SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy (6 page)

Read SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy Online

Authors: Rebekah Weatherspoon

Tags: #Sated, #FIT, #Romance, #Interracial Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary, #FIT TRILOGY, #Rebekah Weatherspoon, #Multicultural

BOOK: SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
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After a few minutes of listening to his harsh breathing and occasional groans, Keira couldn’t take anymore.

“You should come now,” she said, her voice near a whisper.

It didn’t even take a second suggestion or a couple more pumps of his fist. Come erupted out of Daniel’s cock and onto his stomach. It came in several jets, a creamy white, painting his lightly honeyed skin. The sounds that came out of him were just as erotic as the sight of his fingers urging the last drops from his swollen head. He continued to touch himself until he was completely finished, but Keira knew she was still in charge. She still owned the moment. In her fantasy, in some of the better clips she’d watched, this had always been her favorite part.

“I like it when guys spread it around.”

“Like this?” Daniel said, using his fingertips to move what he’d spilled on his stomach across his defined abs and up the center of his chest.


Daniel followed orders and spread what was left farther down, up the length of his penis and around his balls. He was still breathing a little heavy, but Keira could tell he wanted more. It would be wrong for her to pretend that she didn’t too, but there was no clear direction for her to go. Her own body was still tingling. She’d soaked through her underwear and there was no doubt in her mind that if she slid her hand between her legs she’d find that her shorts were wet too.

But part of her wanted to hold on to that tight, swollen sensation, the heat. It would be easy to tell him to go down on her, or to tell him to rally up another hard-on so they could have sex. Either of those things could happen, or both, but she was practically high off the control, off of her own arousal. An orgasm would ruin that for her.

“Tell me what you want.”

Keira thought about it for a moment before she answered. “Can you spend the night, just like this? No clean up?”


“Do you want to finish watching this in my room?”

“That would be nice.”

“Wait here one sec.” Keira grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, then put away the rest of the pizza. Then she told Daniel to follow her down the hall. She glanced back at him as they went. His cock was softening, but it still had some life to it. In her bedroom, she pulled back the sheets and invited him to lie down. She could feel his eyes on her as she set about getting ready for bed. She ditched her sweatshirt and her shorts, and grabbed her laptop before she climbed between the sheets with him in just her bra and underwear.

“You want me just like this?” he asked.

Keira looked back over her shoulder at him, realizing that no one had pizza’d. She was still in charge. He was lying in the same spot, back against her pillows, legs slightly spread.

Rolling over, she considering him for a minute. Was there more to the fantasy? What did she really want?

“Um, how do you feel about spooning?”

“It’s something I enjoy.”

“Okay, you be the big spoon please.”

Daniel didn’t hesitate to scoot closer and wrap his arm around Keira’s stomach. She moved back and down a little as well, pressing her ass against his crotch as she loaded the video streaming to the spot where they’d left off. It didn’t take long before he was hard again.

It was difficult not to wonder what would happen on their second date.


“Was last night weird?”

Daniel looked up at Keira, who was still cozy in her bed. It was early as hell, still dark out, but work called. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as he slung his harness and arm into place. “That wasn’t even close to weird. That was hot. I will happily jerk off for you any time.”

“Not the jerking off part. I mean everything else.”

Daniel had to admit, Keira had surprised him. Coming for her was a breeze, but he hadn’t expected the rest, her wanting him in her bed, on her fresh sheets, covered in his own jizz. Some of it got on her back when she asked him to spoon her, but that wasn’t the last of it.

As they watched the rest of the movie, she started to rub her soft ass against his hard cock. He’d held still, letting her wiggle and grind against him as she pleased, thinking maybe this was her way of getting off, but that wasn’t the case. Eventually she asked him if he could come again, just from rubbing up his cock along her ass. Of course he could and he told her as much, but he still waited until she told him to rub himself off again, using only her ass for friction. The idea alone brought his hard-on completely back to life and, in seconds, he had her small, tight body pulled flush against him as he rotated his hips. This time she let him touch her, guiding his hand up over her breasts. He pulled the thin cotton of her bra aside and teased her puckered nipples until she told him to climax again. Which he did, all over her back and ass.

He could have sworn he heard her moan and knew he felt her shiver a bit, but he knew there was more. Still, she just wanted him to hold her, no reciprocation, no clean up. Had someone asked him where he saw their night going, his answer would not have included him lying naked in her bed after she’d exhibited a bit of a jizz fetish, but, on the scale of a little off to this chick needs help, what Keira wanted from him fell right on par with normal. She liked what she liked and Daniel was honored to be the one she’d opened up to.

“If you’re looking for someone to judge you, you’re looking at the wrong guy. Nothing we did last night was weird. If we step outside of my comfort zone, I will tell you. And I hope you’ll do the same.”

“Good to know.”

It was beyond time for him to go. He had a ton of shit to do to prepare for the wedding that night. A wealthy groom wanted to end the couple’s exchange of vows with a two minute fireworks display. He insisted that Daniel be there to oversee the crew, even though his team was more than capable. Either way, the client was always right and he had to be at the venue early. That didn’t change the fact Daniel wasn’t quite ready to leave Keira yet. He grabbed his jacket, but climbed back onto the bed. His slid his hand under the covers and up her bare thigh. Her skin was so soft, so smooth. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of you?”

“I’m sure. Maybe I want you to work for it,” Keira said with a smile.

“I like the sound of that. When can I see you again?”

“Whenever you want. My schedule’s busy, but it’s pretty regular. Yours seems more action packed.”

“How about I call you?”

“And I’ll text you in the meantime?”

“You better.” And then, like it was almost an automatic response, Daniel closed the small space between them and kissed Keira one last time.

“I’ll see you,” he said. And then he kissed her again.


Daniel had to force himself off the bed and out the door. He was still pretty high from the orgasms he had the night before, not to mention waking up with Keira still in his arms. He walked out to his SUV, checking his cell as he hit the curb. He’d missed a couple calls and there were a few texts. The calls and messages were from Mike. Just a few reminders about the day, a message asking if Daniel had walked off with his favorite socket wrench, and a final message saying he found it. Mike really needed to learn to utilize the text feature on his cell.

The texts were all from Mistress Evelyn.

Hey Honey. You free later?

Meegan earned a reward.

I was hoping you could come over and help me treat her.

The texts tripped Daniel up in the most unexpected way. He climbed behind the wheel and stared at his phone. The regret was back. Seeing Keira again, spending the night with her, that all felt right, but he hadn’t given any thought to what would happen after. He hadn’t considered what the fuck he should do when his life came calling. Or texting, in this case. Any other time, his response to Mistress Evelyn would be an automatic yes, but his fingers refused to type out that simple word.
He was starting to feel something for Keira and the idea of being with someone else without her knowing, even if there was nothing romantic about it, didn’t sit well with him. He had a feeling it wouldn’t sit well with Keira either.

Actually I don’t think I can make it.
Daniel texted back. Mistress Evelyn was an early riser. She’d probably been up since 4:30, embracing the quiet as she got her day started.

She sent a text right back.

Something up? You never miss a chance to play with me and the girls.

This wasn’t the conversation to have over text. Daniel hit the little phone icon next to Mistress Evelyn’s name.

“Hey, sweetheart. What’s going on?”

He got right to the point. “I’ve kind of just started seeing someone and she’s not in the community.”

“Oh.” Daniel wasn’t quite sure how to read her shock, but her tone quickly became more pleasant, less what-the-fuck. “I’m sorry, honey. I wasn’t expecting you to say that. Tell me about her.”

Daniel told her pretty much everything that had happened since he and Keira had met on more official terms. He didn’t realize he was rambling on about her laugh and her smile and the blunt, yet innocent and honest ways she carried on conversations until he heard Mistress Evelyn’s laugh through his phone.


“Nothing. It’s just—you two sound like me and Philip when we first met. We didn’t have all the text messaging back then, but he proposed to me after a week.”

“Well, we aren’t even close to that. I just like her.”

“I know honey, but it’s been a short time and it sounds like she’s already changing you. And not in a bad way.”

“Changing me how?” Daniel didn’t like the way that sounded.

“Well, when was the last time you told me no? And I’ve never heard you go on about anyone like this. About things, yes, but never people. I just never—”

“Pictured me dating a vanilla girl?”

“Not exactly. I just didn’t know if you would ever want to settle down.”

Daniel closed his eyes. “We’re not settling down. We’re hanging out. I just I think she needs monogamy right now.”

“What do you need?”

The honest answer to that question scared the shit out of him, so for the first time ever, he lied to Mistress Evelyn.

“I don’t know. Time to think?”

“Well, you take all the time you need. Phillip and I will always be here for you.”

“Yeah, I know,” Daniel said, feeling like a complete asshole. “I know.”

Keira’s last cardio kickboxing class was going down in slow flames. Saturday mornings were always the best. Everyone who had slacked during the week, or just didn’t have time, showed up in droves for Armando’s first yoga session and Grant’s boot camp. She had her a.m. regulars, but 5:30pm on Saturdays were where workouts went to die. She often had to cancel her last class, but one of her clients decided to show up with three of her friends, who actually had no interest in working out.

Keira had to push them though. It was her job.

“Hands up, ladies. There you go. Keep going,” she called out over the music. “And five. Four. Three. Two. One. Now step. And punch. Good! Step. And punch.” She’d punch herself in the face of she could.

Before she could manage it, the front doors eased open and Daniel poked his head in. Keira almost lost her count. She smiled like a fool though, so big that Jan, the one putting in the least amount of effort, actually stopped her stepping and punching to see what she was looking at.

“Come on, Jan. Stay with us. Five. Four…”

Keira nodded toward the back and mouthed “Armando.” Daniel got the drift and made his way back to the office where Armando was probably busy sexting his girlfriend.

The last ten minutes of the class dragged on forever. Finally she wrapped things up and sent Jan and company off to no doubt complain about what a horrible mistake they’d made taking her class. Once they were gone, Keira darted to the back office.

“Hey! What happened to the wedding?” she asked Daniel. He was leaning against the wall in the packed space.

“Bride left the groom at the altar.”

“Ouch.” Armando grimaced.

“Oh my god,” Keira added.

“Yeah, we offered to stay for the guests, but they pulled the plug on the whole thing. So here I am.”

“You’re free tonight?” Keira asked, as she bounced on her heels. It had barely been twelve hours since she’d last seen him, but when he left her place that morning she was convinced it would be another week before she actually got to see him again. She couldn’t hide her excitement. Daniel time was A+ quality time.

“It seems so. Would you like to go out?”

“Yes. Oh, I know. Let’s go play some skeeball. There’s this place called The Alley Way—”

“That doesn’t sound suspect at all,” Daniel said with a smile. Then he motioned her closer. “Come here.”

“I’m kinda sweaty.”

“I don’t care.”

Keira walked into his arms and stood up on her tiptoes so she could kiss this man that she was suddenly dying to call her boyfriend. Their smooch lasted just long enough for it to be awkward with another person in the room. When they broke apart, Keira looked over to see Armando staring at them in the most bizarre way.

“What’s that look?” she asked.

Armando fixed his face and tried to play it off like he hadn’t just looked completely disgusted. “Ah-nothing. I—”

But Daniel wasn’t letting him off that easily. “He thinks me showing up here is a sign that we’re moving too fast.”

“Well, then he shouldn’t have introduced us. Two dates in two nights too out of control for you, Mando?” Keira laughed. She turned around in Daniel’s arms and made herself comfortable. He pulled her closer and Keira could have sworn she saw Armando cringe.

“Nope, not at all,” Armando said. “I didn’t say a word.”

“What are you and Nailah doing tonight? You want to come with us?” Daniel suggested.

“Yeah, you can chaperone. Make sure things don’t get too out of hand in the fun department,” Keira added.

“Can’t. I promised her a thing.”

“I’m sure you did.” Keira looked over her shoulder. “Just us tonight?”

Daniel hugged her tighter. “Just us.”

In forty short minutes they were kicked out of The Alley Way. When they arrived, Keira headed right for the skeeball machines, and everything was going smoothly until Daniel decided to show Keira the way he and JD used to cheat. She knew the methods, but he insisted it was the fastest way to win her a giant stuffed panda that looked like it had been sitting behind the counter since the place opened in 1978.

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