Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I really need to go shopping for more clothes. Either that or I need to have Viv ship me another box or two of the stuff I put into storage. I didn’t pack with plans to be dating when I got here.”

She finally decided to wear the one dress Vivian had insisted she pack with admonishments that no woman should be without at least one little black dress.

“Thank you Viv, I owe you…again.”

Jess was still fussing with her outfit when she heard the guys’ truck roll up the driveway. The dress ended just above her knees and the V-neck was deep enough she felt half naked as she tried to simultaneously tug her hem down and her neckline up. As a knock sounded Jess looked down and realized she’d forgotten her shoes, again.

“One second!” She dashed back to the bedroom and grabbed her heels from beside the bed, where she’d left them expressly so she didn’t forget to put them on. “I’m losing my mind,” Jess muttered and headed back to the door, shoes in hand, to let her men in. The moment she opened the door she was grateful she’d opted to wear the dress.

Both of them were dressed to kill, and her mouth watered as she dropped her heels and opened her arms to greet them both with a hug.

“You guys look amazing!” She curled her fingers around Rory’s deep-burgundy tie as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him and then turned to Evan, grabbing his blue silk tie before tugging his head down to her level before kissing him, too.

She felt a hand travelling up her stocking-clad thigh and laughed as she swatted at it. “Hey! No rumpling the outfit before we even get out the door.”

“But you look way too sexy to take out in public, sweetheart.” Evan grinned at her. “Maybe we should cancel and just stay in.”

“Maybe we should. I’m going to need a stick to beat off the throngs of women who are going to try to get your attention tonight.” Jess let go of their ties but stayed comfortably settled between them, loving the sense of security they gave her whenever they held her this way.

“Hmm. Other women you say? When you put it that way…” Evan winked this time and Rory just rolled his eyes.

“Don’t pay him any attention. We’ve got the only woman we want right here.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Jess laid her head on Rory’s chest and beamed up at him. “So where are you taking me? Evan wouldn’t give me any hints.”

“Ever heard of the Wickaninnish Inn?” Rory asked.

“Heard of it, I can’t even pronounce it!”

“Wick-an-inn-ish Inn.” Evan repeated the word incredibly slowly and she stuck her tongue out at him.

“So you’re taking me to a tongue twister?”

“No, but I’ll twist tongues with you anytime you want.” Evan waggled his blond brows at her and she found herself rolling her eyes at the same time Rory did.

“What’s got into you tonight, Ev? You’re full of sass and vinegar.”

“I’m just looking forward to taking our beautiful girl out for a meal that you don’t have to cook yourself or Captain Grilled-Cheese Sandwiches over there didn’t make for you.” Evan stepped back and offered Jess his arm. “Shall we, milady? Your carriage awaits.”

Jess pointed to her shoes with a sheepish smile. “I just need to get these on, and my shawl.”

Rory let her go and slipped past her to grab her shawl and purse from the chair nearest the door, and Jess gripped Evan’s arm for balance as she stepped into her heels. She felt the heavy pashmina she’d chosen to wear being draped over her shoulders, and a shiver ran down her spine as Rory’s fingers brushed the nape of her neck as he drew her hair out from underneath the shawl and released it to fall down her back again.

“Did I mention you look breathtaking?” he whispered near her ear and the delicate caress of warm air made her shiver again as thrill bumps chased across her skin.

“If you keep talking like that, we’re not going to make it to dinner.”

“Come on you two, I promise this is worth leaving the house for.” Evan jangled his truck keys for emphasis.

He and Rory offered her an arm at the same time, and instead of choosing, Jess slipped an arm around each and nodded. “All right, then, you may escort me to the carriage.”

Chapter 12


As they walked into the hotel lobby, Jess gasped softly, and both Rory and Evan seemed to relax as they realized she was pleased with their choice of dinner spots. The entire inn was built onto a large, rocky headland and was tucked into the old growth forest that surrounded the area. It was beautiful, inside and out, and Jess was amazed to find such an elegant retreat so far from what she’d always considered civilization.

Her surprise must have shown on her face, too, because Evan glanced down and gave her a wink.

“See? We can be sophisticated when the situation calls for it.”

“It’s just not very often we have a reason,” Rory added, his fingers squeezing her hand as he led her further into the building.

She spotted the sign for the dining area and took a step in that direction, only to have Evan and Rory shake their heads. “Evan’s got something a little more intimate in mind for dinner,” Rory told her and drew her to a halt as Evan went to the front desk and began speaking to the clerk there.

“More surprises?” she asked Rory.

“My lips are sealed. You’re just going to have to wait and see.”

Evan rejoined them a few minutes later and handed Rory and Jess both keycards. “I’m going to go get our things out of the truck and I’ll join you in a few minutes.” For a second he looked unhappy, but then he gave Jess a lopsided smile and shrugged very slightly. “Officially we have two rooms. You and Rory are in one, and I’m booked in just down the hall. This is one of those times when discretion is needed.”

Jess’s heart twisted as understanding dawned and she gave Evan a subtle wink and a smile as she whispered, “Out here, we’ll behave, but once you’re in our room where you belong, I say discretion be damned. This is all just completely amazing, and I can’t wait for you to join us.”

His eyes lit up at her words and he nodded. “I grabbed your overnight bag from our place, sweetheart. You won’t even be missing your toothbrush. I’ll see you guys shortly.”

He left them and headed back outside, and Jess couldn’t help but notice the way every woman in the lobby watched him go, all of them wearing identical expressions of appreciation.

She didn’t even realize she’d made a sound until Rory laughed and tugged her into his arms for a slow, heated kiss that made her knees weak. She had to grip his shoulders to stay upright, and when he lifted his lips from hers he managed to whisper near her ear. “Relax. He didn’t even notice them. But feel free to growl like that any time you want, I like it.”

Jess startled and stared at him. “I growled?”

“Oh yeah, like a terrier guarding her favorite bone.”

“I didn’t even realize. I just saw them watching him and I…”

“You didn’t want anyone else moving in on what’s yours,” Rory finished for her. “No need to explain it to me, I’m feeling exactly the same way right now.”

Jess laughed. “Lucky for you, no one’s looking at me,” she said dismissively and was startled by the intent look Rory shot her.

“You don’t think so?” He leaned in close and kissed her again. “Right now there are at least three men watching us and wishing they were me right now. I think it’s time to get your hot little ass behind closed doors before I need to deck someone.”

“Really? Where? Are they cute?” Jess asked and then burst out laughing as Rory glowered at her and then scooped her into his arms.

“That’s it, we’re going up to our room and when we get there, you’re paying for that little remark!”

“Rory, put me down! People are staring!”

“I thought that’s what you wanted.” Rory’s long legs carried them over to the elevator in no time at all, and Jess peeked over his shoulder at the people watching their little scene unfold.

“I was teasing you!” she protested and then buried her face against his jacket as they stepped into an open elevator car. The moment Jess heard the door close she wriggled, trying to get Rory to put her down, but his arms tightened around her, holding her firmly in place.

“Rory, put me down, please,” she asked, feeling more than a little foolish.

“Not a chance. If I put you down, you might decide to head back downstairs and check out the competition.” She heard the light, teasing tone in his voice and silently hoped that meant he wasn’t serious about punishing her for her earlier remark.

She lifted her head and smiled. “There’s not a man in the world that could compete with what I’ve already got.”

“Damn skippy.” Rory turned his head and captured her mouth with his. His kiss was pure male, forceful and demanding nothing less than her complete surrender. The door opened and Jess barely noticed as he carried them down a long corridor, his lips still on hers and their tongues tangled as his powerful arms kept her pressed against his hard chest.

When Rory stopped to work the keycard against the lock, Jess came back to her senses and looked around, grateful the hallway was empty and no one had seen the rest of their display. When the door swung open Rory carried her inside, and Jess looked around them in amazement.

“This is our room?” she asked, staring out the huge windows that overlooked the rocky shore beyond the inn. “It’s stunning!” A gas fireplace was situated between two windows that spanned nearly all of the space from floor to ceiling. A straight-backed chair made of driftwood sat next to a simple desk, and a few soft chairs sat in the corners of the room. The rest of the space was dominated by a king-size bed that faced the fireplace.

“It is, isn’t it?” Rory set her down carefully on her feet and stripped off his jacket, tossing it onto the bed with a careless flick of his wrist. He walked over to the driftwood chair and pulled it out from the desk, turning it around so that it faced into the room. He sat down on it and crooked a finger at Jess. “Come here.”

Her heart beat faster as she stood her ground and shook her head. “I want to look around our room.”

“Jessica Jones, come
!” This time there was no mistaking the commanding tone of his voice. Rory pointed to the floor directly in front of him and Jess found herself standing there before she had time to think about it. Her pulse was racing now, and despite being more than a little uneasy at what she knew was about to happen, she was almost quivering with anticipation at the same time.

Rory slid his hands up her stocking-clad thighs, pushing the fabric of her dress aside as he worked his way slowly toward her waist. Jess reached down to try to rearrange her dress to hide herself and he stopped and shook his head sharply.

“You are to stay still and not say anything unless I ask you a direct question. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Her answer came out as more of a squeak and she forced herself to stop moving.

“Good girl.”

She bit back a retort and concentrated on not moving. Now he’d ordered her not to, she was almost compelled to do
, just to defy him.

His callused fingers brushed higher and he smiled slightly as he found the lacy trim of her panties. “You won’t need these,” he said and tugged them down her legs, drawing her stockings down at the same time until all of it lay in a heap around her ankles. “You can step out of those, but then I want those sexy heels of yours back on your pretty feet.”

Jess did exactly as he told her, her cheeks hot as she stripped the tangle of fabric off her feet and then stepped back into her heels. Rory leaned in close, his face nuzzling her lower belly and then drifting lower as he inhaled.

“You’re turned on, baby. I can smell it. Is this making you wet?”

Not sure if she should answer aloud, Jess just nodded.

“Say it. I want to hear you tell me your pussy is wet just thinking about me spanking your sweet ass.”

“I—yes. Yes, I’m turned on,” she stammered and he lifted his head to stare into her eyes.

“Say ‘yes, I’m turned on thinking about you spanking me.’”

Jess swallowed and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Jess, I gave you an order.” Rory’s voice had dropped to a low rumble and his dark eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at her intently. Her pussy was soaked and she could feel her insides quivering with anticipation as she finally found the courage to speak.

“Yes, I’m turned on by the thought of you spanking me.” He rewarded her with a slight smile and a nod.

“Now I want you across my lap, head down.” Rory patted his lap and waited for her to obey.

Jess did it, her eyes closed and her entire body tense as she tried to find a comfortable position without wiggling too much.

“Take a breath, baby. This isn’t the executioner’s block you’re bent over.” Rory stroked her back and she exhaled with a loud

He stroked her a few more times, and she had just managed to relax slightly when he reached down and tugged her dress up to her waist, exposing her bottom. Jess stiffened up all over again and Rory chuckled.

“Take a deep breath and then hold it to the count of three, and then you may exhale.”

She sucked in a lungful of air and held it as he counted.

“One. Two. Three.” Just as she started to exhale his hand came down on her bare ass and she yelped, struggling to get up out of his lap as she sputtered in shock.

“Be still!” he snapped and she stopped cold as his command cut through her surprised reactions.

“Now, was that so bad?”

“No. I mean yes. I mean well, I don’t know.” Jess huffed from her facedown position.

“I’d never deliberately hurt you, Jess. You know that. But downstairs, when you made that crack about the other men, you made me more than a little crazy.”

“Sorry,” Jess murmured. “I really was only teasing you.”

Rory smoothed his hand over the spot he’d just spanked. “I know, baby. Just next time remember that I don’t have much of a sense of humor when it comes to the idea of you being interested in anyone else. You’re mine.”

“Actually, she’s ours.” Evan’s voice joined in the conversation and Jess jerked her head up, mortified that he’d walked in on her like this.

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