Soul Stealer (7 page)

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Authors: C.D. Breadner

BOOK: Soul Stealer
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The shadow hit him full force, driving his body back, lifting his feet out from under him. It slammed him to the ground hard on his back, and if he’d been human it would knock him right out, not just steal his ability to breathe.

The ceiling over his head was starting to glow bright gold. It warped and shifted like clouds in the wind overhead. When blackness started seeping in to the corners of his vision he knew he was passing out, which he’d never done before.

The last thing he was aware of was Voro’s voice calling out his name.



The woman had held an attraction for him. She was a cross of plain and pretty. But her soul was so pure despite not being terribly young.

He was prepped to suck her spirit out, had her cowering as though she knew what was coming. He was all but inside her head when the door had swung inward.

There should have been a heavenly choir hitting a melodious chord at the sight of the form that entered the room next. He knew immediately what it was and couldn’t believe his luck: a fucking angel walking right into his path.

He’d never known a soul so pure, never felt that kind of incredible rush as he took the angel by surprise, pushed past any defenses the heavenly vessel tried to fling at him.

The soul was a supernova, exploding and nearly scattering him again. But no, it was enough energy to form the cell bonds that marked the beginning of the next stage in his development. He still felt like he had enough juice left to start to solidify further; a heavier shadow, thicker air like an impending thunderstorm working itself up.

He didn’t need her. He knew where to find her if he wanted. He had to just get away and check his progress when he was calmer. He should hide away and wait for this amazing surge to get to work.

He could have stretched it felt so good, if feeling was the right term. More than anything he had the sense that he was finally on a downslope after years of pedaling up a hill.

It was enough motivation to keep him trying; that was for sure.


Chapter Seven


Iola blinked herself awake, very warm and alert suddenly. Blackout blinds on the windows kept the light at bay for the most part. The sheet snuggled against her arm coolly, and someone else’s arm was thrown across her hip.

She raised her head and looked down, giving a small laugh. Claudia had kicked off her part of the blankets and was sprawled on her stomach at Iola’s back. It was her arm holding her in place.

She put her head back down, letting her eyes slide closed again. They hadn’t done this in forever. Only a couple times after the incident, and not at all since she’d gotten really serious with Vinnie. If Iola wasn’t tired when she got home from her night shift at the radio station or if Claudia’d had a rough night at work they’d usually bunk together, either drinking wine and bitching or just falling asleep feeling safe and secure. Iola had that with Vinnie now but Claudia …

Iola twisted onto her back under Claudia’s arm, studying her friend as she slept. Her mouth was slack, her hair tossed every which way. Even unconscious and dead to the world she looked like a Victoria’s Secret model. Her lips were full and sensual, the kind that drove men batty. Her skin was creamy with a slightly darker olive twinge. Big brown eyes as shrewd as they were seductive. Claudia was the whole package, but she had a hell of a time keeping one person in her life as a romantic partner. Iola had a hard time imagining why.

Maybe it was her job. Maybe it was the odd moments of insecurity that Claudia had. Maybe it was her past issues with intimacy. Iola couldn’t imagine that being raped was something one easily forgot.

Claudia snuffled in her sleep, puckering her lips then relaxing back in to her dream.

Iola let her eyes fall closed again, remarkably comfortable. She might even be able to fall back asleep …

Claudia moaned in her sleep, shifting and bending one leg up to her side, rolling on to one hip. Iola opened her eyes, but Claudia was quiet and still again. Then, suddenly, she sighed and moaned again, her face puckering up like she was concerned about something.

Iola just let her live through whatever she was dreaming. It was none of her business …

“Eye … oh-la …”

Iola frowned, studying her friend’s face again just as Claudia bit her lip and arched her back. “Iola!”

She stopped breathing and froze in place, decidedly uncomfortable now. She didn’t have a big ego but it was pretty obvious that Claudia might be having some kind of erotic dream about her. She closed her eyes and moved to turn over as Claudia moaned her name again. She should just ignore it. Claudia was sleeping, couldn’t help it.

She stayed frozen on her back, face looking away. Claudia gave a couple of soft moans, then coughed.

It startled Iola and she jerked her head around just as Claudia woke up. Her hair was tousled, still looking fantastic, her lips red, her cheeks flushed. And she was looking at Iola, confused.

“Good morning,” Iola said, trying to sound casual, which probably ensured that she sounded as unnatural as possible.


“We both slept in.”

Claudia put a hand to her chest. “Holy hell. That must have been quite the dream. My heart’s racing.”

Iola said nothing, just kept staring. She had no idea what to say.

Claudia smiled. “Was I talking in my sleep? Did I wake you up? I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I was up.”

“But … was I talking in my sleep?”

Iola shrugged and couldn’t meet Claudia’s gaze.

“Iola? What was I saying? And why am I so … warm?”

“You might have been having a slightly erotic dream.” She kept the subject of the fantasy to herself.

“Was I?” Claudia flopped back down on to her stomach, wrapping her arms around her pillow and cramming it under her chin. “Who about?”

“I don’t know. I just heard ... moaning.”

Claudia laughed. “Iola … you’re blushing!”

She just smiled back, still not able to look right at her. “I’m sorry. It’s awkward.”

Claudia raised her head again, face frozen in a half-smile. “Was it about you, do you think?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry Iola. I haven’t dreamed about you in a long time …” They both froze. Iola chose to ignore the implication that these dreams used to be a regular occurrence. “I … I mean … it’s not really raunchy or anything.” Claudia was going to embarrass her while trying to make her feel more comfortable, Iola just knew it.

“Hey, forget it. It’s a dream.”

“Do you dream about Vinnie?”

Iola frowned, not at the question but at the realization of the answer. “No, actually. I don’t even dream about sex anymore.”

“Because you’re getting the real thing on a regular basis,” Claudia guessed, an evil little smile on her face.

“Maybe.” Iola looked at her friend. “I’m glad you’re not embarrassed by … that.”


“Me knowing … about that.”

Claudia’s face got serious. “I’m a bit embarrassed, to be honest. I’m trying to change the subject to make you more comfortable.”

Iola took in her friend’s face again, not knowing where the thought in her mind was coming from. Her eyes locked on Claudia’s lips. She wanted to know what that dream was about.

Claudia reared back slightly, almost like she could read Iola’s mind.

“I should go shower -”

Thinking she was losing her mind, Iola took hold of Claudia’s arm. “Why?”

“I … it’s time to get up.” But Claudia wasn’t moving either.

Iola licked her lips, taking in her friend’s beautiful face. She’d kissed Claudia once before, very briefly. She remembered it now, feeling that tingling warmth in lower areas at the thought of it.

She let go of Claudia, but she stayed where she was. They stared at each other for about ten years before Claudia eased forward on her elbows.

Iola’s body got warm as Claudia’s leg slid up against hers. Claudia’s breast brushed her arm as she leaned forward and touched Iola’s lips with her own.

Iola responded with slight pressure back.  Claudia slid her lower lip between Iola’s, drawing her upper lip between her own and then letting go. Iola wanted to touch her, grab all that hair and hold her against her body. She slid a hand up Claudia’s shoulder, pushing her fingers into Claudia’s thick mane. Claudia made a sound of agreement as she nudged her tongue forward against Iola’s lips.

Iola let her in, and she slid through softly and deliciously. It was passionate and consuming without being forced at all, not at all like kissing a man. It teased Iola’s arousal, bringing it painstakingly higher.

She was hot all over. She could feel sweat pop up on the back of her neck, behind her knees, under her breasts, which were aching. If she got this close to climax just kissing she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to make love to Claudia …

Claudia’s hand slid up Iola’s hip, wrapping around her lower back and pulling her closer. The second their bodies hit Iola knew very well this wasn’t what she was used to. Her breasts mashed against Claudia’s, their stomachs soft where they touched.  Iola was rolled on to her back, and she looped her arms across Claudia’s shoulders. She was aware of Claudia’s leg pressing between hers, and she opened up to allow it. She wanted to rub herself on Claudia’s thigh. The urge was ridiculous and she forced her hips to stay put.

Claudia’s hand was cool on her side as it caressed and rubbed its way under her top and up over her ribs. No matter how badly Iola wanted her to, she didn’t touch Iola’s breast, though.

Claudia’s tongue found a wonderful rhythm in her mouth, and she could only imagine how good that would feel …

She parted her mouth from Claudia’s, a cold chill coming over her. She blinked a couple times, and so did Claudia.

It was like ice water rushed through her veins as she realized what she was doing.

Claudia moved back and Iola was off the bed like a shot. She covered her mouth, Claudia doing the same. “What … what just happened?”

Iola shook her head as an answer. “I don’t know.”

Claudia looked just as shell-shocked. “I – I’m sorry Iola.”

Iola ran for the apartment door. Panic was overwhelming her and she just … she had to get away from Claudia immediately.



Trevor Vance looked from the busted door frame to the woman who occupied the apartment, a psychiatric nurse named Patrice Jenkins. She was clearly shaken, the cup of tea in her hand vibrating from her jittery nerves.

“You don’t know what was in here, other than it looked like a shadow?” He asked, trying to sound kind.

She nodded, blowing across the top of her cup. “There was a chill in the air, like a breeze from an open window, but I knew I hadn’t left one open. And it’s too hot for a breeze to make a lick of difference. When it got close to me it … I just suddenly felt like I was in a meat locker.”

Shaken, but rational. Well, except for what was coming out of her mouth, that is.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Patrice said, meeting his gaze with her own steely eyes.  “That’s the look I reserve for patients.”

“So … a shadow swooped at you, you ducked and covered your head and didn’t get hurt.”


“Who’s the guy?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I called you. The whole shadow thing seemed stupid, then I realized I had a stranger breaking down my door and passing out on my floor.”

“And you think this shadow is what knocked him out?”

Patrice nodded, taking a tentative sip. It was still too hot, he could tell by how she pulled back.

“Are you on any medications?” She gave him an oh please look and he held up his hands. “You have to admit, this sounds -”

“Either way, that guy broke in to my apartment. That’s why I called the police. I didn’t beat him unconscious. I just didn’t want to be alone when he woke up.”

Trevor thought of the fellow they’d found sprawled on his back on the entryway tiles. He was a big fucker, no doubt. Wide shoulders, narrow waist, built like a fighter. Long hair, a mane of bronze and gold, handsome as a movie star, too. Not the type you’d expect to be breaking into single women’s’ apartments in the middle of the day. He’d still been out like a light when they took him away in the ambulance. His vitals were stable, heart rate a little high, but otherwise, normal. No reason for the sleeping beauty routine that anyone could see.

The only thing that reminded him of any similar situations was the lump he couldn’t swallow in his throat. His survival instincts were telling him it was time to get out of there. Just like the co-ed’s apartment, the night club earlier that very morning, and now this bright and sunny apartment. There was a tightness in his back and chest that indicated his body was ready to defend itself. Against what?

He turned back to the doorway, eyes running back over the split wood. Nothing unusual, just a kicked-in frame. “You’re a psych nurse, right?”


“And this guy’s never been in your hospital?”

“I’d remember meeting anyone who looked like that, okay? At work or otherwise. I have no idea who he is.”

“You’re not feeling any ill effects at all? You can tell you’re … okay?” He spared a glance at her over his shoulder before looking at the floor for the fiftieth time.

He caught her nod before he looked away. “I took my vitals. I’m fine. A little shaky but … well, that and the indescribable need to get out of this apartment. Like something
bid’s about to happen.”

Vance turned back to her suddenly. “Like … a feeling of dread?”

“Yeah. I’ve got goose bumps up and down my arms.”

He unbuttoned his cuffs and pushed up his sleeves, showing her his own arm hair standing at attention. “Like if you don’t get out of here you’re going to suffocate?”

She nodded slower. “Now you’re starting to scare me.”

He looked past her out the window to the cityscape outside, lit brightly by autumn sunshine. Everything felt so off. It seemed as though it should be storming outside – that was what his head felt like, anyway.

“I’ll need your official statement. But I don’t want to do it here. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee. Unless you have somewhere else you need to be.”

She shook her head. “I work nights this week, but there’s no way I’m getting back to sleep now.”

“Then let’s go.”

As Vance paused in the hallway to wait for her to lock up, he felt the tension easing in his chest and his shoulders returning to their normal state of rest, all because he walked out of her apartment.  Fear was all but visible inside that place, he realized. It stained the very air.

When they left the building the stranger on the nurse’s floor was the least of his worries. His internal creeped-out meter was redlined by something else entirely.


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