Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)
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I take the box and look at the contents. I swear my heart isn’t beating anymore. This one is more than perfect. ''I think this is the one, Lucia. It will look amazing with my dress, and it has purple in it. Are you sure I can borrow it? I mean, it’s an antique and I’m sure it’s very important to the family.

''Yes, Abbie, we’re sure. We trust you, and we know you’ll be careful with it.” Lucia is always so calm and serene. When I'm around her, even though the events are nearly always exciting, I always feel at peace. She calms me down, somehow.

''Thank you. It’s so pretty.

Lucia takes the necklace from the box and places it around my neck.

''Abbie, you look spectacular, and you’re not even wearing your dress. I can only imagine how flawless you’ll be on your special day,'' Alicia says.

Joy-Anna leaves the room and returns with a mirror. Alicia and I study my reflection in it, while Joy-Anna is seeing how it would look with my hair up. We play around with my hair, and she lets a few strands of hair fall around my face. I can visualize myself on our wedding day, all pretty and feminine.

''It’s perfect, Abbie!'' Joy-Anna announces.

We're all happy and excited, and I'm getting very emotional about this whole family thing. When I first met Presley’s family, I was so anxious to see if we would get along and wondered if I would develop the special bond with them, which they all seem to have and now, I do. I’m embracing it every single time we hang out.

After sharing a few cups of coffee, we decide to go out and get something to eat. Lucia lets us go, while she stays home and works on preparations for the ceremony. We walk to a little restaurant where they make their own gelato, chocolate, and Belgian waffles. We all order something different to share. Although it will please my sweet tooth, I’m worried because my good eating habits have been pushed to the side recently. My jeans are a little tight and I don’t feel good in my own skin.

''Girls, I shouldn't even eat any of this; I'm afraid I won't fit into my dress. I think I’ve gained some weight,'' I worry.

''Don't worry,'' Joy-Anna says. ''Of course you’ll fit in your dress. You haven’t gained weight, Abbie. It’s all in your head.'' She seems to think that I'm kidding, but I'm serious.

''Yeah, don't worry about it. It will be fine.'' Alicia adds.

They’re nice, but I'm not stupid. I can feel the extra pounds. I promise myself I’ll go for a run every day until the big day, and only eat salad. I swear I’ll do it. I've done it before when I had to, and it worked. But for now,
, this is all so delicious. ''We’ll have to come back here at least once a week,'' Alicia says.

''No problem.'' Joy-Anna announces as she takes a bite of my waffle. The flavor is incredible: warm chocolate and mouth-watering fresh raspberries.

We laugh, we gossip, we have a good time. When I'm having a good time like today, I feel like I'm catching up on everything I missed out on when I was with Dean. I was only allowed to befriend his entourage, because he trusted them. I'm glad I met Presley that night at the concert, and decided to move on. Best decision I've ever made.

When I arrive home, the apartment is dark and quiet. I don't think Presley has gotten home yet. I walk into our room to check on my tattoo, and there he is, sound asleep on the bed, fully dressed. Poor Presley. This is all my fault, I know. I should have waited and asked him to do the tattoo tonight. I should know he’ll never say no to me. I’ll have to be a better judge, and think carefully before I ask him for something, because now he’s exhausted and I’m to blame. I grab a blanket from the closet and quietly lay it over him. I’ll check on the tattoo later. I stop in the doorway and watch him for a minute before I leave; he looks like an angel. My sleeping angel.

I grab a book; I need to get a little work done. I’ve been slacking off lately. I sit in the living room, surrounded by all the photos of Presley. I read, and just like that, I'm back in my own little world. My first passion, my motivation is reading. I cry and I laugh, I fall in love with the characters. Sometimes I hate them so much that I want to throw the book across the room, but sometimes I love them so much that the book will never leave my imagination, even days after I've finished reading. It is a world where I'm happy, no matter what the outside world throws at me.

Sometime later, I hear Presley walking around the apartment, searching for me. ''Abbie, are you here?''

''I’m here, '' I respond, still focused on my book.

''I’m so fucking hungry. Did you cook anything?'' I lift my eyes to take a look at him. No t-shirt, only his jogging pants hanging just perfectly on his hips. So hot.

''I’m sorry, I didn’t. What do you want to eat?''
I want to eat you;
my naughty side speaks up.

''Pizza would be great.'' He runs a hand through his messy hair.

''I’ll order.'' I grab my phone and order pizza, and a salad for myself.

He comes to sit next to me, laying his head on my lap. I run my fingers through his thick dark hair while I continue reading. We're both quiet; in need of some down time. We both had a busy day apart. If this is what our life together will be like, I’ll never get enough of it. It’s as simple as that. He doesn't mind my reading and I love every side of him. I can’t say anything negative about him, where I only ever thought badly of Dean.


I'm out of breath. My heart is fighting for its life; it’s pounding in my chest and hurts like hell. Sweat slides from the nape of my neck all the way down to the small of my back. God, it hurts so much. My whole body is aching. My legs are shaking. I don't think I’ll be able to resist any longer.
. I silently beg.

''Come on, Abbie. You’re almost there,'' says a familiar voice.

I can’t do anymore, I can’t.
I'm trying so hard to stay motivated, but this is hell on Earth. I feel a gentle pat on my butt. ''Come on girl, give it all you have.''

My breathing is ragged and it hurts my lungs.
Why am I doing this again?

''Shut up, Joshua, or you’ll regret it.''

He laughs and continues running. Why can’t he stop now? He doesn’t even seem tired. I think we've been running forever. I hate running, I truly do. I stop moving and start coughing. I used to be in much better shape; why am I so unfit now? I know I’m still suffering some pain due to the injuries I received when Kelly and her friend beat me up, but it shouldn’t be this bad. I used to run every week. I stopped running when I met Presley, because I had other things on my mind. Running is usually what I do when I need to let my frustrations out, but now I'm doing this to make sure I fit into my wedding dress.

''Abbie, your face is bright red. I think we need to take a break.'' Joshua’s enjoying this. Torture, that’s what it is.

''Joshua,'' I cough. ''I hate you,'' I splutter, coughing again. ''How can you be in such great shape?'' I struggle to catch my breath.

''I do this every morning, Bee.''

I slump onto a nearby bench and hold my head between my legs. I can feel my heart pounding through my forehead; this can't be good. I didn't eat earlier because I was feeling off-color. I only had a small glass of orange juice before we left. Now my stomach is upset. This is a nightmare; all I want to do is go home.

''Abbie, you look kind of pale. Are you alright?'' Joshua asks, sounding worried.

''Joshua, I think I'm going to throw up.'' I get up and run to the nearest garbage can, reaching it just in time. I'm very thankful that my hair is up in a ponytail right now. I'm ashamed of myself. How can I possibly be in such bad shape?

''Jesus girl... are you alright?'' Joshua asks, rubbing my back. It’s awkward, but I appreciate his concern nonetheless.

''I don't know. I think I’ll grab a taxi and go home.'' I cough again.

''I’ll call Presley. Hang on.''

I’m trying to get it together. My throat is burning and I would love a glass of ice cold water. I go back to sit on the bench. I’m dizzy and my breathing is still erratic. I hear Joshua in the background.

''’Ley, come on man. Chill out. She's not dying. She was doing great at first...''

I think Presley is giving him a hard time, and I feel terribly sorry for Joshua right now.

''Yes...I know...We're in front of the Central Library...Alright, we’re not going anywhere.''

Joshua disconnects the call and walks back to me, looking uncomfortable. ''Are you okay, Abbie?'' he asks in a soft voice.

''I bet Presley is upset.'' It isn't a question when I already know the answer.

''Yeah. I’m an idiot. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard.'' Joshua squeezes my shoulder and I can see regret in his eyes. I know his intentions were never to hurt me. He was having a good time and I was too, at first. I should have stopped running sooner. It's my fault, not his.

''Don't worry Joshua, we had a good time. I used to have much better endurance. I don't know what got into me this morning.''

''Presley will pick us up.'' Joshua laughs. ''I think I'm going to be on Presley’s shit list for a while.''

I can’t help but laugh with him. ''I'm so sorry.'' I fix my ponytail, pulling the band tighter. ''I’ll talk to him, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong.''

''Thanks, Bee.''

We wait in silence. I'm still dreaming about that ice cold water. I’m sure I smell terrible, too. My stomach is growling. It’s empty and it hurts, but I don't think I could eat anything right now. Obviously, I pushed myself too hard. We hear tires squealing at the corner and I recognize Presley’s car. He stops right in front of the bench, and before I know it, he’s kneeling in front of me.

''Abbie, are you okay?'' Presley asks in a concerned voice, cupping my cheek gently. ''Do you need to go to the doctor?''

''Presley, please, relax. I just need to go home and take a warm bath with that vanilla essential oil you have.'' I say, as I cough again for what seems the millionth time. ''Or maybe I just need a cold shower and to eat something.''

''You got me so scared.''

''Again, please relax. I'm fine. We were just jogging and I pushed myself too hard.'' I sneak a peek at Joshua. ''And your brother was nothing but nice.''

''Sorry, Josh. After all Abbie has been through, I can’t bear to see her hurting in any way.''

Joshua nods and they shake hands. Problem solved. He then offers me his hands, and I place mine in his, without hesitation. I try to get up, but I'm not sure I trust my legs to hold me. They’re shaking, and I get the impression that if they could talk, they would be yelling at me to sit the hell down. I ignore them, and walk slowly to Presley’s car. I settle in the front seat and Joshua sits in the back. Joshua and I are both covered in sweat, and I know we must stink. Presley doesn’t even eat in his car; it’s his pride and joy, so it means a lot to me that Presley doesn’t say a word about how disgusting we both are. It feels so much better to be sitting now, but I know by tomorrow morning I will regret my overexertion. I’m going to be sore, so a nice easy day, starting with breakfast in bed, sounds like a good plan. A very good plan.

When we get home, Presley runs a warm bath. I grab something to eat, a bowl of fruit salad. It's the only thing that I can work up any enthusiasm for right now. My stomach is still upside down.

Presley walks me to the bathroom and helps me get undressed. I'm not going to laugh because it would hurt his feelings, but his over-protectiveness is getting out of control. He is more than perfect, he is beyond words, but I could have easily undressed myself. Nothing major here. I went out to run, I went too far, I puked. No danger. Just my plain stupidity. To my surprise, he joins me in the bath. This is getting better and better. I'm eating my fruit slowly, bite after bite. He pulls my legs towards him and starts massaging my left calf and then my right one. His touch still feels special, each of his fingers pressing gently on my hurting muscles, it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time. My thighs are next, followed by....oh, yeah. Exactly.

Presley will always be Presley. Taking care of me had more than one purpose, and he proved that he would do
to make sure I was feeling better. I'm feeling much better; utterly sated and feeling no more pain. For now, at least.

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