Red Rock Rises; Sexy Romantic Suspense; Book 1: The Red Rock Series (The Red Rock Seies) (34 page)

BOOK: Red Rock Rises; Sexy Romantic Suspense; Book 1: The Red Rock Series (The Red Rock Seies)
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“Last night, Jesse, you gave me the courage to change my mind. Honey, I need you to understand. I don’t love you
in spite
of the things you’ve done. The shameful things. The things that were unworthy of you. I love you
of them. I understand you get scared and you go to ground. But you’re strong, and you fight your way back. That’s who you are. It still hurts that you couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me about Elliott. It troubles me greatly that you thought that I would think less of you. Yes. You made a mistake. A big one. A bad judgment call that had demoralizing results. But honey, that’s the way you roll.

“Jesse, I can tolerate bad judgment calls, mistakes. Christ, I’m a master at them. You know so little about me. I haven’t always been a police chief or a special ops hotshot. My past is riddled with mistakes and errors of judgment. Someday we’ll talk about them. But for now, you and I
to have an agreement.

“You can tell me to get the hell out of your business and I may or may not listen to you. But I have to know that you believe in me. That you trust me. That you know that I love you and would do anything in the world to keep you safe and happy.”

Jesse’s eyes were wide, shining with wonder. “Dameon, did you say that you love me?”

Dameon felt the heat on his face, surprised that he was flustered. He hadn’t meant to make his declaration in such an off-hand way.

Striving for casualness, he grinned. “I guess I did, didn’t I?”

Eager for safer ground, he changed the subject.

“Code Name: Red Rock. That’s good Jesse. I like it. It suits you. The men I talked with claimed that they’d named you. Obviously because of your red hair but also because you were their rock. The name works, Jesse. It’s especially appropriate out here in the red rocks of the Sandia Mountains.”

Tears filled her sea green eyes. “I loved the Army. If it wasn’t for—”

He clasped her hands in his and nodded. “I know, honey. We’ll keep talking about it until it doesn’t hurt so much.”

Dameon couldn’t hold back the anger simmering just below the surface.

“Know that someway, someday I’m going to make that guy pay. Col. Elliott Caldwell is a dead man walking, Jesse. I will punish him for what he did to you. In a way that he’ll least expect. As Raoul would say, nothing beats ‘barrio justice.’

Dameon glanced at his watch.

“Jesse, I’m sorry. I need to get back to the station. I’ll tell you about it on the way home.” Leaning over, he murmured. “One more thing, tiger. Are you wearing panties?”

She startled, her eyes widening in surprise. Flushing a deep rosy red, she visibly swallowed. “Um… uh, yes.”

“Give them to me.”

When she hesitated, frowning, he leaned toward her slightly and jerked his head, daring her. To his delight she raised her chin and then with a quick glance at the surrounding tables, slipped her hand under her skirt. Wiggling discreetly, her breath coming in short pants, she came up with the prize. With a saucy toss of her head, she slapped the lacy scrap into his hand.

Dameon held the pink silk to his nose and breathed in deep. Giving her a wicked wink, he shoved them into his pocket.

“Thanks, tiger. It’s going to be way too long until I have you in my arms. These will help.”

He stood and moved to pull back her chair.

“Shall we go, Major?”

Chapter 37

“Jesse, I want to talk to you about the guy who attacked you. We’re closing in on the asshole who hired him.”

“Really? Who is it?”

“We’re not there yet, but we have leads. Tell me this. Garrett obviously knows that Trey is gone and won’t be back until Saturday.”

Jesse was surprised. “Surely you don’t think that
did this?”

“Nah. He wouldn’t do this. He’s too much of a coward. But someone in his household might.”

“Who, Dameon?”

“Let me put it this way. I’m going to be talking with Ms. Sapphire Somers shortly. Apparently she isn’t living with Garrett any more. Eric got a call this morning from a very angry and drugged-out Sapphire. She threatened him, said that because of the things that Eric said in court, Garrett threw her out. I had Rocky bring her in to the station so I can interrogate her. Thought I might be able to scare the truth out of her.”

Jesse was incredulous. “Seriously? You think Sapphire did this?”

“Honey, I don’t know. Someone had to know that Trey was gone. From some of the things Sapphire screamed at Eric, you’re on her shit list. Don’t be expecting any invites to her next drug orgy. As for the guy you put in the hospital, he’s an experienced lowlife for hire. We can’t break him, which confirms that the mastermind is cartel. That’s one thing that Raoul and I agree on.”

“Wait. You think Raoul is involved?” Jesse didn’t try to hide her dismay.

Again, Dameon shrugged. “Involved? I don’t know. He insists no one in his entourage would dare go against his orders. I’m not so sure. A further note. Raoul tipped Eric off to Sapphire’s age and drug history. Raoul said one of his guys was banging her. Said she is a regular on the party scene. May be a coincidence but you know how us special op guys think about coincidences. I believe it was Einstein who said,
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.

Dameon put his arm around Jesse’s waist and pulled her close.

“I’ll tell you one thing. Raoul knows who it is, or he will by tonight. He’s got sources up his Uncle Victor’s ass. No one will get by him. But then, I’ve got a few sources of my own. By tonight, Jesse, we’ll have the guy. That I can promise you. Whether he’s Raoul’s or his uncle’s—either way, we’re going to take him down.”

“Be careful, Dameon.”

He leaned down and kissed her. Pulling her panties out of his pocket, Dameon said, “Now that I’m protected by this special talisman, I’m armed and ready.”

He held her chin looking into her eyes. “Will you wait up for me, tiger?”

She grinned at him. “Do you have to ask?” She nodded at her panties. “By the way, Chief, there’s more where
came from.”


“I understand you’ve been having a difficult time, Ms. Somers. Thank you for coming in to talk with us.”

Sapphire lifted her head from the table and glared at him through bleary bloodshot eyes. Dameon knew he had to get her confidence if she was going to be useful. The more pieces he’d put together the more sure he was that Sapphire was the key. Her calling Eric and reaming him out had virtually completed the puzzle. Now all Dameon needed was the name. He needed to get her talking. And the place to start was with Jesse.

“Lt. Rockford told me that you are no longer living with Dr. Chambers. Tsk. That must be hard for you. I had understood that you and the doctor were going to be happy-ever-after.”

Sapphire frowned, assessing whether he was making fun of her.

Dameon kept his expression impassive with a modicum of concern. He saw her struggle between anger and tears. Anger won out.

“It’s that bitch’s fault. If it hadn’t been for her, and her stupid custody suit, Garrett and I would still be together.”

“Hmm, I understood that Dr. Chambers filed the suit against Major O’Donnell.”

The young woman came to life.

“Yes… but… but if she’d just given Trey up like she
have, Garrett wouldn’t have had to. She’s a horrible mother. Trey deserves better. Even though I’m not much old than he is I would have been a better mother.”

“Yes, I remember you saying that you and Trey were friends. Although most of your friends are older, aren’t they?”

“Yes, but by next year Trey would have been old enough to go out with me. He’s almost as tall as Garrett is and he looks older than his age.”

Dameon thought about the awkward, shy young boy with a groan. God, what if by some hideous twist of fate Garrett had gotten custody and Sapphire could have worked her magic on the innocent kid? Dameon decided to go for the gold.

“You are a pretty woman, Sapphire. Your face, figure. Even your name. I understand that naturally you’re popular on the party scene. Raoul Morales said you are a frequent guest in his clubs.”

She frowned. “Raoul is not very nice to me. Keeps having his goons card me. He knows how old I am. He just likes to embarrass me.” She added with a smirk, “Raoul may think he is the big boss, but I have my connections.”

Dameon smiled at her. “Yes, I’ll bet you do. And I’ll bet those connections help you get the drugs you need, and just about anything else you want. Too bad Dr. Chambers threw you out. That’s where the real connections would’ve come in.”

The taunt worked. Sapphire rose in her chair like an angry cat and hissed.

“You don’t understand. Garrett still loves me. I know someday we’ll get married. I told you if it wasn’t for that bitch, I’d still be with him.”

“That’s too bad, Sapphire. Too bad that you couldn’t make Major O’Donnell pay for the trouble she caused you.”

Sapphire’s eyes lit with a demonic gleam.

“Oh, but I am. I told you I have connections. Someone who hates her as much as I do. He promised me that he will make her pay for what she did to me—and to him.”

“Hmm. That’s a good friend to have. Someone who is strong enough and important enough to go after the people who hurt you. Tell me, does your friend work for Raoul? Or is it his Uncle Victor?”

“Raoul, of course. He’s important, Raoul’s right-hand man. At least he was until that redheaded tramp butted in. Now Raoul uses her for protection instead of—”

Dameon didn’t have to hear the name. It was crystal clear.

“Thank you, Sapphire, for talking with me. I appreciate it.”

Sapphire leaned forward, pushing a good portion of her D-plus cup sized breasts over the top of her skimpy halter. Hiking her miniscule skirt several inches higher, she gave him a cheeky grin. If her words hadn’t been so slurred and her eyes so glazed, Sapphire might have been able to pull off the ‘take me’ routine.

“I was wondering, Chief, or can I call you Wolf? I was wondering if you like to party. My friend doesn’t mind sharing. And we have first rate blow.”

“No thanks, Sapphire. But I’m curious,” he said casually. “How did you know my name is Wolf?”

“Everybody at the Club knows that. Especially… never mind. I just remembered. He doesn’t like you, either. He says you are a traitor. I don’t think he would like to share with you.” She gave him a vacant grin. “Too bad. You’re cute. A lot cuter than my guy. And nicer too.”

Dameon rose to his feet with a sigh. He actually pitied the young woman who’d been used and abused—likely for years. Unfortunately the path forward for Ms. Somers was decidedly downhill. He nodded to the matron who stood in the doorway.

“Officer, please see that Ms. Somers has a place to sleep tonight and something to eat when she wakes up.”

Dameon met Rocky outside the interrogation room.

“Suit up, Lieutenant. We have our man.”

Rocky threw him an inquiring glance. “SWAT?”

“Hell, yeah. We’re going into enemy territory, Rocky. This guy isn’t going to come out easy. I’ll let them know we’re coming.”


“Where are you, buddy?”

“Where I always am, Dameon, this time of night. Raking in the dough from my extraordinarily profitable, nearly-legal gambling establishment. Keep that under wraps, will you, bro? Wouldn’t want the cops to get wise to us.”

When Dameon didn’t respond, Raoul chortled. “Not surprised to hear from you, bro.”

“I’m sure you aren’t. Stay where you are, Raoul.”

“Hell, man. Where would I go? I can hear your sirens now.”

At the entrance to the Diamond Peaks club, Dameon barked out a staccato series of orders positioning his men around the high-end establishment.

Rocky frowned. “Sure you want to go in by yourself, Wolf? How about a couple of us back you up?”

“No, Rocky. I have a damn good idea what I’m going to find. You and the men make sure no one leaves, patrons or employees.”

Glancing at the cadre of armed men outside the door to the inner office, Dameon smiled. “Evening, gentlemen. I presume your boss is inside.”

Not waiting for an answer, he pushed through the heavy door and closed it behind himself.

Raoul was sitting behind an ornately carved desk, his feet up on the corner. Holding a large fragrant cigar in his fingers, he waved Dameon to come in.

“Can I offer you one, Wolf? I guaran-damn-tee this Nicaraguan
will beat the best whores for pure decadence any night of the week.”

When Dameon shook his head, Raoul studied him, his lips twitching in a suppressed smile.

“Hell, bro. You? Wearing
? C’mon, you know you’re safe here.”

“Like you Raoul, I didn’t live as long and as dangerously as I have, without being careful. Knowing my adversary.”

Done with the false pleasantries, Dameon went to the point.

“Where’s Tomas?”

Raoul frowned. “Hmm, funny you ask. We had a bit of a problem tonight, Wolf.”

Dameon waited, not willing to give the fucker any room.

“As a matter of fact, the problem
Tomas. Damndest thing, Dameon. Tomas was eating dinner. You could probably guess he’s a big eater by looking at him. And I’ll be fucked, bro, if Tomas didn’t go and choke on his flan. Real shame, that was.”

Dameon raised an eyebrow waiting for Raoul to continue. His cocky buddy didn’t disappoint.

“He’s dead, Dameon.”

In answer to Dameon’s unasked question, Raoul nodded to the door to the adjoining room.

Dameon flung open the door. He didn’t need to go inside to see the extent of the beating that Tomas took. There wasn’t a part of the dead man’s body him that wasn’t bruised or bleeding. The knife in his throat seemed like overkill.

He nodded to Raoul. “Hmm. Interesting. He choked?”

Raoul shrugged and quirked a brow. “Would appear so.”

Dameon punched on his com.

“We have a body, Lieutenant. Send in the evidence team and call for the coroner. Tell them not to expect as much as a fucking partial fingerprint. Word from his boss is that the poor fuck choked on his dinner. Not a good idea if that dinner includes a ten-inch military grade K-bar.”

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