Raining Kisses (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 2) (8 page)

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“What did you do?”

Again, she glared at him, tilting her chin up in defiance. “I did what I had to.”

“You hurt her too.”

She snorted.

He searched her gaze, smelled the deceit she’d been hiding. Nicholaus hoped Krystyna had been smarter than he was but she wasn't running from a fate she loathed. Her role in the pack was solid, would be of great use to both wolves and mankind. But the angry slant of her mouth and scowl in her eyes clued him in. “You had to. Something you’ve done hurt your lover. You did just what I did, only on a smaller scale, didn't you?”

Her face twisted into an angry scowl. “How
you accuse me of such treachery? I’m not the irresponsible bastard. You are.”

“Hey.” He couldn’t quite argue but what the hell else was he to say? She was his lover at one time. Now?

What did he have now?

“Has your life improved since you left us, Nicholaus?”

He shook his head. The only honest answer he could give her was a big fat goose egg. He had no real life to speak of back home. The lifestyle aspect of his existence was nominal at best. Go to work when he felt like it, get home, drink some, smoke a few cigars, and go to bed. Maybe pop in to The Library or Raw every once in a blue moon, pick up a human, fuck her, then send her on her way.

Yeah, he had an existence worth writing home about. “My life is golden.”

“You know I can smell the lie, right?” She smirked.

Yeah, he knew. Didn’t stop him from trying to sell the bullshit. “I’m good. I live free of the crap with wolves. I live free of the nightmares.” Where had that lie come from?

He shook his head.

She must have picked up on his crap because she put a hand on his shoulder. “The point of having lovers is to help each other grow, not to fight our nature or the demons in our head alone. But to truly grow, Nicholaus. Or have you forgotten that? You’ve been…”

She didn’t have to say it. Yeah, he’d been there for them numerous times before he’d left. Katarina was the shy one, she’d been the one who felt emotions intensely, Krystyna the troublemaker, but he’d managed to talk her way out of punishment.

“I know. I did what was best for all of us.”

Her eyes widened and he swore he saw tears forming. “Who said you get to play God and know what’s best for us? The
Boldog Asszony
has our fates determined.”

“If you believe in her.”

She gasped. “You haven’t…” She pointed a finger at him. “No, please tell me you didn’t forsake…”

He sighed, shrugged and let his shoulders drop with the weight of his confession. “No, I haven’t left the faith in the manner of which we are accustomed. I just don’t practice and I’m not a believer in this bullshit ideal of Heaven.”

“We have to believe in something.” Her voice dipped an octave.

His groin hardened again. By now he’d stared at her, wondered how she’d taste if he shoved her to the ground, spread her legs and speared her with his tongue, but the thought stopped when he realized his other lover wasn’t present.

Then he realized he had no other lover. In fact he didn’t have this one.

He’d left it all behind.

“You know how Katarina felt when you left.”

Nicholaus stared down at her. He let out a breath; prepared himself for the answer he knew was coming. “And you? How did you feel after I left?”

Chapter 4

rystyna looked away
. “I didn’t shed a single god damn tear.”

“Bullshit.” His ire came through in the roughness of his voice. “If that were true you’d at least look me dead in the face.”

“How the hell would you know? You left, Nicholaus. You deserted us.” She angled her body away again.

“I did what I had to. You just can't understand the…” He shook his hands in frustration, then shut down that train of thought. She wouldn’t understand therefore she didn't need to know or be bothered with it. This was his burden, and only he would carry it. Lifting his head, he stared at Krystyna. Aside from her slight trembling, she looked okay. Cuts and bruises he hadn’t noticed earlier began to heal thanks to lupine blood. “We need to get going. Katarina is probably freaking out right now. I left her to sleep while I came out to find you.”

Krystyna's contempt filled stare burned into him. He'd have to deal. “Fine. But this isn’t over Nicholaus. You owe us.”

She turned and sauntered back toward the village.

Nicholaus followed after her, hating the unbearable silence between them. He wouldn’t be the one to break it. Besides, what more could he say?

Katarina could play peacemaker. She had much better luck than he ever would.

The one bittersweet grace was watching Krystyna’s shapely ass sway with each angry stride.

Of course that only hardened him, made him hunger for things his heart wasn't supposed to want.

He raked his gaze up the line of her body and down again. Curves, lines, unlike the American women he’d seen in Albuquerque.

He never did like pencil thin.

Katarina’s contours fit in along with Krystyna’s, the blonde a contrast to Katarina’s red hair.

The mixture was fire.

Pure heat.

Lust rose from within but he forced himself to tamp it down. Krystyna wasn’t in the mood and he no longer had a right. Especially after he’d promised Katarina. It didn't matter that he’d kissed her already. Twice, in fact.

It wouldn’t be fair to deny himself the one when he’d already had the other.

Beautiful hips continued swaying while she walked, inviting his cock to nudge itself between her luscious thighs.

He didn’t want to have to fight her to feel her slick heat glide up and down his shaft, nor did he want to remain in this country any longer. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that his body was leading him, he’d be on the first plane back to America in six hours.

Katarina’s sensuality combined with Krystyna’s aggression made for a deadly combination that had his cock throbbing.

The murders he’d committed earlier…he shuddered.

Krystyna stopped, her booted foot crunching the dirt beneath her. “Something the matter?” She didn’t look back, just spoke the words.

He stared, shoved his hands in his pockets. “No. Nothing.”

“Then come along. At least you can say goodbye to both of us instead of sneaking out like last time.”

The sting of her words bit into him but he reminded himself he needed to remain in control of his emotions. There was plenty of whiskey back at his loft to make him forget them and the murderous rage of the beast inside.

They neared the road leading into the village. Krystyna’s abrupt stop caused Nicholaus to bump into her, brushing his cock against her soft ass.

“So,” she turned and looked menacingly at him, “have I matured nicely?”

He didn’t miss the bite in her question. Yet, she asked the question, desiring an answer with her impatient toe tapping. “What are you talking about?” He shoved hair out of his face.

She scoffed, tilted her head off to one side. “I’ve felt your gaze on my body the entire time we’ve been walking, Nicholaus. You always did like the bigger girls like Katarina and me. Am I to your standards?”

His cock hardened, throbbed painfully now. She
his standard. Between her and Katarina, other women paled in comparison. And if they didn’t get a move on now, he’d have to fuck her right here and now.

Said desire would only lead to his downfall, destroying everything he had become.

He shook his head in defiance, unable to bear the thought of letting her take everything from him he’d built up. Yet he owed her an answer. “You’re…”

Her eyes widened, shoulders drooped. The look on her face stunned him momentarily until his eyes refocused on her pouty lips. “I’m what. Say it, Nicholaus? Say what you’re feeling and think for once. Give me something. You owe me that, God damn it!”

Even through the emptiness in his head, anger at how things had turned out, he fought against the war in his heart, spurring him to tell her just what he’d thought. Her scent sizzled over his skin, causing him to inhale. Bad move. Now he had her in his lungs and the rest of his body was sure to fall.

Something that felt like rage built up inside Nicholaus but exploded as lust. He reached for Krystyna, grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. Claiming her mouth with his, he plundered her lips, inhaling her arousal, her scent of vanilla and earth.

Her hands landed flat against his chest but she didn’t stop him. Not exactly, anyway.

Mumbling something beneath his kisses, Krystyna finally let herself slide into his embrace. She reached for his shirt, tugged him to her.

Wrestling for control of the kiss made him determined to remind her who was stronger. Not like his mind was tracking those things, but the wolf in him still had to dominate on some level. She slid her tongue into his mouth and tried to make her displeasure and arousal apparent.

He suckled her tongue, stroked it with his, felt her breasts crush against his chest.

Mewling, she pulled away from the kiss, then returned it with more fervor than before, nibbled his lower lip, nipped his chin.

His hands circled her shoulders, slid down her arms and to her waist. How he loved her gorgeous hips. When he pulled her closer she lifted a leg around his waist and began to writhe against him, pressing her pussy against his thigh.

The heat from her sex could melt steel. His loins ached, his cock throbbed harder. He needed to bury himself inside her until he’d spent himself.

Her lips continued their assault on his mouth, making his head swim.

Nothing ever felt like Krystyna’s mouth, except Katarina’s.

Krystyna’s arms circled around his waist, fingers danced on his back. Nails dug into his flesh and ran down his spine.

He shuddered against her, forcing himself deeper between her parted thighs. “If we don’t stop,” he pulled away panting, “I’m afraid I’m going to fuck the living shit out of you right now.”

Slowly, Krystyna uncurled herself from him, backed away. She licked her lips and smirked.

Now the strength of her arousal threatened his sanity. He’d had a taste. And it wasn’t enough. He wanted more, knew he couldn't have it because it was wrong to tempt them with what they ultimately couldn’t have.

“You’re right.” She inhaled a deep breath, her breasts rising and falling. “I want you bad enough as it is.”

Her nipples strained against the fabric of her top, taunting him. He clenched a fist, then drew his hand down his face and shook his head from side to side before settling on Krystyna. “Katarina would never forgive me.” He looked at the ground, kicked a rock.

A smile crossed her lips as she turned her head away. “Nor me.”

He sighed heavily. “Then let’s make our way back to the village. You are safe and sound now. She should be happy to have you returned. Hell, even that old bitch Agí will be happy.”

Krystyna snorted. “Agí isn’t a happy wolf. Her husband died before you were born and she hasn’t bothered to find another mate.”

“She sure as shit won’t find one acting like she does.”

Krystyna let out a soft sigh. “I know. Sad. But she has taken good care of us.”


They continued walking toward the village. Nicholaus refused to say another word the entire way until they’d reached the outskirts of town. He swore he wouldn’t let his emotions build up again like it had all those years ago when he first realized he needed both Katarina and Krystyna.

The entire reason for his leaving Hungary was to avoid complication between them. It was odd that they both loved him and loved each other with so much passion. Even in his small heart, he couldn’t fathom either one of them loving him. Not for what he’d done, or who he was ultimately, a cold blooded killer. Not father material. Nor was he pack material. Being pack material meant he would actually be required to let others care about him when he needed it, no matter how stubborn he acted. Being in a pack meant he had to rely on others and as he’d seen in the past, relying on others only got him scorn. Hell, he still had to figure out how he was going to leave them again once he’d returned, as promised, with Krystyna in tow.

“I’m so glad to be home,” she said, drawing him from his thoughts.

“How long have you been out?”

She scratched her head. “A few days. I went out to gather herbs and stumbled across a wounded pup. I went to examine it and when I knelt before the creature, it disappeared. By the time I realized it was an illusion, a few men with large rifles had surrounded me. I didn’t see the point of dying so I took a swing, managed to disarm two of them but found myself caught off guard,” she spat, “with a rifle to the back of the head. Next thing I knew, I’d woken up to find myself chained in the corner where you found me. Without food or water I couldn't shift.”

“That’s odd. Why? You’re plenty strong.”

Her eyes darted from right to left before centering on him again. “Even strength is no match for surprise.”

He had to give her that, but he smelled something like electricity, signaling her uncertainty? Why would she feel that way? If she were truly caught off guard…he shook his head. “They didn’t hurt you, did they? I mean, badly?” He arched an eyebrow. He didn’t see anything other than the obvious cuts and scratches on her arms along with scars he didn’t remember her having as a child. Odd.

She turned and took his hand in hers. “No more than expected.”

“I’m glad. What did they say was the reason for kidnapping you?”

“I never heard it repeated in English or Hungarian. They spoke in Turkish but I cannot place the accent. I caught bits about a person named Savas but that’s really all.

He grit his teeth again, narrowed his eyes. “The damn Turks had to be involved.” Why was it every time something went wrong in Hungary it had to involve the god damn Turkish?

“Yeah. I didn’t catch anything else. They were afraid to say much around me.”

“It didn’t look like they cared too much, only having a few guards.” He felt her squeeze his hand.

They walked a little further until they came upon the first row of houses. From the distance, Nicholaus saw Katarina dressed in a purple ankle length skirt, cream colored top and her hair free flowing behind her, with ire in her eyes until she spotted Krystyna. She sprinted toward them, yelling out Krystyna’s name.

Krystyna took off running toward Katarina, arms spread wide open. Both women embraced, swinging each other around in a full circle before kissing cheeks, lips, necks. Hands settled on faces, caressed bared flesh before finally the two pulled each other into a tight embrace.

Nicholaus hardened at the sight of both of his former lovers embracing. He stepped back from them and ducked his head shamefully at what he knew he had to do next.

If he took his leave now while they were distracted in each other’s embrace, it wouldn’t be so difficult to leave. They’d both be hurt and pissed, but his disappearing again in the shadows would avoid needless tears he’d have to endure.

Still backing away into the shadow of a house, he kept an eye on both women; saw how lovingly Katarina caressed Krystyna's body, inspecting it, treasuring it. He had one chance, so he dropped his human illusion and trotted off behind the building even as his heart began to break for the second time in his life.

The idea of losing his temper again and potentially killing those he loved frightened him.

“Where’s Nicholaus?” He heard Katarina’s pained voice.

“Nicholaus, get your ass back here!” Krystyna shouted. “We’re not finished yet!”

Krystyna could be such a demanding bitch when she wanted to be. Still, he ignored them both and continued into the dense foliage, hoping he could dash through them and sprint back to town undetected.

Slinking along the ground, he crept slowly toward the bushes.

“I will come get you. I smell you, you selfish bastard. Get back here!” Krystyna yelled louder. He pictured her angry eyes, mouth hung open and fingers trembling.

Nicholaus knew he’d blown his chance. Krystyna would come after him. He sluggishly made his way back toward the front of the house. Stopping, he knew better. He was asking for trouble if he went back to his two lovers, knew his heart was asking to be loved. The problem was that he couldn’t stay here in Hungary. Not with them, not with the pack that had fallen apart. He had to leave.

“Nicholaus, get your ass back here and come face us!” Krystyna stomped toward him.

“Please, Nicholaus. I…” Katarina sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

Nicholaus couldn’t bear to hear her cry. Standing on two legs again, he walked out front to the main road. “I’m here,” he sighed heavily.

“Why would you disappear on us again after the three of us are reunited?” Katarina ran to him, tears in her eyes. “Why would you do that to me? Again?”

He had no response.

“He’s an asshole, like the rest of the Opeth Pack males.” Krystyna uncrossed her arms and drew Katarina to her.

He shook his head. “It’s easier to run when I know what’s best for you both.” The words came out a whisper but both women heard him loud and clear.

“But,” Krystyna's lip trembled, “you don’t know what’s best for me or her. You don’t know, Nicholaus. You have no idea,” tears streamed down her face, “how much we’ve suffered without our third and binding partner.”

Nicholaus looked at Krystyna. Her face showed little emotion but he caught the desperate need for completion in her eyes. She could never totally hide her feelings from him. Hell, it was blatantly obvious what she needed, desired most. Too bad she had no idea what she was truly asking for.

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