Rising Up: Finding Me book 1 (28 page)

BOOK: Rising Up: Finding Me book 1
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"He's not coming here?  Bloody hell, that's a miracle, I was expecting him in all his chest-beating alpha male glory!"  Maddie laughing and looks at me hopefully.

"So was I, so I'm sorry he's disappointed you Mads."  I smile back at her.

"Well that's good because I made that up Imogen and he is on his way here and he is not happy!"  Lake grins and takes a long pull on his beer.

"You little shit Lake Davenport!  You'd better watch out because you are now on my shit list."  I look over my shoulder and see Mason storming towards me.  "You had better be here to apologize Mason otherwise you can piss off."  I turn back to the table and take a sip of my drink desperately wishing it had alcohol in it.

"Imogen, I'm sorry but can you come home with me so we can talk things over."  Then he leans down and whispers so that only I can hear him.  "There'd better not be any alcohol in that glass or I really will be pissed."

"I'll be back at my place soon Mason, you can either go back to your man cave and sulk or you can sit down and be sociable with your family, and what I'm drinking is not your concern."  My voice lowers for the last part of my sentence.  He makes the sensible decision and sits down next to me and Tamsin brings him a beer.

"Cheer up Mase at least she hasn't promised to rip your balls off yet, she wants mine on a plate."  Lake raises his bottle as a salute to me.

An hour later my stomach starts to rumble and I get up to leave.  "I'm off guys, I'm starving.  I'll see you all tomorrow."  I don't wait for Mason but I know he'll be right behind me.

"Ginny, babe can we please talk."  He reaches out for my hand and squeezes it lightly.

"Can we wait until we get inside Mason please?"  I reach the elevator and go to press the button for my floor when his hand reaches past mine and presses for the top floor.  "Why have you decided we are going to yours?"

"Because Ginny I want to shower and change and cook you something to eat and I don't have any of that stuff at your place.  Please Imogen, come back to mine.  I really want you there."  His face is so honest that I give in and nod my affirmation.  "Thank you."  He leans down and kisses the top of my head, and with that one sweet gesture I start to fall apart.

"C'mon babe we're here."  He leads me into his lounge and sits me down taking a seat close to me but not touching.  "I'm so sorry I flew off the handle back there, but the thought that you might not want this baby scared the crap out of me."

"Mason, I would never want to get rid of this, it has not come at the right time, I mean we are only just getting back together and now it feels like we have no choice but to tough it out.  I wanted us to take our time connecting again with each other.  I want you to want me for me, not for the child I'm carrying."

"Imogen, I am just as shocked as you, children have always been something I expected to have but way, way in the future.  But am I happy about this?  Yes I am, because since I met you I cannot imagine you not being the mother of my children.  We will adjust to this and it is an exciting thing to have in our lives, don't you think?"

"I do, I want this baby so much more than I could have imagined I would and I am excited.  I just think we need to take a deep breath and slow down.  I have made the appointment to see the obstetrician for tomorrow lunch time.  Will you be able to come with me?"

"Babe you'd have to tie me to a chair to keep me away.  Come on let's get some food cooked, I've got a very good reason to fatten you up now sweetheart."  He kisses me softly but my desire rises up and I deepen the kiss pulling my hands through his hair and holding him tight against me and moan into his mouth.

I start to undo the buttons on his shirt I need to feel my hands on his skin, pulling the shirt tails out of his work pants I run my hands down his chest and across his tight abs.  His hands are pushing my dress up my legs as he runs his fingertips over the top of my stockings I feel my core tightening.  I undo the button on his pants and slide the zip down reaching in to free his erection into my hands.

"Fuck Ginny that feels amazing!  I've missed your touch but I think we should stop."

"What.  Why?  I need you Mason, I'm aching for you, please don't make me stop."  My hand is pumping his dick in slow long strokes.

"Shit!"  He lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom.  "If we're going to do this it's not going to be a quick fuck on the sofa.  I want to make love to you in my bed."

He places me gently in the center of his enormous bed and stares at me.  "You are so damn beautiful Imogen, I really don't deserve you."  His hand pulls me to sit up and he slowly lowers the zip on the back of my dress and pulls it up over my head.  I sit in only my underwear while he drinks in the sight of me and it's seriously turning me on, I can feel how damp my panties are and my nipples are as hard as bullets as my breasts swell with the need for his touch.  Watching him pull his pants and boxers down causes me to sigh and his eyes dart back up to my mouth.

"Lie back down for me babe."  His soft voice washes over me and my eyes close.  "Look at me babe I want to see you, I want to see inside you as you lose control."  My bra is undone and slipped from me along with the remaining underwear.

I open my legs to let him slide in between them.  "Touch me Mason, I need you to touch me."  I'm panting with need and when he slides down my body leaving a trail of kisses over my skin, I can feel myself arching off the bed and when his tongue slips between my legs and laps at wet folds I almost come.  "Shit Mason, I'm not going to last I need you inside me."

"Me too Imogen, me too."  He leans over me and kisses me nipping my mouth and sliding his tongue across the sting of his bite.  I can feel him against my hot core and I lift my hips to encourage him in.  His groan as he enters me is swallowed by my kisses.  "More Mason, give me more."

"I can't just yet, if I move now it will all be over.  I'm just adjusting to the feel of your tight muscles gripping me and it feels so fucking fantastic I'm afraid I'll come if I move."  But he does just fractionally and soon picks up his pace and pulls my arms over my head not tight but enough to surrender myself to him.

"Christ yes Mason that's it don't stop. Oh God Yessssss!"  My orgasm claims me as my vision darkens and bright lights burst around me.  I can feel my muscles clamping down hard on his dick as he slams in and out of me.  The vein on his forehead is pulsing and his eyes are closed as he pours himself into me shouting out my name before burying his head in my shoulder and biting into my tender skin, he is still pounding into me setting another orgasm to ricochet through me.

"Imogen you are just perfect, that was perfect.  I love you and I love that you are pregnant with my child."  His eyes are bright with unshed tears.

"Back at you sweetie, so when we both have our breathing and heart rates under control can you please feed me and my hungry baby."

"It will be my pleasure babe."  With a tender kiss he pulls out of me and pulls on some sweats.  "Is chicken and pasta good for you both?"

"Ooh yes please."  I lie back and hug my arms around my stomach and smile to myself.





This morning is going so damn slowly.  I'm sat in the dullest meeting in the world listening to two successful, wealthy people argue over who should get what in their very bitter and acrimonious divorce.  I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up and sell the lot and split the money fifty/fifty.

"Mr. Rosenthal, as you are now residing in a penthouse apartment on the lower east side of town do you really think it is important for you to retain the ride-on lawnmower?"  I am beginning to lose my patience and I just want to get to the appointment with the doctor and see my baby on a screen.

"But that's not the point Mr. Reynolds.  I purchased it and she didn't so it should stay in my possession.  She's got a new one and probably a new gardener to cut the damn lawn and I expect she's fucking him too!  She certainly worked her way through the rest of the staff!"

"Fine!  You stingy asswipe, keep the fucking thing!  But since you are the one who got your twenty four year old secretary pregnant, you really shouldn't start on who is fucking who."  Mrs. Rosenthal spits back at him.

"Okay Sir, Madam I'm afraid we are out of time today.  Mr. Rosenthal I suggest you request a full inventory of all your possessions in all of your four properties, and which items you want to keep as yours, and the same goes to you Madam, when that has been compiled we will meet again and go through the lists item by item if needs be. 

But both of you could save yourselves an awful lot of time and money if you could discuss this together before our next meeting.  Shall we meet again in four weeks’ time?"  I get up to leave the room and see Lake grinning at me across the room.

"What's the hurry Mase, I think you looked at your watch every couple of minutes in there."

"I've just got a lunch time meeting starting in about ten minutes time, so see the charming couple out and I'll catch up on the paperwork this afternoon."  I walk past Ginny's desk and see she has already left but April looks up and tells me she is waiting for me downstairs.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm a bit late, the meeting went on and on.  Are you excited?  I know I am."  I hold her hand walk quickly through the lunch time crowds, but we make it there with a few minutes to spare.

"I'm bloody terrified Mason, what if something is wrong after all the drugs and painkillers and shit I had pumped into me last month.  What if it was damaged by the beating?"  I can feel the panic rising in her.

"Imogen look at me, everything will be fine.  It managed to stay put through all of the trauma so it's already a tough little cookie."  Just then our names are called.  "It's show time babe."  I grin and stand up still holding her hand.

"Right then you two, I've gone through all the questions and details I need for now, so shall we have a look at what's going on in there?" 

Ginny is lying on the bed, her head is propped up so that she can see the screen and I'm sat by her my eyes glued on what is going on.  After Dr. Markson covers Ginny's belly with gel and then runs the scanner over it and brings up a snowstorm of a picture and then we see it.

"Oh My God!  Mason that's our baby!"  Tears are pouring down both of our cheeks and I'm kissing the back of her hand.  The volume is turned up and we hear the heartbeat loudly through the speakers.

"Can you tell me how far along I am?"  Ginny looks hard at the screen.

"I'm just doing all the measurements now and it looks like you are just over fourteen weeks pregnant.  Does that date seem realistic to you?"

I look at her as we try to work the weeks back and realize it must have been not long after we first got together, we both laugh at the same time.

"Yeah those dates seem about right."  Ginny laughs.

"Would you like to see if I can see the sex of the baby, it is a bit early but I can try, if you'd like?"

I look and Ginny and we both shake our heads.  So I answer for us both.  "No thanks, we seem to like surprises so we would like to keep this one too."

"That's lovely, I like that so much more.  So many people want everything so easy and mapped out I like to see the look on the parents faces when they get to see their special surprise."

"Is it okay to tell people about this I've heard that some people wait to get to a certain stage before announcing it."  Ginny looks excited at the thought of telling our friends.

"That's true Imogen but it's normally okay after twelve weeks so at fourteen plus weeks you are most definitely good to go on the announcements.  Would you like some pictures of the baby?"

"Oh God, can we do that? Yes please."  Ginny has wiped the slime off her still perfectly flat stomach and is rushing round to take them and she hugs the doctor and keeps saying thank you.

"Come on babe, let Dr. Markson carry on with her day, we still need to get you fed before heading back to work."

"Yes, Imogen I understand why you have lost so much weight but when I see you back here in four weeks I would like to see a lot more meat on your bones."

We exit the offices still clutching our pictures of our little miracle, laughing at how early on in our relationship this happened.  "I told you I wasn't a crap lay babe!"

"Who shall we tell first?  I think it should be your parents.  Do you want to wait till the weekend or shall we go there tonight?"

"I think they should know first so I'll call them and arrange to go over.  Have you spoken to my Mom since Sunday?"

"No, but I keep meaning to, have you told them we are back together?"  Her face frowns when she realizes she should have called her.

"No, but Austin is still at home so I'm sure he has told them."


We are sat my parents dinner table listening to my mother gush over how pleased she is to see us back together, and how she knew everything would work out in the end, and I'm quoting her here 'a love like yours could never fail'  I think Ginny choked on her food at that point trying not to laugh.  In the end I decide to take matters into my own hands just to shut her up for at least a minute.

"Mom, Mom can you please calm down for just a few minutes we've got something we need to tell you."

But she interrupts me again.  "You're engaged, it must be that, why else would you both be here tonight. Jim, Jim what do you think about that."

"I think Nancy my dear, you should sit down and shut your mouth for thirty seconds please.  I'm sure you can see by the looks on both of their faces that they are not engaged.  Sorry Son, please carry on."

"Thanks Pops, anyway as I was saying. We have some news."  I pause for a couple of seconds until Ginny squeezes my hand.  "Ginny and I are having a baby.  We only found out yesterday and have been and had a scan today and Ginny is about fourteen and a half weeks pregnant, so Mother dearest, what do you think about being a Grandma?"  I look over at Imogen who is beaming at me while my mother is stood gaping like a goldfish, unable to form a word let alone a sentence.

My Dad laughs at her.  "I've never seen her lost for words before. Imogen, you precious girl. Congratulations, what a wonderful surprise." 

He wraps her arms around her but I can see the panic on her face as she hears my dad call her precious. I know that is a trigger word for her left over from her traumatic past. 

I walk over and retrieve her from my father's arms and hold her tight.  "It’s okay babe, he doesn't understand and he means it so sincerely, don't let him encroach on our happy time, please babe don't let him in."  I can feel her relax against me as she calms down.  "Okay babe?"

"Yeah I'm good, I need to talk to your dad, and for goodness sake give your mother a hug before she faints on us."  She kisses my lips and turns back to my dad but I don't try and listen to their conversation but I see him shake his head and hug her to him again.

"Mom, come here you look really spaced out."  I laugh and hug her to me.

"Oh Mason, I would never have guessed after everything that you've both been through, this is the happiest news I've had for a long, long time.  We should have a party to celebrate. 

What do you think?"

"I think we'll have to wait a while, Imogen is exhausted and needs to put on some weight before she can start planning something like that, maybe for her birthday."  I add that as an appeasement and it seems to make her happy and she goes off to talk to Imogen.

By the end of the evening I could see Imogen was getting seriously exhausted and it was time to get her home and in to bed, so we said our goodbyes and left.  As I parked Imogen was fast asleep next to me so I gently kiss her until she wakes up and stirs and tries to work out her surroundings.

"We're back home babe, can you walk you do you want me to carry you?"

She laughs softly.  "No it's okay, I'll walk as long as you prop me up."

She lasts all of twenty seconds once her head hits the pillow.  I spend some time scanning the baby photos in to my laptop and saving it as my screen saver and do the same for both mine and Ginny’s' cell phones.  My heart swells as I stare at the screen.  I made that!  I smile to myself then head off to join Imogen.


Thank God it’s Friday, this week seems to have gone on forever.  Tonight we are going to tell the gang about the baby, so everyone including Tamsin and Amber are coming to our place for pizza and beer.  And yes I called it our place because I decided to move in properly with Mason and he is ecstatic, and has been organizing his walk in closet to allow for all my clothes, but I think we are going to have to use the one in the spare room too, considering I've only been here for four and a half months I've accumulated a hell of a lot of stuff.

Just as I shut down my computer for the night and start gathering my stuff together Mason arrives.  "Are you ready babe?"

"Absolutely, I am so ready for a relaxing weekend, this week has been knackering.  Are you going to see if Maddie will be happy with Austin taking over my room tonight?"

"I am if only to shut him up, he moans at me every day about how much he hates it at home, he's such a fucking baby.  C'mon babe, I want you naked and on your knees in the shower before everyone turns up tonight."

I have to stop and clench my thighs together as my sex suddenly floods and soaks my underwear.

Mason looks at me and chuckles.  "I see you like the idea of that."

So ten minutes later I've got my hands behind my back, as hot water runs over me and my mouth is wrapped around Mason's massive cock as he guides my head up and down his length,  I fucking love it when he talks dirty to me I'm almost coming just listening to him.

"Come on babe, you can take me deeper than that I want to feel the back of your throat, that's it good girl.  Suck me hard I'm gonna come hard down your throat, my hot come will fill your mouth and you're gonna swallow every drop.  Suck me Ginny, not long now babe. 

Do you like me fucking your mouth?

Do you like taking me hard, look up at me babe I want to see you as you drink every drop of me."  He starts to thrust deeper, but never too hard, I feel him stiffen in my mouth and I know he's going to come.  His hands pull my hair tighter as he groans and pours his release in to my mouth and down my throat.  I swirl the salty flavor over my tongue and let him pour himself over my mouth so it's dripping off my tongue. 

"Thank you Ginny, you look so fucking hot with my come on your lips." 

He is already stroking himself hard again and pulls me up off my knees and kisses me hard.  "Turn around babe, put your hands on the wall and spread your legs."

"Shit Mason, just fuck me now.  I want you hard and fast I'm so close already."  I'm panting as he reaches around and starts to pull and pinch my nipples then lifting me up on to my toes he rams his cock hard inside me, my orgasm starts immediately and I'm screaming out his name as he pounds hard into me.

"Give me one more babe."  His hands carry on teasing my tender nipples and then moves one down to circle my clit before pressing down hard on it as his teeth bite on my shoulder blade.

I can't stop myself, I'm coming again just as he releases himself inside me I can feel my muscles milking him as he shudders against me.  How can his touch and dominance of me be so different than Jake's hateful actions? 

I love it when Mason pulls my hair or holds my hands hard away from my body, shit he bites me when he comes but I know it's because Mason loves me and can't get enough of me, I'm his passion and he can't get enough of me whereas I think Jake actually hated me, he hated all women and needed to be violent, it's what got him off.

I'm getting dressed and pulling my underwear up my legs when I see that Mason is really scrutinizing my body.  "What are you looking at me like that for Mase?"  I move my hands behind my back to do up my bra when he starts to run his hands over my stomach.

"D'you know I can actually see that you are getting bigger, I mean your tits are always fantastic but they are definitely getting bigger, but look at you belly, don't you think there might be the beginnings of a swelling there."

I look down and run my hands over my stomach following his path and suddenly tears fill my eyes as I to see the very very slight bulge.  "Oh shit Mase, this is real, this is really going to happen."

"I know babe and I can't wait to see your body change and grow as our baby thrives inside you.  You are so damn hot."  He kisses me hard and then pulls away as he hears a loud knock on the door.  "You'd better finish getting dressed while I let the hordes in."

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