Rocky Mountain Hitched: Contemporary Western Romance (To Love Again Book 6) (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Fargo

Tags: #To Love Again Series - Book 6

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Hitched: Contemporary Western Romance (To Love Again Book 6)
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He continued down her legs, left first then right, until he reached her feet. Then, like a private sacrament, he knelt before her, placing her left foot on his thigh to dry it. He returned it to the floor and lifted her other foot. He ran the edge of the towel between her toes. She shivered and started to giggle. Water dripped from his dark hair onto his shoulders and when he looked up at her, she sensed something raw and naked in his eyes. Lifting her foot to his mouth, he kissed her toes, one by one, until they were damp again. He kissed the arch of her foot, licked circles around her ankles and tongued his way up her calf. She inhaled slowly and braced against the counter.

He tickled the soft skin behind her knee before nipping her with his teeth. She squealed and smiled down at him. He wiggled his eyebrows and continued up her inner thigh. Leaning against the counter, she widened her stance to give him easier access.

Moving his mouth toward her center, he alternated butterfly kisses and love bites. Her moan came from deep within as she fisted her hands in his hair. He cupped her ass with both hands and, in one smooth movement, perched her on the counter, her legs over his shoulders. Hard to believe this was the man, only a few short months ago, that didn’t feel confident with women. She reached over and switched off the light. Within moments, her eyes adjusted to the moonlight streaming through the window.

His thumbs pressed against the very top of her inner thighs and, when she opened wider, he plunged his tongue into her center. She squeaked, then started to giggle. Putting pressure on her sensitive nub, he silenced her and she struggled against him. She couldn’t breathe. She was hyperventilating, the world reduced to the sensation of build-up within her. She longed for release. “Tray, oh God Tray,” she cried, as he slipped a finger inside and moved his tongue to her clit. With his other hand on her ass, he pressed her into him. She felt, she felt … he reached for her nipple and squeezed and the cry that came out of her seemed a million miles away yet all-consuming. She arched her back and rode the waves of pleasure shuddering through her.

He stood and she collapsed into his arms. Lifting her, he carried her to the bed, her arms looped around his neck. He turned off the lights, and moonlight flooded the room. She rolled onto her side to see the mountain in the stark white light and he snuggled in behind her.

She could get used to a lifetime of this.




He didn’t want to rouse her but it was getting late. Running his fingers along the side of her face, he whispered her name.

She started. “I didn’t realize I was sleeping.”

“Mmm, yeah. You kind of passed out,” he laughed, nuzzling her neck.

She pinched his forearm. “Your fault. I was just having a bath.”


“What time is it?”

“Almost eleven. We can still order.” He sat up and pulled the room service menu off the bedside table. “I’m hungry. You want something light?”

“What did you have in mind?” She turned the light on and reached for the menu. Sitting up on the bed, stark naked, there wasn’t a shred of self-consciousness about her. Tray could barely believe this was the same cautious woman he’d first met. She ran her finger down the menu. “Here’s a big salad. And maybe trout?”

“That’s not too much?”

“I was thinking we could share.” She cocked her head to the side. He leaned in and kissed her.

“There’s one thing we need to get straight though, before we get married. In fact, a lot hinges on how you answer this question.”

Putting the menu down, she sat up straight, forehead furrowed. “What is it?”

“When we get married, do you promise to order your own fries?”

“What?” She punched his arm. “We’re not even having fries.”

“Not tonight, but you always say you don’t want fries and then you eat half of mine.” Reaching out, he tousled her hair. She swatted him away.

“Fine, I’ll order my own fries. Anything else? Do I need to order my own trout?” She widened her eyes and fluttered her lashes.

“We can share the fish,” he said, admiring her spunk. “Just for tonight.”

“My own fries …” she muttered, reaching for the phone. She passed it to him, skipped into the bathroom, and pushed the door closed behind her.

After placing the food order, Tray turned down the bed. The food would be at least forty-five minutes and watching her skip across the carpet had his blood boiling.

She opened the door and stood in the doorway, framed by the light. “I thought you ordered dinner,” she said, looking at the turned down sheets.

He patted the bed and beckoned her to him. “I love how you look silhouetted by the moon. We have a few minutes, and —”

“And you didn’t get no satisfaction?” She jumped on the bed, landing on her knees by his side. “Now what can we do about that?” She lifted the sheet and peeked down to his erection. He couldn’t control his reactions around her.

“It’s not a laughing matter,” he said, grabbing her to him. “You wouldn’t want to leave your fiancé in such a state, would you?” He brought her head down to his mouth and kissed her forehead, her nose, then pressed his lips against hers, exploring with his tongue. She squirmed then stretched her legs and straddled his hips.

“Giddy up, cowboy,” she giggled. He flipped her onto her side and spooned her from behind. Reaching between her thighs, he found her ready and nudged his cock against her slit. She inhaled sharply, and he entered her. She stretched an arm over her head, the other braced in front of her chest.

He slid in deeper and she sighed. His arm around her, he held her close until their hips were moving in tandem, the rest of their bodies still. She gazed out over the mountain. The moonlight shimmered off the rock face and Mount Rundle dominated the view from the window. “I love the look of the mountain,” she said.

“I love the look of you,” he replied.

“It’s been there forever. So much rock, so solid.”

“I’ll be your rock. I want you to be able to tell me anything, trust me with everything.” He rocked deeper inside her. Her insides clenched around him.

“I hope I always feel this close to you,” she whispered.

He kissed her ear. “Always.”


He stilled. “I promise, Isabel. I’ll always be open to you and I’ll always cherish you as much as I do this moment. I want us to remember this our whole lives - this moment, this mountain, the moon overhead. It can be our touchstone. When we have troubles, we can remember this moment and know that everything will be all right.”

She turned her head toward him, eyes glistening, and he kissed her, deeply, tenderly. He pushed one final time, deep inside her, and they came, together, silently, yet the deepest, soul-bending orgasm he’d ever experienced. Completely still, he stroked her shoulder and they watched the moonlight ripple over the mountain. He’d never felt so calm, so sure, so optimistic about the future as he did this moment and he wanted to burn it into his memory forever.






“You look … rested,” joked Barry as they waited for the women.

Tray grinned. “A gentleman never tells. How was dancing?”

“Great. Val practically danced me into the ground.”

“You guys look happy.”

“We’ve been spending a lot of time together.” Barry glanced over Tray’s shoulder. “I had time to do some searches this morning,” he said. “I didn’t turn up much on Isabel’s ex-husband, but he’s definitely around. He works at a real estate company in north Calgary and lives not far from you, actually.”

Tray’s brow furrowed. “Nothing of note, though?”

“Not that I could find. I asked my partner to do a quick check on him, too. There’s nothing on him anywhere.”

“Is that odd?” He detected something in Barry’s voice.

“I wouldn’t say so. If he’s never been arrested, we won’t have a record of him.”

He nodded. “Okay, thanks. I guess we’ll just keep our eyes open.”

“I’m sure it was nothing,” Barry said.

“Hey, handsome,” Val linked her arm through Barry’s, “talking about me?”

“Only good things,” he said, pecking her cheek.

“Isabel said to go ahead and get settled. They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

The table they’d reserved was nestled in an alcove solarium overlooking a wide expanse of snowy valley below. Spring sun bounced off the windows. Covered with fine white linen, the table was set for a formal brunch with sterling silver and crystal. A large bouquet of calla lilies graced the center.

Tray chose a seat facing the windows and Barry and Val sat beside him.

“Kip with Jenny and Isabel?” Tray asked Val.

“Jenny said he went for a run. Oh, here they are now.”

Tray swiveled in his chair and rose to greet them. The waiter arrived with a tray of mimosas, and placed one at each setting while everyone said their hellos and were seated.

Raising her glass, Isabel smiled at each of their friends. “Happy Easter everyone, and thanks for being here with us to celebrate our engagement. It’s so special for us to share this with you. Cheers.” She raised her glass, and was met with the clinking of glasses all around.

Tray winked at her and cleared his throat. “Now, the most important thing … they have a huge buffet, including an omelet bar, or you can choose a la carte from the menu. Let’s eat.” Rising, he took Isabel’s hand and guided her to the buffet table in the main restaurant. Normally, the brunch was packed on a Sunday, but this morning it was especially busy. Yellow daffodils graced the tables and were placed strategically near the food warmers. Isabel chose fruit and cold salad to begin. He went straight for the chicken cordon bleu, roasted potatoes and a generous serving of dressing.

“You’ll be full in no time,” Isabel teased.

“Don’t think so. This is just to make up for the missed supper last night. Then I’ll move on to breakfast.”

“You had supper - we had trout and salad.”

He rolled his eyes. “That was a snack.”

They moved back to the table and tucked in to their food. Barry and Kip laughed about an incident at the dance club, Val consulted Jenny about whether or not they’d already chosen dresses for the bridesmaids, and Isabel ate and watched.

“You’re quiet,” he prompted.

“Just enjoying the moment.”

“You’re enjoying a lot of moments this weekend,” he said, resting his arm across her shoulder. “Very pensive. Maybe a little nostalgic?”

She shrugged. “A little.”

Barry half stood and cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, then sat again. “I want to make a toast to our host and hostess - my best friend and his beautiful fiancée. I’ve never seen Tray so happy and I’m thrilled for them both. Plus, it might be the only time in my life that I’ll be called the “best” man.”

Laughter rang out over cries of “Hear, hear”, and “Cheers”.

Jenny raised her glass. “Why not just call me the “best” woman? I could live up to that.” Kip nodded up at her. “As Issy’s maid of honor - and best friend - I need to say there was a time I thought I’d never see her this happy again. It’s a testament to her courage, and to Tray’s strength that —”

“Her courage? Yes, let’s raise a glass to my ex-wife’s courage.” Tray swiveled in his chair to see a man in a dark blue suit raising a glass and approaching the table. He rose and caught Barry’s eye.

“Chet, what are you doing here?” Isabel stood and turned.

“I wanted to come and see my pretty, little wife celebrating her new life,” he said, his tone twisting the words into something ugly.

“This is not the place for this,” she said, stepping toward him. Tray reached out and held her back.

“You better leave, Chet. You’re not welcome here.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, belting back his drink and slamming the glass down on the table. “I have something to say to my wife.”

“Ex-wife,” Isabel said.

“Not here you don’t,” Barry said, moving to his side.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tray saw Val move to the double doors and pull them closed. Chet’s antics were drawing the attention of the other diners and there were a lot of children in the restaurant.

“I bloody well do,” he roared. “You’re so successful now without me, you’re on television all the time.”

“And what do you care?” Jenny stood and turned to face him, her mouth set in a tight line. “You left. That was your choice. Leave her alone now.”

“It looks like she got along just fine without me,” he said, reaching for Isabel’s arm.

“Leave her alone,” Barry said, widening his stance and placing his hands on his hips.

“Or what? College boy will take me down?”

Tray’s arm twitched. He didn’t want to cause a scene but one more thing out of this loser’s mouth was likely to change all that. He felt Isabel’s hand on his arm, and took a deep breath.

“You’re leaving. Now.” Barry took Chet’s arm and turned him back toward the door. He flailed his arms, trying to throw a punch, but he was drunk and off balance. Barry blocked the punch and nodded to Val to open the doors. Two security guards were hurrying across the restaurant. Barry propelled him forward until he was flanked by the two guards.

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