Read Between the Tines (19 page)

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Authors: Susan Sleeman

BOOK: Read Between the Tines
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By the time I turned back to Adam, his face had tightened, his eyes were narrowed and his hands clenched. I'd blown it big time.

"You're investigating
's murder?" Adam asked, as he stared at me in disbelief.

"Yes," I whispered as if whispering would keep him from getting mad.

"How could you lie to me like that?" Adam's raised voice turned the other diners' heads in his direction.

"I didn't lie," I said softly. "I just didn't tell you about Karen. I was waiting for the right time."

He stood and glared down on me. "No need to worry about finding the right time anymore. You and I are out of time."

I watched him storm off and knew I'd really screwed up. There really was nothing I could say in my defense, or absolutely nothing I could do to save this relationship. It was over.

Chapter Fifteen

I sat at the table, my head hanging, my hands wringing. I'd blown things in the past but never anything this important. Lisa slid closer and wrapped her arm around my back. Fortunately, even though she could have, she didn't say I told you so.

Actually, I wasn't so sure I was fortunate. If this wasn't such a major bozo move, one where Adam would never talk to me again, she would have opened with an I-told-you-so look. The fact that she didn't meant I really was in a sorry place. One I might never recover from.

She gave my shoulder a squeeze. "You can't just let him run off like that. Go after him. Explain why you did this. He'll understand."

"Do you really think so?" I asked.

She nodded. Her face was clear and bright, full of hope. Yes, I would go. I jumped to my feet and glanced at Perry on my way past. At the sight of his doubtful expression, I lost a bit of my hope. He knew Adam better than Lisa did and his expression told me he didn't think Adam would respond favorably.

So what? My relationship might be over, but I wouldn't give up without trying to repair the mess I'd made. I ran down the hall and out the front. Down steps, warning Adam of my chase when the clacking heels tapped on each step.

I charged into the parking lot and dodged cars. The night had grown cold and I shivered in my lightweight top. I didn't care. I could freeze but nothing would stop me. I caught up to Adam as he opened the driver's door on the sleek black BMW that I loved to ride in, sinking into the comfortable leather seats.

"Wait," I said between drawing deep breaths. "Let's talk about this, Adam." I sucked in another huge breath.

He peered at me for a long, quiet stretch of time. Sadness oozed from every pore. Good, he was sad. I could work with sad. Mad, maybe not so much.

"What's there to talk about?" he finally asked. "You lied to me." His jaw snapped shut and clenched tight. Maybe he was mad, too.

What did I say to ease his anger and restore his faith in me? I had to let him know why I did what I did. Yes, that's it, explain the situation Karen's grief put in me. "In my defense, I didn't exactly lie. I just didn't mention Karen wanted my help." What? Where did that come from?

"Same difference. You weren't forthcoming and that's as good as a lie." His jaw clenched and released. Clenched and released.

I'd try again. Acknowledge his right to be mad. "You're right. I have no defense. But we need to talk things out."

He shook his head and climbed into his car. "Like I said. What's there to talk about?" He pulled the door until the leather I loved so much connected with my behind.

"Please let me tell you why I did it."

He looked away, started the car and tugged on the door again.

Defeated, I backed out of the way and leaned on the Winkles' minivan parked next to Adam. I watched him back out. He'd stop. He wasn't really going to leave me here.

I watched him drive off, his tires rolling over the rough concrete and onto the street. He would come back for me. I just had to wait. Wait, yes, that's what I'd do. And did, for who knows how long, before it hit me that our relationship had driven off with him. It was over. We were over. I was single again. Alone and single. Probably better this way. I wasn't any good at relationships. I was meant to be a loner.

If that was true, why did it hurt so badly?

I stared at the road and willed the tears to come. They didn't. Even my tears had abandoned me. Who or what would leave me next?

As if they knew I was waiting for someone else to desert me, Lisa and Perry strolled my way. Arms clasped around each other, the sight of their perfect union made me want to barf. Hurl the little bit of dinner I'd just consumed onto the damp pavement. I crossed my arms and waited for them to arrive.

As they neared, Lisa broke free and with a caring smile aimed in my direction, she put her arm around me. "You okay?"

I shrugged as if this was of no consequence to me. "Another one bites the dust."

She shook her head. "Don't, Paige. Don't do that. Don't lump Adam in with the other guys you've dated. He's heads and tails above those other guys."

"Don't you think I know that? I just can't figure out why he got so upset. He wouldn't even let me explain. He didn't want to talk to me at all." I felt the tears rising to the surface. Maybe they hadn't left me after all. Maybe it was just Adam.

Perry cleared his throat and looked around as if he was afraid to contribute. He stubbed his toe into the blacktop and shoved his hands in his pocket. This was the often-shy Perry's signal that he had something unpleasant to say.

"Go ahead, Perry. Out with it?" I snapped with no patience for his hemming and hawing.

He looked to Lisa for permission before speaking.

She nodded and he ran a hand over his forehead. "Adam ever tell you what happened with Maddy Switzer?"

"No, who's Maddy Switzer?"

"She was his girlfriend in law school."

Great. I break up with Adam and Perry wants to tell me all about Adam's past loves. "This isn't helping, Perry."

Lisa laid her hand on my arm. "Hear him out. It's important."

"Okay fine. Adam never mentioned this Maddy. He tried to talk about old girlfriends once. I didn't want to know about them. What was so special about this Maddy?"

"They almost got engaged the last year of school."

"Adam, engaged?" I blurted out then shot my gaze to Lisa for confirmation.

"Not quite engaged. Almost. Adam wanted to marry Maddy, but he decided to ask her father for permission before popping the question." Perry's eyes took on a faraway look mixed with pain. "I went with Adam to see Maddy's dad. When we got there, he told us he'd never heard of Adam. Turned out Maddy was engaged to another guy. Had been for two years. Dad had selected him to take over the Switzer Brew Pubs and marry Maddy."

"And she never told him," I said my heart melting for the way he'd been hurt and for inflicting a similar pain. "So he has trust issues."

Perry nodded. "I hate to tell you this, but I don't know if he'll ever get over what you did. I know it's not as severe as being engaged to another guy, but you betrayed him nonetheless."

Perry's words hung heavy in the cool night air. How did I react to this? What did one say when one's betrayal was thrown so bluntly in one's face? Why was I thinking in ones?

"You know, Paige," Lisa said softly. "You and Adam actually have a lot in common here. He needs to learn to trust people more and you need to learn to trust God. Offer your problems in prayer before going off halfcocked. Then trust God's answer and act accordingly."

I stared at Lisa, letting my sorrow ooze from my eyes. As usual, she'd pegged me, and, as usual, I was the cause of my problems. I'd tried to trust God this last month, to let him control my life, but obviously, I'd failed. Big time.

There was nothing more to say so I sent the Winkles home and drove to my apartment alone. Once again alone. Not just for tonight, but for the coming days, weeks, months, years. Okay an exaggeration to be sure, God was with me. Always with me. But I was so hurt that He let me go through this again, I wasn't ready to acknowledge He was present and ready to help.

In a real pity fest, I dragged my feet up the outside steps and with more force than necessary, shoved my key into the lock. The door swung open before the key settled in with a satisfying clunk.

Startled, I jumped back and stared at the door. The lock had been jimmied. Someone was inside my apartment and I was all alone.

Chapter Sixteen

Unable to decide what to do, I swiveled on the landing. Was the intruder still inside? Was someone here to do me harm? Had Adam already hired a hit man to take me out? Or was it merely Goldilocks trying out my bed?

Get a grip, Paige. Do something.

Shivering, I bolted down the steps, fumbled with my keys and slipped into my truck. With a shaking hand, I pushed the button to lock the doors and dug through my purse for my cell then pressed the speed dial for Adam. No, that wasn’t right. I punched End. I no longer had the right to call him. But who? Lisa. Call Lisa.

I pressed four and waited with hands trembling so bad I almost dropped the phone. "Someone broke into my apartment."

"You're not in the apartment are you?" Her mom tone screamed through the phone.

"No, in my truck in the alley."

"Get out of there. Drive to the police station. We'll meet you there."

I sat, tears over losing Adam finally flowing. I sobbed.

"Paige, go now. Let me hear the truck running. Come on, move!" Her yelling cut through my stupor.

"I'm going. Listen." I started the truck. "I'll see you at the station." I shifted into drive and rolled down the alley.

Main Street
, I made a U-turn and angled my truck into a parking space next to one of the police cruisers. Intending to go inside and file a report, I pushed open the door and swiveled around. My legs were shaking so badly, I slumped over and rested my forehead on the cool window. From this angle, I could clearly see inside the station. Officer Riley sat behind the reception desk surrounded with the plants moved earlier today. Seemed like a lifetime since Eddie had thrown me out of the conference room.

I heard a car racing down the street and lifted my head. Perry made the same U-turn as I had and whipped into the spot to my left.

Lisa jumped out. "You okay?" She gently lifted my head by the chin and pushed my hair back as she might one of her twins.

"I'm fine, Mom," I said with affection and thanks that she hadn't abandoned me for my stupidity tonight.

Perry came up behind her, and she released me. "If you can smart off you must be okay. Have you been inside yet?"

"Honestly, I don't have the strength to face Carl Riley."

"I'll go talk to him," Perry said and took off before I could say anything.

I didn't know if he was eager to talk to Carl or wanted to get away from the crying lady. Either way, we watched him enter the building and walk up to Carl. It wasn't long before they were in a lively conversation.

"Thanks for coming," I said to Lisa, my voice lifeless. I could always count on Lisa being there for me, to help me pick up the pieces and logically work through my problems. Until she moved. The thought sent a fresh wave of tears flowing.

"You don't have to thank me."

"Yes I do. You didn't need to come."

She snorted. "Yes I did. I had to be sure you were all right."

"When Perry comes out you can go home."

"And what about you? You can't stay in the apartment tonight. You'll stay with us." She held out her arms. "Now, come here."

I gave in to her mothering and let her warmth chase out the chill of the breakin. Her tiny arms wrapped in a tight grip around me turned my thoughts to Adam. Or rather my lack of hugs from him in the future. I'd really done it this time. I'd found his Achilles' heel and stabbed him right in the spot. True, I didn't know until tonight what his hang-ups were, but if I'd told him about Karen right up front, none of this would have happened.

I heard the station door open and close and Perry's footfalls approaching.

I lifted my head. "That was fast."

"We can go," Perry said

I pushed free of Lisa's hug. "Is Carl going to send someone over there?"

Perry shook his head. "He called Mitch at home. He's already on his way."

"Mitch? Why him?" I asked.

"You know Mitch. He's not going to miss something like this."

"Know him? I could write a book about his domineering ways." I pictured Mitch at my apartment, touching my things, learning intimate things about me. Had I picked up my dirty laundry after the shower or were my undergarments lying on the floor?

"I have to go." I shoved Lisa out of the way and yanked on my door.

"Where?" Lisa asked before I slammed it.

I cranked the engine and lowered my window an inch. "To my place. Mitch isn't going through my stuff alone."

I revved the engine and the Winkles stepped back. Knowing where the cops were, I broke a few speed limits and rolled through stop signs on my way. Mitch's cruiser sat in my parking space in the alley, his lights still spinning. I parked beside him and, on shaking legs, I took the stairs two at a time. I entered the apartment and paused in the entryway to drop my purse on the floor.

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