Rogue (19 page)

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Authors: Julia Sykes

BOOK: Rogue
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And suddenly, I didn’t want to.

“Good,” he grinned like a child getting a particularly desired gift for his birthday. 
“I’ll teach you to like it.  Trust me, you’ll beg me for my cock up your ass after

His lubed fingers brushed over my dark hole, and I shuddered at the foreign sensation. 
When Steven and I had experimented, he tried to thrust straight in.  It had hurt,
and we hadn’t gotten far.  Derek started slowly, teasing, arousing.  Nerve endings
that I hadn’t known existed flared to life.  My inner walls pulsed as little tingles
of pleasure danced from where Derek’s fingers touched to my core.

My head thrashed against the mattress, and I moaned into the gag.  I felt helpless,
wanton, desired.

Sensation jolted through me when Derek tugged the chain, pulling my attention back
to him.

“Watch,” he ordered sternly.  “I want you to watch your greedy little body swallow
me up.”

I whimpered and went utterly still.  He shifted his weight off my thighs to position
my legs so that my calves rested on his shoulders.

Then his cock pressed against my asshole, demanding entrance.  I tensed.  There was
no way he would fit.  He was far too big.

“Don’t you dare try to keep me out.  Relax.”

Another tug of the chain pulled my mind away from my worries and back to Derek.  I
took a deep breath and let it out, releasing all the tension and resistance in my
body.  The head of his cock eased inside me, stretching.  It burned, but I resolutely
kept my body supple for his use.

“Good girl, that’s it.”

He flicked the clamp in reward, little taps of his forefinger over and over.  I exploded
with a scream.  My core contracted around nothing, and my clit throbbed madly.  The
orgasm rode me with an intensity I had never known before, and I came apart under
Derek’s hands.  The crash of pleasure left me weak, limp, and trembling.  The head
of his cock slid easily past my tight ring of muscles with a little popping sensation. 
I couldn’t resist him now even if I wanted to.  My body was utterly spent.  It had
completely surrendered to his dominance.

A strange, mewling sound escaped me as Derek slid himself steadily inside, stretching
me ruthlessly.  The burning was still there, but the sensation of being taken by him
in this most carnal manner kept me so high on lust that pain didn’t register.  Pain
was pleasure, and my whole being was glutted on it.

He didn’t pause when he seated himself fully.  Instead, he slowly drew almost all
the way back out.  The drag seemed to send shockwaves rippling through my body, and
I shuddered helplessly as the pleasure took me.

Derek began to rock back and forth, penetrating a little deeper with each short thrust. 
When he tugged the chain in time with his pumping hips, reality fell away.  I was
swept up in the sweet torment, riding on a cascade of molten gold.  It burned me,
consumed me, and yet its heat didn’t destroy me as it should have.  There was no fiery
end to the wash of sensation.  I wasn’t sure if it was the sweetest or the cruelest
thing I had ever experienced.

Orgasm wasn’t even on the same plane as what I had attained, what Derek had driven
me to.  There was no precipice to fly over and then come down from.  I was in free
fall, and there was no earth in sight.

Derek threw his head back and howled.  His cock began to pump within me.  I fluttered
around him, finding a new facet to the sensations riding me.

Then he unclipped the little silver clamp, and pain slammed into me as blood rushed
back to my clit.  I screamed even as his fingers found the abused bud and soothed
away the sting.  Pleasure rode me hard as I watched pure bliss light up his perfect

Emotion welled within me, making my heart ache with the same pleasure/pain that racked
my body.  I spiraled off into oblivion, completely overcome by Derek.


*  *  *  *  *


Derek’s lips planted soft kisses on my cheeks, my forehead, my eyelids.  He murmured
sweet words of praise against my skin, his voice slightly slurred as though he was
drunk.  I let out a happy little sigh and tilted my head back, searching for his lips. 
His kiss was slow, languorous.  My mouth opened for him, pliant, willing, giving. 
He took, devoured, consumed.  I tried to lower my hands to wrap my arms around his
shoulders, but they were still bound above me.  The reminder of my punishment made
me moan into his mouth.

When he finally pulled away from me, soft concern flickered through the contented
glow in his eyes.

“Are you okay?  Did I push you too hard?”

“No,” I breathed.  “I needed that.  I need you to forgive me.  Please.”

His lips turned down in a small frown.  “You don’t have to take pain for me to forgive
you.  That’s abuse.”

“It’s not like that,” I insisted.  “I needed the pain to forgive myself.  And you
needed to give it to me to accept my apology.  You do accept it, don’t you?  You have
to see that my submission is real.  I never lied to you when we were together like
this.  I am so sorry.”

A little furrow persisted between his brows, but his large hand cupped my cheek in
a show of tender affection.  “Yes, I know this is real.  I just…  When I found out
you had lied to me, I went a little crazy.  I haven’t been with a sub since the Kings
took my club.  I had no right to control a woman when I can’t even control my own
life.”  His thumb traced the line of my cheekbone.  “And then you came into my club,
all confused and wound up and angry at the world.  I couldn’t resist you.  It killed
me to think you had just taken what I gave you because you were using me.”

I was stunned by his raw sincerity, and a pang of guilt shot through me again at the
knowledge that I had lied to this man who was never anything but brutally honest. 
He saw the world for what it was, and he didn’t make excuses for himself.  My gut
had been right for once; Derek Carter was a good man.

“I always believed you were innocent, Derek,” I confessed.  “I was just scared to
admit it to myself.  My instincts have gotten a lot of people hurt lately, and I didn’t
want to lose objectivity when it came to you.  I wanted to gather solid evidence so
I could prove you were being coerced.  I never wanted them to arrest you.”

His hand stroked my hair in a soothing motion.  “Who got hurt, Sharon?”

I was struck by a fierce desire to share my anguish with him, to purge it from myself. 
“Clayton.  My partner.  He got shot and nearly died.  I was supposed to have his back
that night, but I let him go out in the open without cover.”  My lips quivered, and
my chest shook when I drew breath.  “Then I made some bad calls that almost got his
best friend Claudia and his girlfriend Rose killed.  I let him down so many times. 
I failed.”

“Hey,” Derek pulled me into his arms.  “You’re not Superwoman.  You have a dangerous
job, and people are going to get hurt.  That doesn’t mean it’s your fault.”

With my arms restrained, I had no choice but to accept his comfort.  A sob ripped
its way up my throat, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.  He held me while
I cried.  Every tear shed a little drop of my guilt and shame, slowly draining them
from my soul.  Derek caught them, taking the burden on himself, sharing the load with

When my sobs finally quieted to little sniffles, he pulled back from me to look down
into my eyes.  He gently wiped the wetness from my cheeks and smiled down at me softly.

“Better?”  He asked.

“Why are you so good to me?”  I whispered, almost fearing his answer.  “I betrayed

“No, you didn’t.  I see that now.  You were trying to help me, and I was a cruel ass. 
I was hurt, and I lashed out at you.  That was wrong of me.”

Had there ever been a man who so easily owned up to his mistakes?  He was playful,
fierce, domineering, and good to the core.  His lips came down on mine again, imparting
his goodness into me.  Its warmth purified me, and I felt lighter than I had in months.

Chapter 16




“I should fire you for this.”  Kennedy’s usual icy disapproval was absent.  He positively
seethed.  I had never seen him so close to the edge of losing his careful control,
and I was terrified.

Swallowing hard, I gathered up my courage.  “It won’t change anything if you do,”
I declared.  “I’m going to help Derek.  I’m not going to let the Kings hurt him because
you’ve sent him out on his own.”

My boss’ eyes narrowed.  “You can’t help him if I arrest you for collusion.”

I rushed to my own defense.  “I have an in with Jonas now.  He expects me to be at
Decadence.  I’m supposed to help transfer the coke three days from now.  It would
look suspicious if I disappeared.”

His fist slammed down on his desk.  “You made this plan without consulting me?  Do
you want to go to jail, Silverman?  Because you are practically begging me to lock
you up.  First, you betray Santiago, and now you’re betraying the entire unit.  I
will not have my people get hurt because you’re going rogue.”

“Then don’t make me.  Give me back the op.  I can do this.  I’m in a stronger position
than Clayton and Smith could ever be.”

His glare cut me to the core, but somehow I managed to keep breathing.  “What’s your
role in the transfer?”  He finally asked.

“I’m supposed to provide backup,” I said quickly.  This might be my only chance to
convince Kennedy to keep me on.  “I proved to Jonas that I can fight.  I took Ortiz
and Reyes down in front of him.  He doesn’t trust the Europeans he’s trading with,
so he wants me to be there in case there’s trouble.  They won’t expect me to be a
threat.  Jonas wants the element of surprise on his side.”

Kennedy’s frown turned from furious to considering, and he folded his arms across
his chest.  “What is this deal, exactly?  And who are the Europeans?”

“Russian Mafia.  I suspect they’re expanding their markets in the States and sending
a cut back to Europe.  Jonas is pushing the Kings to a higher level than local dealing. 
He wants to buy the goodwill of the Russians to give him an alliance that will allow
him to take over the other tribes of the Kings.  Jonas is trading the coke for power
and the Russians are accepting for the cash it will bring them.”

Kennedy’s eyes widened, and he blew out a long breath.  “Well, shit.”  He watched
me for a full minute, his hazel eyes weighing my fate.  “Okay, Silverman.  I can’t
believe I’m saying this, but good work.  You’re getting your op back.  But I’m sending
in Miller, Vaughn, and James every night until then.  We have to stop Jonas before
he can rally all of the Kings behind him.  One of the only advantages we have over
the fuckers is that they’re divided.  And we don’t need the Russians to become a new
power here.  We’ll make the bust on the night of the trade.  You and Miller will be
inside to give the go ahead when it’s time, and Vaughn and James will come in with
the NYPD to shut it down.”  His gaze turned sharp, penetrating.  “You are to report
anything new to me.  Don’t you dare keep me in the dark again, or I’ll do worse than
fire you.  Do you understand me?”

I nodded vigorously.  “Yes, sir.”

To my amazement, his lips quirked up at the corners.  “It seems Carter has managed
to teach you some manners.  You were even more of a pain in my ass when you were so
damn prickly.  I’ll have to thank him if he survives this.”

“Of course he will.”

He had better, or I’ll kill him.



“Will you tell me why you’re a Dom?”  I asked Derek later that evening.  “The real
reason this time.”  When I had asked the question weeks before, he had been evasive,
closed off. “I want to be closer to you.”   I bit my lip with the admission.  I was
putting myself out there, but I had already put everything on the line for Derek. 
Giving him my heart was the natural next step.

He ground his hips against me.  “We’re already pretty damn close.”

That was true physically, at least.  Our naked bodies were entwined on the bed in
his apartment.  We had spent hours in each other’s arms.  I needed it after my tense
confrontation with Kennedy.  All that defiance had left me wrung out and weary, and
the release I found with Derek was sweeter than I could have imagined.

I peeked up at him through my lashes.  “Please.  Talk to me.  I’m still having trouble
coming to terms with my submission.  When I’m with you, it feels like the most natural
thing in the world, but then I go to work and I don’t understand how I can be submissive
when I need to be so strong all the time.”

Derek propped himself up on one elbow and absently ran his free hand up and down my
side.  “That’s why you crave submission, Sharon,” he told me earnestly.  “You put
so much pressure on yourself all the time.  Your job involves facing life or death
situations, and you allow the outcomes of those situations to weigh heavily on you.” 
He brushed my hair back from my forehead.  “Why is it you feel that so deeply?  Why
are you so afraid of feeling like a failure?”

Just like that, he cut right to the core of me.  I had asked him for honesty, but
I owed some to him as well.  And to myself.

“I guess…”  I began.  “I guess it’s because of my relationship with my father.  My
parents couldn’t conceive, so they adopted me.  For a while, I wondered if my father
couldn’t love me because of my skin color.  My adoptive parents are white,” I explained. 
“But then I slowly realized that wasn’t right.  I remembered that my father loved
me before…  Before the accident.”  Tears swam in my eyes, but I blinked them back. 
“My parents ended up having a biological son.  He was born when I was six.  They loved
us equally, and I never resented him.  Then…”

Here came the hard part.  I swallowed back my grief, determined to share this part
of myself with Derek.  “When I was eleven, we were in a car crash; my mom, Thomas,
and me.  I survived, they didn’t.  My father kind of checked out after that.  He wasn’t
cruel.  He just… wasn’t fully there.  I worked so hard to make him proud of me, to
earn his affection back.  I thought if I just succeeded, if I was good enough, he
might love me again.”

I swiped at the wetness on my cheeks and gave a shaky laugh to cover my rush of emotion. 
“God, I sound like I have daddy issues.”

“It’s okay,” Derek assured me.  “I have them, too.”

My eyes widened.  “What?”  Again, I was struck by his unflinching honesty.  Derek
had completely accepted every facet of himself, even the uglier parts.

He chuckled, recognizing my shock.  “I told you; the most important aspect of D/s
is honesty.  That means honesty with yourself as well as your partner.  It took me
years to fully accept myself, but BDSM helped me do that.  I was perfectly content
with my life until my father came back into it.”

His lips twisted in distaste.  “I owe you some honesty as well,” he admitted.  “I
wasn’t always innocent of crime.  When I was fifteen, I started dealing for the Westies. 
I hated my father and I hated the gang, but I knew I needed money to escape.  My mother
had run out on my father when I was a toddler, so all I knew was Jonas’ way of life. 
I saved every dollar I could skim off the top without him noticing.  By the time I
was eighteen, I had a nice little pile of money.

“But I came to hate that money, too.  I had thought I was taking control of my life
by earning it, but I realized I had allowed my father’s lifestyle to shape my own. 
That’s when I joined the Marines.  I earned a sense of personal pride, of accomplishment. 
I felt secure in my own power.  One of my buddies told me about the BDSM lifestyle,
and I started exploring.  By the time I was honorably discharged, I knew what I wanted
to do with my life.

“I took all the money I had earned and invested and used it to buy Decadence, my own
personal paradise and huge ‘fuck you’ to my father.”

His satisfied smile turned to something more predatory as his gaze slipped from his
past to focus on me again.  “Have I ever told you why I named my club Decadence?”

The gleam in his eye made my mouth go dry, and I shook my head weakly.

His grin sharpened.  “I’m a hedonist, Sharon.  I like to sample beautiful things.” 
He lowered his head, and his tongue traced the shell of my ear before biting my lobe
sharply.  I gasped as the little pain awoke an answering flare in my nipples and clit. 
“I like owning beautiful things.”  His whisper snaked into me, coiling around my mind,
binding my thoughts to him.

“Stay.  And close your eyes.”  He reinforced his order with another nip of my ear. 
I shivered and stilled, my body instantly giving in to his command.

The mattress shifted as his weight left the bed, and his footsteps away from me were
muffled by the plush carpet.  I heard him rummaging in a drawer, and my stomach flipped. 
He always found the most cruel, kinky implements in his drawers.

“Okay.  Open your eyes and come over here.”  My eyes fluttered open, but I hesitated
in the wake of his hungry gaze.  He was gloriously naked, and his cock was clearly
pleased with whatever he had planned for me.  “Come,” he insisted more sharply.

Warily, I got to my feet and crossed the short space that separated us.  Once I was
within two feet of him, he began to move.  I froze for a heartbeat as he started to
circle me like the predator he was.  Then I pivoted, keeping my eyes fixed on him. 
Instinct gathered deep within me, and I dropped into a defensive stance.

“We never got to finish playing out your little fantasy.”  His voice was low and rough,
and his cock jerked.  “I believe you wanted me to take you down, Agent Silverman.”

My breath caught in my throat.  “That was your fantasy,” I protested.  My stomach
knotted with nerves.  This was coming too close to my other self, the part of me that
wasn’t Derek’s submissive.  He wanted to subjugate the professional, powerful side
of me.

“Yes, Sharon,” he confirmed the question in my eyes.  “I want to own all of you. 
I want everything.  Let it all go.  Let me take it.”

Release.  He was offering me total, absolute release.

My muscles coiled, and a small smile curled my lips.  “You want to take me down, Carter? 
You can try.”

He moved almost faster than my eyes could follow, and I managed to dart out of the
grasp of his corded arms only just in time.  I couldn’t beat his strength, but I was
fast.  Besides, I wasn’t actually trying to hurt Derek, just as he would never truly
hurt me.  I was destined to lose this fight, but I would be sure to give him hell
for as long as possible.

We circled one another again.  I watched his core rather than his face, waiting for
the flex of his muscles to give him away.  This time, I danced away from his lunge
with ease.  He laughed out his pleasure.

When he came for me again, I ducked and tripped him.  He went sprawling, and I moved
to straddle his back and get him in a head lock.

Before I could reach him, he flipped onto his front.  He was on me in an instant. 
My fingers shot out, and my nails raked across his chest before he could stop me.

His arms caged me in, turning my body so that my breasts pressed against the soft
carpet.  I struggled, but he grasped my wrists, holding them at the small of my back
with one hand.

“It seems my little FBI agent has claws.  Do you want to be my pet, kitten?”

Cold metal clicked closed around my wrists, and I realized too late that he had maneuvered
me exactly where he wanted me; he had taken me down just beside where he had set the
handcuffs he had retrieved before our fight.

There was something else laying there where the cuffs had rested, and my eyes widened. 
My head began to shake, but his fist closed in my curls, forcing it to stillness.

“My pretty pet needs a collar.  That way she knows she belongs to me.”

The thin band of black leather was soft and cool against my neck.  It tightened as
Derek swiftly buckled it closed.  I looked up at him almost fearfully.  I was vulnerable,
bound, collared.  Owned.

His eyes burned into my soul with a possessive fire. His fingers traced the line of
the collar, and I shuddered under the feather-light touch.

“Mine.”  The word was triumphant, satisfied, tender.  I melted beneath him with a
little whimper, submitting.  He stroked my hair in reward.  “You’re going to be my
good little pet, aren’t you, kitten?”

“Yes, Sir.”  The words were a shuddering surrender.

His hands closed around my shoulders, pulling me upright until I rested back on my
heels.  He held me for a moment to steady me, then moved around in front of me.

He remained on his knees as well, but he was so tall that his cock bobbed in front
of my face.  I knew what he wanted, and I was all too eager to give it to him.  I
wanted to please him, to pleasure him.

With my hands bound behind my back, I had no choice but to use my mouth.  Dipping
my head, my tongue firmly touched the underside of his cock, licking up the length
of it to tickle at the base of the head.  He hissed in a sharp breath when I tasted
the salty drop of precum at the tip.

“That’s good, kitten.  Lap me up.”

I swirled my tongue around him and I took him in, moving my head back and forth in
a steady rhythm.  When he touched the back of my throat, I swallowed him down with
practiced ease.

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