Sarazen's Vengeance: Book 1.1 (10 page)

BOOK: Sarazen's Vengeance: Book 1.1
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Andi hadn’t ever conceived this kind of pleasure to be possible. Ohlen hadn’t stopped purring from the moment his lips hit her pussy. Licking and suckling, kissing her there between her legs like he was kissing her mouth. Her entire body was electrified. Trembling while she held on to his hair for dear life. Her flesh prickled with sensation. Pleasure striking her over and over with every lick of his slightly roughened tongue. The textured feeling rasping over her clit with the perfect amount of pressure to have her hovering, toes curled over an unknown precipice.

She cried out as she teetered, about to go over that edge. Ohlen growled in answer. Thrusting his tongue inside her to rasp against her drenched tissues. He sent her over with his lips wrapped tight around her clit.


It blasted through her like a power surge. Fried every circuit in her system. Leaving nothing but melted muscles and ligaments as her body danced and writhed on his lips.

He pushed her over once, then again. The intensity doubling in strength each time. Flashes of heat lightning arcing through her veins without anything to ground her but his arms and the strength of his hands. It was shocking enough to throw her back. Like he knew it was coming, he had lifted his knees in preparation to catch her. To let her brace herself and grind down harder on his tongue. She moved purely by instinct. Rolling her hips to meet the furious suction. The rumbling purrs. The muscle twisting ecstasy of what he was doing to her. She sobbed out as she plummeted a third time. Free falling as heat raced up her thighs.

Like he knew she was careening into unknown territory, his fervor eased. His suckling kisses turning to soothing licks. His tongue gently bathing every trace of her release from her flesh. Bringing her slowly back down. His big hand reached up to curl around her back. Effortlessly carrying her when he rolled again to lay her down on the floor. He kissed her belly while it convulsed. Kissed her heaving chest. The pounding pulse in her throat. Held his weight off of her by planting his elbow near her ear. Blinking down at her with a satisfied grin on his face.

“I could feast on the taste of you, my one, and never go hungry.”

She laughed stupidly. Tasted herself on his lips when he kissed her. A sweet tang and a musky scent uniquely hers, spread all over his face like honey. Delicious. Her hand shook when she tried to lift it. She’d heard women speak of ‘muscle liquefying orgasms’ before. Hadn’t ever had any desire to experience one, let alone three. But Ohlen had pushed her through every single glorious one.

Now she knew what they meant.

She’d been startled at first. That breathless moment when he’d whipped her around to hold her back against his chest. Immobilized. His soft lips finding every erogenous zone from her shoulder to her ear and ensuring he kissed it. Licked it. Took little nibbles and suckling bites. She hadn’t ever been so aroused, or so relaxed in her entire life. As inexperienced as she was with intimacy, all she could do was follow his lead. It had been incredibly worth it. His mouth was truly magical.

She caught his strong jaw in her fingers and held him steady. Right in the perfect spot for her to touch an open-mouthed kiss to his chin. She licked the line of his jaw, purrs escaping her without any effort or thought. Soft little rumbles while she cleaned the taste of herself from his face. From his mouth. Slowly, more for her own peace of mind than anything else, Andi drew him down to lie on top of her.

He was careful like he always was. Kissing her with just enough passion to make her feel it, but not enough so she couldn’t think. Not yet. She had thought that maybe she would be afraid once he lay his weight on her. Once he crushed her to the floor under his considerable weight. Thought maybe she might have a flashback or some kind of panic attack.

It never happened.

He let his weight ease down over her and all she felt was safe.

“More,” She demanded softly.

His brow arched teasingly. His big palm spreading over her belly as the last little tremors rocked through her, “More?”

She squealed when he hitched her up. Hoisted her up off the floor to carry her to the bed. Rubbing his cheek against hers the whole way.

“Ga’rae explained how you must rest. I would not wish to overtax you, else we would be forced to spend the night in the regeneration chamber.”


He was being playful in order to try and keep her at ease. Did he not know she could smell how aroused he was? The sheets were clean and soft beneath her. The mattress cradling her as he pressed her down and carefully rolled to take them both to their sides.

“So long as the night was spent together, I wouldn’t care where we were.”

All traces of teasing drained from his expression. His fingertips slipped up the edge of her cheek. Right as the wave of need came rushing back towards her, full steam ahead.

“Unless ordered elsewhere by my commander, you will never sleep a night without me near. The heat grows again.”

Andi brushed that same lock of pale blond hair from his brow. It was adorable how that one unruly lock, always fell across his eyes. She scooted closer, wiggling up until they were nose to nose,

“I know. I feel her clawing at my insides.”

The tips of their noses rubbed together in the oddest, sweetest way,

“What would you have of me, my one?”


They were whispering now. Like they were in some kind of holy place and dared not raise their voices any louder. His hand stroked up and down the length of her spine. Making her arch and rub against him to gain more contact. More touch.

“Everything. Make me belong to you.”

His eyes darkened to deep pools of violet.

“Such a gift,” he murmured. Touching kisses to her cheeks. Her nose. Her eyelids. “My one,”


The heat was scalding her skin. Her beast starting to rise and growl in displeasure, snarling her hunger loudly. But Ohlen wouldn’t let her rush him. It felt like he spent hours kissing her, caressing her, learning every curve and dip of her body. Letting her do the same to him. His skin was tough. Smooth though. Not a single hair on his body to distract her from the tight muscles that quivered in reaction to her touch. When she came across a spot he particularly liked, his lips would firm on hers. His kisses hungrier. Like tracing the dip of his spine where it met his hips. That made him growl. When she dug her fingernails into the taut muscles of his ass? His entire body flexed. If she caressed the rounded curve where those powerful mounds gave way to the backs of his thighs, he moaned. He rocked over her. Sliding his way between her spread thighs, catching her throat in his hand to tilt her head back,

“Open your eyes,”


Andi struggled to obey him. Struggled to focus on his features, panting for air, trying to ignore the insidious slide of darkness. Memories that wanted to surface at the feel of his hand around her throat. The human part of her brain trying to remind her this way only led to pain. Eventually, she got her lashes up and looked into his bright eyes. Watched how they searched her face. She relaxed with a sigh. His hand wasn’t strangling or gripping tight. Just resting there, feeling her pulse.

“You are certain, my one?”

His hesitation made her adore him that much more. Her cat hissed inside her, demanding satisfaction. Demanding strongly enough to have her flipping Ohlen over onto his back. In a move that would later surprise her. Now it only gave her access to his gorgeous body. Gave her the ability to scoot herself back and catch the head of his cock between her thighs. He froze beneath her, his big hands spreading to hold her hips, staring up at her with a grimace of pleasure,

“Yes. I see you, only you.”




Ohlen struggled with his beast. Forced the damned creature to heel and let his mate take this for herself. There would be many chances for him later to impress his dominance upon her. Andi needed this. Needed control this first time between them. To know that even in thrall to her heat, she could tell him to stop and he would honor her word.

But the words she gave him
, I see you
, struck so deep even his beast understood the importance.

He slid his palms up her back to draw her down for a kiss. Scooping her soft hair off her brow, crying out with her as she sat herself down on his shaft. For a breath-stealing moment he was sure he would be burned alive inside the tight grip. She was soft, softer than anything he had ever known and twice as hot. He didn’t know how she could possibly take all of him. As he thought it, she gave a wiggle of her round hips, a little mewl and pressed back to swallow him whole.

Ohlen gulped down the howl that wanted to burst out of his lungs. Not wanting to startle her. Not wanting a single thing to make her withdraw from him. A deeply tormented groan escaped anyway. She rose above him in a sinuous arch. Blood trickled down her mouth when she bit down on her bottom lip. Cutting herself with her fangs. He watched the red line roll down her jaw. Drip down onto the quivering mound of her breast with a little splash.

So vibrantly red against her pale skin.

Unable to stop himself, he sat up and ducked his head to lap up that little drip. Curled his tongue around her nipple to give it a gentle tug. Smiling when she cried out. His smile turned into a grimace at how that wet vice of her sex pulsed and clenched around him. Like a fist,


He licked the line of blood from her chin, “I’m here,”

Licked the blood off her lips, shuddering to feel her fingers claw at his shoulders. Her little nails were still blunt. He knew at any moment the passion would rage. If he was not prepared she would tear at him with her crystalline claws. Claws sharp enough to shred the metal of the warship.

She gave a little whine of sound, “I…I need…I don’t know what I need, but I need. Burns, I’m burning,”

Her heat came in waves. Ebbing when he gave her a tiny nibble of pleasure. Surging forward when the small meal wore off. Each time he did not sate her fully, it returned twice as strong. Her hunger turning ravenous. She would be fed or she would find a way to sate the lust.

Body or blood.




The room spun around her in a dizzying swirl. Her back hit the mattress but Ohlen’s eyes never left her face. His palm came down near her cheek, his other hand caught her knee, pulling it up to hook over his hip.

“With a word,” He reminded her hoarsely. At her nod, he moved.

A slow withdraw made her lashes flutter. A whimper ease past her lips. Not from pain or fear, but amazement. Andi never knew this could bring so much pleasure. He murmured her name. A soft, tender question that made tears brim and tremble on her lashes. She reached up for him and drew him down to her. Luxuriating in the feel of his skin sliding on hers. Inside her, not a single inch of her spared from his touch.

“I need you,”

His warm breath touched her lips as he huffed. Swallowed her gasp when he twisted to fill her again and again. Carving a place for himself inside her, making her forget every single moment in her life that he hadn’t been part of her.

All night, neither of them rested. He was tender, gentle, rough, and ravenous. Tirelessly attending to her demands until the animal inside her was sated and all she could feel was…starlight.

Not once, did his touch make her think of Ethan.












One standard Earth week later….


Andi watched the surface of the pink and green planet getting closer. Every surging pound of her heartbeat brought her and the others that much closer to their new home. Ohlen was on the command deck piloting the ship for the last time. Through their bond she could feel his eagerness.

Eagerness to be home.

Eagerness to share his world with her.

Eagerness to see her reaction to feeling the wind on her face and the grass under her feet.

The other humans were crowded at the viewing window with her. She couldn’t help but think about what they had all seen together last time at this window. Their home, the 
, being blown to smithereens along with the attacking Na’ah vessel. This time, they were seeing a whole new world coming towards them. Hope. A chance to flourish and live.


The ocean of their new home was green. Not blue like Earth. Green and gorgeous. She could see the white-capped waves as they got closer. Her stomach churning with nervousness as all that water just kept getting closer and closer. She immediately felt Ohlen’s presence become stronger in her mind. Over the last week the bond had only gotten stronger. It had started out as those feelings from him. Happiness, amusement, sometimes awe. Then it had been his thoughts. Good thoughts. All of them revolving around her comfort or his fixation with her breasts.

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