Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) (26 page)

Read Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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I gave in and spent the night alone, even Brad knew our tradition and never once tried to break it. Man when I think of Ben I just want to run him over, he really did a number on my friendship with Summer and then she ended everything because of him. I lay on the love seat watching Transformers getting myself all pissed off over nothing. I snap out of it before I start crying again, I don't cry at night when Knox is here only because I don't want him to see how much I still hurt, this week with him is the first full week that I have not cried even for one night.

By the time the movie is over it was almost midnight, I check my emails remembering I got one while out running, It is from my dad asking me to go into his office tomorrow to pick up some confidential paperwork and bring it home. My phone beeps,

Knox: leaving now be there in ten

I stretch out on the sofa and wait after five minutes I get up and brush my teeth, don't want nasty breath; I sit on my bed looking out of the window waiting to see his headlight. I don't want to wait downstairs because I can see down the hill from here. I smile a little while later when I see the single headlight turning into the driveway, running down the stairs I open the door to wait for him. I am hit with an instant cold wind causing my nipples to harden in my satin nightdress. Crossing my arms I watch him walk around the porch to me, I can't help but stare.

He has the sexiest walk I have ever seen and his smile gives me goose bumps, "Hey darlin" he says kissing me. We walk inside; I quickly close the door to keep the cold night air out. He pulls me into a hug "Babe you're freezing" I say, he buries his face into my neck and smells my hair, "Umm I love your shampoo" I smile at him caressing his cold face "Do you want something hot to drink?" I ask walking into the kitchen, he follows me in pulling my hand so I spin back to him "I already have something hot" he winks at me.

I laugh at him shaking my head "Secret admirer darlin" he nods at the box on the table. "Oh I forgot all about that, I found it on the porch when I came back from my run. It's probably from one of the neighbors" I shrug, "I'll make the hot chocolate you can open it then tell me if you will be kicking some poor unfortunate guys ass" I say as he laughs "You know me so well, Got a knife?" I pull out a box cutter from the drawer and hand it to him. A quick rip and the tape is cut He opens the box "What the fuck!" I come over to see what is going on; when I look into the box I freeze. There in a black vase is a bunch of dead roses with a note "R.I.P Blondie"

I grab Knox's hand looking up at him "What the hell is that about?" He looks at the flowers again "I don't know babe but you are not staying here alone anymore" he puts his arms around me "We should tell the police Bailey, I don't want anything to happen to you". I step away from the box pouring hot water into the cups, this is strange I only know four people in this whole town, one of them is in DC and another is here with me, I doubt Max or Paige would do something like this as a joke. "Ready to go upstairs?"

Knox comes over to me taking a cup "Lead the way beautiful" we walk up to my room in silence, both wondering who could have left the box. I sit on the love seat and Knox sits on the coffee table in front of me, he rubs my thighs. "We will figure out what this is about ok" "Yeah I know, its just weird" he takes a deep breath then smiles at me "Hey do you mind if I take a shower? I am still nasty from today" "Go for it stinky" I stand up ruffling his hair, he scoops me up into his arms kissing me "I'll be five minutes" he says. "I'll be in bed" I say winking at him "Damn beautiful and sexy" he puts me onto the bed then runs back to get my hot chocolate. "Thank you, hey just use my shower," I point to my bathroom "Ok"

I listen as he sings while showering; he has a really sexy voice. It's nice to hear it without the band and the noise of the bar. He finishes showering I can see him in the mirror drying himself he is like a Greek god. Sculpted muscles, black as night hair, emerald eyes and tattoos. I count seven altogether, some on his chest and back and both biceps. He walks into my room naked and climbs into bed. "Eager much?" I look at him, he starts laughing, "I sleep naked at home darlin" I wrinkle my nose "Eh what if Max walked in on you?" He laughs more "He has many times, and he has his own, don't worry we are twins" I slap his chest "Gross, now I have a visual" he is really laughing now rubbing my legs "I will let Max know" "Oh my god you jackass" I say jumping on top of him poking his ribs, he swats my hands away "Stop Bailey, ok you win" he gives up far to easily "You pussy" I call him.

He pushes me off him then straddles me holding my hands above my head "A what?" he asks with a glint of mischief in his eyes, "A pussy" I say grinning. He assaults my ribs, tickling me, I am wriggling but can't break away, his wet hair is dripping on my face and his hand is holding mine steady, My stomach is sore now "Mercy, Mercy" I say laughing. He stops "Now don't ever call me dirty names again young lady" he gets up off me and I take a deep breath rolling off the bed "Like what, pussy?" I say scrambling to me feet darting around the end of the bed.

"Oh Bailey's in trouble now" he sings jumping off the bed, I run around to the other side climbing up onto the bed trying to crawl through the tangled sheets, He grabs my ankles pulling me back to him "Tut, Tut naughty girl" I am laughing at him until he places his body over mine capturing my nipple in his mouth through my nightdress. Whoa, I run my finger through his wet hair "Jesus Christ Knox" I whisper all ready breathing hard from playing. He makes his way up to my face "Don't run from me Bailey, I will always catch you" he smiles then kisses me hard.

His tongue dancing with mine tasting me teasing me he cups my breast through the satin, kneading, rubbing his thumb across my nipple. I shiver from his touch, He stops kissing me sliding me up further onto the bed then climbs up beside me he is about to kiss me again when I push him down straddling him. I kiss him along the jaw traveling down his neck, taking his earlobe into my mouth "Damn darlin" he breathes while running his hand over my back. I kiss down his chest flicking my tongue across his nipple, he pushes his hips up showing me is ready for me. I slide down his legs kissing his stomach, circling my hand around his hardness. Bringing my mouth over the head, he sucks breath between his teeth tangling his fingers into my hair holding me. I lick the length of him, "Jesus Bailey" he whispers. Taking him into my mouth I slide my head up and down letting my tongue dance around his velvety flesh. I use my other hand to lift his balls and feel his fingers flex in my hair, I continue my torture "darlin, stop" he breaths, I suck once more "Fuck, baby please I won't last much longer" I lift my head up but leave my hand.

I grab a condom from the drawer ripping the packaging with my teeth, while slowly rubbing the length of him I slide the latex on then climb onto him. Sinking myself down his length "Oh damn, you're amazing" I rock my hips back and forth. Holding my hips he helps keep my rhythm, he then slides his fingers between us flicking, circling me, I move faster. I can feel myself climbing. Faster, back and forth, his fingers working, back and forth I keep rocking until I cum hard, we both call out at the same time his fingers dig into my hips as he pushes again emptying himself.

I lay down on his chest, feeling his heart thundering below my ear. "Wow Bailey" he says rolling me over sliding out of me. I smile up at him completely sated, "Wow yourself" he chuckles pulling me closer kissing my head. He gets up and goes into the bathroom to clean up, I climb under the covers and he rejoins me wrapping me in his arms. I am assaulted with soft kisses on my temple and cheek "You ok darlin?" I snuggle closer to him "Yes, I always am with you" he squeezes me tight kissing me again "Night darlin" He whispers into my ear, "Night Knox" I kiss his chest and close my eyes, another night without tears.


Chapter 24

It's Friday night and I am standing in my closet looking through my clothes, I really need to treat myself to something new. It's a little cold outside tonight so I decide on my boot cut ripped jeans and a copper color tank with sparkly thread through out and my black leather jacket. Doing my makeup in the bathroom mirror, I remember this morning. Knox and I had taken a shower together, he washed my hair, which at first I though was weird but it was actually quite relaxing.

Well until he began washing my body then we got all kinds of horny ending up having sex in the shower, which can be awkward but very, very hot.

Finishing my makeup I grab my jacket and my phone, I text Paige to let her know, Knox, Max and I were having dinner in Little Italy if she wanted to join us. Max is playing tonight which I am looking forward to; I haven't seen him with the band yet. I make sure all doors and windows are locked because I am still little creeped out by the flowers last night, it's weird that someone would something like that especially since I don't know anyone else around here.

It takes me no time getting down the hill and parking beside the bar. Paige texts me as I am walking into Georges, she is having dinner with her parents but will come to the bar after. I see an older man behind the bar and Lucy standing around chewing gum, I don't see Knox or Max. "Hey Bailey" Lucy says waving at me, "Hi Lucy, Is Knox here yet?" she hitches a thumb over her shoulder towards the back of house "Yeah they just got here, they are bringing in the equipment" she says popping her gum, "Ok thanks".

Taking my usual seat at the end of the bar I just wait for Knox, who steps through the beads carrying his guitar case. He smiles when he sees me "Hey Darlin, you're early" he says giving me a quick kiss "Did you cut you're hair?" I ask him. Smiling he nods at me "Yep, do you like?" I run my hand over his hair "Yes, I do" he kisses me again then walks to the stage to set up the instruments, I watch him and Max work together setting out cables, guitar's and their microphones. I can't help but smile at them, both are wearing blue jeans and black button down shirts, they look even more like twins if that is possible.

"Can I get you anything?" the older man asks me "Oh no thank you, I am just waiting for Knox and Max to go to dinner" I tell him. He nods towards them "So how you do you know the boys?" oh man I am getting grilled by this guy who I haven't met yet but I am pretty sure he is their uncle "I go to college at BRU" I say smiling at him. Holding out his hand to me he introduces himself "I am George Marshall, owner and uncle" I shake his hand "Bailey Mortenson, nice to meet you". George gets a look of recognition across his face "Ah so you're the young girl Knox is not coming home for?"

Oh crap, "Yes sir" I say feeling my cheeks burn, George starts to laugh at me "Don't be embarrassed, I think its good he is moving on" he begins wiping the bar while shaking his head "That last one, huh, she was a piece of work she was. Nearly ruined that boy broke his heart to smithereens she did. Didn't like her much anyway" he tells me. I just smile at him, I have no idea what he is talking about but I don't like the sound of Knox getting his heart broken. "You seem to be a much nicer girl" he winks at me. "Thank you" I reply.

"Mortenson, Huh. Any relation to Frank?" I nod at him smiling, "He is my dad". "Well now, how bout that. Frank is a good man spoke to him a few times during the construction of the college, are you following in his footsteps?" "No I am studying cyber crimes and forensic computers". He smiles at me and begins to cut up some lemons "you know, the boys are planning on opening their own company after they graduate"

"Yes Max told me about that, it sounds great" I say, pleased that I know something about Knox and Max. "What about you, what are your plans?" I feel like conversation has gotten serious "I want to help stop cyber bulling and shut down websites and blogs dedicated to hurting people"

"Why would you want to that? Is that even a real job?" he asks me but not in a mean way, at least I hope it's not "Yes Sir, it is a real job. Many major Police departments and the FBI have analysts dedicated to it" He nods his head contemplating, looking at Knox then back to me. I now wish I had a drink "Well I hope you are successful, I know the boys will be. They won't let anything stop their plans" he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I smile at him holy shit is this warning. I can feel my eyes starting to sting so I turn away slightly, swallowing hard. George walks away to serve a customer, I don't know why but George just made me feel like I am keeping Knox from his life goal. Sliding off the stool I walk over to the stage "Hi babe" I say to Knox I can't help that my voice is small like a child's who just got punished. "Hey beautiful" Max answers winking at me, Knox punches him on the arm "Jackass" then turns to me "Hi darlin, you ready for dinner? We are just done here" I nod, not able to speak right now.

"I see uncle George was talking to you" I wave the conversation away "Just school stuff" I tell him as he steps off the stage "Ok lets go eat" he takes my hand walking me back to the bar "Uncle George, I saw that you were inpatient so you have already met my girlfriend Bailey" he says to his uncle "Yep sure did" Knox has a big smile on his face while I look like I got slapped. "Let's go lovers" Max says as he walk by us "Later" he waves to his uncle who waves back "Enjoy your dinner boy's" he says as Knox and I walk out of the bar.

Max is waiting outside for us with his hands shoved into his pockets "Fuck its cold" he rocks on his heals. Knox wraps his arm around me while we walk to the restaurant "You ok darlin, you look like someone told you all your family died" Knox asks me, I smile at him putting my arm around his waist "Yeah I am good, happy to be with you" Knox kisses me on top of my head "Me too beautiful, me too"

Dinner is fun Max and Knox are talking about their set and I finally have a well need Jack and Coke. Knox never takes his hand off my leg he rubs my thigh every now and then letting me know he knows I am there. "Hey Bailey, Is Paige coming out tonight?" Max asks me, "Yes, she will meet me in the bar later" he nods chewing in his meatball. I smile at him "You know she likes you" I say looking at him, He smirks at me "Doesn't everyone" Rolling my eyes I sigh "Not for long if you keep thinking like that" we both laugh "She's cool" he says in response but I drop it, I am not going to push him on her or vise versa.

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