Snapshot (33 page)

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Authors: Angie Stanton

BOOK: Snapshot
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Annoyed by the latest episode about a five-year-old screaming for more gummi bears instead of a spray tan, Marti turned off the TV and grabbed her camera. She had told Adam about her car, but she hadn’t sent him a picture.

In the great room, she found her dad parked in his regular spot. The room reeked of marijuana. He lounged, glazed over at some show about hoarders, while munching on sour cream and onion potato chips.

Marti didn’t bother to say hi as he seemed too zoned out to notice her anyway. She passed through the mudroom to the garage, opened the door, and, with a happy spring in her step, headed for her new car. She loved her cute, yellow convertible, but when she came around the side of her dad’s silver Hummer, she found her new car and a sight so disturbing she wanted to gag!

Courtney and Nigel humping like monkeys against her car!




Chapter 19


“Oh my god!” She couldn’t keep the disgust from her voice.

Nigel’s pants hung down, exposing his pale, hairy ass. Courtney sat on the hood of the car with her skirt hiked up and her legs wrapped around him. Marti wanted to scrub her eyes with bleach.

They stopped copulating and looked up in surprise. Courtney pushed Nigel away, and yanked down her tiny skirt.

“What the fuck are you doing nosing around?” she snapped.

It took a moment for Marti to find her words. There was just too much to say. Marti stared, unable to digest that a brother and sister would have sex. It was too sick for words. Not to mention, Courtney was dating her dad!

“You guys are seriously messed up!” She wanted to throw up.

“Shut your trap. You are such an idiot. He’s not my brother. Obviously.” Courtney adjusted her boobs back into place.

“He’s not?” Marti looked from one to the other.

“Of course not.”

Nigel zipped and buckled his pants. He didn’t seem to care that Marti discovered him with Courtney.

“But why would you say he is?” How warped could a person be?

Courtney shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Are you really that stupid?”

Marti then realized that Courtney had told everyone Nigel was her brother so she could spend time with him here, at her dad’s place. “You are a horrible person! Wait until my dad hears this!” Courtney had crossed the line big time. It was bad enough she cheated on Marti’s dad with Jack, but now Nigel too!

Courtney stepped forward. “Don’t even think about running to Daddy. You’re going to turn around, go back in the house and crawl into a hole somewhere. You aren’t going to breathe a word of this to anyone.”

Hell yes I am!

“No. You’re not!” Courtney said, as if she read Marti’s thoughts. “Because if you do tell, some unfortunate little incidents will start coming your way. Wouldn’t it be terrible if you woke up some morning with your hair cut off? Or if a little battery acid splashed in your face?”

Marti recoiled. Courtney was evil in every sense of the world. What was wrong with the woman?

“That’s right. You’re going to go back in the house and not breathe a word. And you’re going to leave your car keys on the counter for me so I can
your car for a few days.”

Marti shot Courtney a mutinous look. No way in hell was she going to let Courtney take her new car.

“Now, now. It would be a real tragedy if you found your precious cat floating dead in the pool. Wouldn’t it?” Courtney said with a hideous purr.

“You bitch!”

“Think carefully before you say anything you’ll regret. So many nasty things could happen.” She snapped her fingers in the air and then looked at Marti’s camera. “All your treasures could just disappear.”

Marti gripped her camera tighter.

“Off you go. Go back to your little cave.” Courtney waved her away.

Dumbstruck as to what to do, Marti obeyed. Courtney was more malicious than Marti could have imagined. And she wouldn’t put it past Courtney to follow through with her threats.

Marti robotically returned to the house and the great room. She stood, frozen, still unsure what to do. There was a mad woman in the garage, and her dad should know, but she didn’t want to take a chance that Courtney would flip out and hurt her or Kahlua.

“What’s up?” her dad said, all mellowed out.

“Hey,” she said, trying to keep her voice even and her hands from shaking.

As Marti contemplated what to do, Courtney sauntered in. She passed Marti and delivered an evil stare, then bent over Marti’s dad and gave him a big sloppy kiss. Marti turned her head in disgust.

Nigel slithered in, lit up a cigarette, and watched Marti from the patio door. She could tell by the look in his eye that he loved Courtney’s manipulation.

“Hi, honey,” Courtney cooed to Marti’s dad. “Listen, we’ve got the movie premiere tonight, and I really need a new pair of earrings. Do you want to come shopping with Nigel and me?”

“No, you go ahead. Unless Martini wants to go.” He glanced up at Marti.

“No!” God no! She couldn’t believe he’d even suggest it!

“Are you sure? It’d be fun! We could get mani’s and pedi’s too.” Courtney batted her eyes, feigning innocence. Marti wanted to out her right then and there but didn’t have the guts.

“Nope, I’ve got stuff to do,” Marti said as nicely as she could manage, which wasn’t very.

“Aw, too bad. Well, then do you mind if I borrow your car? Mine’s got a bad clunk, and I’m afraid it’ll break down.”

Marti held her breath. She did not want that cheating skank in her car, or her dirty boyfriend. She looked to her dad to see if he’d defend her and her car, but instead he nodded off. “Um… yeah, I guess so.” Marti hated that woman more than she had ever hated anyone.

“Oh goody! You are such a doll!” Courtney grinned.


Marti spent the next hours trying to calm down. No matter what Marti did, she knew Courtney would find a way to crush her. The woman was pure manipulating evil.

Adam called and said he was coming to see her in two days! She immediately forgot her problems.

Hungry and tired of hiding out, she ventured downstairs and opened the refrigerator while humming one of Adam’s tunes. She peeked inside the numerous food containers. One advantage to all the catering companies was the nice variety of leftovers.

She selected Thai shrimp kabobs, broccoli salad, potato skins and three mini cheesecakes. While the kabobs and skins heated in the microwave, she danced around the kitchen.

Her excitement couldn’t be contained.
Two days! She couldn’t wait to lay eyes on him. She popped a cheesecake in her mouth.

After all the threats and drama from Courtney, Marti was relieved to have an empty house for a change. Tonight, her dad and Courtney were at a movie premiere. Courtney insisted that if Graphic Angels planned on reigniting their previous success, then Steven Hunter, the Rock Icon, needed to start making red carpet appearances.

The microwave dinged. Marti did a quick spin before removing her plate. She loaded on the salad and set the desserts on top. With the plate in one hand and a glass of lemonade in the other, she pushed the fridge door closed with her hip.

Dancing to the music in her head, she passed through the great room carrying her dinner back to her luxury digs and the movie she had queued up, ready to watch.

She turned the corner and Nigel stepped into her path.




Chapter 20


Marti stopped dead in her tracks and nearly dropped her dishes.

“What’s put you in such a good mood?” Nigel’s lip curled. The smell of booze and cigarettes permeated from him.

“Courtney’s not here. She’s out for the night,” Marti blurted before he could strike up any more small talk. She hoped he realized there was no party tonight and would go find someplace else to freeload.

“I know. She’s at the movie premiere with your dad.” He took a step closer.

Marti swallowed, wishing her hands were free.

“You know, Courtney told me about your little problem.”

Marti’s only problem was Nigel’s intrusion. She didn’t want to talk to him. She wanted him to go away, but kept silent.

“What? Playing coy?” He took another step forward. Marti edged back. “You know, the pregnancy test.” He helped himself to a mini cheesecake from her plate and popped it in his mouth.

Marti clenched her jaw. She had forgotten Courtney knew about that.

“Seems like Little Miss Pure and Innocent isn’t pure or innocent after all.” Nigel chewed with his mouth open. Lust loomed in his eyes, alerting her fight or flight instinct.

The plate in her hand grew heavy. More than anything she wanted to smash it in his face. How could she get him out of here?

She stood tall and in a matter-of-fact tone said, “Well, it’s nothing you need to worry about. I’ll tell Courtney you stopped by. I’m sure she’ll call as soon as she’s back.” Marti tried to appear confident as she waited for him to turn around and go, but feared he saw right through her.

Nigel leered until she squirmed. He laughed and reached to brush a lock of hair off her face. Marti flinched and stepped back.

“Don’t touch me,” she warned, and took another step back. Her pulse raced.

“Why not? You let other guys touch you,” he said in a low voice that disgusted her. “I’ll show you a good time. You’ll love it,” he whispered in her ear. His stinking breath burned her neck.

Marti threw the contents of her lemonade in his face and turned to flee, praying he would take the warning and leave her alone. Before she moved two feet, he grabbed her by the shoulders. The dishes crashed to the tile floor and shattered. He shoved her against the wall and pinned her arms.

“You little bitch!” he spat. “You think you’re fucking better than me?”

Marti’s eyes opened wide with fear. “No.” She shook her head. Her heart pounded.

Nigel came at her with his mouth. She turned her head to the side. He struggled to reach her lips, but Marti fought him. “No!” Her hands sweat, and her breath came quick and short.

Releasing her upper arms, he grabbed her chin and held it in place. He came at her again, his big, sloppy mouth covering hers. She struggled, but he held her tight. When she tried to scream, he stuck his tongue in her mouth. Marti gagged at the repulsive taste. With his body pressing her against the wall, his free hand groped her breasts.

Marti clawed to no avail. He was an immovable wall. She kicked out with her legs and caught him in the groin, but not nearly hard enough. Still, he jerked away, and she ran for it.

“Not so fast.” He yanked her back by the hair.

She struggled and screamed, but Nigel was too strong. He spun her around and slapped her hard across the face, but she still fought. He shoved her back against the wall. Her head hit the drywall so hard her teeth knocked together, stunning her.

Nigel took the advantage and pressed up against her, securing her wrists over her head. Tears streamed down her face. She knew he was winning this battle. She lashed out with kicks, but he blocked her every time. Terror, frustration and helplessness overwhelmed her.

Marti turned her head away as he came at her again. He slurped at her neck. She couldn’t stop his disgusting attack. He overpowered her.

Suddenly, Nigel’s body was ripped away.

“What the hell are you doing?” her dad roared, and threw Nigel into the marble-topped coffee table.

Hugging her violated body, Marti slid down the wall. Tears poured from her eyes, and she gasped for breath.

Courtney shrieked. “Steven, what are you doing?”

Her dad ignored Courtney and went after Nigel again, who’d risen to his feet.

“How dare you touch my daughter!” He slammed his fist into Nigel’s face.

“Have you lost your mind? You’re hurting him!” Courtney rushed over and grabbed his punching arm.

“Get the hell out of my way.” Her dad shoved Courtney back and punched Nigel twice more in the gut. Nigel tried to escape the blows, but her dad grabbed him, and with alarming strength, hurled him against the wall. Courtney screamed as Nigel’s body crumpled onto the glass-covered floor.

Marti watched in horror as her father attacked the now bloody Nigel. Her teeth chattered, and she couldn’t control the shudders that racked her as she huddled nearby.

He slammed Nigel’s head against the floor. “Don’t you ever touch my daughter again!” Marti barely recognized her father as rage transformed him into a dangerous maniac.

Courtney screamed. “You’re going to kill him! Steven! Stop it!” She tried to pull him off, with no success.

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