Rock Dirty (Rock Candy #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Rock Dirty (Rock Candy #2)
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I smirked back at him, and the fire that had already been burning so bright inside me grew to a raging inferno. “I’d like that very much, Tucker. Show me what a rock star can do.”


* * *


As far as bathrooms went, the private family bathroom was spacious and clean. Most importantly, it had a door with a lock. We shut it tightly and slammed the catch in place. Tucker leaned against it, jutting his hips out seductively in a way that once again made promises I suspected he had more than enough skill to fulfill. Eager to find out, I boosted myself up on the tile counter by the sink, letting my legs swing out underneath me.

“What exactly are you planning to do to me, rock star?” I said, my tone mock stern. I was channeling my naughty librarian and only wished I had those glasses with the thick rims. I’d never needed any, but I’d known girls who had fake ones with just glass in the center to play up being “smart” in public.

As if that ever fooled anyone.

Tucker strutted over to me; that was truly the only word for how he moved. There was no doubt in my mind that he knew every inch of his own body and how to use it to its maximum efficiency. He oozed sex, and the confident glint in his eye was that of a man who’d brought many women to the heights of pleasure.

Tucker stopped before me and licked his lips, letting those pointed eye teeth gleam back at me with all their naughty promises. He reached down and ran his hands over my legs, and I shuddered at his touch, feeling the dexterity of his fingers as they traced patterns and swirls over my shins.

Slowly, he pushed my knees apart, slid his hands beneath my skirt, and toyed with the band of my underwear.

They were nothing special, just something cotton and practical for the flight. If I’d known I’d be hooking up with a drop dead gorgeous rocker, I’d have worn something lacy. Something that would blow his mind even more than the boots I was wearing.

He lowered his hand, cupped me between my legs and groaned at what he found. “You’re so wet for me, princess. I’ve barely got you warmed up, but I love how ready you are.”

“No time to waste. It’s going to be a long flight,” I said, my voice now a low, breathy alto.

Tucker tugged my underwear aside and I bucked up my hips to help him. His fingers were gentle, probing first at the soft hair there. Then he opened my folds and put a callused thumb, calluses probably formed by years of drumming, over my most sensitive bundle of nerves. He circled his thumb gently against my clit at first, then harder, and pleasure undulated through me in waves. I’d been stoked to begin with, my arousal flamed by his biceps and those sparkling green eyes, the ones that seemed to gaze right into my soul. But being touched by him bordered on being unbearable, the pleasure was so intense.

I gripped his shoulders, and gasped, “More, please!”

His rhythm increased and I could feel myself get wetter. He started to alternate touching me with his thumb and then with his forefinger and index, all of them taking turns swirling up against me as the heat and fire played across my skin, leaving me flushed and wanting. Tucker hit his stride, moving with a practiced dexterity and speed that should be unreal, and just like that, without him kissing me or penetrating me, my orgasm hit. Fire transformed into lightning, sparking through me and making my entire body convulse.

I gasped his name. To my horror, I think I might have even whimpered once or twice. I’d had several lovers, but he was one of the best. A man who knew his talents and used them wisely. Boldly. Unrepentantly.

Slowly, he withdrew his hands from my skirt. I gripped his t-shirt and pulled him closer, right between my spread legs, and lowered my hand to cup him through his jeans. He hissed and—

We both jerked when someone knocked on the door, the sound almost drowned out by the screeching wails of a baby. “Oh shit.” Releasing him, I pushed him to the side and jumped off the counter, not knowing what to do. We’d been caught! What if someone recognized us? What if someone took pictures of us as we were coming out of the bathroom? I was supposed to be acting like an adult now, not making tabloid headlines again. “Oh God,” I whispered.

To my surprise, Tyler cupped my face in both his hands and kissed me softly, letting his tongue linger over mine. Then he pulled away and calmly started washing his hands.

“Um, Tucker…” I began, wincing when there was more knocking on the door.

“I’m sorry,” a woman with a harried voice called from the other side of the door, “but I have a baby and two toddlers in a double-stroller and I really have to go. Are you almost done?”

“Almost,” he shouted back, then grinned when my eyes bugged out.

“Tucker,” I hissed.

“What? It’s not like we’re going to be able to sneak out of here unnoticed. Just act natural, princess, and it’ll be fine. Ready?”

I took a quick look in the mirror. I looked perfectly normal except my face was flushed and my eyes were sparkling. Sighing, I turned back to Tucker and nodded.

With a final wink at me, he opened the door, then escorted me through it with a hand at the base of my back. He moved so easily, one would think we were walking down the red carpet rather than exiting a bathroom we’d obviously been fooling around in. “All yours,” he said cheerily to the woman standing outside, crying baby in her arms, double stroller indeed filled to the brim. Her mouth dropped open as she stared after us.

I shook my head, amazed at Tucker’s unrepentant confidence.

“You’re good,” I said. “I’ll give you that.”

“Yeah? I hope that’s not the only thing you’ll be giving me. Like you said, it’s going to be a long flight. Plenty of time for me to show you just how good I can be.”

I burst out laughing. Together we walked back to the First Class lounge. We were half-way there when I realized Tucker and I were holding hands.

By the time we got there, I didn’t want to let him go.

At that moment I understood I’d let things go too far. Tucker had seemed harmless, but he was very, very dangerous. It was better I recognize that now and stay the hell away from him.

Which meant, as much as it made me want to weep, that it was going to be a very long flight indeed.







Damn, Nikki Lorenz is one hell of a woman

She was also, it turned out, a bit of a cock-tease, though I supposed that was more my frustration talking than anything else. Hell, if you ask me, they should literally make blue balls a medical condition.

This shit hurts.

Nikki had seemed perfectly willing to minister to my cock before we’d been interrupted. But as soon as we’d sat down again in the First Class lounge, she’d muttered something about having to work and had buried her head in her open laptop.

I was surprised how disappointed I’d been by her change in attitude, but I decided to cut her some slack. She’d seemed genuinely freaked when we’d been caught together in the bathroom. For all her sass, maybe she was normally more restrained than she’d let on. Maybe she didn’t like the idea of me keeping tally, expecting some on-plane action in exchange for the orgasm I’d given her.

And yes, I
been expecting it. I’m a
believer in fair play. But I was also, to my surprise, not that worried about it, so I slumped down in my chair, and surfed on my phone. Based on when our flight left and the time difference, we’d be arriving in Paris around nine a.m. Maybe Nikki and I could grab a quick breakfast before getting back to getting to know one another better.

When they finally started boarding our plane, Nikki took the lead with me following close behind. Even though I was also in First Class, chances were someone else had the seat next to Nikki, but…

At the front of the First Class section, Nikki turned to me and, not quite able to meet my eyes, said, “Have a good flight, Tucker.”

Uh, no. What the hell? I was on this fucking plane because of her. No way was I
sitting by her.

But I just nodded and said, “See you, Nikki,” struggling to hide my smile when she looked equal parts surprised and disappointed. Poor woman really was all kinds of thrown by what had happened between us.

While she took her window seat at the front, I took an aisle seat a few rows back, immediately jumping back up again when a woman paused next to Nikki’s row.

“Excuse me, Ma’am.” I flashed my pearly whites. “I’m just a couple of seats back. I was wondering, would you mind terribly if we switched places? You see, Nikki and I have business to discuss.”

The woman looked startled, then looked down at Nikki, then looked back at me. “Um…” She turned to Nikki. “Is that okay with you?”

I held my breath at the tense silence that ensued, relaxing only when Nikki said, “Sure. If you don’t mind, that would be great.”

The woman smiled. “Then no problem. You two have fun.”

“Thank you very much,” I said before plopping into the seat next to Nikki.

I didn’t look at her, however. Instead, I got my headphones out, plugged them in, stuck the buds in my ears, got comfortable, and closed my eyes. I could feel her gaze on me and wanted to look at her so fucking bad. But part of me was kind of annoyed, and not just at her.

I wasn’t one to chase after a woman who didn’t want me, so what the hell was I doing?

Then again, I’d felt for myself how much Nikki wanted me. I just had to figure out what had caused her to back off, but I could do that after we took off.

The next thing I knew, I heard the flight attendant offering someone in front of me a cocktail. Obviously I’d slept through take off and we were now at cruising altitude. Figuring I’d given Nikki a sufficient taste of her own medicine, I opened my eyes. And cursed.

She was curled against the window with her eyes closed. Her lips were slightly open, she was snoring softly, and her red hair was in messy curls around her face.

She looked fucking adorable, even more so when she mumbled something in her sleep.

Narrowing my eyes, I leaned in closer, almost certain I’d heard her say my name, but not sure if I’d just imagined it. A minute later, it came.

“Tucker.” It was just the wispiest of sounds.

But it hit me like a punch in the gut.

I stared at her for a few minutes.

With a sigh, I closed my eyes, again settling myself into my chair. But this time, I splayed my legs out a bit so that my leg lightly brushed against one of hers. With that comforting connection, I drifted asleep again.


* * *


Six hours into our seven-hour flight, I woke up barely able to believe it. Obviously, I’d been more wasted by playing on the road than I’d thought. What was even more unbelievable? Nikki was still dead to the world. Once again, I found myself just staring at her. What was it about her that had me so intrigued?

Yeah, she was gorgeous, and before she’d clammed up, she’d seemed like she knew how to have fun. But that wasn’t something new for me. Rock groupies are women who excel at the fine art of partying, but that usually comes with a lot shrieking and, let’s face it, not a whole lot of challenge. Plus, I never really knew what I was getting with a groupie, mentally or physically; I’d spent more time than I cared to admit fishing lost hair extensions out of my couch cushions or the bunks in my trailer. I’d spent even more time having to shake women who wrongly concluded a night in the sack meant anything more than it was.

But that wasn’t Nikki.

The woman was confident, snarky, and sexy as all get out, but she was also pure class, even when she was letting me finger her to orgasm in an airport bathroom. I wanted to spend more time with her once we arrived in the City of Lights but I also wasn’t going to keep putting myself out there. If she wasn’t interested in seeing more of me, I wasn’t going to push it.

Thirty minutes later, the pilot asked the flight crew to prepare for landing. People started talking and shifting about, but Nikki still didn’t move. Frowning, I reached out and gently shook her arm, thinking she hadn’t been kidding when she’d referred to herself as a cobbler working on her shoe designs all night. The girl had obviously been running herself ragged.

“Nikki,” I said softly.

She moaned and pouted, then blinked her eyes open. When she saw me gazing at her, she smiled and said, “Hi.”

I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “The plane’s landing, princess.”

She blinked a couple more times, then sat up. “Oh my God. I actually slept through the whole flight? I’m so sorry!”

I shrugged. “It’s okay. You obviously needed the sleep. I guess things will keep you hopping once you arrive, huh?” I waited, wondering if she’d say anything about us getting together after the plane landed.

“I haven’t been sleeping much with eighteen-hour work days,” she said. “I’m lucky I remember that I’m headed on a plane for Paris, let alone your name, Tommy.”

I felt like I’d been kicked in the nuts. Okay, so she’d gotten weird afterward, but we’d had an awesome time before that—at least she’d seemed to like it. Seriously, I was Tucker Benning. I normally left girls begging for more. The fact that Nikki had forgotten my name was—

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