Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride (36 page)

Read Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Erotica, #Gay, #motorcycle, #BDSM, #discipline, #prostitute, #homophobia, #coming out, #biker

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 02 The Devil's Ride
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“Oh, really? I wouldn’t climb into your bed if I
knew you were perving at me.” Luci grinned and squeezed Tooth’s

Tooth snorted. “You would. Come on, you’re like the
horniest kid on the block.”

Luci punched Tooth’s arm and pulled away. “What am I
supposed to do? Save myself for marriage?”

Tooth followed his lips for another kiss. “That
would have been a waste.”

“And I like giving head too much for that anyway.”
Luci snorted and rolled out of Tooth’s embrace.

“Remember, your best shirt,” said Tooth with his
eyes locked on the welts on Luci’s bottom. Such beautiful

“I don’t have a shirt. But I’ll see what I can do.”
Luci sighed and opened the bathroom door, letting the kitten pour
out into the room with its meowing. “Hey there, sweetie.”

Tooth looked at the
gray furball emerging from the bathroom. He wasn’t
all that fond of litter boxes or cat hair everywhere, but as long
as Luci made sure the room was clean and tidy, he could bear with
all the downsides of having a cat. At least he could trust that
Luci was the kind of person who would keep his word on

“He must be traumatized,” chuckled Tooth.

“It couldn’t have been that bad.” Luci laughed and
picked up the kitten to give it a kiss. Seeing him naked like this,
after sex, with his hair all over the place, had to be the single
most intimate moment Tooth could remember. It felt so odd and
reminded Tooth of something he couldn’t quite pinpoint. He slowly
got to his feet and walked over to Luci to stroke the kitten’s

“Still sociable enough.”

“A survivor. Wonder where Priest got him. Little one
doesn’t look like a pedigree.” Luci petted Manson under the jaw,
and the kitten closed its eyes with a loud purr.

Tooth was unable to resist the temptation and kissed
the top of Luci’s head, breathing in his scent. “Like us.”

Luci stroked Tooth’s arm. “I always try to look
forward. I hate dwelling on the past too much. I’d have to just sit
there and grit my teeth all day.”

Tooth swallowed hard, imagining why Luci was
unwilling to think about his past. “You’re right. We should go out
and have some fun.”

“Exactly.” Luci smiled up at him and put the kitten
into Tooth’s hands. “Let’s go. I’ve never been on a date!”

The fur tickled Tooth’s skin, but he was too busy
staring at Luci to care. Never? How was this even possible? Luci
was such a sweet, handsome boy. But it was hard to form the
question, or any sentence for that matter
, when Luci turned around, presenting his slim ass
before he disappeared in the bathroom.




Billy’s Kitchen was a modern restaurant with a
homely feel. They had raw wood tables, bundles of dried flowers on
the walls, and the whole place smelled of amazing food. It felt
like the right place for a first date: not too serious, but not
shabby either. He could only hope Luci would like it.

Luci wore a white fitted T-shirt with no print and
blue skinny jeans with his signature boots. The outfit made him
look very All-American, and his smile was as bright as his blue
eyes. “It smells great here,” Luci said, leaning on the table with
his elbows. They
already ordered food, which left them with enough time to talk
about some important stuff.

Tooth smiled. “Yeah, I usually come here when I want
to treat myself.”

Luci snorted, playing around with the padlock
necklace that had the tracker in it. “Like you have to save up for
it. You could probably eat here every day.”

Tooth chuckled. “If I ate here every day, you
wouldn’t like me.”

I would, since I only like you for your money.”
Luci stuck
out his

Tooth pursed his lips, knowing that wasn’t the case.
But it was a good place to start the conversation he wanted to
have. “That’s all I’m good for. But it makes you stay with me,
doesn’t it?”

“What? Aren’t you still holding me prisoner?” Luci
laughed and played with the fair hairs on his forearm.

Tooth smirked, leaning back in the chair. “Wait till
you see the cave where I keep all my dead boyfriends.”

“You had boyfriends? Tell me.” Luci was all ears. It
tickled Tooth’s ego to have the boy give him all of his

“You flatlined my joke,” teased Tooth. His eyes went
for the slim, graceful hands on the table, but as much as he wanted
to touch them, he wasn’t sure whether it was appropriate, or what
this place’s policy was.

Cause I wanna know more about this secret life of
yours. You know
private life
ended over three months ago.”

Tooth bit the inside of his cheek and tapped his
fingers on the tabletop. “Or maybe you’re just starting it with a
clean slate?” he asked, looking at Luci.

Luci ran his fingers through his hair with a soft
smile. “I would like to think so. Thank you.”

Tooth chuckled, but on the inside, he was feeling
quite self-conscious. He’d never really done what he was about to
do, and it made his stomach clench with stress. “There’s nothing to
thank for. I want to help you any way I can.”

Luci put his hand over half of his face, going
slightly red. “Well, losing my anal cherry was everything I’ve
dreamed it would be, so there’s a reason for thanking.”

Tooth looked up at him, his throat too tight to
utter a sound. His eardrums echoed his quickening pulse so loudly
he hardly noticed the server coming over with their drinks and
food. He was Luci’s first? How was that even possible? The guy had
a drive-in sign tattooed over his ass, and he
’d kept teasing everyone at the

Luci rolled his eyes when the server left with a few
pleasantries. “And that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew
you’d freak out.”

Tooth tugged on his beard, and slowly grasped Luci’s
thumb. As surprised and stressed as he was, he didn’t think Luci
could have given him a better compliment. So, of all the guys Luci
had slept with, it was him he wanted to do this thing with. “Why

Luci gave a nervous look to the side, but didn’t
pull his hand away. “I never trusted anyone before. I didn’t want
some loser to hurt me.”

Tooth swallowed hard and started drawing little
circles all over Luci’s hand with his fingers. It was such a sad
confession. “You deserve way better.”

“Than you? Maybe, but I think Jason Momoa is in a
relationship.” Luci laughed and stuffed his mouth with potato

Tooth chuckled and covered his eyes, holding
to Luci’s hand. “Do
you want a relationship with me?”

The smile disappeared from Luci’s face, and his hand
only got hotter. “If you’d want me. I really like you Tooth, you
know, as a person. We have fun together, right?”

Tooth smiled and pulled Luci’s hand closer. Some
silly impulse wanted to feel it against his lips, and so he kissed
the inner side of Luci’s wrist and traced the veins with his thumb.
He was so ridiculously, unexplainably happy. “We do.”

“Tooth, aren’t you in the closet? What if someone
sees us?” Luci asked in a whisper, but didn’t pull away. He looked
into Tooth’s eyes with so much trust that Tooth would hate himself
until the end of time if he betrayed it.

Tooth bit his lip, lowering their hands to the
table, but wouldn’t let go. “It’s not like that. I just don’t think
it’s anyone’s business, and I don’t want the guys to feel
uncomfortable. I would tell them if they asked me.”

Luci laughed. “No one’s gonna ask you that. So if
you’re not in the closet now, you want to be out with me? Priest
would go mental.”

Tooth slouched. He hated disappointing Luci, but
having Priest know about them was not a good idea. “Yeah, that...
he shouldn’t know.”

But you know I don’t care, right? As long as we
know we’re together, I’m happy.” Luci gave him a sunshine smile but
back his hand
when the server walked over to ask if they liked the

Tooth sighed. “You know how he’d react. He’s
obsessed with keeping you celibate.”

“So I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble. I never
thought I’d meet someone like you.” Luci started eating his grilled
chicken, but kept looking back into Tooth’s eyes.

Tooth squeezed his burger tight and removed the
toothpick. “I promised myself not to do this again, but you’re
already under my skin,” said Tooth, hiding behind the burger.

“To never date again?” Luci poked him with his foot
under the table.

Tooth chuckled. “More or less.” He stuffed his
mouth with a huge bite of the burger, but even as taste exploded in
his mouth, it was all muted by Luci’s closeness.
’d never expected to
be in this kind of situation again.

“I kinda worried you’d only want to keep things

Tooth shook his head. “It’s been years since I last
made that mistake, and I’m a bit smarter now.”

“One man kinda guy?”

Tooth smiled. He never hooked up all that often,
usually once a week, and he really doubted he’d miss that when he’d
have someone as hot as Luci in his bed every night. “You could say

I know I’m not looking for more than one person.”
Luci’s voice got more quiet, and he chewed his food for a longer
while before speaking again. “
I’ve always dreamed of a real connection with someone. So I
wouldn’t be alone anymore.”

Tooth looked him in the eyes, wondering about this
hopelessly romantic statement. What was he to say? “We’ll have to
work on your dad in the future.”

“And he doesn’t know about you, does he? He wouldn’t
put me in your room otherwise.”

Tooth shook his head. “None of the guys know about
me. It’s just you. It kind of feels nice to have someone know about
it at home.”

“Now I know how you must have felt when the Nails
took you in.” Luci took a deep breath.

Tooth drank some coffee. “In what sense?”

The boy ate some more of his veggies without looking
up. “That you have a home.”

Tooth bit his lip. “I guess... do you feel more at
home now?”

“You’re my home now.” Luci poked Tooth’s foot and
laughed nervously. “Is this creepy? Am I too intense?”

This was just too sweet, and Tooth couldn’t help
but think of poor Tracy, who refused to agree to Tooth’s
proposition back then. Would they still be together if Tracy hadn’t
died? He would never know, but Luci was here, hungry for all Tooth
was offering and more. They could have their home in the room that
even with the two of them and the cat felt
cozy rather than cramped.

Tooth shook his head, and it was all that was
needed to brighten the smile on Lucifer’s face. The conversation
drifted off from its intensity to pleasant chatter of what
food to buy for
Manson and what concert they would go to next. Tooth found nothing
more relaxing than spending time with Luci. After all the boy had
been through in life, he still kept a positive outlook on things.
Tooth was sure that someone like Luci could create the perfect home
to come back to after a hard night out or when someone




It was a shame to leave the
movie theater they went to after the meal.
It was like a real date, and it made Tooth feel amazing to spend
his day off duty with his beautiful boy. They watched a horror
movie about possession, and Luci spent most of the screening
holding Tooth’s hand, hiding under Tooth’s arm, or kissing Tooth
for that matter. It raised their adrenaline levels, and Tooth was
sorry this was a school night. He would have given a lot to take
Luci out somewhere else as well, maybe go for a walk, but he
couldn’t put Luci’s education at risk.

When they stopped in a secluded spot by the
school, Luci took
his helmet, but wouldn’t budge off the bike, joking around with
Tooth. There was still half an hour left, so Tooth didn’t mind and
got off the bike to sit on a low stone fence by the road. “When do
you want me to pick you up?”

Luci stiffened and licked his lips. “Toooth?”

There it was again, that pleading stare of an angel
struck from heaven and lost between brutes. After that first day,
Tooth didn’t budge the other times when Milk took Luci to school,
and as much as he didn’t want to spoil this perfect day, he didn’t
want to let Luci ruin his own life.

“What is it?”

“I was kinda thinking… We’re having so much fun
today. Why don’t we crash at some motel, so no one interrupts us?
We could order some nice food, I’d do your hair.” Luci smiled,
playing around with his helmet.

Tooth sighed and tugged at his beard. “Luci, it’s
only your second week of school, and you already missed the first
day. We can do that another time, huh?” he asked, gently petting
Luci’s back.

“I don’t know… maybe I shouldn’t do barbering after
all.” Luci took a deep breath, never looking up. It was ridiculous,
since it was all the boy talked about half the time.

Tooth sighed and pulled away from him with a shake
of his head. “I don’t get it. You’re smart enough to follow the
classes and graduate, so what’s the problem? Is someone mean to

Luci groaned and got off the fence. “Okay, okay, I’m

Tooth frowned and got to his feet, taking hold of
Luci’s hand. The abrupt surrender was so startling it made his
insides freeze. “Why won’t you tell me? I can see you’re

Luci raised his eyebrows and laughed. “What? I’m
not. I was just hoping for something better than school. Your
loss.” He showed Tooth the middle finger with a smirk and walked
off toward the gates.

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