Selective/Memory: The "Depth of Emotion" Book 2 (The Depth of Emotion) (21 page)

BOOK: Selective/Memory: The "Depth of Emotion" Book 2 (The Depth of Emotion)
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Damn! She didn’t give up!

He mentally challenged himself, weighing pros and cons of answering her question, but his curiosity got the better of him and he’d have no answers of his own if he didn’t answer her.

“Okay, Aimee. This doesn’t go any further. Yes. I do.”

Rewarding him for his confidence, she graced him with a look in her eyes that twisted his gut with desire. He wanted to grab her and kiss her right there. The unexpected emotion bulldozed right over him.

“Good,” she said. “Now take a look at this.”

She took her hand out of her bag and held out a paper to him. He quickly snatched and unfolded it, thankful for the diversion.

Looking from top to bottom, a few minutes passed before he looked back at her, his own feelings back under control and neatly tucked away.

“Where did you get this?” he asked.

“Aria’s house. Does it matter?” she answered.

“She gave it to you?” he asked again; a bit harsher this time.

“Of course not. It was near her trashcan. I saw it and picked it up,” she answered defensively.

“You were going through her trash?” he asked, raising his voice.

“No!” she stated firmly. “It was on the floor—look—it doesn’t matter! If you think he feels that way about her, the way that this letter says she feels about him, then they need to get back together.”

“I’m not playing matchmaker, Aimee,” he said, making her feel childish.

“You know what? Nobody asked you to!” she said dismissively. “Forget I showed this to you. It’s okay. At least I know that he still loves her. Just forget it.”

She walked toward her car and got in.

“There’s no reason for you to be pissed at me!” he called to her.

Rolling down the window, she gave him a generously sweet, sarcastic smile.

“I’m not pissed at you,” she said. “In fact, I’ve forgotten all about you. I was just thinking that…I have to go to Hawaii for an assignment. I’ve invited Paige and Aria. We’re going to have a great time. See? I wasn’t thinking about you at all.”

He walked up to her car and stood by the side of the window, looking down at her strapped into the leather seat. Conflicting emotions engaged him again with her spitfire behavior, and he knew he shouldn’t be having the thoughts he was about her mouth.

“Isn’t my brother going to Hawaii?” he asked, leaning into her, going partially through the window to get close to her.

She played with him by tucking her chin down and using an innocent schoolgirl conduct. Innocent was the opposite of what she was, and he knew it.

“Is he?” she asked, feigning surprise. “Oh, I don’t really remember if he’s going or not…I’ve got to go now!” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

Before he knew what was happening, she reached her hand up, pushed his head out of the window, rolled it up, and began to drive off.

Damn woman! What a royal pain in the ass! What the hell was she going to do? Declan didn’t need to be played. He was just getting it together and he didn’t need Aimee putting in her two cents! Shit! Shit! Shit!

He couldn’t stop her. She and his brother—they did work together…and they were friends. There was only one solution to the problem she presented…


…pack enough sunscreen for Hawaii…



Looking at clouds faded away all worries, and eleven hours of their beauty had relaxed Aria completely. Articulating the scene before her, and exactly how she felt immersed in the depths of color within the lush and beautiful landscape, would be difficult. It was overwhelming.

The scene before her was wondrous—truly magical. Stepping onto the volcanic island led the
spirit of paradise to fully overtake her as its willing victim. As the bronzed Hawaiian goddess approached her, she accepted the beautiful lei, inhaling deeply of its fragrance. She was determined to have the most successful trip possible in her quest for stress relief.

As much as Aimee’s personality was different than hers, it was great to have a friend that was so pushy that demanded she and Paige make the trip. Hesitant at first, she realized that she couldn’t avoid doing things with her friends due to her fear of encounters with Declan. Although she knew she still loved him, she’d find a way to live her life without him. She reasoned that people did it every day—she’d adapt as well.

Turning in a circle to take in all the colors, she realized that Hawaii was something you had to
—it’s wasn’t just a trip you took. Never having been off the mainland, Aria had enjoyed a feast of the senses as she and Paige were driven to their hotel. Color burst all around them in every living thing. Flowers were brighter, and every hue seemed to have exacerbated its designation. Black volcanic rock against crisp blue ocean waves screamed for attention, as the stark, white foam crashed against it and registered a more thunderous pitch than the Atlantic ever had sounded against the jetty’s back home. Chickens and roosters walked freely about the island, parading obscene vibrancies of oranges, reds, golds and browns. It seemed almost impossible, but she was simultaneously maintaining an inner calm that enveloped her upon arrival, as everything and everyone was more alive here—even her spirits.

“Look at our hotel, Aria,” Paige said, interrupting her thoughts. “It’s stunning!”

Paige’s finger drew her attention to the structure.
was less than accurate. The Grand Wailea amplified
with every square inch.

As they were escorted to the lobby, their royal treatment began. Tropical drinks that blazed appeal and color were placed in their hands as they were taken to their suite. As the bellman opened the door, they felt they had been launched into the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

“Dear Lord! All of this is for us?” Paige gasped as they took in the scope of their accommodations.

Luxury and opulence resonated within the suite, transporting them to another world.

Once their luggage was taken to their respective rooms and the bellman left the suite, a momentary silence filled the space as they looked around to assure they were alone—followed by whimsical girlish squeals.

“Oh my gosh!” Aria screamed. “This is crazy!”

“I know!” Paige said, almost giddy. She ran from room to room. “This is huge!”

They hadn’t had the opportunity to be alone since their arrival. They chatted incessantly, but the smiles on their faces said more than words ever could.

“What?” Paige asked, tilting her head inquisitively at Aria, who was grinning ear to ear.

“Nothing.” She laughed. “You just look like a kid on Christmas Day!” She was stating the obvious.

“Of course I do! So do you!” Paige replied. “Have you ever stayed in a hotel like this?
don’t answer that! I’ve known you forever and I
you haven’t. How does Aimee stay grounded living like this?” she asked, shaking her head with wonder.

“I guess if you do something enough, you just get used to it,” Aria replied.

Paige gave her a sarcastic look. “Aria! Really?” Paige questioned. “She hangs out with us all the time, but she seems so…
. I don’t know how all of this doesn’t go to her head!”

The sound of the door closing alerted them to someone’s arrival.

“What go to whose head?”

Aimee came up behind them, causing them both to shriek excitedly with her approach.

You’ve got some crazy stuff you’ve been hiding from us,” Paige said, turning to hug her. “Are these the kind of places you stay in on all your shoots?” Paige asked her in disbelief.

“Oh this little place!”
Aimee laughed.

Radiating warm memories, Aria thought of the many times she had gone on shoots with Declan. She’d learned not to fight them, but enjoy them when they came to mind, such as this one. Due to her business schedule, most of her travels with him on business were on the mainland. A thought crossed her mind of how much she would have enjoyed sharing the beauty of this location with him.

The girls’ excited chatter, and her curiosity, quickly brought her back to the conversation. Aimee’s answers would surely shed light on what type of lifestyle Declan had become accustomed to.

“Yes. It is,” Aimee said with a smile of satisfaction filling her beautiful face. “The clients treat us well.”

You’ve got to be kidding!
This is awesome!” said Paige. She continued to shake her head in disbelief.

Aimee couldn’t help the grin she wore, and happily shared it with her friends. Uncorking a chilled bottle from the wine fridge, she poured and handed each woman a glass. She disappeared into the kitchen, and pulled out an appetizing tray filled with a menagerie of fresh fruit, cheeses, and crudités which she placed on the granite top. Once she was satisfied that refreshments had been made available, she returned to relax with them.

“To friends!” she said, raising her glass. “May we always be good
each other, and
each other!”

Aria and Paige happily concurred, and raised their glasses as well.

“To friends!” they said in unison.

Kicking off her sandals, Aimee moved to get comfortable and all three began to settle in.

“I have to admit,” she confided, “being a model with a good agency does have its perks. If you’re lucky enough to be selected for this type of location, and if you’re
on shoots, like…conduct yourself well and don’t cause trouble…
if your look sells enough product, of course…then clients don’t mind spending money on you.”

She took a sip from her glass.

“This particular client made
bucks for the products we represent,” she said, sweeping her arms around the room. “
is just part of the package.”

They all looked at the beauty resonating in the furnishings and accessories around them.

“This is gorgeous, girl,” Paige said as she got up from the sofa to fill a plate with the tasty nibbles.

“Thanks so much for inviting us. I’m really glad we came,” she said.

“What about you, Aria? You like?” Aimee coaxed.

Aria was enjoying the effects of the wine, head leaned back, enjoying the warm breeze.

!” she said, then raised her head and turned the questions toward Aimee. “Was everything shot today, or do you have more work days yet? I mean…you invited us for the week, but I wasn’t exactly sure how many days you were working, and if you had one or two free.”

Aimee played coy and seemed to be hiding something.

“I’m finished for today, so I was thinking”—she paused as a mischievous look crossed her face—“
that we could go to the Spa after your long flight?”

It was more a question than a statement as she was hoping to surprise them.

“What do you think?” she asked excitedly. “Since it’s late afternoon, I can arrange for us to have dinner here, after the Spa, in our suite, so we really can relax when we come back.”

Paige nodded her head
without hesitation, so Aimee forged on with the plans to convince Aria and get a unanimous vote.

“Tomorrow, and the day after I have to work all day, so if it’s okay with both of you, I’ve arranged for a limo to take you into Wailea to shop. There’s a party the third night after all the work is wrapped up. I thought the three of us could go to it and decompress a little—just dancing and a few drinks. Then we can do whatever you two want for the rest of the week. Sound okay, or am I being pushy?”

She raised her eyebrows inquisitively, waiting for their approval.

“Honestly, it sounds wonderful to me…” Aria winked at her. “…but you are

They crippled over with laughter at Aria’s comment. Always the diplomat, she rarely called Aimee on her directness or her attitude.

After conceding that Aimee’s long day of standing, and the girl’s lengthy flight, was
justification for a few hours of pampering, they made the decision to spoil themselves with whatever delights The Spa had to offer.

Paige leaned back, sensuously draped on a chaise.

“I really think I could get used to this,” she said as she took a bite of pineapple.

Aimee, enjoying the effects of the wine and the atmosphere, stretched herself out as well. After many months of seeing both of her friends suffer through the breakup of Aria and Declan, Aimee was happy that she could do something to make them happy. She’d felt so helpless, but this trip—well, this trip would be memorable.


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