Romance: SPORTS ROMANCE: The First Half (Bad Boy Alpha Male College Football Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance) (17 page)

BOOK: Romance: SPORTS ROMANCE: The First Half (Bad Boy Alpha Male College Football Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance)
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Chapter Four




Hearing Molly say those words nearly put me over the edge, but I reined myself in. Her hot pussy was so warm and tight that I hated pulling my fingers from her, but that wasn’t the only thing I wanted inside her.

I grinned at her and withdrew from her moist sheath, then grabbed my wallet from my jeans. I didn’t do this kind of thing often, but it was always better to be prepared than not. But after some digging, I couldn’t find a condom.

Molly rocked her hips beneath me in tantalizing motions, and I took a deep breath smelling her sweet arousal for me. Just because I didn’t have a condom didn’t mean we had to stop this. If I withdrew before I came, that would cut down our odds of anything happening. Besides, a lot of girls were on birth control these days. If she weren’t on the pill, she wouldn’t be wiggling her hips like this, would she?

Something in my gut wasn’t sure, but my cock was erect and ready to go. If I didn’t plunge into her, I’d probably go crazy with need and regret this moment passed. I unbuttoned my jeans and shoved them down my hips. The only time I wore underwear was jock straps to protect me on the field. Other than that, I didn't see a need to wear something uncomfortable.

I glanced down at Molly, and her eyes were fixed on my cock. She blinked a few times at it and licked her lips again. God. Seeing her do that while she stared at me was almost unbearable. Her gaze rose to my eyes, and she seemed to have a sort of desperate edge about her. She arched her hips again, and I couldn't stop myself.

I positioned myself at her entrance and slid inside her. Her warm core seemed to welcome me with its delectable heat. "You feel amazing," I said, my voice was rough almost sounding more animal than human.

She placed her hands around my neck and drew me into another kiss as she rocked back against me meeting each of my strokes with her own. I couldn't believe how good this felt. I'd had sex with other women before, but none had ever been quite like this. It was as if she were made for me... as if she were my mate. All the time I'd watched her over the last semester, I'd felt that tug in my gut to talk with her, but I'd always held back. Always thought about my own neck and maybe hers. Always kept my distance.

Would things change now? After James nearly attacking her, I wasn't sure. I refused to place her in danger and give the high-ranking pack members a target to keep me in line. But I could only focus on this moment. I wouldn't let them detract from this.

Pleasure warmed me, and my controlled movements became less so. I had to pull out though. I wanted to be more safe than sorry. Her leg wrapped around my waist, and I grabbed onto her using her thigh to help me keep balanced and pulled her to me that much harder.

Molly broke from the kiss with a loud moan, and I quickly covered her cry with another kiss. She moaned against me, and her fingernails bit into my shoulders as her pussy clenched me hard in waves. Her body shook, and she tightened her leg around my waist.

The sensations threw me over the edge, and for a moment, I forgot to fight her and pull away. All that mattered was burying myself deep within her and sharing this moment of mutual pleasure. She relaxed a little underneath me, and then she froze for a moment. "Wa-wait, y-you came inside me?" Her eyes widened, and she wrapped her hands over her breasts.

"Sorry. I didn't have a condom. I figured you might be on the pill." I didn't move from my spot, not wanting her to freak out. I'd learned that from an early age as a cub with my pack. Don't run or make any sudden movements. But I knew she wouldn't hurt me. However, I could see from her face that I'd already managed to hurt her. "I can leave."

“I think that’d be best.” She pushed against my chest, and I moved away from her. Her breathing was coming out a little harder than it had been before as if she were trying to hold in the tears I smelled on her.

Damn it!
I couldn’t believe I’d ruined this moment between us–all because I couldn’t hold onto my self-control. If this kept up, I didn’t know what could happen. Being a werewolf who played sports, I needed strong control. If I didn’t have that, I might end up going for a kick only to break someone’s leg through sheer force. That might be suspicious.

I watched her flee to the bathroom and shook my head. Maybe this was for the best. We didn’t always get what we wanted. This just proved it.

Chapter Five




I grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom cabinet as Jack’s semen trailed down my leg. Grimacing, I squeezed my hands into fists. Aside from this, the whole encounter had been almost heavenly. If only I’d been paying closer attention or if... I grimaced and ran the cloth under the faucet before cleaning myself up. So much for the wild and spontaneous week I’d hoped for. It had happened all in one go with a guy I’d pretty much chased off.

I smacked my forehead feeling so, so stupid. Was it too late to apologize for all this?

I peeked outside of the bathroom, but Jack was nowhere to be found. With a sigh, I locked the door and hopped in the shower feeling sick to my stomach. Afterward, I headed to the pharmacy to pick up some morning after pills. It felt like the utter walk of shame, but at least there weren’t a lot of college students around town this early in the week. I wasn’t sure if I would’ve been able to brave the stores if there were. The thought of running into someone I knew while picking up something like this made me uncomfortable.

The phone calls home were awkward as if my parents had suddenly developed divine sight and could know what I’d done. Classes didn’t bode much better. This semester I was doomed to have two classes with Jack. I pretty much saw him every day. Although neither of us spoke to one another. I sat toward the front in one corner, and he was all the way in the back near the door–likely to bolt if I tried to approach him.

When the intense need to vomit had passed, I’d tried to act pretty normal. My roommate knew something was different, but I didn’t think she had figured out my problem yet. Surprisingly, she gave up after a while, unlike how she’d been before the break. Then again, her grades hadn’t been great at the end of last semester, so I bet she’d probably had a rough time at home. I felt sorry for her.

About a month had passed since I’d had sex with Jack, I couldn’t help feel a little strange that I hadn’t received my period yet. My cycle had always been steady. I’d gone to the next town over to buy an at-home pregnancy test and sat nervously in the bathroom while I waited for the results. I prayed that it was late because I was stressed, but somehow I doubted that was the case.

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach at the result. Positive.

Surely this wasn't right, but I guess I'd be able to use the other test in a few days. However, that meant if this was right that I would need to figure out how to tell Jack. Would he even want to know? I really wasn't sure, but I just hoped that when or if the time did come that he would hear me out.

I'd probably been the cause of why we even had these problems now, but I... I really hadn't known what to do. The few times I'd approached him to say something, he'd either left pretty quickly, or he'd started talking with a group of his friends knowing I wouldn't want to butt-in. However, it was getting harder and harder to just stand back and take that kind of treatment.

I knew it was probably because I'd hurt his feelings first, but it still really pained me that he'd completely turned his back on me. And why? Probably because he was the soccer star able to have sated his needs prior to college when no one was around. Now he had other people to hang out around.


I threw the test into the trash, and I re-thought about that choice and wrapped the pregnancy test in toilet paper as if it were a feminine product. My roommate and I did that since neither of us wanted to look at the other's feminine products. She wouldn't be able to see what I'd done, and I wouldn't get plentiful comments from her about what my parents would think. What was worse is that her parents knew mine, so if she let it slip to them, they might very well relay the information. That would be the worst thing in the world right now... Well, I guess almost the worst thing.

Maybe the worst would be Jack knowing I might be pregnant and snubbing me again. Time would tell with that. How did a person even approach their one-time crush they happened to sleep with to tell them that kind of news?

Ugh! If only I had someone I could turn to for advice.

* * *

A few more days passed, the second pregnancy test had said the same thing. Positive. It looked like I wasn't getting off so easily after all indeed. I would have to talk with Jack, but talking with him before or after class might be difficult. He always showed up exactly on time when the teacher was just getting everyone settled for attendance. He probably did it on purpose.

I hid the pregnancy test again and ran over what I'd say all morning. My earlier classes were hard to pay attention in since Jack and I shared my last class of the day. The professors luckily hadn't noticed that their normally observant student was unusually quiet. Maybe it was that kind of day. Outside rainclouds were rolling in, and it just set the tone for how my life was going.

I waited in the hallway and leaned against the wall. I rested my head against it before hearing a few students talking and laughing. Toward the end of the hallway, I spotted Jack with a few guys and a girl that playfully shoved him. He grinned at her in that way that had stolen my breath when he'd aimed it at me.

Had he moved on already? I should have known he would. Why wouldn't a guy like that? But to see it in person... It hurt so badly.

My heart leapt into my throat, choking me, and I jerked upright. Tears started to well in my eyes.

Jack glanced in my direction, and his grin faded into a frown of what looked like concern, then it was quickly replaced with a scowl. He said a few words with his friends, and they waved to him and dispersed.

I couldn't handle his anger right now. I had to get out of here. Forget this class. I knew someone else that I could ask for notes from next time. I didn't want to be in the same room as him.

I started to walk away toward the bathroom where I could hide my tears, but Jack moved in front of me cutting off my escape route.

"What is it?" he asked. "I know you want to talk to me, but this is different."

"I..." What could I say? I'd planned my words all morning, but now the words refused to budge. It wasn't that hard to say. Yet it felt like I'd have to physically scrape my tongue from the roof of my mouth just to talk.

"Just say what you need to say." His frown intensified, and he drew in a breath, and for a moment, his eyes flickered from blue to wolf amber. A tick started in his jaw, but he remained quiet.

"I'm... pregnant." I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling utterly vulnerable in front of him now.

His jaw dropped open, and he glanced around the hallway before staring at me again. "I don't know what to say. I can't..." He let out a deep breath before shaking his head. "I can't deal with this right now." He turned to head toward the classroom, but he stopped and ran his gaze over me. "After class I'll swing by your dorm. I can give you my notes."

Nodding, I turned away from him as dread pooled into my gut and headed back toward my dorm. Part of me wanted to run, but that would look too obvious. I needed to try to keep calm if nothing else. The tears didn't fall, but they stayed close to the surface.

Back at the dorm, my roommate had left a note that she was out studying with some classmates for a quiz and wouldn't be back until late. Was she really studying? Did she have the same fear that I'd tell on her to her parents that I did her to mine? Regardless, I was happy she wouldn't be here for the talk.

Chapter Six




It was nearly impossible to concentrate on class after being given that news. I'd known something was up with Molly's scent when she was having a hard time saying it, but maybe I hadn't want to believe that it could be true. My pack's Alpha and the other high-ranking pack members had scolded me for getting too attached with the girl after James reported back to them, but they hadn't known that we'd been more connected than they realized.

I took as good of notes as I could given my preoccupation and went for a walk. My Alpha had always told me to talk with him instead of trying to keep important matters secret. Maybe it was time I finally did.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number as I sat on a bench overlooking a large hallway that I could see without much trouble. No one would be able to come close and overhear me without me knowing.

"Jack, what a surprise to hear from you."

"Thanks, Alpha. I have to confess something. I'm sorry it's over the phone. I would come back and tell you in person, but I... I have to be here."

"Hmm... Spit it out then."

"I got a girl pregnant on campus. A human. She's not just any human... or girl." The words tumbled from my lips. "I care about her. She feels like she could be my mate."

"Is this the same girl James told me about?" Disappointment weighed on my Alpha's voice. "It seemed like you maintained your distance well enough before."

"I was a fool then. I didn't realize what was before my eyes, and I was so afraid the pack would hurt her. James tried before, and I didn't want him to try again."

The Alpha remained silent for a moment, and then responded, "Hmm. I guess you do have a point. You will have to watch over her and bring her into the pack when it's time. She can't be allowed to remain freely amongst humans after her cub is born. Do you understand this? As the father, you'll need to be there with her. If you're trying to be the next David Beckham, that might not be possible anymore."

I grinned, feeling a little more comfortable now that the Alpha was using some humor. "I know it might be tough, but I'll do what I need to do to keep her safe."

"Good. I'll expect you to uphold your word." Then the line disconnected. The Alpha wasn't much for goodbyes.

I rose to my feet and strode toward Molly's dorm, feeling something new in my step and demeanor. For weeks now I'd been agitated, but now I felt like I could breathe again.

I knocked on the door. It opened a few moments later, and Molly stared up at me with caution in her eyes. She turned and let me close the door behind us again. I glanced around the common area, and my gaze connected with the couch where it all had happened.

She sat at one edge and pulled her knees up to her chest. She'd changed from the nice skirt and blouse into a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt. It didn't matter. She was beautiful regardless. "Um. I'm sorry about..."

"You don't need to be." I dropped my backpack at one end of the couch and knelt in front of her. "I didn't act like I should have. I was trying to protect you ever since the first time I saw you. I'm different... dangerous. The wolf you saw in the park was someone I know."

Her mouth dropped open. "How can you know a wolf? Wha... what do you mean you're different?" She blinked and tilted her head to the side. "A werewolf?"

"Yes." I leaned forward to catch her as her body went limp, then positioned her comfortable on the couch. I grabbed a washcloth soaked in cool water and placed it gently against her forehead. It wasn't every day that someone learned that werewolves existed… or that they were pregnant by a werewolf. Maybe I should've thought this through more carefully.

Molly came to, after a few minutes, and she reached her hand up to caress my cheek. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

I shook my head. "I didn't want to scare you away." And I hadn't really thought it could be an option. Now it was since she was pregnant with my cub and my Alpha had accepted this relationship. I still needed to keep a close eye out for threats. The enforcer and his children were always looking for ways to drop me out of favor with my Alpha. It had worked before, but since I was the heir to becoming Alpha and had a cub on the way, that only strengthened my claim to the position. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

"I don't know how I'll handle school, my family, and all of this." She rested her hand against her stomach. "My parents will probably disown me when they find out."

"Maybe. Or maybe they won't. We have nine months to figure out all of that." I pulled her into my arms and held her wanting to feel her close.

She laid her head against my chest and smiled up at me. “I guess you’re right.” Her gaze lingered for a few long moments. “And I never wanted to be an accountant. I’ve always loved wolves and nature. It’s been my true passion in life, not numbers.” She laughed. “Maybe all things happen for a reason. I may or may not finish college, but I’m with you….





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