unbuttoning his shirt, as he gets closer. His shirt is gone before he gets to me, his hard, tight chest stops in front of me. Hunter reaches up, takes the cuff, and restrains my wrist. He checks the other cuffs before he steps away. Hunter pulls out his tie and runs it through his fingers.

“Do you want to watch?” he asks, his voice is rough and edgy.


He nods once, before stepping forward and covering my eyes with the silk. He ties it tight, and my world is black. I hear his shoes on the floor, and something open, than close. His footsteps get closer again. My breath catches when the first hit comes. It’s vicious, and it’s a sting mixed with a burn. It strikes me again and I hold my breath. Three is harder. Four, five and six send me into limbo. Seven is quick and intoxicating. I hear the paddle hit the floor as my body starts to relax. The pain was there but not enough.

“More.” I basically shout.

I hear footsteps then they stop. My heart races. I’m excited about what the next thing to touch my body will be. I drown out everything but my body and me. I can feel the pulsation of my blood pumping through my veins. My ears hold nothing but white noise. The world is black and the only sound now, is my breathing.

It’s sharp and sends shivers down my spine when it makes contact with my skin. In the black haze, colours blossom as the second hit comes hard and fast. I’m aware my lips move as I subconsciously yell for the next, time and time again. Pumping sound in my ears is replaces with a roar and my mind is blank. Subspace...A place where no one can touch you, no matter whom the fuck they are.

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