Romance Book Club (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Romance Book Club
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"The pain isn't truly painful.  I know that's a little hard to understand for someone who hasn't experienced it.  Of course again that depends on the two people in the relationship."

She really didn't have any idea what he was talking about, and she glanced at him questioningly.  "Pain is not painful, that seems like a complete oxymoron?"

Chuckling at her response, he tried to explain. "You could ask any dominant what his definition of a BDSM relationship means, and it would probably be different
in some way.  There are those that just enjoy pain for pains sake.  I just don't subscribe to that and like to deal more with the bondage and the relationship side of the equation, and focus on the pleasure aspects.  Now I will say punishment does have its uses in this though, and I don't think that part of it is usually pleasurable."

"I'm confused again sorry, so the punishment is actually painful? Why would you punish someone if you truly cared about them?" She leaned over and rested her elbows on her knees then rested her face in her palms.

Sitting back more comfortably on the couch, he considered how to word this so she would understand his perspective.  "People are usually motivated to do the right thing when there is a negative consequence hanging in the balance.  For example most people finish their work on time, because knowing if they don't it could result in them being fired.  With punishment and this type of lifestyle, say I wanted you to learn a certain type of behavior because I knew it would help you in life and you were having trouble remembering what I was asking you to do, punishment could be a quick reminder." 

"I can understand completing a task on time and being reprimanded, but being scolded by your lover? That sounds a little like a parental relationship."

He laughed out loud at her description.  "Trust me Jessie, if I had you draped over my knee the last thing you'd be thinking about was me in a father capacity."  He could actually imagine having her that way and fought to keep that image closed off.

Thinking about it, she couldn't really picture herself seeing him in that capacity either.  "So you punish your lover.  Don't you worry that she'll just get mad and make you sleep on the couch?"  Imagining him spanking her wasn't really as frightening as it should be.  In fact it gave her heart a little flutter.

He was glad she was discussing this.   He noticed how calm she was, that was more than pleasing.  "That's the real difference between this and say a normal relationship Jessie, at least in my world.  Where a couple in a vanilla relationship would probably go to bed angry with each other after screaming out all their frustrations or refusing to discuss them at all, with this that's just not an option."

"Being open and honest from the beginning, teaches both parties how to communicate with each other.  With some of the toys or other implements we use, being anything less than completely honest can not only be painful, but also dangerous.  The point is everything is done for pleasure, but while discovering what truly pleasures a submissive you are learning also about their limits."

She still wasn't sure she completely understood his reasoning, even if some of it made sense.  "So what do you really get out of this Chase?"  It was well and good to discuss what he liked to think he could offer a submissive, but there had to be something he took away as well.

"Outside of making sure that I help my submissive find pleasure, I teach her ways to please me.  I know that may sound strange Jessie, but imagine having every need you had fulfilled, how do you think you'd respond to the man responsible for opening your eyes to that?"

She stopped to consider what he was saying.  "I guess knowing how hard he worked to please me, I'd probably want to give back in the same way."  It did make sense in some strange way she'd never thought to consider before.

"Exactly, that's what makes this type of relationship truly work.  Yes, the submissive gives the gift of submission to the dominant, but in return she discovers passion in herself that she may have never discovered without his guidance.  So being an egotistical alpha male really doesn't fit the definition of a true dominant.  The dominant does control the situation, but if he's not pleasing his submissive, he won't have one for long to dominate."

It seemed so much simpler than she'd originally thought when reading this in her romance novels.  Everything she had read about showed these men with troubled pasts and their need to be in control of everything to make their lives more meaningful.  With Chase it just seemed like he wanted a partnership that was based on two people giving each other different gifts and complimenting each other's lives.

"Would you like to take a tour of my personal dungeon?" All this talk about his lifestyle had him thinking about sharing it with her. The blunt question was as much of shock to him as he was sure it was to her.

She was admittedly curious about his dungeon, and nodded.  "As long as you promise to let me leave once you have me all alone down there.   I would love to see it."  Grinning at her own joke, she stood up ready for the tour.

"I don't know Jessie, locking you in my dungeon is more than a little tempting we'll have to see." Taking her hand in his, he walked her out of the living room to the basement door.  "Are you sure you trust me to let you leave later?"  He couldn't help joking around with her since she made the comment about being locked up first.

Smiling at him, she nodded.  Oddly enough she wasn't nervous as they made their way down the long flight of stairs.  It definitely wasn't the dark gloomy space she'd expected, and while some of the furniture was a little strange to her, lit with soft lights it appeared warmer, and more inviting than the room at the club.

"Most of these things you saw at Sensation's.  I do like to think that my equipment here is a little less basic."  He'd decorated the dungeon with the things he enjoyed
playing with and left out some of the things that didn't appeal.  It had a cross, spanking beach, and exam table, and then of course the suspension bars.  He actually preferred the softer wool-lined cuffs if he was playing personally, but those didn't work well in the dungeon at Sensation's.

"I do believe a little payback is in order for letting you shackle me to the cross."  He gave a playful smirk, and motioned to the cross.  "Don't worry.  I'll let you leave your clothes on, this time."  Laughing at her shocked expression, he shook his head.  "Nothing will happen here that you don't want Jessie."

Her heart rate increased as she walked over to the cross, but in excitement not fear.  The truth was she knew he wouldn't hurt her.   She was curious to know what it felt like to be as helpless as he had been the other night.  Standing awkwardly on the platform of the cross she held her arms up.  "Like this?"

Smiling patiently, he took one of her wrists and secured it in the fur-lined cuff, then entrapped the other.  "Just like that," he spoke soothingly.  Kneeling down he lifted her leg to position her ankle at the right spot and secured it, then tapped her other leg until she opened her stance wide enough so he could secure the other.  Standing up, he glanced over her and smiled broadly.  "The only thing that could make you more beautiful right now, would be if you wearing nothing at all."

She flushed and lowered her eyes, embarrassed, but pleased somewhat by the compliment. Holding her breath, she allowed the sensation of being completely helpless to wash over her.  She wasn't afraid at all. Excited yes, but definitely not afraid.

Placing his hand under her chin, he lifted it.  "Don't look down Jessie.  I want to see those mesmerizing eyes." Keeping his hand under her chin, their gazes met and he was floored by the response of his body.  Almost instantaneously, he was aroused, something he hadn't felt so quickly since he was much younger.  "What you make me feel Jessie." Chase smiled ruefully and lowered his lips to hers tenderly.

The touch of his warm lips against hers made her sigh.  The feel of his tongue sliding into her mouth and touching hers was enough to make her body ache for more.  It had been so long since anyone had kissed her.  She leaned into him, as much as she could with the restrains, demanding more.

Moving his large hands to each side of her face, he held it as he deepened the kiss.  The taste of her was exquisite, and he couldn't get enough.  After several long minutes of enjoying her, he pulled back.  "Tell me to stop Jessie.  If you don't I'm going to want so much more from you than a simple kiss."  He kept his hands on her face staring deeply into her eyes.

"I don't want you to stop," she whispered softly, unable to look away even if she wanted to.

That was all the response he needed, and he kissed her again.  His hands moved from her face to trace up her arms until their hands were entwined.  Pressing his body against hers, he wanted her to know how aroused he was by their simple act, so she would understand just how much he craved her.

The feel of his hard body against hers was incredible and she whimpered at the sensations moving through her body at the contact.  It wasn't enough.  She needed to feel his hands on her.  Biting gently down on his lips, she showed him without words just how much she wanted him.

The small action moved straight to his groin, and he knew he had to get her off this cross.  With skillful precision, he lowered to her ankles, releasing them, and moved to her wrists to undo the buckles as well.  "The cross just won't work for how I want to touch you right now honey."  Smiling, he lifted her over his shoulder, and carried her to the exam table.

Chuckling at his cave man act, the laughter stopped when he careful placed her on the table sitting up.  She could see by the intensity of his eyes that he planned on taking this as far as she would allow.  Without thinking, for perhaps the first time in her life, she lifted her t-shirt over her head.  Without words, she was giving him her consent.  Jessie tossed the shirt carelessly aside, nibbling her lower lip, but refusing to break eye contact.

There was nothing sexier in this world, he thought of her reaction. Chase allowed his eyes to drink in the perfection of her skin for a moment.  The tiny lacy bra she wore didn't hide much, but even that was more than he was willing to allow.  Lowering his lips, he captured her mouth again.   His fingers quickly moved to the small clasp of the flimsy garment, undoing it before pulling the straps off her shoulders and standing back to cast it away.

Her hands automatically shielded her body from his eyes.  The shake of his head made her rethink the action, and she nervously lowered her hands to clench the leather table.

"More beautiful than words." Her handful sized mounds were just perfect in his mind and fit perfectly with the petite beauty she was.  He reached over to
cup the light weight of her breasts, and then rubbed his thumbs over the coral-colored peaks.  Pinching the hardened pebbles, her soft moan of pleasure echoed in his mind, fuelling him on.  Lowering his mouth, he suckled deeply, then allowed his teeth to graze over her nipple, enjoying her response.  He loved how she arched into his touch.

Tossing back her long black hair, she closed her eyes at the sensation of his teeth scraping over her enflamed
flesh.  It sent a spark of pleasure straight from her breast down to her core.  It was unlike any other feeling she'd felt before.  Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers tugged lightly on her other nipple, and she cried out, overwhelmed at the intensity.

His mouth trailed down to her quivering abdomen, and he knew that the jeans had to go.  Raising his head, he spoke with gravel to his voice that wasn't there before.  "Lay back honey," it was a soft demand and he was pleased that she responded so quickly.

Chase unsnapped her jeans, and lowered the zipper.  She swore the sound of her pounding heart echoed in the room.  When he tugged down, she raised her hips instinctively allowing him easier accesses.  The material rested at her knees. She felt him pulling off her tennis shoes and socks, before removing the thick fabric of her jeans. He tossed them away. 

Leaving her in just the small scrap of fabric that covered her sex, his mouth lowered down to her abdomen again.  His tongue traced an outline around her navel before delving in.  The way she tensed was precious, he thought.   She had no idea the things he would do to her body before this night ended.  For now, he needed to please more than he wanted to tease.   His tongue moved to trace a line right above the band of her bikini briefs.

What was he doing to her
, she thought at the feel of his tongue? His hands were pushing under her hips, lifting them.  She cried out loudly as he spread her legs wide. Chase placed them over his shoulders, and his mouth found her core.  Only the thin fabric of her underwear was between them and she tensed in both pleasure and a small fission of fear knowing where this was headed. No one had ever kissed her this way, and it was overwhelming at how quickly her body responded.

The scrap of lace had to go he decided. Without rational thought, he pulled it apart easily with his large hands, destroying the flimsy material.  Her soft gasp at his action demanded he show her how much pleasure he could give her.

Her last barrier being removed was as shocking as they way he'd destroyed it.  His tongue delving into her removed any thoughts of his behavior from her mind though.  She wanted this, wanted him, and gentleness just didn't enter the equation.

If he thought the taste of her mouth was incredible, the sweet essence of her core was unbelievable.  She was so wet and ready, his cock throbbed with need.  Her body was pure perfection. Chase knew at this rate he wasn't going to last long enough to pleasure her if he didn't find some control.  Spearing his tongue into the sweetness of her flesh, and retreating again, wasn't enough, he demanded more.

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