Rising Up: Finding Me book 1 (11 page)

BOOK: Rising Up: Finding Me book 1
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I'm standing in my main room watching my four greatest friends start to panic.

"What the fucking hell are you saying Jake?  Heidi has wiped the video and pictures off your PC and you don't know where she is?  I'm on those damn photographs and video!"  Damien is going bright red as he tries to understand what has happened.

"So that bitch needs to be stopped before she exposes all of us.  So you're not the only one with a problem!  I'm fucking married, I love my wife and this will ruin us if it gets out."  Marcus paces up and down the length of the room running his hands through his hair.

"Well, you didn't fucking think of her when your cock was shoved down Heidi's throat did you?  So stop being a dick and let's try to come up with a plan."  I'm getting the feeling that they are going to hang me out to dry.  I can’t believe this is happening, I never and I mean NEVER lose control.

"So we could all go down for drugging and gang raping her, I don't fucking think so.  Get that shit back off her or this is over, friends or not I’m not going to prison because of you and your sick tendencies, do you understand?"

"Yeah right, you can't get out of this easily Damien, I know you took photos and the odd video of her too, so maybe you should start deleting your evidence too because if she speaks they will be all over you too, you were always willing and wanting when it came to Heidi so it’s all of us in this!"

"You're a bastard Jake.  Just fucking stop her I don't care how you do it."  He slams his hand down hard on the table.  "The fucking cunt!  Where the hell has the stupid bitch gone?  What about her friend?  Y'know the skinny little blonde girl, have you tried to get hold of her?"

"Of course I have but she's not answering her phone.  I didn’t like Heidi having anything to do with her and I had forced her away from any other friendships she had.

"Have you tried her work?"  Peter looks at me questioningly.

"Of course I have, and they are not giving out any information.  It seems a bit odd that they've both gone off the radar but I'll keep trying."

Leo looks up from the leather sofa that has seen a lot of action from all of these guys, his head has been in his hands the whole time.  "Look I've got a mate who is a private detective, let's get him on board and he can track her down.  I don't know how you do this Jake, but you need to get on top quickly.  I do not want to be visited by my wife and child in prison."


Elizabeth is still pestering me, so over a long lunch and a bottle of wine she tells me that she has no idea where Heidi is, and that she doesn't care, Martin is being equally useless and just shrugs his shoulders. 

"Don't you think you should be a bit more concerned?  This is going to end badly for all of us if we don't find her."

"I don’t think she’ll do anything with the photos, we’ve spent years beating her confidence away, and she will be too embarrassed and won't want to go to the police.  So good riddance to her."  Elizabeth takes another large gulp of her £60 bottle of wine that she'll expect me to pay for.  Fuck that!  I get up and start to leave.  "Where are you going?"

"She's your daughter, you fucking selfish bitch, start fucking looking for her or I'll drop you in the shit."

I'll be in touch soon then, be sure to let me know if either of you hear from her.  And you can pay your own bill for once.  I've paid you enough over the years."  I walk quickly away.  I'm lucky I've got an hour to spare before meeting my agent again, just enough time to hook up with Natalie, a girl from the office with a mouth like a Hoover and a passion for taking it up the arse.  So I manage to wipe Heidi out of my mind for an hour.

After a satisfying fuck and an even more satisfying meeting with Dom, I head home and call Damien back again. I'm going to need legal representation while the contract is being hashed out, a job offer in the States has landed on my lap hosting a talent show, in an X-Factor style. 

After a call to the private detective explaining that my girlfriend was gone missing, I see no need to tell him why I want her back.  He agrees to take on my case and will get straight on to it.   Smiling at my luck, I decide to take a shower and start to think about her again, she always could make me hard in an instant.  Standing in the streaming water my hand wraps around my cock as I start stroking myself harder and faster as an image of Heidi having her mouth and cunt fucked by two of my best friends sends me over and my orgasm races through my body and erupts out of me spraying over the walls and glass door.  Shouting her name as a curse as I come back down.

It takes nearly three months of waiting for that one phone call but finally it comes through.  “Gotcha!”



After that life changing moment.  I felt my mind and body shift into a new role and pattern.  For the first time I feel loved and I mean truly, madly, deeply loved.  Mason looks at me like he's won the lottery.  I hope he feels my love back just as much.  We have fallen into a pattern, and days roll into months and I am now beginning to feel safe from my past, I can feel Mason’s love wrapped around me and I haven’t had a nightmare since we got together, whereas before I moved here they were almost a nightly occurrence.

I still have to stop and take a moment to reflect how much has happened in such a short time, my former life with Jake is fading from my memory, and the need to check over my shoulder is slowly ebbing away,  I'm beginning to believe that he can't get me here.   

Although we spend time in each other’s apartments and have most nights with each other, we are not living together, the fear of the no-frat policy has not risen and even though I think some members of the staff may think something is going on, nobody has voiced their disapproval. 

l love my job here, I knew it would be challenging but I didn't expect it to be so rewarding, all the plans I have had for the restructuring are starting to come together, and I will be able to implicate the second phase next week.  All the staff and associates have embraced the new structure and the synergy between departments is great to be a part of.

When I get into work on Friday I'm very surprised to see a huge bouquet of flowers on my desk, I look for the card.

"Aren't they lovely Imogen?  Do you know who they could be from?"  April pops her head out around my office door to greet me.

"Yes they are, it's not my birthday so I'm very happily surprised to see them."  But my blood goes cold when I see the note and as I read it I start to shake and my knees go weak.


Congratulations on your new identity and job,

You can't hide from me 'Imogen',

You’ve taken something of mine.

We haven't finished yet,

I look forward to seeing you soon


"Imogen are you okay, you've gone white as a sheet, would you like me to get Madeleine here for you?"  April looks so worried.

I've got my head between my knees trying to find my breath.  "Yes please."  I manage to stutter out before racing to the restroom to throw up.  Mason looks up from his office as I rush past.

"Imogen, are you okay?  What's wrong?  April, why is Ms. Banks looking so ill?"

"She received a large arrangement of flowers this morning but acted very strange, scared even, and then rushed to the restroom.  I was on my way to get her friend."

I didn't hear his reply because thankfully made it into the toilets to throw up, I really didn't want to vomit all over the carpeted hallway.  I hear the door open and lock behind me, looking up I see Maddie and Mason looking worriedly at me.  "Mason, go back to your office I'll be okay in a minute, I just had a bit of a shock.  I'll talk to you later."

"No way Ginny, you are scaring me.  Let me help you up."  His hands move towards me, but I shrink away from him shaking my head.

"No Mason, leave me alone.  Maddie will look after me I will see you later at home."

"If you think I'm leaving you like this you've got........"

Maddie reaches forward and grabs my hand. "You go Mason, I've got her.  I'll get her home."

"But I..."  I can see he's lost for words so after rinsing my mouth out I turn and try to smile, but my face crumbles and I burst into tears and fall into his arms.  As he reaches his arms around me and pulls me to him I burst into angry sobs. All the while my head is in turmoil, how did he find me? 

I know I hadn’t left a single trail for him to track, the name change was hidden and I left no clue as to my whereabouts but as my shoulders stop shaking and my sobs lessen I pull away from Mason, the one good thing in my life I realize I will probably end up facing the worst thing I have ever experienced.  The one question that leaps into my head is will I be able to survive him when he finds me? I think probably not.

"C'mon babe, let Maddie take you home, give me time to clear my desk and I will be with you okay, hang on for just a bit longer babe, I'll be with you soon."

Maddie takes me out of his arms and I cling to her trying to speak.  "This can't be real, how did he find me?"

"Shhh sweetie, don't say anything here.  Come on I've got you."

"Maddie."  Mason calls her as we walk away.  "There's a car outside waiting, don't walk her home."

We go straight out of the office I don't even stop to collect my handbag, and Maddie keeps her arm around me all the way.  Neither of us notices Mark watching us leave, even though I've noticed him watching me, over the last three months he hasn't asked me out again, but he is still a bit creepy.

Maddie puts the kettle on as soon as we get back indoors.  "Tea, that's what we need, a good cup of old-fashioned English tea,  I know I'm waffling but give me a few minutes to get my questions ready in my head."  She turns and gives me a weak smile but her eyes give her away when they start to fill with tears.

"It must have been my bloody mother she must have found out, she's like a teenager crushing on a boy band!  It's pathetic, she's fifty-something for crying out loud, and he knew how she felt and would feed off it like a fucking succubus constantly flirting and teasing her."  I'm up and pacing by now.  "Well they are not going to starting fucking around with my life again, I put up with it when I was living there, but they are not going to ruin my life anymore." 

I don't seem to have a stop button on my mouth and can't control what came out of it.  "I had two and a half years of bloody wasted time with him.  I was never good enough, never thin enough, I had too many opinions and I was supposed to just stand there and smile while he stuck his nose in any crotch he fancied. 

Do you know the first night I got together with Mason, it wasn't planned and he didn't have a condom, but I knew I could tell him I was clean because I kept having checks due to all the little wannabe starlets he liked to fuck!!  You know how handy he was with his fists Maddie."

"Yeah, but Ginny I never knew it was that bad, I'm so sorry I've been a rubbish friend."

This stops me short and I twirl round to face her.  "God no Maddie, don't feel like that, you had your own shit to deal with and I could've told you but what could I say.  'Hey Mads, you know that really hot shot TV star I'm dating, well when he can be bothered to stop shagging around he likes to come home and beat the shit out of me and force himself and his friends on me just to prove he's more important than me."  I stop and look up at Maddie and see her horrified face but it's not because of what I said but because of who is stood behind me.  Shit, shit and triple shit.  Mason!

My shoulders tense as I wait for the rage, I'm used to rage I can cope with rage.  What I didn't expect was his pain at hearing those words.

In a voice that was way too small for his massive frame.  "He used to beat on you, did he force himself on you?  Shit Imogen, babe.  Why didn't you tell me?"  He walks slowly towards me looking very apprehensive, as if he doesn't know if he can touch me anymore.

I look at Maddie and she's no use, she's crying her heart out in the kitchen.  I decide to try to lighten the situation up a bit.  "I think we need the hard stuff to go in the tea now as well Mads."  I can hear her giggle through the tears.  "I didn't tell you for two reasons, the first is because it didn't seem like a good thing for you to know, and secondly, and this is the more important one, because of the way you are looking at me now.  It's a mixture of pity and fear. 

I don't need one, and don't want the other.  Mason I'm the same woman now as the one you shagged hard against the wall of your shower last night, so please reel it in and focus on the now.  I need and want my Mason back, the Big I Am Mason, the kind thoughtful Mason and the shit-hot-sex-mad Mason.  Can you do that for me please?”

"Yeah too right I can.  Now come here so I can fucking kiss you."  His face relaxes and he opens up his arms for me.

This makes me smile, and I readily step into his embrace.  Maddie walks back to us with three mugs of tea and from the smell of them they have been heavily laced with Scotch, so before we drink them, I just check that none of us are expected back at work today, and it seems that only Maddie needs to go back and hers is just straight up tea.  We both watch Mason expectantly waiting for him to take his first sip.  Luckily we are not disappointed.

"Fuck!  What the hell have you put in this Mads, jeez I think I've gone blind in one eye."  He splutters and coughs hard before laughing.

Bursting out laughing Maddie takes a bow.  "And I think my job here is done.  Be good to each other today you two, there is plenty of time to have the heavy conversations, don't wreck the good thing you've got going on here, I don't think there is anything better than what you two have. It's the real fucking deal.  I love you both."  She kisses my cheek and goes back out to work.

I take a long look at Mason while he attempts to drink his tea.  "Leave it Mase, I don't want alcohol at...” I look at my watch.  "Hell is it only eleven o'clock, it feels much later than that.  But I don't want to hit the hard stuff this early in the day.  How did you get away from the office without raising any eyebrows?"

"It was easy, I had an appointment at the bank and then a free afternoon for paperwork so I just cancelled the bank and here I am, so Ms. Banks what are you going to do with me now?"

"Oh I'm sure I can think of something.  What fun do you reckon we could have with your tie?"

"Imogen babe, now you are talking."  He leans down and kisses me slowly letting the heat build-up inside me.  Thank God I brushed my teeth as soon as I got back.


I didn't think I would be able to get past Ginny's words but I know she is still my Ginny, and I will get a chance to talk about later.  So we get down to good old dirty fun for the rest of the day making the most of an empty apartment and managed to make love on most surfaces and furniture in the main room, I don't think I'll look at the dining table ever again without smiling.

It's almost time for Maddie and Lake to get back, so we have gone ahead and ordered pizza so that we can go out for a few beers later, the doorbell goes, so I shout out to Ginny.  "I'll go babe, it's either the pizza guy or Lake."  I don't bother to look through the spyhole but shit, I really wish had.

"Hi man, what do I owe you?"  I look up after grabbing my wallet and see Mark stood there.  "What are you doing here Mark?"

"Oh, I’m sorry, I thought Imogen lived here, I came to see if she was feeling better, but I must have got the wrong apartment."  He turns to walk away, and I think we’ve got away with it, but no, the shit has to get worse.

"Mason sweetie, was that the pizza delivery?  I'm starving."  Ginny is wearing my shirt and as she wraps her arms around my waist, she kisses my very naked chest.  "Oh Shit!  You're not the pizza man."

"No I'm not. I just came to see if you were okay, but it's very obvious that you are."  He looks straight at me the fury rolling off him.  "No wonder you warned me off."

Just then, Maddie, Lake and Lucas walk out of the elevator, and true to type Lake has got his arm over her shoulder.  Jesus, sit-com writers couldn't have written this shit.

"Oh I get it now, the rule only stands for the employees not the bosses.  Message received and understood 'boss'!" He sneers at us, his sarcasm couldn't have been any thicker and walks off barging through the others coming down the corridor.

"Well I think we can all agree when I say that the shit has most definitely hit the fan."  Lakes wry chuckle snaps me back and I turn to Ginny.  "Don't worry babe, we'll sort this." 

A couple of minutes later the delivery guy turns up, "Hey dudes, did you order pizza?"

"What...? Oh yeah we did, thanks man."  Lucas hands him the cash and relieves him of the boxes.

"Oh and do any of you guys know who owns the black Porsche in the parking lot."

I look up at him. "Yeah I do, why?"

"'Cos dude, there's some guy smashing the shit out of it!"

"What the fuck?  Thanks for telling me."  I go to grab a shirt but think better of it and start racing down the stairs, I can hear Lake and Lucas following behind, but we're too late, the damage has been done and the perpetrator, presumably Mark, has gone.  Looking over at my car I assess the damage and he's done a very thorough job of the windscreen and a couple of dents on the hood, but not too much, he must have run off after being seen by the pizza guy.  "Well I think he's just earned his pink slip, don't you guys?"

Lake is on the phone to security to get the camera footage checked, and Lucas is calling the police but I just stare at the mess.  Anger rolls over me and I call the garage and arrange for a tow truck to come and pick it up.

"C'mon Mason, we've got this sorted, let's get back to the girls before they eat all the pizza.  I've never seen girls eat as much as they do, how the hell they stay looking so hot I'll never know."  Lake walks back inside.  The security at the desk confirms that it was Mark, and will deal with the garage when the truck arrives and the police are going to take statements later.

"Well, we really know how to fuck up a perfectly good Friday night, don't we?"

Lake claps me on the back.  "Yeah but at least we're gonna get laid tonight, poor Lucas seems to be having a dry spell.  Hey Luc, what's going on with you, is your pretty face not enough for the girls anymore?"

"Shut up Asswipe!"  Lucas swipes at his brothers shoulder with his fist.

As Lake predicted most of one pizza had been demolished by the time we make it up to Ginny's, and the wine had been opened and was flowing well.  Ginny looks at me, gorgeous green eyes sparkling.  "Was it Mark, did you catch him?  He gives me the creeps he's always watching me." She shudders at the thought.

"Yeah he was always hanging around, I'd noticed him too, Ginn."  Maddie seems to share Imogen's revulsion.

"Why had we never picked up on this?" Lake looks at me, his mouth full of pizza and a bottle of beer open in his hand ready to be drunk.

"I sent I sent you an email about warning him away from Imogen, and all the other women.  Did you even read it?"

Ginny interrupts. "We want to go dancing, we've had a shitty day and Mads and I want to go and strut our stuff.  Please, please Mason."

"Sure, why the hell not, you up for it too Luc?"  I turn to ask him.

"Hell yeah.  It’s time to find a new itch to scratch."  He smirks and raises his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew. Luc no wonder your single!"  Maddie slaps his arm.  "Come twinkle-toes let's go and get all pretty."  She drags Imogen off to get changed.

The cops call while they're getting dressed up and we can give statements tomorrow and that, they have seen the video confirming Marks identity, they assure me he will be brought in for questioning.

"Hey Ginny, I'm gonna shoot home and get changed I'll be half an hour tops."  Her head pops round her bedroom door and she nods and waves.

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