Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (10 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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It looked at him from behind the fence
enclosing its pen, complete
with a wooden shed and grass that looked fresh for the time of
year. The goat slowly walked over to the fence and bleated, pushing
its nose through the fence and lapping at the bars. The place had
the distinct scent of an animal, but it seemed clean and

Luci looked down at the name plaque on the fence and
laughed out loud. “Hello, Beast.” He stood on his toes to put his
hand over the fence and petted the goat’s head. “You live here?
Yeah, me too. Sucks, right?”

The animal squirmed and licked his hand, as if
expecting food, but sadly Luci didn’t even have fried chicken

“Who are you?” This was a voice he hadn’t heard yet.
Feminine and young, but demanding.

His eyes widened when he turned around. The girl
had to still be a teenager, but her makeup was thick - dark
eyeshade, layers of eyeliner,
painted-on eyebrows, not to mention the collection of piercings all
over her face. Her complexion was pale, and that was only
emphasized by her long black hair with short bangs. She held the
white Persian cat he’d seen before and stroked it with her black
nails. Guessing by her outfit consisting of buckled up platform
shoes, lacy tights, a tank top, and black leather hot pants, she
came here for the party.

“I’m Luci. You?” He tried not to stare at the big
pentagram necklace on her simple longsleeve.

She narrowed her eyes but slowly made her way toward
him. “Were you feeding him?” she asked, her voice layered with
suspicion. He barely heard her through the roar of bikes coming
from the gate.

“No, I only had chicken, and I’m guessing Beast only
eats unborn babies or some shit like that?” The way she petted her
cat made Lucifer think of a Bond villain.

The girl gave him a hard stare, only to break into a
silly grin that fit her young face. “Something like that. Cute,
isn’t he?” she asked, reaching through the fence to pet the

“Yeah, though I have no idea what he’s doing here.
Are you here for the party?”

She shook her head. “No, I just came over to visit
Beast before I go home. We can’t keep him in the backyard so Dad
made the shed for him here.” She sighed and slid her gaze up Luci’s
body. “What is someone like you doing here? You don’t really fit
in,” she said, but it was just a statement of fact.

The problem was he wasn’t sure how to answer. This
was not a place for him, but what was he to say? That he was being
held against his will? “Tell me about it!” he laughed in the end.
“So you’re not a hangeron? Who’s your dad? Can I?” he held his
hands out for the cat.

She pursed her lips, but didn’t move away. “I’m the
club president’s daughter. My name’s Astaroth.”

Luci petted the cat’s head absentmindedly and
looked up into her big brown eyes, so unlike his blue ones. “And…
Priest made this goat shed for you?”
And didn’t give a flying fuck about my

Astaroth grinned. “He had some of the other guys
help him out. Looks pretty cool, huh? Blitz takes care of it during
the day so it’s always nice and clean.”

“Yeah, you’re lucky to have a dad like that.” He
looked away and got back to petting the goat. “Why are you not
staying at the party?”

Astaroth pouted and looked away. “Apparently, the
stuff that goes on here is not fit for my innocent eyes. And you?
Why are you here?” She took a step closer, watching him as if she
could see through all his defenses. “Are you into bikers, or

Lucifer snorted. “Am I that obvious? Pushing my luck
I suppose. Is Priest sheltering you from fun?”

Astaroth shrugged, unfazed by his declaration. “I’m
a bright girl. I can find my fun elsewhere, and he can stay in the

Lucifer whistled and laughed at the goat licking his
hand. “Hey, you wouldn’t have a hair straightener, would you?”

Astaroth smirked. “Who is he?”

“Hey!” He poked her gently with his elbow. It felt
strange how instantly at ease he was with her. “He’s straight, so
it doesn’t matter, I just like having nice hair.”

Astaroth shrugged and kissed the cat’s head. “Fair
enough. Yeah, there are some at my mom’s beauty salon. I could get
you one tomorrow.”

“Your mom has a beauty salon?” He had to forcibly
stifle his excitement. This wasn’t his family. He would be gone by

Yeah, I work there as well. It’s no
Mom won’t even
notice,” she said with a wide smile, but the moment she closed her
mouth, she looked to where Luci had come from. He followed her
gaze, spotting Priest, who stilled midstride, close to the

Dad!” she called and gave him a wave.

Priest hesitated, but the moment the decision was
made and he started walking toward them, all uncertainty was gone
from his gait.

Luci just stood there, petting the goat.

I was just saying good
-bye to Beast before I go,” Astaroth said with a

“You must be tired,” said Priest. He put an arm
around her and gently pulled her toward the gate. His eyes didn’t
stray to Luci even once.

Astaroth sighed. “Yeah, a bit.”

Luci watched them walk off, and he couldn’t
remember ever feeling so hopelessly rejected. He
’d never asked for this. He didn’t want to
be around his father, and now he was forced to yet got completely
ignored. He could feel the critical vibe Priest gave him crawling
all over his skin. He carefully opened the gate and went in to be
closer to Beast. What a horrible day. He kneeled by the goat in the
clean hay and put his face against the soft fur. Of course his dad
didn’t want to have anything to do with him. He was a gay boy who’d
sucked more dick than he could count. He’d probably be better off
dead to Priest.

He stroked the dark fur and sniffed against it,
trying to hold back the tears.

“There you are.” The rich, low voice was starting to
be painfully familiar.

Tooth was the last thing he needed now. Luci decided
not to look up until the watering in his eyes would subside. “I’m
just smelling the goat,” he muttered, choked up. “It’s very

There was a silence, but to Luci’s dismay, Beast
seemed to grow tired of being held and moved to get away.

Luci groaned and quickly rubbed his eyes before
getting up from the hay. “I might be allergic to the fur though, my
eyes feel all tingly.”

“Happens,” said Tooth. “I’ve got something for

I’m fine, I’ve already eaten.” Lucifer took a deep
breath, trying to calm down. He couldn’t worry that much about his
dad. Priest
had checked
out of Luci’s life years ago.

Tooth leaned against the fence, his hair all tangled
from the rush of air. He raised a little black bag in his hand.
“It’s not food.”

Luci left the goat with a last pat to its backside.
“What is it then?” He took the bag. It was fairly light, but when
he reached inside, blood started flowing faster. He grabbed a
handle with rubber ridges for better grip, and pulled out a flat

Tooth sighed. “You’re so whiny about your hair.”

Lucifer looked at it, completely speechless. Even
this stranger cared for him more than his father. Despite Luci’s
best intentions, tears spilled down his face and he hugged the
brush close. “Thank you,” came out as a broken sob.

Tooth stared at him for a long moment. “You want to
go upstairs? It’s still two hours left till the party starts. You
could get that hair of yours in order,” he said finally, tapping
his fingers on the top of the fence.

Luci nodded, doing his best to stop crying and
rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie. “I didn’t know I
have a sister.”

Tooth opened the gate for him. “So you’ve met

“She seems really nice.” He sniffed, slowly calming

“Yeah, she’s a lovely girl, even though she might
not look it.” Tooth closed the gate behind Luci and walked with him
to the nearest door. “You have two siblings, so there will be no
more surprises like that.”

I didn’t tell her though. It’s not like she’s a
real sister I suppose.” Luci looked down at Tooth’s big, veiny
hands that
had brought
him a hairbrush.

Tooth sighed and went inside the building, straight
into a staircase Luci hadn’t seen before. Damn, this place was
complicated. “Depends on how you see it, but it wouldn’t be wise to
tell her now.”

“Yeah, Priest didn’t look happy about seeing us
together. I’ll just stick with talking to the goat.” Luci tried not
to sound sour, but he couldn’t help it.

“He’ll come around,” said Tooth after a moment. They
climbed to the second floor and went into the corridor where Tooth

“Why are you my designated guardian, anyway?” Luci
looked up, and it was the first time he noticed a tattoo on Tooth’s
neck. A small bloodied tooth. He wasn’t sure what to think of

Tooth opened the door to his room and let Lucifer in
first. “Why do you think?”

“‘Cause you’re calm and possibly not homophobic?”
Luci looked Tooth up and down as he walked into his cell

And there it was, a smile he
’d managed to press out of that
brutish-looking man. “And I am reliable,” said Tooth, closing the
door behind him.

“You’ll do all Priest asks for?” Luci pouted and sat
on his mattress on the floor.

Tooth smirked and walked over to the closet. Was he
intending to make himself look good for the girls at the party?
“No. Of course not.”

Luci peeled his eyes out to see Tooth change. He
was still waiting to get a glimpse of Tooth’s chest, and judging by
the way the
tank top
hugged his body, it would be a feast for the eyes. “You know Priest
well though, right?”

He began brushing his hair, and it felt so nice
with the new brush. It wasn’t a shitty one either, it looked like
something professionals used.
Tooth must have asked someone for advice to bring him
something like that.

When the
tank top came off, Luci found himself staring, and it
seemed everything slowed down when Tooth stretched, looking through
his stuff. He had amazing pectoral muscles, with a bit of dark hair
in between. And a ripped stomach.

“Yeah, It’s been twelve years.”

“Since you joined the Nails?” Luci watched the club
tattoo on Tooth’s muscular back. Oh, God, he could crawl onto it
and kiss it all over, then have Tooth turn around and suck him off
like there was no tomorrow.

“Yeah. We’re good friends, but there are times when
we disagree.” Tooth finally pulled out a T-shirt, and Luci wanted
to howl in disappointment.

The long breath he’d let out was actually trembly.
“Like when?”

Tooth chuckled and hid his gorgeous body beneath a
well-fitting T-shirt that showed off his shape in just the right
way. “Club matters. Can’t say.”

Luci wondered if Tooth brought girls to this room.
He imagined himself on the mattress, watching Tooth naked, fucking
some girl like a beast, with the strength Luci knew all too well by
now. “If I meet someone tonight, can I bring them here?”

Tooth raised an eyebrow at him and pulled on his
beard. “No. I’m sure you can live without sex for a few days.”

bring someone here?” asked Luci, making sure it sounded

Tooth walked over to the fridge and pulled out two
cans. He tossed one to Luci and straightened up, opening his own.
It was plain soda. “No, it would complicate things. When I want to
fuck, I find somewhere suitable.”

Luci needed to stop thinking about Tooth fucking,
because the
mere idea
that he would get to eventually see Tooth naked if he stayed was
taking his mind off his escape plan. And he had one.


Chapter 5

had had it with waiting. He couldn’t recognize Priest—the
guy was one of the toughest, most decisive men he knew, but for
some reason, in matters regarding Lucifer, he was showing none of
that. This morning had been worst of all because Priest actually
fled the kitchen without even muttering a ‘good morning’. It was
ridiculous. It only reminded Tooth of his own dick of a dad, the
last association he wanted to have with Priest.

The music was already playing in the lounge when
Tooth rushed past the few guys moving things around and knocked on
the door to the office.

“Come in!” Priest yelled from inside.

Tooth bit his lip and entered, swiftly closing the
door behind himself.

“Easy job today, wasn’t it? I wonder if Suzy ever
resurfaces,” said Priest. He sat with his feet on the desk and
smoking a cigarette.

Tooth pushed his hands into the front pockets of his
jeans and shrugged. He decided to start out more civil than he had
originally intended now that Priest threw him that bone. “Yeah,
it’s a few thousand back to us.”

“We even have guys from the Cleveland chapter over
for the party.” He smiled as he exhaled the smoke.

“And your long lost son,” said Tooth, drilling his
gaze into Priest’s forehead in hope the metaphorical trepanation
could ring some sense into that brain.

The sneer on Priest’s face was a good indication
of his attitude toward Luci
fer. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea to have him out
there at the party.”

“And that is why?” asked Tooth, parking his ass in
the chair across the desk from Priest.

“You’ve seen what he looks like. The guys will eat
him alive.” Priest absentmindedly looked out the window.

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