Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (32 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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Oh, so I’m not worth his friendship?”
fer pouted in that
nasty way that made Tooth want to spank the attitude out of

“No, I think he’s a creep,” growled Tooth, pulling
him toward the compound. “And what the hell are you thinking taking
this tiny kitten out?”

I just wanted to show it to Rick. You’re hurting
me!” Luci
fer tried to
pull away from the grip on his arm.

“How did you know he was there, huh?” hissed Tooth
in answer.

Lucifer stared up. “I called him over.”

How did you do that?” asked Tooth. The office was
always closed when Don and Priest weren’t there, and that was the
only place where a landline could be accessed in the compound. Or
did Luci
fer call Rick
from the salon?

Lucifer pulled out a little cell phone and waved it
at Tooth. “You’re not the only one with secrets.”

White rage blinded Tooth for a moment, but he
grabbed the phone and smashed it against the compound wall. The
broken pieces of metal and plastic slid down to the pavement. He
didn’t know what to say. What a betrayal of trust.

Lucifer screamed, but at least he had his priorities
right with holding onto the frightened kitten first. “I had photos
on there, you dick!”

And you broke the rules,” hissed Tooth, seizing
fer by his hot nape
and pulling him straight for the door.

How did you even come back so fast, huh? Two
guys?” Luci
fer whistled,
but whimpered when Tooth tightened his grip.

Shut up,” growled Tooth, pulling
fer down the hall,
toward the lounge where they could hear voices. He
humiliate Lucifer if it was

Lucifer put the kitten inside of his hoodie and
for once, followed the order. The moment Bell saw them, he laughed
from far away. It seemed
he’d never left since yesterday’s party.

“What did he do this time?” he yelled from the

Tooth exhaled through his nose, feeling like a
cornered bull. “Contacted people he shouldn’t. I’ll deal with it,”
he said, ignoring two other members on his way to the

“You’re pulling on my hair!” Lucifer complained, but
didn’t struggle as Tooth pushed him up the stairs.

You deserve it, you little traitor,” growled
Tooth, eager to deal with it his way. He couldn’t remember
last time he was so

“How am I to ever meet anyone, huh?” Lucifer slapped
Tooth’s hand and tried to wiggle out of the grip.

“Why, did you want to sleep with this bulldog?”
Tooth kicked the door open and pushed Lucifer in, staring at his
slim silhouette in the background of the room, painted golden by
the rays of sun coming through the blinds. The boy was no angel
despite the halo light created around his blond hair.

Maybe. What do you care? I wanted to suck his big,
juicy dick. So there,” hissed Luci
fer and backed off further.

Tooth put his hands on the doorframe, keeping
himself from acting in anger. He listened to his own breathing as
he stared at Luci
“Put the cat down.”

followed at least this order and put the cat in the bathroom,
closing the door, so the kitten wouldn’t get in the way. “You know
what else? I wanted to have him fuck me, because I’m sick of being
celibate. Fucking sleeping in your bed like we’re twelve-year-old
girls,” he raised his voice and clenched his fists.

Tooth swallowed hard. So that’s what it was? Did
fer proposition him
only because he was horny? It stung more than it should.

Tooth locked the door.

Chapter 20

Luci swallowed at the finality with which the lock
to their room clicked. He couldn’t help the way words spilled out
of his mouth. He wanted a reaction, wanted something, wanted
anything he said to touch Tooth. He knew he would get punished and
hated himself a little for provoking so much violence, but this was
the only way he would now get to connect with Tooth, for Tooth to
acknowledge his existence.

Tooth leaned against the door, and even with his
head low, the bright green eyes were pointed directly at Luci.
“Down to your underwear.”

heartbeat picked up, and he wouldn’t say a word to Tooth,
just stabbing him with his gaze as he took off his hoodie and
followed it with his T-shirt.

Tooth slowly unzipped his jacket and put it on a
chair before untying his boots. It was an odd thing to see. It was
as if they were undressing for each other. With the silence between
them like a brick wall, Luci could only guess what was going on in
Tooth’s head. Probably a big fat nothing. He
’d probably managed to fuck at least one
of his hookups. Luci could cut that lucky motherfucker.

Luci took off his shoes and pushed down his jeans.
He threw all the items
on his mattress with as much spite as he could. His face
was so tense it hurt. He was not about to show Tooth even a glimpse
of what he had shown yesterday. Luci had opened up his heart, and
all he got was ‘let’s stay friends’. He loved being friends with
Tooth, and he had to swallow Tooth’s lack of attraction to him, but
going out to fuck some dudes just the next day? How many stabs was
Luci’s heart supposed to take?

Tooth stretched in just his jeans and a tight black
T-shirt, and pulled out his belt, folding it into a mean-looking
loop. Oh, God. Tooth would squeeze the vulnerability out of Luci,
he was sure of it. He hated being aware of that fact.

Luci’s breath quickened, and he hugged his arm,
feeling out of place in just his white briefs. A whole
coaster of
emotions kept cruising up and down Luci’s body.Tooth’s steps seemed
casual, careless even as he neared Luci with his instrument of
choice. Luci just wished he’d use his hand. Tooth’s face was tense,
eyes dark.

“You remember what I told you about trust? You have
only one chance.”

I got angry.” Even now Luci was too riled up to
choke out everything he felt. The worst thing was that his actions
were irrational and driven by jealousy he didn’t have the right to.
Tooth wasn’t his man and had shown nothing but understanding for
his drunk
en confession,
yet he had to go and mess that up today instead of listening to his
own advice of ‘forget it ever happened and move on’.

“I don’t care.” Tooth sighed and pushed the front of
Luci’s chest with the belt loop.

Even the touch of that thick leather went straight
to Luci’s balls. The last thing he needed now was to get hard in
just his underwear.

Tooth snarled, and the grimace made him look almost
devilish. “How dare you look through my things? Again.”

Heat rose up to Luci’s cheeks. “I didn’t! I just saw
the box moved. I didn’t look. I just… you… couldn’t you wait even
one fucking day?” His heart was pounding like mad in his chest.

Tooth walked over to his bag, opened it, and then
tipped it, spilling a whole array of sex toys on Luci’s mattress.
What stood out was a huge black dildo, which Tooth grabbed from the
bedding and stuck on the wall. The thing wiggled a few times before

Blood drained from Luci’s face. The toy was huge and
frankly, kinda scary. Maybe he had been wrong all along? Maybe he
really couldn’t handle Tooth’s needs. “You didn’t need to show it,”
he whimpered and stepped back.

Tooth straightened the belt and put it across his
nape, holding on with both hands as if he were carrying a heavy
burden. “It’s not easy for me either, so stop being so fucking

Luci looked into his eyes, but when he couldn’t
handle it anymore, he paced over to the desk and stood with his
back to Tooth. He bent over and put his palms on the tabletop. He
wanted the touch, the connection. The pain of it, the pleasure of

For a long moment, Tooth didn’t utter a sound, and
as Luci watched the warm rays of light on his skin, he felt almost
homely, despite Tooth hating him now. When the strike came, Luci
only heard the swish moments before pain radiated all over his
skin, climbing up his back and spilling down his thighs. He yelped,
even though relief flooded his body.

Tooth could send him away, get that new room for
him and be rid of an annoying teenager who kept perving on him, but
if he was willing to punish him, maybe there was a chance
redemption. Luci
inhaled deeply and put his cheek against the wood. He couldn’t help
liking the nakedness of this act, with him only in his briefs. It
made the whole ordeal seem more like an intimate ritual. All of
Tooth’s attention was on him when those hits came, and he was a
black hole that would never get enough of it.

“You keep running. I don’t get it,” rasped Tooth
from behind him, delivering more strokes with the belt, all
precisely aimed at Lucifer’s ass.

The stinging kept melting away his guilt. He did
bad, and he deserved this. He
’d manipulated Tooth for his own selfish reasons. His eyes
stung so much he had to clench them, but he bit into his hand,
refusing to cry. He could now clearly see that he’d hurt Tooth’s
feelings, and who was he to pry into Tooth’s private affairs?
Yesterday evening had probably been awkward for Tooth, trying to
politely decline sex from a silly teen who he thought of as a
little brother.

Tooth didn’t count the strikes, but after a few, he
was already gasping behind Luci. Even the cool wood underneath
Luci’s forehead wasn’t enough to take the heat off his skin. He
arched his ass up. “Hit me harder,” he rasped, desperate to inhale
all of Tooth’s anger. Tooth never held a grudge after punishment
was given, and Luci yearned for that redemption. He imagined
Tooth’s strong body moving in for the hit. The muscles in his arm
tensing, the veins getting more pronounced.

Instead, there was a loud thud right next to his
head, and warm fabric brushed against his hip. When he looked to
the side, he realized Tooth held his thick fist against the
tabletop. “Why?” rasped Tooth from above.

Luci wanted to speak normally, but a sob came first.
He had to swallow it for the tears not to spill. His ass burned,
and goose bumps broke out all over his back at the closeness. He
rose to his toes, ready for another series of hits. “It’s the only
way you’re close to me,” he whispered with his chest

Tooth’s thick, rough fingers tangled in Luci’s hair
and then pulled him up until he was standing straight with Tooth
leaning over him with a bewildered expression. “You just want to
fuck, don’t you?” he uttered, too silently for a man his size.

Luci watched Tooth with his lips parted, barely able
to breathe. When he was so close, smelling Tooth’s cologne, he
recalled getting hit all over his hands. It hurt like a
motherfucker, yet even that experience got entangled with Tooth’s
presence and seemed like a hot prospect. He could take the strokes
with his face buried in Tooth’s neck. “I’d take anything you give
me,” he whispered, enjoying the tight grasp on his hair. Knowing
Tooth was gay made everything sexual. Taking the trash out in his
undies would turn him on if it was Tooth ordering him to do it and

Tooth’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he pulled Luci
closer. A metallic clang disturbed the silence, and only when the
warm, rough touch brushed against Luci’s side, he realized Tooth
must have dropped the belt. “You like me?” whispered Tooth, staring
at him with a deep frown, as if he hadn’t been told so the night

“You can’t hate me for it. I can’t help it.” Luci
leaned into the touch and put his hand over Tooth’s forearm. He’d
kiss every vein and muscle. Another reason why he enjoyed the
punishments was that he’d be barely wearing anything while Tooth
remained dressed. It put him in a vulnerable position. Something he
would usually despise, but it was because he could never trust
anyone, always had to have his guard up. With Tooth he could let
go. Tooth would always catch him.

Tooth took in a sharp breath, his eyes moving all
around Luci’s face. His sweet breath was curling around Luci’s
chin, drawing him in, but before Luci could follow the unspoken
invitation, Tooth roughly pulled him closer and descended on his
mouth like a falcon ready to rip his prey to shreds.

Luci had to back off and hit the desk with his
aching ass, but he wouldn’t let that stop him. His hands were in
Tooth’s beard before he could think about putting them there. He
moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth wide. His half-hard cock
twitched with interest, and Luci was more than ready to open up his
thighs the way he did his lips. His mind was blank as to where this
would lead, but he didn’t care. He would take any scrap of
affection Tooth threw his way.

The kiss was so overwhelming he didn’t know where
the ground was anymore as his mind spun out of control. In Tooth’s
arms nothing else mattered. It was only when his body started
shifting that he realized Tooth
had picked him up and was gravitating toward the bed. His
beard was coarse against Luci’s skin, a sharp contrast to the soft
lips and a long, warm tongue intent on exploring the entirety of
Luci’s mouth. It felt like having his mouth fucked.

He wrapped his arms around Tooth’s neck and pulled
himself up to do the same with his legs around Tooth’s hips. He
would not let go. Tooth wouldn’t be able to push him away now, even
if just for this moment, for a few hours, for one day. Tooth’s body
was so firm against his, the strength in Tooth’s arms made Luci’s
heart pound faster. Picking Luci up must have been as easy for
Tooth as handling weights at the gym.

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