Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories) (74 page)

BOOK: Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories)
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“New brew? Is it any good.” I nodded.

“If you don’t mind drinking engine coolant. It does work fast though.” He laughed but seemed nervous. I had a seat facing the couch with the little table between us. He sat back down, looking nervous and uncomfortable.

“I want to say I tried everything to get you out of this. I even went to the higher-ups to say you were not suitable for this assignment.” I grinned. So did he.

“They had heard it all before and were under pressure from the politicians, at least as far as I can tell. Are you going to be alright with it? Churlish just doesn’t get how anyone could not cherish such a position.”

I chuckled and shrugged.

“I'll get through it. Minor sweat only. I will let you know if I learn anything too.” He nodded and sighed. He stood again and tossed back his drink, set the glass on the desk, then walked over to the viewing pane. If I had not been drinking Mac’s brew I would have stayed where I was at. Instead I got up and followed him. We stood side by side looking out. I liked the closeness of standing next to him. I could see our reflections in the viewing pane. Both of us were in civvies.

I was wearing a knee high dress, low cut but over a shirt that was close to the throat. The dress was green and the shirt white, as were my shoes. Captain Merlock had on a pullover top and pocket pants with boots. He looked rugged and handsome as always.

“It bothers me Jayne that part of his plan involves you. I know from how he talks about it that you are part of his personal plan. His attraction to you is stronger than I thought,” he said.

“Tara told me she was thinking the same thing,” I replied. “Honestly, I am not worried about it. So what if he has the hots for me. He can get used to the idea of nothing happening. Hell, I have the hots for you and I don’t...expect...” I trailed off realizing I had my foot in my mouth to the knee. I refused to look at him after his sudden intake of breath, but I could see him looking at me in the viewing pane’s reflection. I lowered my head feeling real shame. You do not hit on your commanding officer, ever, I told myself. I felt my hair brushed away from my face and a hand on my chin. I raised my head and faced him.

His eyes, such a lovely shade of green, similar to mine actually, were full of compassion and something else.

“No shame Jayne, I have been feeling the same since before we got the
Star Light
. You are so beautiful, but, but you are also my pilot. I was not sure how to approach you, or if I should.”

I was stunned. Like when I was accepted to the Fleet academy, except that had not turned me on like this did.

All of my dreams and feelings were coming to the fore and this time I did not want to deny them. I felt my eyes grow moist and shook my head exasperated as I always am with tears. He leaned forward and I did the same. There was no way I could refuse the offer in his eyes and on his parted lips. We kissed and my whole body responded positively, wanting more. After a few minutes of kissing in actual star light he reached over to the desk behind us and pressed a switch. The office lights dimmed even more and he then picked me up. I held on around his strong neck and shoulders as he carried me to the couch.

We continued kissing and our hands began exploring each other in an urgent way. We had both been wanting this for so long we did not want to waste any moment. His strong muscles were also supple and we began undressing each other. At this point he seemed to change a little. He treated me like a special treasure as he helped me off with the dress and his shirt.

“Ah Jake, I have wanted this for so long. I never thought...” he put a finger to my lips.

“I as well Jayne. I can not believe I am actually here. You are beautiful you know. I feel like I am honored to have this time with you. Separate from our jobs and responsibilities we can be this for each other. It is not wrong is it?” I knew his conscience was bugging him, mine was twinging too. I was just good at ignoring the twinge.

“It can't be wrong Jake. We deserve this time together. We can worry about the rest later.” I took off my under shirt leaving me in my bra and panties as my shoes followed. He was down to his shorts soon and the feel of our mostly-naked bodies together caused my desire to leap into a flame that was a thing of wonder and delight. I laughed and moaned softly as we continued our exploration. Any thoughts of right or wrong went away. Soon my bra was on the floor and he buried his face in my breasts and it felt incredible the way his lips on them made me feel. I arched my back into it in my eagerness as my hands tugged his shorts down. Soon we were completely naked and he was lying over me. His weight was a comfort I would not have expected. I could feel his excitement against my thigh as one of his hands wandered down over my moist opening.

I too reached for his nether regions and felt his member soon growing bigger in my hand. We were both moaning our desires as the pleasure began rising within us. He lifted himself from me while still kissing my neck and lips and then entered me with one hand squeezing my breasts. My whole body stiffened with the rush of feelings that came over me and I moaned in a deeper lusty tone than I had ever head out of my mouth!

Our hips did the ancient dance as he plunged over and over into my deepest places of desire for him until we peaked and shared an orgasm stronger than I would have thought I could feel. I realized when you truly care about someone it does make a difference. I did care about this man, Jake Merlock. As the flood of feelings ebbed and we were lying side by side able to speak again, I did not know what to say. It had been as amazing as I had thought, and more. So much more.


The engineering and protocol people had done a great job on arranging the formal gathering on Powar. Pavilions built to standards the Jarban would respect and appreciate. The food selection was varied enough to keep everyone happy. Since we were not in actual negotiations I had been advised to keep the conversation neutral. I was not in the mood for much conversation anyway. I hated formal attire and having to wear what was essentially a skimpy gown. Having to keep company with Churlish at the same time had me on edge. Fortunately after we had eaten he was called away by the Mucusto ambassador. His constant advances were becoming boring. I sipped the drink I had and watched everyone else.

All of the Star Light officers were in attendance as well as junior officers. Mucosto were mingling uncharacteristically congenially. They were a tall people. Almost seven feet with human features if you did not count that both genders had long beards and dressed identical so it was difficult to tell male from female. The Jarban were more humanoid than the Mucusto.

The Jarban looked like short, stout humans except their hair was a variety of bright greens, blues and pink. They were a humble people and seemed on edge. Not that I blamed them. Tara came over smiling at those she passed with a charm and wit I do not possess.

“You should have got this assignment. You would have had everything done by now.” She laughed and clinked a glass with mine.

“Damn right, I don't know what Churlish was thinking. Have you hit him yet?” she asked.

“Not yet. Timing is everything you know.” I said.

“Nice dress,” she commented straight-faced. I almost hit her.

The outfit I was wearing was essentially a white body suit with red silk wrappings that covered my breasts, then tied around my waist with an ankle length red skirt slit up both sides to the hips. Even a clothes fiend like me thought it was ridiculous, but Churlish had insisted it was necessary. Something to do with cultural factors of the Jarban, so he said. It also got me many stares from friends who were trying their best not to laugh at me. I had fortunately been allowed to keep my hair down.

“You too. A little conservative.” Tara smiled. Her dress was a blue affair covering from ankle to throat to waist and just snug enough to show off her figure without being obvious. One of her better choices. Before she could respond two Jarban approached hesitantly. I gave them my best smile and encouraged them. They had translators around their neck which made things easier.

“You are diplomat Jayne Loneway?” I nodded and raised my hands in greeting as they did. It was returned with a formal bow. An exchange of greetings was protocol.

“Yes I am. This is Lieutenant Talkner, the
Star Light
’s navigator and my best friend. May I have the privilege of your name?” Despite the bright green hair and shining blue hair their clothes were clean but worn. They had made an effort but it showed they were not a rich people.

“You honor us by asking, Miss Loneway, as well as by introducing such a close friend.” They both bowed again seemingly startled by my gesture. The green-haired one spoke.

“I am Tenty and this is my sister Lenty. We are Jarban as you can see. We would like to thank you for your courtesy in helping us establish a home. In honoring us as you have just done, you make us feel secure that you are the one who can help us. We are running out of most things and have begun getting desperate. There are those amongst us who believe in desperate measures, so are turning to greed. You could not have arrived with your
Star Light
at a better time.” The blue-haired one nodded vigorously. They were both very nervous but seemed to be conveying something they did not want to say out loud. At least not here. I was going to suggest us going someplace more private for a conversation when Churlish approached with the two Jarban leaders and two Mucusto who always seemed to be with the leaders.

“Ah, Jayne. The Jarban have an interesting idea for the first day of the summit tomorrow.” I wanted to point out he was interrupting but Tara stepped in.

“Then we will not distract you from your duties any longer Diplomat Loneway. Come my friends, our cooks have concocted the perfect dessert that matches your requirements and I believe you will be delighted by it.”

She escorted Tenty and Lenty away. I gave them a formal parting gesture before turning my attention to Churlish and his group with a forced smile.

I accompanied the Churlish back to his office after the diplomatic reception. We went over the arrangements for the next day but as we were talking I began getting a little light-headed. I felt like I had drunk some of the Chief’s brew. I shook my head and that just made me dizzier, so I held onto the table for a moment to get my bearings.

“Are you alright my dear?” the Diplomat asked coming closer to stand next to me. His hand went around my waist and then down to my ass. I was getting very fuzzy and staring at the water glass I had drank from previously. His hand moved up and down my backside and I realized what might have happened and stumbled over to the dispenser.

“We need a drink to celebrate I said, hardly recognizing my voice, but I managed to dial up what I needed.

“Are you sure I shouldn't help you lay down here?” he asked. I tossed back the drink and waited. My guess had been correct as I felt the fuzziness recede and my focus return. I turned.

“I am sure Churlish. I just detoxed whatever you put in my water. I am going to give you a piece of advice.” I walked toward him with my balance returned and my anger on full blast. I tapped his knee with my foot and he flinched.

“If you try that again I will break both of those.” I tapped his chest. “Several ribs and...” I quickly tapped his throat causing him to jump. “I will also crush your larynx so you will not be able to speak. I have hit superior officers in the past so a diplomat would not matter to me in the slightest. Now I am going to tell you how this is going to play out. We are going to help the Jarban and get them what they need and then you will never approach or speak to me again. Trust me when I say what would happen to you if you did will be less pleasant than what I just described.” I turned and walked out of the room and stormed down the hall.

The son of a bitch had tried to drug me! How stupid did someone have to be to do that to a Fleet officer on her ship with her crew within reach! I imagined what would happen if I told someone about it. Every friend I had would cheerfully go to the brig to beat him senseless. I felt the sudden drag of the detox drug. It worked fast but drained the system in the process. Once back to my cabin I undressed out of the silly clothes, locked the door and collapsed into the bed. I had a wish I could cuddle up with Jake but he was busy being the Captain so I let myself drift off and had a wonderful dream about cuddling with the Jake.


The next morning I awoke with the feeling of a hangover. I considered checking with the Doctor to see what the Ambassador had drugged me with, but did not have time. I dressed and began going over the day’s duties and the inconsistencies involved with what we were being told. I was not sure how to approach the problem with Churlish. My message bell rang and I got up to check it.

“Lieutenant, continue with your diplomatic duties but feel free to improvise if you feel it is necessary. The crew and I are researching a few interesting snippets of information and the Mucusto are looking less and less like the benevolent people they are trying to portray themselves as. I have to go down to the planet.....Captain Merlock out.”

Interesting. I did not see what I was supposed to do, not to mention how vague it was. I was about to message him back when my door chimed. Seriously! I thought to myself as I went to answer. It was Tara.

“Morning sunshine. Come on, I want to show you something amazing. You will not believe it.” She took my hand and dragged me down the hall to her room.

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