Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (13 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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It was everything he’d expect from a creepy 1960s
asylum in a horror movie. The room was quite small, but the ceiling
was unusually high, giving him the feeling he was being watched
from somewhere above. A large lamp hung over an old-fashioned
dentistry chair, complete with leather restraints and a whole steel
table of big sharp tools one could perform surgery with. White
tiles covering all the walls and the floor only added to the

Luci looked around, slowly moving to the corner of
the room, next to a large sink. “Is it okay for us to be here?” it
came out as a whisper.

Milk closed the door and waved his hand
dismissively. “Yeah, Tooth’s not gonna be working tonight. We’re

“It’s Tooth’s?” Luci ran his fingers along the
leather chair.

“Yeah. It’s where the magic happens,” said Milk with
a wide grin from across the chair. The flush on his cheeks spoke
volumes of how turned on he was.

Luci would probably be scared to be here alone, but
in these circumstances he was only mildly freaked out. He imagined
that anyone who got close to the sharp tools next to the chair
would have been someone who deserved to be here. Tooth wasn’t a
mean guy.

“So? We gonna make some magic and then you let me go
out the gate?”

Milk grinned at him. “Sure. I’ll just tell them I
passed out,” he said, crawling onto the chair and already fumbling
with his belt.

With that assurance, Luci smiled back at him and
approached the chair from the side. He knew he could make it worth
Milk’s while. And then he’d just go to the bus station and leave
town. Maybe he could go someplace safer. Warmer. He’d always wanted
to see



Chapter 7

The music pulsed in Tooth’s veins as he left his
friends from the Cleveland chapter and surveyed the room for more
familiar faces. The mood was relaxed, and even Priest seemed
chilled out for the first time since Luci
fer came back crashing into his life. With his arm
around Dolly, he was making rounds to speak to everyone.

And speaking of Luci, Tooth could swear he saw
Milk walking into the room and did a quick turn around. No Lucifer
in sight. Was Milk
for the
boy he was supposed to be guarding?

Tooth drank the last of his Coke and rushed across
the room, straight for Milk, who faced him with a silly grin. The
idiot was drunk.

“Where is he?” asked Tooth, leaning down for Milk to
hear him better. Priest would flip if Lucifer fled the compound.
And Tooth had to admit his own gut told him the boy shouldn’t go
back to the streets. Despite the attitude problem, he was such a
sweet thing.

Milk slowly backed away into the corridor, away from
the music. “Chill out. He just went to pet the goat or something
like that.” He kept smiling as if he’d just avoided a speeding

Tooth frowned and gave Milk a gentle shake. With so
many people drunk, and guys from other chapters, he wasn’t sure
about Luci’s safety. “When? Is someone watching over him?”

Milk waved his hand dismissively. “I just wanted to
get a beer before I get back to him. He’ll be fine. Though he must
really want to go.” Milk wiggled his eyebrows. “He offered to blow
me for letting him out the gate.”

Tooth blinked, staring at Milk with anger simmering
right under his skin. He grabbed Milk’s arm and pulled him toward
the corridor. “Where is the little brat? Show me.”

Milk groaned and gave the beer a miserable look
before leading Tooth down the corridor. “He’s got a pretty face,
but you know me, I’m not into that, wouldn’t go for it.”

Tooth gritted his teeth. “Kat’s gonna leave you
anyway once she finds out about some of the stuff that you actually

“That’s just unfair, you know? I always keep it down
to head only.” Milk led the way out into the chilly backyard. The
music was only a muted background noise here. In the far off
corner, Tooth did notice movement by the goat shed.

“Lucifer?” Tooth sped up, yanking Milk harder. How
could the idiot just go off to have a beer and leave the boy

“Um… hello?” Luci’s voice came from behind the
fence, and Tooth finally saw him running his fingers through the
long black fur of the animal.

The uncertainty in his tone made Tooth calm down a
bit. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, maybe
fer had just been
teasing Milk? “Could you come over?”

Lucifer emerged from the shadow at the back of the
shed and came out from behind the fence into the sparse light of
the yard. He looked up at Milk with no facial expression

Tooth let out a low groan. “Milk told me you
offered him your... uh, services if he helps you escape tonight. Is
that true?” he asked, looking straight into the bright eyes shining
even in the low light. Lucifer’s
pupils widened as if Tooth lit a flashlight in
front of his face.

What the fuck, Milk?” Luci
fer hissed and pushed Milk’s chest despite
the man being so much bigger than him.

Tooth rolled his eyes, watching Milk stumble a bit.
“So he was just boasting?”

No! He promised!” Luci
fer raised his voice, his cheeks getting darker.
“You promised, you dickwad!”

“Jeesus, kid. Shut up.” Milk grabbed Lucifer’s

Tooth frowned, looking at the slim hand held in
Milk’s grip. The hell was going on here? “Promised?”

Tooth, seriously? You gonna believe this
vacuum-mouthed ex-hooker?” Milk said, but looked into
fer’s eyes and shook

“Why would you do this?” Lucifer tried to hit him,
but Milk easily blocked it.

Tooth’s chest went up in flames. What did Milk
call Luci
fer? “Let go of
him,” he growled, tightening his grip on Milk’s shoulder. He
couldn’t quite look Lucifer in the eye, ashamed he’d left him with
such a bitch.

Milk let go of Luci
fer, pushing him back slightly.

The boy took a deep breath. “You think you can fuck
with me like this?”

Tooth gritted his teeth, huffing. With Milk’s
usually easygoing demeanor gone, Tooth had no qualms about
m to believe. He
slowly forced himself to look Lucifer in the eye. “Can you tell me
what happened?”

fer’s gaze kept escaping to the sides, and he backed off to
the fence. “He said he’d help me out, so I sucked his dick. Didn’t
seem so fucking unhappy about my mouth back then.”

Milk groaned. “What are you trying to win here with
your lies, boy?”

Tooth ignored him, swallowing hard. This was the
core of the problem, and the people he trusted were only making it
worse. “Milk, apologize.”

“What for?” Milk’s frown deepened.

I’ll tell your wife what for. He took me to your
room, you know?” Luci
looked up at Tooth with his face tense.

Tooth took a deep breath. “The fuck? You did it in
my bed?” he growled through Milk’s protests.

No. In
room. You know, the one only three people have keys to.”
Lucifer pursed his lips and crossed his arms on his chest. And even
though he was talking to Tooth, he looked at Milk with ‘I told you
not to fuck with me’ written on his face.

“Apologize,” snapped Tooth, digging his fingers into
Milk’s arm. He couldn’t believe something like this was happening
on his watch.

Milk took a step closer. “I’m sorry for lending you
my dick. You seemed hungry. You thought I was gonna let you run,
you little dimwit?”

“Shut up or I’m gonna relieve you of your teeth so
you and your unborn son can look more alike!” hissed Tooth,
squeezing his hands into fists.

That finally did the trick and Milk shut it.
fer leaned with his
back against the fence, hanging his head enough to have his hair
obscure his face. Tooth bit his lip, staring at his hunched
shoulders and closed body language. “Lucifer, go to my room and
wait for me until I’m done with this fucker here,” he

“Which room?” Luci whispered, clenching his fingers
on the wires of the fence.

Tooth swallowed. “Not the torture chamber. Of

That was enough for Lucifer to skitter away as if he
were doing everything in his might to fly under the radar.

Milk took a deep breath. “Seriously Tooth, the kid
was asking for it.
was making
the advances.”

Tooth turned to look at the innocent-looking face
that hid a mind dirtier than Tooth’s own. “Oh, and you graciously
granted his wish?” he asked, walking back to the building.

Milk followed two steps behind. “Yeah, I mean he was
all like ‘oh wow, I can see you’re packing’, and shit.”

Of course Lucifer would say that to someone like
Milk. It was a small price for what Lucifer probably perceived as
freedom. “And you believe he honestly just wanted to suck you off?”
asked Tooth as they walked into the corridor.

“Well, clearly, he had ulterior motives. You heard
him. Trying to blackmail me already.” Milk shook his head as if he
got hurt by getting blown by a pretty boy.

Not yet.

Tooth stopped by the door to the basement and opened
it with his keys. He then looked at Milk, letting that sink in.

Despite all the liquor flowing through his veins,
Milk’s face was going slack. “Tooth, brother… you can’t be
serious.” He took a step back.

Tooth had to force back a smile. There it was.
Drunken panic. “I’m not gonna pull anything. You go first.”

“What’s it about then? We can talk here.” Milk
looked over his shoulder as if there was anywhere he could

Tooth smirked. “Go to my dental office, or I’ll
change my mind about the treatment of choice,” he growled, already
feeling satisfaction simmering in his gut.

“But we’ll talk, right?” Milk said before descending
the stairs with the facial expression of a hangman.

agreed Tooth, following him with a smile. He would enjoy teaching
Milk a lesson. “Among other things.”

“Tooth, I’m not lying. The boy came on to me. Why
would I hit on a guy? He tempted me into it.” He turned around in
the tall, cold chamber.

Tooth joined him after a brief turn to a small
supply closet and closed the door. “Five minutes ago you told me
that he only teased you. What else did you lie about?” he asked,
feeling at home right away. This cold, unfriendly room was his

“I know, I shouldn’t have brought him here. Is that
it? I wanted to give him a little scare, so he behaves,” Milk
babbled all too quickly.

Tooth gave a low groan and squeezed his hands on a
carton of milk. “
So he
sucks cock more eagerly?”

“He was eager enough already,” Milk muttered, but
his gaze drifted to Tooth’s hands.

Oh, cut the crap. You’re making me want to puke
all over you.” Tooth put
two cartons of milk on the steel table and narrowed his
eyes at Milk. Now that he had a plan, his nerves were much more at

Milk exhaled loudly. “What’s the big deal? I didn’t
let him go out. He stays put, and he’s learned his lesson.”

lesson?” Tooth shook his head. “In what? Lying your way into blow

Milk cleared his throat and finally shut up. It
was the silence
Tooth craved all along.

He grabbed an old chair standing by the wall and
pulled it closer, sitting with his front to the backrest. The
hospital-like glow of the lamp above never failed to make him calm.
“Take off your clothes.”

Milk swallowed and took a step back. “What the fuck,
man?” A single drop of sweat beaded on his smooth-shaven

Tooth smirked, ready to show Milk what it meant to
be vulnerable. “Do it if you don’t want me to tell Priest about
this. Do you remember what I asked you to do? Protect
fer and not let him

“It’s not like I hurt him,” Milk groaned, but the
idea of Priest finding out must have triggered him into action
because he took off his cut and then his hoodie. Even if Priest had
issues with Lucifer, he was protective of his kids. Last time a guy
tried to grope Astaroth’s ass, he ended up with a broken wrist.

“What makes you think that? He seemed pretty hurt to
me.” Tooth opened one carton of milk and took a long swig.

“He was hurt because he didn’t get what he fucking
wanted,” Milk hissed, getting rid of his clothes until he stayed in
just his briefs and socks.

“All of it.”

Milk took a deep breath and pursed his lips, but he
took off the few things he still had on and covered his dick with
his hands. There, exactly what Tooth wanted.

“How do you feel?” he asked, watching him,

Milk wouldn’t look him in the eye. “I don’t know.
Like a sausage about to get roasted?”

Tooth laughed and drank some more milk. “Still
better than having Priest know you betrayed his trust and fucked
his son.”

“Okay, okay, I get it. Priest wouldn’t be happy, but
the boy is like a fucking flytrap.” Milk’s gaze kept darting from
the carton to Tooth.

“And that means what exactly?” asked Tooth,
completely calm. Being here always brought back memories of tension

“It means he has the lips of a girl, but the
forwardness of a guy.” Every twitch and stir proved just how
uncomfortable Milk was.

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