Skin Walkers: Leto (21 page)

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Authors: Susan Bliler

BOOK: Skin Walkers: Leto
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“Leto,” Shy moaned his name and her legs bent.  She pressed against him and he could feel the liquid heat of her core.

One hand left her breast to smooth down her back and over a rounded hip before he cupped her ass.  He wanted to go slow, he swore to the Gods he was going to but his dick ached so badly to be inside her that it felt like a fresh wound.

“Shy…” he’d been about to apologize but didn’t get the chance.

“Claim me Leto.”

He stilled even as she writhed beneath him pressing her warm, satiny body against his as if the mere friction was addictive.  When she reached between them and wrapped small fingers around his
cock, he threw his head back and hissed at the sheer pleasure the simple touch brought forth.  Shy didn’t waste time.  She guided the mushroomed tip of him to her saturated cunt and when he was properly aligned she begged, “Fuck me Leto.  Please.”

A low growl rumbled from his chest as he drove into her inch by glorious inch.  She was
so tight, wet, and hot that he knew in that moment that he’d found his heaven.  He’d always second guessed Walker claiming but now he knew that angels were predestined.  She was made for him alone and from this day forward neither of them would know the touch of another. 

He pulled out almost all the way then drove home with greater force and began to rock his hips in a steady rhythm.  His lips and teeth toured her body.  He wanted to memorize every single inch of her and he wanted to do it tonight.  Her taste, her scent, her sounds…as if on cue Shy gave a keening cry as her hips lifted to match his thrusts.  Her pussy was so exquisite that he was fighting to keep from c
oming too soon, but he wanted to; he wanted to spill his seed so deep inside her that she’d be marked by him for all eternity.

Shy’s legs lifted and wrapped around his waist forcing the long length of him deeper inside of her.  She screamed and he quickened his pace, the wet sounds of their desire bouncing off the walls.

One strong hand gripped the halo around Shy’s throat and while the other slide between their bodies to strum the pink pearl of her clit.  Shy gasped and unlocked her ankles letting her feet drop back to the bed and spread her legs wider.  “It’s too much!”

He knew she was close.  He could already feel the spasms in her channel as she tightened.  He fucked her harder and faster while his relentless finger moved in
faster, tighter circles.  His lips found hers and he drew her lip into his mouth and sucked it even as she panted and fought to breathe.  “Say it Shy.”

She sounded panicked when she asked, “Say what?”

“Who do you belong to?”

When she didn’t immediately respond he applied more pressure to her clit and stopped moving in circles to flick his finger rapidly up and down over the juicy nub, but stilled his dick inside her.  Shy screamed and her body tightened wanting him to drive into her.

do you belong to?”  Leto demanded.

”  Shy cried.  “I belong to you.  I’m yours!”

She was rewarded with deep penetrating thrusts and that was all it took.  “YOURS!
”  Shy shrieked as her body convulsed.  Her pussy clamped down so tightly on his dick that Leto gave up all control and shot his release deep into her clenching channel even as it milked the warm jets from him.  Finally, Shy was bound,
marked, and finally claimed.

After long minutes when his cock finally emptied the last of his seed, Leto leaned over Shy, pulled her close to him and rolled until she sprawled naked across his chest with his dick still buried deep inside her. 
When she tried to wiggle free his hand clamped on her ass to hold her in place.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable?”
  Vibrant blue eyes sought his in the dark.

Smiling, he brushed strands of red hair back from her face before kissing her forehead.  “It is home.  You are my home Shy and nothing ever has or ever will feel as right as being buried inside you.  I want to stay here forever.” 

His heart melted when he saw her smile of satisfaction at his words.

“I love you Shy.”

He watched her bite her lip as her brows furrowed.  She didn’t return his sentiment and he hadn’t expected her to but he did feel sad that she felt obvious guilt over it.  “You will grow to love me in time.  I will prove my worth to you and our child.”

“I-I trust you,
” she offered tremulously.

He smiled to himself.  It was a start.  Better than a start.  She felt compelled to offer him something and her trust, as all Walkers knew, was a precursor to love. 
He was confident that he’d have her professing her love by dawn and his smile turned wicked at the challenge.  “Get some sleep my Shy.  I will need to fuck you again soon.  A claiming is exhausting for a Walker’s angel.”

Shy pulled back from his chest to stare up at him, “Don’t you need time to…recuperate

“No.  I could take you again right now
, and I want to, but I’m trying to be a considerate mate and you are already with child.  I don’t want to wear you out or harm our son.”

Placing both hands on his thickly muscled chest, she pushed up until she was straddling him as he lay flat on his back under her.  Wordlessly she began working her hips and when his hands clamped her thighs to still her, she lifted them to her breasts and moaned as she began to ride him faster.

Leto didn’t like not being in control but the sheer bliss of his angel riding him was too exquisite for him to complain.

When Shy rode him to completion and collapsed spent on top of him he pulled from her and allowed her to rest.
  Swamped with exhaustion he too rested, but not long.  He was determined to own not just her body but her heart before the dawning of a new day.


Chapter 28

“You’re not going to Shy and Leto’s wedding?” Conn asked already knowing the answer.

“No.” York didn’t look
at his Commander as he continued to pummel the heavy bag hanging from a chain before him.  Sweat dripped down his nose and his muscles bunched with each heavy blow that landed loudly.

“There are going to be unmated females York.  It’s as good a place as any to search for your angel.”

York began punching the bag harder, his jaw muscle clenching.  “I’m done looking!”

“You don’t
mean that.”

“I do!”  York stopped hitting the bag to frown at Conn.  “It’s not meant to be for all of us.  Those of us who are meant to be alone need to accept
our fate.”

“You can’t know that.  Hell, just come to the reception and at least enjoy one of the bridesmaid’s for a night.”

“I don’t want to enjoy a night!” York’s expression faltered for a moment and Conn saw the pain and loneliness the other Walker quickly masked.  “I want
night.  I want my angel and I want her now!  I’m tired of waiting for it to happen.”  He jerked one fist out of his boxing glove then the other before dropping the worn gloves to the ground, “I’m done with it.  From here on out, I’m resolving myself to being alone.”

“Don’t give up!”

“Easy for you to say,” York’s shoulders slumped as he turned away.  “Do you have any idea how difficult it is watching you with Aries and your precious little Wynter?  To want what you have and to know I’ll never find it?”

Conn’s eyes turned sad, “York, you just need to give it time.  You’ve got to put yourself out there though.  Come to the wedding,” he implored.

Shaking his head as he stalked away York’s lips thinned into a grim line.  “I don’t need to celebrate.  I need to work.”

Conn could only watch as his best friend and second-in-command disappeared into the locker room.
  He felt sorry for his friend and when his thoughts flashed to his angel and their daughter, his heart swelled with so much love and appreciation for what he had that tears stung his eyes.  He couldn’t imagine his life without Aries and he could understand where York’s agony stemmed from. 

Unlike most Walkers, the Celtic sentry sought out his angel.  He actually looked forward to being afflicted and
was hopeful every time his eyes locked on those of an unmated woman that she would be his one.

Looking to his side, Conn punched the still swinging heavy bag in frustration.  He could
—and had on several occasions--killed to defend his friend, he could maim another if they ever challenged York’s character, hell he could even slap York himself when he took too many chances with his own life but this…”  Conn heaved a great sigh knowing that he could do nothing to mend his friend’s broken heart and worse he couldn’t even make the hollow promise of an angel waiting somewhere in his friend’s future. 

Walker mates were rare and extremely hard to find.  While
unmated Walker men often enjoyed the pleasure of women, the one-night stands had yet to produce any viable mate or legitimate angel.

“Did you find York?”
Aries’ soft words had Conn turning to smile warmly at his angel. 

“Yes,” he reached out and pulled his dark haired mate into his arms.  “He’s upset and I can’t fix it and it’s killing me.”

Aries smiled up at him, “Don’t feel guilty, I’m sure he’ll find what he’s looking for soon.”  Delicate brows speared down before shooting up over rounded eyes, “I have a friend from when I used to live here.  I could look her up.  You know, set York up on a date?”

Conn dipped his head to brush his lips over Aries’.  “Thank you for the offer but I’d hate to subject him to another rejection.  I don’t think he could take it right now.”

“Well, what can we do?”

Drawing in a deep breath, Conn felt another bout of guilt assail him at his angel’s expectant look.  “Nothing beautiful.  There isn’t anything we can do for him.  This is one battle our friend must endure alone.”

Aries’ lips pursed in a moue of disappointment.  “Well maybe Leto and Shy won’t work out.”

A deep chuckle vibrated from Conn’s chest, “I thought you liked Shy.”

“I do,” she shrugged negligently, “but I like York more.”

“Careful beautiful,” he gripped her chin with his finger to hold her in place.  “
No declarations of admiration for my second-in-command.  It brings out my need for dominance.”

Aries smiled wickedly, “Good Commander, are you implying that you think you’ve got what it takes to dominate me?”

I do.”

She jerked her chin free and pulled from his embrace as she sauntered to the door making sure to give her hips a little extra swing as she walked before turning and winking at her Walker.  “Well, there’s only one way to find out.  Isn’t there?”

Conn dipped his head and followed his angel out of the room knowing with all certainty that if she ever asked he’d gladly follow her into the burning fires of hell.



“What’s up,”
York queried as he stalked into the conference room.  Flanked by his own team of three mercenaries, he ignored the other four Walkers relaxing in chairs or lining the wall as he walked directly up to Conn.

Conn’s brows drew together in a deep frown. 
“I thought you and your men were taking Mason’s mission?”

“Let him find his own damn sister,” York growled.

Conn’s frown softened.  “Shy’s been claimed York.”  He lowered his voice, “You can’t have her.”

“I know.”  The words were bit out on a snarl.  “But
Monroe said your mission is a special request from her.  I’d like to know what it is.”

Conn nodded sharply and stood taller as York turned and took a place next to his men standing against one wall.

“As you all are aware,” Conn addressed the room, “Shy Brookes has been claimed by Leto Reigns.  That makes her one of us.  While being held at the Megalya facility Shy’s family was told that she’d taken a special assignment in the Philippines.”  The corner of Conn’s mouth tweaked.  “Problem is Shy apparently has a sister that’s just as stubborn as she is. 

Her sister traveled to the Philippines to locate Shy and bring her home. 
Shy’s sister left the States four months ago and no one’s heard from her since.” 

Conn turned and began pacing.  “While Shy and
her son Lyon are protected under Walker rule, Shy’s sister is not.  She is not a Walker, nor has she been claimed by one.”  He turned to narrow his eyes on York.  “Shy is asking for our help.  The mission is voluntary.”  Conn began pacing again, “Leto can’t go.  He won’t leave Shy and Lyon right now and I don’t blame him.  Likewise, Aries has asked me to remain here with her and Wynter and I will, which means…”  He didn’t get to finish.

“I’ll go.”  York pushed off the wall.

“Don’t you want to discuss it with your men first?” Conn frowned.

“I didn’t say my men and I would go,” York uncrossed his arms that had been strapped across his thick chest.  “I said
would go.”

Conn shrugged as he turned, “Fine, follow
me.  I’ll brief you fully.”

The two men were halfway to the door when Marko shoved off the wall, “You need backup?”

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