Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels) (16 page)

BOOK: Saints and Assassins (The Sentinels)
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ere was no time for foreplay, as their primal needs had to be sated. Eve wanted fucked like never before and sensed Adam wanted the same. If there were anything more to their relationship, she would explore those possibilities later.

Eve cried out as he moved against her.

Adam froze
, but w
ith beckoning eyes, she didn’t have to
tell him to continue.
With one hand holding her hip, he ran the thumb of the other over her clitoris. Eve moaned as he circled her and as he continued to rock
his body against
she felt her climax building.

It had been so long since a man had touched her. She wanted him deep inside her and met every stroke of his with her own.

Adam moved to a more upright position with their bodies
still connected and
gently lifted her. His touch felt even softer now than before with
his lips lingering on
her skin before he trailed them down
her cheek.

“I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” he whispered in her ear. “Your touch, your taste and even your smell,” he continued. She let out a sigh as his breath tickled against her ear and neck.

hrust himself deeper inside her causing her body to t

Eve screamed out as she felt the most mind-blowing sensation ripple through her body.
Slowly as he held her against his
she calmed slightly.

“I’m not through with you yet,” he growled.
panted to catch her breath as she watched Adam move
lower in the bed
. Trailing kisses
down her throat he stopped over one breast.
His lips brushed lightly against her nipple, it hardened as his tongue swirled around it.

He moved lower
running his tongue down her stomach so
that his head was near her center
him rub his chin across t
small patch of brown curls between her legs before he moved to take her into his mouth.

With a sweep of his
he tasted her

“You taste so good,” he said against the juncture of her thighs. She could only smile.
Over and
she felt his tongue manipulate her. Eve
could not
remember ever feeling like this and with the sheet clutched in her fist, she came crying out Adam’s name.

hile her body still waked from the ripples of her
he slid himself inside of her again.
He thrust himself
against her hard and she feared that she might pass out as her body continued to tremor during his onslaught.

“Fuck!” he cried. H
e stopped and she felt his body tremble as he released inside her.

collapsed on her and panted against her neck.
wrapped his arms around her holding on tightly as if he thought she was planning to escape.

“Oh my,” Eve said, her voice barely audible.

Adam leaned up over her and pressed his lips to hers. The slow heady kiss took her breath away and her head began to spin. The invasion of his tongue against hers sent another wave of desire through her body and a moan escaped her. Pulling back, Adam smiled at her before dropping his head against the pillow.

“How long have you been planning that?” Eve asked with a light-hearted chuckle.

“Too long,” he mumbled against the pillow. Adam rolled to his side and Eve could see his beautiful face once again.

“Was it worth it?” she asked with a devious grin.

Adam nestled against her. “It was worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox.”

The moment was strange and she didn’t know how to respond. She had only just met him and yet she had lusted after him from the first moment she laid eyes on him. Then came the part where her life was in danger and he just happen to be hired by her dead husband to protect her. And just to top it all off, he had lusted after her for how long? Months?

The situation was fucked up to say the least, but it felt right. She broke the silence.

“We need food
,” she whispered.

“Yes, lots of carbs,” he responded. Eve
to get them something to eat knowing that he needed to rest more than she did. As she walked away from the
she turned back for just a moment and saw Adam smiling while he watched her. Her heart beat with more joy than she could ever remember knowing.

On the way
to the galley
to freshen up just a bit, luckily she still had h
er bag with a toothbrush and
As she walked in the
she saw the gun lying on the counter. It reminded her of everything suddenly and all of her emotions surfaced.

However, when she looked in the mirror she didn’t see a person that was afraid. There
the reflection of someone who was alive and had a reason to fight for her life.  E
ve regained her composure and
went to get some food. She rummaged through
the refrigerator
and came up with some cheese Danish and juice. There was enough sugar in those to
their systems after not having eaten all day.

“You are beautiful,” he said as she walked in. Of course she was still nak
ed and carrying a plate of food. T
he two ways to a man’s heart she thought.
Food and sex.
It made her smile and she definitely felt better.

“Thank you.” She sat down on the bed next to him. He was more than perfect she thought, with his
inviting muscles and taut skin
. Eve moved the plate over toward him so that he could reach it. Instead of getting a
he reached for her and dragged her over on top of his body.

She started to open her mouth to speak when he sat up and captured her mouth once again. His arms wrapped ar
ound her, one on the small of her
back while the other held her face to his. The tension built quickly for her and apparently for him too. Within
he was inside of her.

“Oh my.” She was amazed at his stamina and his insatiable hunger for her.

A litt
le while later
, they
collapsed on the bed. After a few minutes had passed
sat up to
eat. Eve la
id there watching him as she tried
to get up enough strength to sit up and eat something herself.

get a bite,” he said as he tore off a small p
iece of pastry. He gently pushed
on her lower lip with the morsel of food
opened her m
he pushed the food inside
. S
he caught his finger with her lips and licked the sugar from it.
Adam’s eyes widened and his jaw slacked as he withdrew.
She stared at him as she chewed. He fed her a few more bites before lying down next to her.



turned on her side towards him and he turned to her. Adam ran his fingers through her hair softly as she lay there.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked quietly. It wasn’t until then that he had realized that he might have been too rough with her. The last thing that he wanted was to hurt her. He didn’t know when the last time was that he had made love to a woman.

“No, why would you think that?”

“I’ve been alone so long that I sometimes forget that I have to be careful with some of my words and especially m
y actions. It’s—
, well
it’s been a long time
.” He sat up and took a drink of juice.

“How long exactly?” Eve arched a brow.

“A few
years.” He shrugged his shoulders and lied. It had b
een five years. Five years since he had been with a
because he didn’t think he deserved to be. 

“I will admit that the first couple of conversations that we had left me thinking that you were kind of a jerk, but as I told you, there was
that drew me to you,” she told him confidently. Eve pro
pped herself up on her elbow
looking at him seriously. She outlined the dragon tattoo with her fingers

“Does it bother you?” Adam
leaned back on that arm

“I love it actually.”

When she didn’t ask about it Adam’s thoughts reverted back to

“I know you haven’t known me very long

Adam stopped.

“You couldn’t get rid of me now
if you tried.” She leaned against him
few hours
they woke up starving
. It took a little longer than
lly would
to get the food ready considering Adam refused to let her even put on his shirt.

“You’re not making this easy, you know.” Eve giggled and tried to cook, but Adam
stood behin
d her caressing every
part of her body.
He didn’t want to take his
eyes or his hands off of her and
felt li
ke an overly obsessed teenager. Eve didn’t seem to mind the attention though.

“Oh, excuse me.”
She r
ubbed her hand lightly against his shaft. Adam growled at her playfulness. “If I wasn’t so damn hungry I’d
lay you out on this counter and make you pay for teasing me like that.” With a flick of his
he swatted her once on the butt

“Ouch!” she squeal

“I like that color
on your um

face,” Adam smirked looking down toward her butt and back up to her face.

Eve turned
and armed with
a smile and a fork, she forced him back
. “Get back or I’ll use it on you.” She glanced down toward the center of his body and that was all it took for Adam to realize that he was in over his head. With one
he covered his male anatomy and raised the other in surrender.

Okay, okay!
I hope I ne
ver make you mad.” Adam raised both hands in
surrender, took a seat at the island counter,
and waited patiently for her to finish cooking.
In that moment
he had seen
the same
fire in her eyes as he had encountered earlier in the day
and logged that in his memory.

Do not piss her off!

Adam had
checked up on deck several times and made sure that
they didn’t have any company
wanted or not, they never did.
Before he
went back up to check again
he decided to see if Eve wanted to join him.

In the
they sat
toward the bow
to look at the stars. That was something that you couldn’t do even on the clearest night in Chicago, there were just too many lights.
Adam brought a blanket to wrap a
round them and a bottle of wine. Eve
had finally
convinced him to let her wear one of
his shirts to try and keep warm. It didn’t work well though as the temperature on the ocean had dropped and sh
e started getting goose bumps, b
ut he he
ld her in his arms keeping her as warm as possible

“I don’t want to go
back to Chicago.”
She looked up
at him to see
the moonlight sparkle in his eyes.

laughed and knew exactly how she felt. He
glanced up at the sky before looking back at he
r and kissing her on the nose. He never imagined that he could have here with her in his arms. Now, if he could only keep both of them alive

They continued their
conversation, but as he spoke he watched her face more closely than he had before. How her
mouth curved when
she smiled and how her
eyes widened as he touched her.

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