Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (5 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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“The depth of heart and soul you put into this paper shines through. Your
First Love
paper gives me remarkable insight into your soul Clarissa. You have laid yourself bare in this paper. It was a passionate coming of age story for you wasn’t it?” Professor Montgomery questions. We’re sitting next to each other on the sofa in his living room and he has just finished reading my
First Love

“Yes it was, it had a profound effect on me and still does,” I admit honestly.

“Do you ever see him anymore?” Grant asks.

“He texts me once in a while, but he goes to Pepperdine,” I reply.

“Still trying to hold on to a part of you, I’m sure.”

“He will always have a special place in my heart. I suppose your first love always does. We tried to get back together after we broke up, but we both knew it was over,” I say wistfully.

“You’re a heartbreaker, you broke his heart,” Grant says in all seriousness.

“Stop it, I did not,” I reply, defending myself.

“Miss Clarkson, as a man I could read between the lines of your eloquent paper,” he teases with a sad smile. I was thinking of meeting up with my ex and being with him for one of my
Close Encounters
, but I may lose my courage, plus it may give him false hopes of us ever getting back together. Not to mention my growing attachment to my sexy Professor.

“Tell me about your first love, Professor,” I inquire gently.

“There’s not much to tell,” he says guardedly.

“What do you mean? Do you mean to tell me you’ve never been in love?” I ask curiously. The man is twenty-seven, after all.

“Possibly.” He remains guarded.

“These walls you’ve put up around yourself, are you one of those men that doesn’t do ‘love’?” I ask, actually feeling sorry for him. His answer is a kiss, a hot passionate kiss that I surrender to. This kiss is all it takes to heat me up and want more of him. I want him naked and on top of me as I lie back on the sofa and pull him with me. My hand goes to find his growing arousal as he presses it into my belly. Can you say that I’m hot for the teacher? Just like all of the other girls in my class. I feel lucky to have been the chosen one, althoughfor how long I have no idea.

“Let’s eat first,” he says, pulling away from the kiss.

“I have an appetite for you, Professor.” I taunt him.

“You are a naughty girl, Miss Clarkson.”

“You’re the one who has made me this wanton,” I say in all seriousness. He climbs off me and stands up.

“Come on,” he says, reaching for my hand and pulling me up and off the sofa.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” he says, walking us into the kitchen. He pours me a glass of wine and I take a seat on the barstool in the kitchen. I love watching him cook for me. It’s an immense turn on, what can I say? I get to admire his hot body.

“Clarissa, you are a very talented writer. What are you thinking of majoring in?” Grant asks.

“I don’t know, English or maybe Journalism. I’ve always been passionate about writing. For as long as I can remember I’ve been writing short stories.”

“I bet you were an adorable little girl,” he says from behind me, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling into my neck. A warm smile spreads across my lips. Grant makes me feel happy; I love being with him. He has a vulnerable side to him that he rarely shows the outside world.

“I bet you were an adorable blond-haired and blue-eyed little boy,” I say affectionately. He kisses me deeply as I run my hand across his chest.

“Dinner’s ready,” he announces pulling away from the kiss.

“Let’s eat here,” he says placing my plate in front of me as he takes a seat next to me.

“These chicken enchiladas are sooo good, you are a fabulous chef!”

“I don’t know about that, coming from someone who has been eating mostly campus food lately,” he quips.

“The food on campus is pretty good. I ate at the new Bar-B-Que place last night.”

“Who were you with?” Grant asks and I wonder if I should lie.

“Jason Bancroft.” I can’t lie. Grant’s face goes stone cold and he doesn’t say anything.

“He just wanted me to look over his paper,” I say, trying to explain.

“I bet he did.”

“Are you jealous? We’re just friends, I told him I was seeing someone,” I admit.

“Really, and what did he say?”

“He asked if the guy I’m seeing goes to school here,” I reply.

“What was your answer?” Grant clips out.

“I couldn’t think fast enough and said sort of and then he assumed he was a part-time student and I left it at that. You know, we have to be more careful. I don’t think you should talk to me at all in class,” I caution.

“Why, do you think he suspects anything?”

“I’m probably just being paranoid, but he said he thought if he grew breasts then maybe he would get an ‘A’ from you. I just about died of humiliation when he said that,” I cry out.

“That dirty frat boy, he won’t be getting an ‘A’ from me,” Grant says with a clenched jaw.

“Grant, you can’t let his comment affect the way you grade him. I read his paper and I thought it was good,” I say, trying to defend Jason. I should have never said a word.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” he says turning all ‘Professor’ on me. Grant is even sexier when he turns all jealous lover on me. He leans over and lays a passion-filled kiss on my lips.

“Come, I’m ready for dessert,” he whispers in my ear.

“I was ready for dessert the minute I arrived,” I say, kissing his neck, sucking lightly and breathing in the sensual scent he wears. I would love to give him a hickey and see it on his neck tomorrows in class, I think wickedly. He takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom of sin. I can’t get enough of him. I find myself thinking naughty thoughts about him throughout my days. He has become a major distraction. I need to focus more on my studies.

I undress slowly for him as he watches me and his breathing becomes labored.

“Clarissa, you’re so damn sexy. I find myself thinking about you night and day,” he says, running his hands through my hair as he kisses me hard. I reach down and start to take off his pants and then he pulls his shirt over his head. My hand wraps around his rigid shaft and I stroke him.

“You’re killing me you know,” he says looking down at me. We crawl into bed and I want his hands on me, touching me as only he can. His touch sends shivers of pleasure through my entire being. His skilled fingers know just the right pressure to stroke the sensitive nub between my folds to leave me begging for him. It scares me how addictive sex is with him. How much longer until he discards me and moves on? I can’t stop to wonder, I’m heady with lust for this man and I can’t control it. He’s stoking the fire between my legs as his tongue is caressing my nipple. I want to cry F*** Me already, but I fight the urge.

“Professor, I’m so wet and ready for you, please…” I find myself begging.

“Please what, Miss Clarkson?” he taunts.

“I want you inside me, filling me, please…” I’ve never had to beg before.

“Is this what you want?” he teases, rubbing his crown along my slick fold.

“Yes,” I say breathlessly as I thrust my hips at him, trying to get him to slide into me, so lost in my desire I almost forget protection. But thankfully he doesn’t forget as he moves away to reach into his nightstand drawer. Once he is sheathed I part my legs for him as he rolls on top of me and slides his glorious hardness deep into me.

“Ahhhh, yes, yes, yes…” I moan out as he thrusts all the way in and out again.

“You feel amazing,” he breathes into my ear. “I’ve thought about sinking into you all day, even when I saw you walk into class this morning…”

“Me too,” is all I can pant out as I get lost in my desire for him. I wrap my legs around his hips and I roll my hips into him as he pumps into me over and over. God, he feels so good. After we come together he rolls off me and onto his back as he struggles to catch his breath.

“You are addictive, Professor,” I gasp.

“The same can be said about you Miss Clarkson,” he murmurs. His words send another tingle down between my legs.

“We’re playing with fire, aren’t we?” I ask, gazing at him. He doesn’t answer me right away as he lightly strokes my arm with his fingertips.

“I know,” is all he says finally. “I want to be able to take you out; I’m feeling guilty about always just staying in.”

“That would be nice, but what if we run into someone from school?” I ask not wanting to take the risk. He rolls on top of me, covering me with his hard body.

“Come away with me for the weekend. My family has a home in Montecito. It will only take us a couple of hours to drive up there. We can go out up there and reduce the risk of running into someone who would recognize us,” he suggests, brushing his lips against mine.

“That sounds lovely,” I say, smiling at him adoringly. Wow, spending the weekend together, I’m both excited and nervous at the prospect of it all.




Screw the bet. I like Grant too much to sleep with someone else right now. I know in my heart it wouldn’t be who I am. It just wouldn’t feel right. I’ve never succumbed to peer pressure and I’m not about to start now.

Should I come clean and tell Grant about the challenge? He actually may find it amusing.


~~To Be Continued~~

~~In Close Encounters Book 3~~

Close Encounters 3

New Adult and College Romance Series

Book 3








This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2015 by C. C. Cartwright




I’m a girl that enjoys sex. You might say I consider it a recreational sport. Please don’t hold that against me. At least I’m up front about it. University life is so awesome, I love it here at USC. I’m a fun-loving girl and have I been having fun!

Lost my virginity my senior year of High School to the love of my life at the time who broke my heart into a million little pieces and it hasn’t been put back together since. I was a cheerleader in High School and he was the star quarterback. Thinking I could be the one to tame him, boy was I a fool. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, conquered me and then moved on soon after. I was crushed beyond repair. After that, all the football players would chase after me and I let some of them catch me.

I plan to try out for Song Girl this year. It has always been a dream of mine to be a USC Song Girl. It would be the ultimate achievement in my book! Need to go on a diet and get model thin before tryouts start in a few weeks. I can’t be gaining the freshman ten…

My parents are divorced and my real Dad doesn’t come around much, I suppose I fall into that classic case of a girl looking for a guy to fill the void my Dad left inside me.

My Mom and I were so thrilled when I was accepted to USC with a scholarship to boot. Took a lot of pressure off of my Mom and I. The roommates I have seem like really nice girls and I’m trying to liven them up a bit, make them experience all that college life has to offer. I for one am going to experience all that I can.

I’m impressed with Clarissa so far, wasn’t sure if she would be up for the challenge but she is putting forth the effort. Now for Kara and Lexi, they just may be cleaning this apartment for the next three months. Better them than me. I on the other hand have no intention of cleaning.

My first
Close Encounter
will be with Ken Parker. He lives in our building. Definitely hunk worthy, he’s on the water polo team and has a lean and muscular body that looks like it won’t quit. He looks boy next door, but I can tell he’s a naughty one by the suggestive comments he made when we first met. No doubt in my mind that he will be down for the challenge with me. He said to come by anytime, no pun intended. He added that his door would always be open to me with a wink no less! Boy did that get me hot and bothered. I dig a cocky and confident guy, hopefully he will prove himself in between the sheets.

Clarissa says she’s got a hot date tonight so I think I will ask Ken if he wants to come over for Pizza and a movie. I text him and within five minutes I hear back from him. He’s coming over at 6:00 tonight.

“What are you guys up to tonight?” I ask Kara and Lexi, who are sitting in the living room watching the last episode of The Bachelor that they taped from earlier in the week.

“We’re going to head to the Grove and catch a movie, do you want to come?” Kara invites me along.

“Sounds like fun, but Ken from upstairs is coming over for Pizza and a movie,” I reply.

“And are you going to be dessert?” Kara and Lexi look at each other and burst out in a fit of the giggles at my expense.

“Hey, I will be the one laughing when you both have to clean this place for the next three months,” I giggle right back at them.

“We shall see in 30 days. It’s not over until the fat lady sings,” Lexi chimes in. I walk into my bedroom and plop down on my bed as Clarissa is rummaging through our closet. Evidently she has a date tonight and wants to look smoking hot so I help her pick out just the outfit to get herself a first
Close Encounter
. She has a knockout figure and pretty long brown hair. The guys notice her, but she has only been with her High School boyfriend, the nice girl type I’m trying to corrupt.

“Who’s the lucky guy?” I ask.

“A friend from High School,” Clarissa replies, keeping it vague so I don’t press any further. I toss some condoms at her to keep her safe.

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