Royals Saga 3 Crown Me (13 page)

Read Royals Saga 3 Crown Me Online

Authors: Geneva Lee

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #New Adult, #Adult, #Contemporary Romance

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art of me was relieved to leave the club behind. I didn’t want to tell the others that I was tired—last minute preparations had exhausted me. Not to mention the recent fight and evening-long make-up session I’d had with Alexander just after. Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, I peered out the window.

“We aren’t going back to the flat?” I asked when we turned the opposite direction on the street.

Belle’s lips pursed in disapproval of my question. “We have a whole night ahead of us.”

Her attention returned to her mobile, and I tried not to look too disappointed. Maybe along the way I could sneak a coffee or one of those energy drinks. But as hard as I tried to stifle it, a yawn escaped.

“Are you feeling okay?” Edward whispered, so only I could hear.

“The wedding is sucking the life out of me.” I clapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I’d said.

“Don’t worry, you aren’t scaring me off.” He sat back and draped an arm over my shoulder. “I thought you were used to late nights and very little sleep.”

I punched him lightly in the chest. “It’s just stress. And my mother.”

“This time next week you’ll be off on your honeymoon,” he said, adding, “even though you still won’t tell me where you’re going.”

My lips pressed together and I shook my head. Alexander had insisted that no one know where we were headed. It was one secret I was happy to keep. But Edward was right. In a week, I’d be married and sunning myself on a private beach in the Maldives.

“Fine, keep your secret.” He narrowed his eyes. “Unless it’s something terrible like you’re secretly staying here. I cannot approve that plan.”

“What if I was?” I shrugged. All that really mattered was having Alexander to myself for the better part of a month, away from all the drama and attention. “I want to start this marriage the right way—by focusing on us. It doesn’t really matter where we do that.”

Edward grimaced. “Yes, it does! Take your pasty ass to the beach and screw in the sun for once. You could both use the Vitamin D.”

He had a point. I shot him a coy smile. “My lips are sealed.”

“Remind me not to invite you to my wedding.”

“Unfair,” I cried. “You’re invited to the wedding, but the honeymoon is by invitation only. I better get to come to your wedding. You’re my only brother, so no eloping!”

“Father would have a fit anyway. Of course, I’ll be lucky to get his—”

The car jolted to a stop, stopping him mid-thought. Belle rolled down the window and poked her head out. “Some type of traffic jam.”

But her eyes didn’t meet mine when she spoke.

“I want to see.” I scrambled for the window, but Edward grabbed my waist and pulled me back down.

“What’s really going on?” I demanded.

“Just some paparazzi.” She shrugged like this was no big deal.

“Let’s just head to your place.”

Lola frowned. “I hate to break it to you, but they’re all over. They’re even camped in front of Mom and Dad’s.”

This was total madness.

“Where are we going anyway?” I asked finally, rubbing my temples as a headache began to form.

“The Westminster Royal,” Belle admitted.

Sheesh, had they planned this trip down memory lane? If we wound up at another place where Alexander and I had made love I was going to start looking for cameras.

Tapping the privacy screen, I leaned forward and called to the driver. “There’s a private parking garage under the hotel. I’m assuming you’re in contact with Norris Echols?”

The driver nodded, his eyes glued to mine in the rearview mirror.

“He’ll get you in.”

I settled back, only to realize all three of them were staring at me.

“What?” I tried to sound nonchalant, but my cheeks flushed.

“I remember when you were my sweet, innocent Clara.” Belle fluttered her lashes and sighed. “Now you’ve been replaced by a crazed sexpot.”

“I resent that remark.” But I couldn’t quite keep from grinning.

“You resemble that remark,” Edward corrected me.

A few minutes later the limousine had managed to navigate through the traffic and past the paparazzi. I flinched as their cameras flashed, taking snaps of the car.

“They can’t see us.” Edward patted my hand.

I knew that, but I still wasn’t used to the attention. I never would be. It was the price to pay for falling in love with a man like Alexander, and even though I’d choose him time and again, it didn’t mean I liked the public attention. Or the constant barrage of questions and speculations about my private life, my health, and my past.

I looked over to Edward, who’d grown silent. I was a lot like his fiancé. David and I were both caught between our love for these men and the heavy responsibilities that accompanied a life with them.

Impulsively I lunged and hugged him.

“What did I do to deserve that?” he asked with a laugh.

“Nothing. I just wanted to hug you.”

The limousine made it to the underground garage without incident and we piled out of the back. Belle and Lola began walking toward the elevator on the far wall.

“Hey,” I called, “that one goes straight to the Presidential Suite.”

“You are a wealth of information on private hotel privileges,” Lola said as we reached the other elevator. “I have to admit I’m a little impressed.”

“Don’t tell our mother.”


The lift doors slid open, depositing us in the lobby.

“No paparazzi,” Belle said with relief.

Of course not. She didn’t know how much the Westminster Royal prized their guests’ privacy. It was the reason Alexander had once utilized it to meet women. I supposed that fact should have made me queasy, but since our first encounter had occurred in the very Presidential Suite the underground elevator traveled to, it felt a bit hypocritical.

“Why here?” I asked her.

“Why do you think?” she asked blithely.

I was beginning to wonder if Alexander had actually been the one to plan this.

“We’re already checked in,” Belle said. “The Presidential Suite is taken, but the Honeymoon Suite was open. Alexander sent over some clothes for you.”

I practically melted at the thought of changing, but before I could voice my relief, she continued. “But for now, we’re hitting the pub.”

Forcing a smile, I followed them across the lobby to the attached late night spot.

“Christ, now you’ve put in a booty call.” Edward said as we crossed into the posh bar.

Belle stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted what Edward was talking about. Philip lounged at the bar, his profile unmistakable even in the atmospheric lighting. He swirled a drink in his hand, glancing up occasionally as if he was waiting for someone.

“Hey, I did not call…” The denial died on her lips as a beautiful blonde strolled up and wrapped her arms around Philip’s neck. She was dressed in a slinky red dress that dipped low enough in the front and the back to display all her

It was the inevitable moment before a car crash. I saw what was about to happen. I knew that I should pull Belle away. But I was frozen to the spot, incapable of doing anything but watch as the truth smashed into us headfirst.

Philip turned, but he didn’t see us. Perhaps because his eyes were transfixed on the other woman. Any hope I’d had that we’d seen a friendly act out of context shattered. The blonde tilted her head, leaning down to meet Philip’s waiting lips, and I jolted out of my stupor with a shocked cry.

“That bitch!” Belle exploded next to me.

I didn’t try to stop her when she stomped toward them, a murderous rage glinting in her eyes.

Pepper Lockwood had it coming.


ords couldn’t convey the expression on Philip’s face when Belle reached the bar. Pepper, on the other hand, seemed less surprised—and certainly less concerned. My blood pressure kicked up a notch when the bitch pivoted to Philip’s side, her arm still draped over him. The possessive gesture was just like Pepper Spray. That girl had a serious problem with trying to claim things that didn’t belong to her.

Belle glared at them, her hands clenching and unclenching at her side. “Tell me this is your really poorly planned idea of a surprise threesome before I kill you
with my bare hands


Belle cut him off with a flick of her wrist. “Don’t
me. Explain this.”

“I thought she was slow, but honestly, Phil, what do you see in her?” Pepper tapped her nails on his shoulder, a malicious smile creeping over her plump lips.

“How long?” Belle demanded, ignoring Pepper.

“It’s not what—”

“Do not say ‘it’s not what it looks like!’ For one thing, I have eyes and for another, it’s cliché,” she added. Her jaw tensed as her eyes flashed back and forth between them. “How long?”

“Phil and I have known each other for years. We were childhood playmates and then we were…playmates.” Pepper ran her tongue over her teeth like she’d just devoured something delicious. She turned her attention to me and blinked. “In fact, we reconnected at
housewarming party.”

Up until this point I’d stayed back, torn between anger and shock, but her words thawed my numbness, freeing me from my stupor. Apparently she hadn’t taken my warning seriously. But if she thought that she could get to me through my friends she had another thing coming. I’d suffered Pepper for long enough. Without thinking I lunged forward, my hand balling into a fist.

Unfortunately Edward was faster. He hooked an arm around me and hauled me a few steps back.

“This is not your fight,” he said firmly.

“Like hell it isn’t,” I hissed. There was no doubt in my mind that Pepper had gone after Philip because of Belle’s connection to me.

“No,” Belle said, her voice eerily placid. “It’s mine.”

And then her fist smashed into Pepper’s nose.

that’s what they mean by the calm before the storm,” Edward muttered. He shook his head and jumped between the two women, capturing Belle around the waist and pulling her back. Philip, in typical asshole fashion, watched with his mouth hanging open.

There was something poignant about the way Pepper’s nose sprayed blood all over Philip’s suit. Also it was just plain awesome.

“Fucking bitch!” Pepper screamed as she held her nose.

“It takes one to know one,” Belle shot back, fighting Edward’s hold on her waist.

“We fucked in his bed! In his car!” Pepper’s vitriol spewed as freely as the blood spewed from her nose. “We even fucked in your flat on the kitchen counter!”

Edward pushed Belle toward me, but she broke free and got back in Philip’s face. She twisted her engagement ring off and held it in front of her nose. “I’m keeping this for damages. I’m glad you two found each other. It’s a real match made in hell.”

Philip stood so fast that his stool fell over behind him and snatched for the ring. I glanced around realizing that a crowd was gathering. Hooking my arm through Belle’s I tugged her toward the door. When she resisted, Lola took her other side. With us surrounding her, Belle straightened up coolly and walked away. We were almost out the door when the first security arrived. The trouble was that I didn’t know whose security team it was.

Edward pointed toward the lift. “Get her to the suite and out of sight. I’ll deal with this.”

“How?” I asked. I’d always suspected that Philip was an asshole, and I wouldn’t put it past him to press charges now. I knew Pepper would try to.

“Norris,” he said quickly, holding his hands up, “and you know,
Prince of England

“Shit, you can’t get involved with this.”

He pressed the up button and smirked. “It will only help my rep. Alexander has been the bad boy for too long. Maybe it’s my turn.”

I was sure David would have something to say about it, but I followed Belle into the lift as soon as the car arrived.

Belle pressed the button for our floor and stepped back like nothing had happened. Lola peeked over her shoulder and shot me a confused look. Just when I was beginning to question how she could be so calm, I noticed her chin quiver. My arms were around her before the first tear fell.

“That bloody knobhead! Pillock! Wanker!” A steady stream of insults followed as I rubbed her back and continued until we arrived at our suite.

I swallowed a sigh when I saw the placard on the door. I’d forgotten that we were in the Honeymoon Suite. I was just about to suggest heading home when Belle’s hand lashed out and ripped the sign down.

That worked, too.

“That sodding arse! How could I be so bloody stupid?” she sobbed.

I hugged her close to me. “Hey, your British is showing.”

This earned me a small smile.

“And,” I continued, “you have a serious right hook. Let me see that.”

She grimaced as I gingerly took her hand. Her knuckles were raw.

“I hope this means you broke her teeth,” I said, inspecting the damage.

“I broke her nose.” That garnered a real smile from both of us.

“I’ll go grab some ice from the front desk,” Lola said.

I shot her a grateful look. As soon as she was out the door, what was left of Belle’s composure dissolved and she melted into me. A lump formed in my throat and sat there as she cried into my shoulder. I tried to blink back my own tears but there was no way. Not when my best friend was hurting this much. I cried for the future she’d lost and I cried because of the guilt I felt. But mostly I cried because I didn’t want her to cry alone.

“Clara,” Belle whispered. “I need to tell you something.”

I drew back and nodded. “You can tell me anything.”

“No, I can’t.” She choked a little as she shook her head. “You’ll think I’m terrible.”

“You just broke Pepper Lockwood’s nose,” I told her. “Your brilliance has been established. Nothing will make me think you are anything less than a badass.”

“I cheated on Philip a few months ago,” she confessed breathlessly. “I had no right to be so angry with him.”

I swallowed hard on her admission. “That might have been wrong, hon, but it doesn’t change that he’s been cheating on you.”

“That’s not the terrible part.” She bit her lip, her eyes welling up.

Ice formed in my veins, but I forced myself to speak. “You can tell me.”

“I slept with Jonathan Thompson.”

“Oh!” I gasped in surprise, trying to ignore the sharp stab of hatred her revelation provoked. Jonathan had been a first class asshole to Belle at university, but it was what he’d done to Alexander that made me loathe him. Not only had he been responsible for the crash that killed Alexander’s sister, he’d also let him take the fall for it when Pepper Lockwood leveled accusations against him. That put him neck-and neck with Pepper Spray for the top of my shit list.

“I couldn’t tell you after you found out what he’d done to Alexander’s sister,” she babbled.


“Last summer,” she admitted. “I ran into him and one thing led to another. You were…”

I was home heartbroken over Alexander. A pang stabbed my center as I recalled that time.

“But also I was embarrassed that I shagged him after the way he treated me at university.”

I sighed and gathered her into my arms. “We all do stupid things.”

“But maybe Philip sensed it and—”

“No,” I stopped her theory in its tracks. “Philip is a wanker, remember? I won’t say what you did was okay, but it didn’t give Philip a free pass.” I clamped my mouth shut before I could add that from the sounds of things, Philip and Pepper were a lot more than a one night stand.

“How am I going to do this?” she asked me, her chest heaving with the effort of holding back tears. “We’re supposed to be getting married in six months. Everything is planned. What am I supposed to do?”

I recalled the night that I’d left Alexander. Even now, the pain at that memory nearly knocked me off my feet, but I locked my arms around her. “Tonight, you cry.”

We’d figure out the rest in the morning when the sun shattered the darkness.

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