Seduced by Magic (18 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Seduced by Magic
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Copper gave a heavy sigh. “As far as dreams . . . right now I dream of home. Being back with my family, back where I belong.”

He caught her hand in his and squeezed. It felt warm and reassuring and for some reason gave her hope that they would be able to return home soon.

Tiernan was a grouchy ass as he again tried to find a way through the barrier. He snarled at any being that came near him, and he even snapped at Copper more than once.

She took great satisfaction in the frizziness of his hair and the number of Pixie designs springing from it. The green-skinned imps did something different with his hair every time he worked his way around the barrier, but always topped their creations with pretty blooms.

While Tiernan stomped around, Copper knew she had to take action to get her wand back. There was no way around it. She'd have to go belowground.

Her familiar was off playing somewhere with the Faerie children again. She thought about bringing the honeybee. His temper and his stinger could come in very handy.

“Zephyr!” she called, but the bee didn't come to her, even after a few calls. “Must be in the Faerie mound with the kids,” Copper murmured. For some reason their connection didn't work so well when Zeph was with the Fae.

Riona fluttered down to land on Copper's shoulder. “Maybe you should take the D'Danann oaf,” the Faerie said, nodding her dainty little head in the direction Tiernan was now cursing.

“I don't need him.” Copper took a deep breath and stomped on the stone door. “I've been there and back before, so what's the big deal? I can handle this myself.”

“If you think it is wise.” Riona flapped her little wings and hovered above Copper. “But I am not the one Garran wants.”

Copper gritted her teeth at the scraping sound of the door slowly easing open from Drow magic. “Are you trying to warn me or something?”

“Never.” Riona gave a soft laugh and zipped away.

Torches sprang to life as she made her way down the staircase and the door closed above her. Once again when
she reached the bottom of the stairs she was met by Naal, but this time a different warrior accompanied him.

Copper tipped her head up to look at Naal as they walked across the great hall. She liked his mischievous grin and his sanguine personality.

When they reached the throne room, Naal and the other Drow stood to either side of the doorway while Copper walked through the beautiful sparkling room toward Garran. He sat at an angle in his throne, his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, with one elbow resting on the throne's arm while he rubbed his chin with his fingers. He was as handsome as ever with his silver-blue hair and powerful build.

“Copper, my love,” he said with his rogue's grin. “Surely this time you have come to serve as my queen.”

“Get real.” Copper stared at him in exasperation, then glanced to the seat beside him where her wand rested. “You know exactly what I want.”

Garran cocked an eyebrow. “So direct, Copper. I should be insulted by your lack of decorum.”

She almost rolled her eyes. “I need my wand back. It's important to me.”

The Drow king pushed himself out of his seat and was in front of her in a single step. Shock rocked her at the speed of his movement. She had to look way up to meet his eyes. His expression was fierce as he reached out, caught a lock of her hair, and wrapped it around his finger.

His voice came out low and gruff and his liquid silver eyes swirled with passion. “What price are you willing to pay, witch?”

Tiernan shouted and growled as he made attempt after attempt to breach the barrier surrounding the meadow. He did not like this helpless feeling, not at all.

When he'd had enough of testing the barrier, he kicked
off the six or so Brownies nipping at his knees, and batted the Pixies away from his hair. He slipped the leather lace from his neck opening.

He drew back his hair along with whatever creations the Pixies had managed to make in it. When his hair was tied, he plucked out pink and yellow flowers, hoping he got them all. This time he hadn't heard any laughter coming from the Faeries or Copper. No doubt the Fae had had their fun the last time and were just waiting to pull some other trick on him.

He frowned. Where was Copper?

Riona, the Faerie queen, zipped up to flutter before him. She had a small perfect body with full breasts and rounded curves. Her black hair tumbled down her back and her amethyst eyes held laughter, as usual.

He scowled at her. “What do you want?”

“More like, what do you want, great D'Danann warrior?” Riona flapped her wings, lavender dust glittering in the afternoon light.

Tiernan resisted swiping his hand at her to get her out of his way. “I am not interested in your games, Faerie.”

She hovered in the air, tapping her tiny chin with her finger. “Perhaps you are interested in Copper?”

He frowned. She laughed.

“I don't think the Drow will give her up so easily.” She zipped away, and then she was gone from sight.

“What?” Tiernan bellowed. When the Faerie didn't respond, he searched the meadow with his gaze. There were perhaps three places Copper could be. Behind the bushes of the Fae mound, behind the side of the rock outcropping they used when needing to relieve themselves, and the shelter itself. Ah, yes, a fourth—the side of the rocks that she avoided, where the Drow door was located.

To his increasing concern, she was nowhere to be found in the usual places. He stormed to the side of the rock outcropping
he had only been by in passing when he was searching the barrier. He stared at the flat gray rock on the ground that was shadowed by a pine tree. It was, of course, a door leading to the Drow realm. There were similar doors all over Otherworld. No doubt the Faerie Riona hadn't been lying when she said something about the Drow not giving up Copper.

Shit. What in the name of the Underworld was she doing with the Drow? His chest burned. It was usually not an easy task to return from the realm of the Dark Elves.

He knelt beside the door that lay flat on the ground and rubbed his fingers around it, trying to find a catch. He felt nothing but smooth rock. The door was sealed tightly within its stone frame, which was as he expected. The more he searched, the more the knot in his gut grew. With all his strength he tried tugging and pulling at the frame, but it didn't budge. He sat heavily on the ground and wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Perhaps you need my assistance now, D'Danann?” came Riona's tinkling voice as she fluttered before him. “Or are you too much the arrogant warrior to need help? You certainly have not asked the Fae or even Copper to assist you in any way.”

Tiernan ground his teeth as he glared at the Faerie queen. “How do I get to Copper?”

She placed her hands on her thighs and leaned forward. “Pretty please?”

A low growl rose up in his chest. “Riona . . .”

She shrugged. “If not, then—”

“Pretty please,” he shouted, and Fae giggles rose up from the other side of the rock outcropping.

Riona gave an amused grin. “Stomp on the door five times. Do not expect a warm welcome.”

Tiernan pushed himself to his feet and ignored the Faerie as he raised his boot and pounded on the door.

The Faerie queen zipped in front of him as he backed away, and she gave him a small pout. “Not even a thank-you?”

“Thank you, Queen Riona,” he snapped, then riveted his attention on the now moving door. Stone rumbled as it opened and a hollow sound rose up from below. When the door was fully open, he strode down into the darkness.

Copper resisted the urge to push Garran away as he tugged on her lock of hair. It wasn't that she found him distasteful. Actually, she found him quite sexy. But she wanted to put some distance between them.

She straightened her spine and tilted her chin, stretching to her full height, but she was still a good eight inches shorter than him. “What do you want, Garran?”

He drew her closer by pulling the lock of hair. He caught her off guard and she stumbled forward, and barely caught herself by bracing her hands against his bare chest. Muscles rippled beneath her palms. The king drew her close and wrapped his arms around her waist so that her body was flush with his. Heat rose to her cheeks when she felt his very large—obscenely large—erection pressing against her belly.

“You are the light to my dark,” he murmured. “You have something magical in your spirit, a purity in your heart. I would give you everything.”

Copper swallowed. “Just tell me what I have to do to get my wand back.”

“A kiss.” He lowered his head until she could feel his warm breath upon her skin. “I want a kiss and you shall have your toy.”

Copper pushed harder at his chest and leaned back as far as she could. Not a Drow kiss! A kiss from one of the Dark Elves could make another being wish to stay below-ground with the Drow.

But it was only a kiss and she was a witch, immune to
much Fae magic. Yet she didn't know if she'd be able to resist the power. What if she fell under his spell?

His lips neared hers and she caught his earthy scent. “Just a kiss, my fair one,” he murmured, a breath away from her lips.

Only a kiss. Only a kiss

“You promise that I can have my wand?”

His mouth quirked into a grin. “Of course.”

Copper's hands gripped his leather and gem-encrusted chest straps. “You promise you'll let me go?”

His gaze grew heavy-lidded, almost obscuring the liquid silver of his eyes. “If you still wish to leave.”

She couldn't help but tremble in Garan's arms. “No magic,” she managed to whisper.

He lowered his head. “Mmmm.” The sound rumbled in his chest just before he pressed his mouth to hers.

When Tiernan reached the bottom of the staircase, Drow guards stood to either side of the doorway that led into an enormous great hall. One of the Elves had black hair, the other's was silver.

Tiernan glared from one Drow to the other. “Where is Copper?”

The silver-haired Drow's expression didn't waver. “Rudeness will not get you an audience with the king, if that is what you wish.”

Tiernan blew out a long breath and tried to calm himself. If the Drow used any magic on Copper, it would be hell trying to get her out of here. “Please take me to your king,” he said.

“Come.” The Drow gestured to one of the archways across the hallway and then the two males began walking to either side of Tiernan.

Surprise filtered through him that they so easily granted him an audience with their king. Drow tended to be far more disagreeable and did not like Fae in their realm. They
hadn't even requested he remove the weapons belt that secured his sword and dagger.

When they reached the crystal chamber, Tiernan strode into the throne room and came up short.

Copper was kissing the Drow king. Her arms were around his neck, her body snug against his, her eyes closed.

Rage rose up within Tiernan. That anyone, any being, would kiss Copper was enough to send molten fury rushing through his veins. He drew his sword. When the two guards grabbed his arms, he struggled against the power of their hold on him.
he shouted as he fought to get away from the damnable Drow.

Her eyelids fluttered open and she jerked back from the Drow she had been kissing. Her face blushed crimson, and the Faerie kisses sprinkled across her nose stood out against the red of her cheeks. The copper pentagrams at her ears swung wildly with her movement.

The Drow king glanced up at Tiernan who still struggled to reach him. Amusement crossed the king's expression. “Copper may choose to leave or she may stay. You will not have a say in it, D'Danann.”

Copper took one look at the fury etched across Tiernan's face and almost laughed. It was so obvious he was jealous, even though he might have to marry some other woman.

The arrogant ass deserved a little taunting. As did Garran, who was just as arrogant and just as much of an ass, so assured that his magic would bind her.

She turned back to Garran and ran her finger from his collarbone, over the crisscross leather straps to his belly and to the waistband of his breeches. Her tongue darted out to touch her lower lip. “What would you do with me if you had me?” she said in a husky purr.

A rumble sounded in Garran's chest. “I would fuck you
until you could not take any more, and then I would fuck you again.”

Tiernan nearly roared. “And I will kill you where you stand, Drow!”

She tossed a look over her shoulder at the D'Danann and barely held back a grin. Her lashes fluttered again as she brought her gaze back to Garran's. His earth-and-moss scent was even stronger as she raised herself up on her tiptoes, nuzzled the line of his jaw, and moved her lips to his ear. She actually felt him shiver.

“Sorry, baby,” she murmured, then drew back. “You got your kiss, and you promised me my wand and my way out of here.”

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