Rock the Viper (5 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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I can't really explain what happened next, all I know is I felt myself being pushed from behind and then very up close and personal with Peppa. Peppa put her hand on my chest and out of nowhere I'm hit with an electric shock. That’s what it felt like anyway. I look down at myself trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I can feel my dick getting hard and I look to Juan, and from the bulge in his jeans he is hard too. I look at Peppa and wonder if she is feeling anything, but all I see is a confused face. I think I go into shock as I try and move, but nothing really happens. Everything around me has slowed down. I take another look at Peppa, I have always thought she was beautiful but in this moment she is stunning and I feel my attraction for her grow. I hear Jacob come up behind me as he is pulling people away and shouting at them. I notice Peppa take her hand away from my chest and all the feelings I had drain away from me.

The three of us stand there looking at each other, I still can't move and then I hear Peppa say sorry and watch her run outside. I try to follow her but Jacob slaps me on the back and asks me what’s wrong. I wish I could tell him what happened but I have no bloody idea. That’s when I'm finally able to get everything in focus and the first thing I need is a drink. Juan says something but I hardly acknowledge him and he walks away. I turn and stand at the bar and order a whiskey and down it. Jacob says to me, “I will be right back.” And I watch him leave the same way Peppa did.

I think of Peppa then and decide I should go and see how she is but Lara staggers over to me. “Are we going to party with the band tonight?”

I look at her and shake my head in disgust, “I think you have had enough for one night.”

She grabs on to me, “No, not fair Noah! I'm fine and I really want to get to know what's his face. What's the lead singer called again?”

I roll my eyes at her, “Come and sit down. I will get you some water and then I'm taking you home.” I take her arm and lead her to the nearest table. I sit her down in a chair and head back to the bar. I notice Jacob come back into the pub but he storms right past me without saying a single word, he walks up to the red head and not so nicely grabs her arm and leads her through the back of the pub.

I sit down with my sister, hand her the water and tell her to drink it. She better hope she isn't sick in my car on the way home, because if she is she will be the one cleaning it up.

I hear a car horn, I sigh, and my thoughts come back to the here and now. I look down at my dick and then I look up at Peppa's window and see her light go out. The thought of her lying there in her bed naked is driving me crazy and the thought of her mouth around my dick makes me even crazier. I have to get out of here, get home, and sort myself out. An image of Juan on his knees enters my head and I mutter to myself, “Where the hell did that come from.” I turn the key, take one last look up at Peppa's window and I pull away.

Chapter 6  (PEPPA)


The weekend was a wash out. I tried so hard to push everything to the back of my mind, but it didn't work. Juan and Noah never left my thoughts and in my dreams they had starring roles. Lara did nothing but create a mess and moan how ill she was, “It's called a hangover Lara.” I said to her at one point. But she flicks her hand at me and waves me away as if I'm nothing to her. I ignore her and sit there and imagine putting my hands around her neck and throttling her, I hold back the giggle that is threatening to leave my mouth.

Monica turns up Saturday afternoon and we once again talk about the band, well she does. Her eyes glaze over when she talks about Cruz and I find it sweet yet sickening at the same time. She goes on to ask me what happened Friday night but Lara is all ears, so, I play it off and don't get to tell her anything. She soon leaves when Lara won’t shut up moaning and tells me to ring if I need to talk. I really need to talk to someone about it because it's all I think about and it's driving me mad.

Lara's phone goes off and she answers it, “Brother Dearest, what can I do for you?”

My heart rate increases and I try hard not to listen the conversation. I watch Lara's face turn to confusion as she says, “Why do you want me to say that? OK! OK! I will.”

She looks over at me, “Peppa, Noah said to say he hopes you are okay and he said Hello.”

I feel myself blush and my heart skips a beat. I stand up and tell Lara, “Say hello back and that I'm fine.”

I head for the kitchen to try and calm myself down. I don't understand these new feelings but I know it has something to do with what happened between us and Juan the other night. I decide I need to stay away from Noah, but it's not going to be easy because of Lara. That theory falls to pieces as that night I open the door to a smiling Noah. “Hi, I'm here to pick Lara up, we are meeting our parents for dinner.”

Nothing comes out my mouth as I'm suddenly lost for words, he walks past me and his arm brushes up against mine and I feel the energy pass through us both. I know he felt it too as he stops dead in his tracks and looks down at our arms then back up to my face. My body shivers with pleasure, my eyes go straight to his lips,
damn I want to kiss him so bad
, and I move my head closer to his for a kiss. A voice suddenly booms out from across the room as Lara stands there and declares, “I'm ready.”

Noah looks over at her and then back to me and whispers, “Tell me you felt that too.”

Lara is making her way over and before I move away from him I say, “Yes, I felt it.” I don't look at him as Lara is now standing in front of me. I smile at her sweetly, “So much for being ill, hope you have fun tonight.” And I walk over to the sofa, sit down, and glue my eyes to the TV. I felt a little childish for the way I acted but I wasn’t sure how to act around Noah anymore. I hear the front door shut and I can breathe again. Lara didn't come home that night or the next day so I found myself having a quiet Sunday doing housework and reading a romance book and of course thinking of Juan and Noah.

I hardly have any breathing space from Lara as we Co-own an Internet Café called Café Net, we live together and work together and somehow cling to a friendship. I'm the one who opens the Café and turns everything on, Madam usually shows up whenever she likes. We are usually busy, as students come in to use the computers and then buy a cup of tea or coffee, they can get a cheap meal as well. So, it has worked out for us and has made a profit and I really enjoy my work.

It's been three days since I’ve seen Noah and I begin to miss him, which is weird, as I never felt this way about him before. I would do anything to get out of being in his company. I find myself sitting down enjoying a cup of tea and a tuna sandwich in the café when Lara shouts over at me.

“Peppa, Noah phoned and asked for a sandwich and a coffee and asked if you can take it over to him at his office.”

“Why me? Can't you take it?”

She walks over to me and hands me the coffee and sandwich, “In case you haven't noticed I'm busy.”

“Well, I'm on my lunch hour.” She looks down at my sandwich which I have nearly finished.

“Looks like you're finished to me, and he asked for you personally which I find a bit weird. But anyway, he's in meetings all day and doesn't have long for lunch. And he's sitting there waiting for you to deliver it.”

I give her an evil look, “I'm not happy about this Lara. We don't do deliveries.”

I get up, grab the items and storm out the café and make my way across the street to Devil Records. I stand in the lift and thoughts of the last time I was here come to me and the hurt I felt runs through me too. I shake it off and prepare myself to come face to face with Noah, and if I'm going to be honest, I wouldn't mind bumping into Juan again, I get butterflies at that thought.

I step out of the lift and pray I don't cross paths with Jacob. I really don't want to see him and I walk quickly to Noah's office. His PA isn't about so I knock on his door and a, “Come in.” Rings out.

I open the door and walk in. Noah is standing up and I can't help but take a good look at him. He is a good looking man with a body that you can't help but notice. He walks over to me and holds his hands out, “Thanks for bringing my lunch over, it's been a hectic morning and I wouldn't have eaten anything if you hadn't been so nice to drop these off.”

I look down at my hands and hand over his sandwich and coffee, “It was my lunch break, so I had time to drop it off, but don't make a habit of it. We don't do deliveries.”

He laughs and turns to put his lunch on his desk then turns back to me, “I guess I'm special then.” This brings a smile to my face.

“Yeah something like that, I have to get back, enjoy your lunch.” I turn and walk to the door. As I open it, it’s pushed shut again and I can feel Noah right behind me.

“Peppa.” He comes closer to me and I feel him press himself up against my back. He moves my hair to one side and places a kiss on my neck, which causes my body to awaken. He tugs on my ear with his teeth then says into it, “I can't stop thinking about you, I dream about you and when I'm in meetings all I can do is think of ways of getting you alone.” And he places another kiss below my ear which causes me to gasp.

I try and struggle to free myself, but all he lets me do is turn to face him. I look up into his face, “Was me bringing lunch to you a set up?” He nods his head yes.

“I don't understand this Noah. Why are we feeling this way?” He comes closer again and pushes my body back against the door.

“I don't know but I like it, I want you Peppa.” He brings his mouth down to meet mine and I don't hesitate to let him in.

The way he kisses surprises me as its soft and gentle but then I never thought I would be kissing Noah at all. My body is soon on fire and I want more so I deepen the kiss. We come up for air and stare at each then my rationality kicks in and I push him away from me.

“I can't do this Noah. I’m sorry.” I open the door and try to flee.

He grabs my hand and stops me, “Peppa, please let's talk about this.”

I try to pull myself away from him but he's not having any of it and holds on tighter.

I look him right in the eye, “I'm not going to be another notch on your bedpost Noah, how long before another woman flashes her tits in your face and I become a distant memory. I can't...”

A loud cough comes from behind me and I turn to see Jacob standing there and I lower my head. I feel Noah loosen his grip on me and I make my move. I take quick look at Jacob and I can see how red he is in the face. He looks angry, but I don't hang about, I make a run for the lift and all I hear is Noah shouting, “Peppa!”

Chapter 7 (NOAH )


It’s been three long days since I have laid eyes on Peppa. I had to pick my sister up on Saturday night and Peppa opened the door to let me in, she makes my heart beat faster by the way she looks at me. When I walk past her our arms touch, and the feelings build again which causes me to stop walking and look her over. I notice her shiver and then her eyes fall to my lips and she leans in as if to kiss me and I'm willing her on by moving my head closer. Lara manages to interrupt, yet again, but I turn to Peppa and ask her quickly if she feels it and she says yes before she turns away from me. I want to follow her to talk about it but Lara puts her arm through mine and drags me out and away to have dinner with our parents.

That night, I sat around the table with my family, I daydream about Peppa and I find myself tuning out to the conversation going on around me. I am asked a few times by my mother if I'm okay and I answer with a quick yes.

I find myself for the next two days lost in a Peppa haze. I can't stop thinking about her, my dreams turn raunchy and Juan makes his way into them too, which confuses the hell out of me.

Monday comes and it's busy at work. It looks like Viper has gone cyber. They’ve had over 3 million hits on YouTube over the weekend and I'm getting calls from different places wanting to book them. I ring Cruz a dozen times but they all go to voice mail and I leave messages asking him to ring me back. Peppa is not too far from my mind and I come up with a sneaky plan to get her alone in my office, but it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Cruz finally rings me back later that day as I'm about to head home I can hear him snapping at someone but he finally manages to give me a time the band can meet me at my office. I'm not happy about it because it's 6pm on Wednesday, that's home time for me, but what can I do about temperamental artists, so I agree to it.

Tuesday morning comes and I'm in meetings all morning, but I start to put my plan into action. I phone Lara and give her a sob story about how hectic work is and I haven't had the time to eat. I know my sister well so when she says she will bring me over a sandwich I agree but I throw in, “You sound busy, can you spare the time?”

She is quiet for a moment, she must have put her hand over the phone, I hear her say Peppa's name and she comes back on line, “Peppa is on her lunch break, so she will bring it over.”

I smile as my plan worked, “Thanks Sis. You’re a star. I owe you one.”

And she retorts with, “And I will collect on it.”

I laugh as I know she will and we both say goodbye and hang up.

I start to pace the floor and go over what I will say to her and when the knock comes on the door, I suddenly find myself losing all my thoughts but I manage to get out a, “Come in.”

She walks in and looks nervous, and she isn't the only one. She once again causes my heart rate to accelerate. The urge to be near her grows. I walk over and take my lunch from her and I’m rewarded with an amazing smile as I make a stupid comment about being special. She says she has to get back but I don't want to let her go just yet, so when she walks away and opens the door, I shut it before she can leave. I press myself against her and kiss her neck. My body comes alive for her as does hers. I whisper to her that I think about her and think of nothing but getting her alone. She struggles in my arms but I let her turn to face me.

She asks me, “Why we are feeling this way,” but I have no answer for her.

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