Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4) (16 page)

BOOK: Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4)
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Lacing her fingers through is hair, she pulled him
to her lips. Soft and warm, she pressed into his. “I will submit to you,” she

He kissed her then with all the pent up hunger
inside of him. He thrust his tongue in her mouth, demanding hers. Hot and
penetrating, her tongue swiped into his mouth. He sucked it in deeper.

Her beautiful round breasts and nipples taunted
him. His mouth watered to have them in his mouth. Soft and smooth, he traced the
outline of her breast with his fingertip and down her abdomen.

Her breath caught as he reached just above the
delectable and clean shaven cleft between her legs. “Are you sure about this?
You will be mine, Kit. You understand what that means?”

“I do, but do you? You’ll be stuck with me.”

He had been so focused on how it would affect her,
he had not considered it would mean the same for him. This was not just sex,
feelings were intimately tied to the union—unlike what she had endured before.
He thought of Inpu. The priest had given a portion of his soul to Nebt during
their bonding, only to have her betray him. Kit would have his when this was
all said and done.

His firm cock lay against her abdomen. She reached
for him, but he snagged her arm and pressed it over her head followed by the

“I do not want to hurt you,” he added, gently
biting her neck. His arms were already shaking from restraint. She arched up
against his body. He grasped her hips and pinned her back down to the mattress.

He brushed his lips and stubble on her neck and
shoulders, leaving a trail of his bonding scent behind. Keeping her tightly
restrained he marked every inch of her skin. His scent now filled the room,
smothering any evidence of the other god. She groaned and writhed beneath him.
His lips found the sensitive skin of her nipple and tugged it into his mouth.
He did not stay long, another begged to be bitten.

She yelped but arched into him, pressing her
nipple deeper into his mouth. She bucked and tried to wrap her legs around him.
He shoved her legs back to the mattress. “You are not the one in charge of

“God, Kamen. You’re driving me crazy.”

He met her glowing blue eyes and smiled. It had
been millenniums since he had lain with a women, he was not going to rush it. “I
am just getting started.” Without touching her where she desperately wanted him
too, he flipped her over onto her stomach.

* * *

Kit expelled a heavy breath. Out of her mind with
desire, she struggled to restrain herself. His whole body seduction drove her wild.
When he asked her to submit, she thought he’d pin her down and get to it.
Instead, she was begging for it. Damn his control.

“Keep your arms up,” he commanded. When she
stilled, he let go of her wrists. She gripped the pillow in an attempt to stop
shaking. His lips and tongue found every crease and dip in her body, all but
her core that ached and pulsed. The brush of the sheets almost had her

On his knees, he straddled her hips and placed his
hands on either side of her shoulders. He brushed her hair to the side to
expose the base of her neck. He leaned in allowing only a brush of his lips, tongue
and chest. The tip of his cock pressed into the base of her back, making her
shudder. She inhaled his scent. Her lungs tingled with each breath. She had no
doubts he was marking her inside and out.

She gripped the pillow until her fingers turned
white, and she buried her face in the padding. The soft stuffing muffled her
scream as he moved lower down her back. She detected her own scent of arousal
mixing with his. Blood flowed to her core, worsening the already unbearable

Kamen trailed kisses down the back of her thighs and
nudged her legs apart. “You smell so good,” he growled. His fingers brushed her
from front to back, dipped into her folds just enough to trail her wet arousal
along the crease of her bottom. His tongue followed that trail back and brushed
the entrance to her vagina. She cursed and kicked her feet.

She looked over her shoulder.

His black eyes flickered with orange flames as he
looked up at her. One side of his lips rose, exposing a hint of fangs. She
shivered. The thought of him actually biting her sent electric shocks through
her body.

He prowled up her body. His hot breath tickled her
neck. Wondering what he would do to her next, her heart hammered in her chest.
She couldn’t take much more.

“Are you ready, Kitten?”

“God, yes please.” She tilted her head, inviting
him to nip her neck.

“I need to get into you soon, before I cannot.”

“What?” She said, alarmed. The idea of enduring
this and not getting to feel him was unbearable.

Instead of answering, he snaked an arm underneath
her hips. With a hard yank he pulled her to her knees and elbows. He stayed
tight to her back. She spread her legs farther. Putting weight on his one arm,
he reached down behind her.

She gasped when he rubbed the tip of his cock
against her clit and her entrance. He groaned and bit her shoulder gently. “You
smell and feel like roses.”

“Please, Kamen.” She pushed back into him. The
head of his penis pressed heavily into her. Realizing how huge he really was, her
breath hitched.

“Kitten,” he hissed and pressed again without

She exhaled a breath, trying to relax. His grip on
her hip tightened as he inched forwarded filling her. “

The pressure built to the point of being painful,
but the most erotic feeling of being stretched by his potency. Orgasming, she
leaned into the pillow and screamed. His entire body tightened against her

He kissed the back of her neck. “You are mine.”

She couldn’t agree more. He commanded every cell
in her body. The thought of being only his didn’t scare her as much as it did
before. She sighed as he slowly moved inside her. He shifted his weight to his
knees and straightened up away from her. His hands traced her back and the
snake imbedded there. Electrical shocks of pressure shot down her spinal column
to the point where he was seated deep inside her.

Without breaking their union, he pulled her up
onto her knees, so she sat in his lap. With her back pressed to his chest, his
hands were free to roam the front of her body. She had control over the depth
of his thrusts, which became increasingly urgent.

Heat burned at her core as this hand grasped her
breast and brushed against her clit. The tip of his penis grew, stretching and
rubbing against the delectable spot inside her. He grunted when the wellspring
of her orgasm broke. She arched, driving him deeper, mixing little tentacles of
pain with the euphoria.

He grasped her hip on one side and her shoulder on
the other and sheathed himself completely. She reached back over her head and
wrapped her fingers around his thick neck.

As another orgasm shook her body, she realized she
could never be with anyone else. This wasn’t sex, it was something beyond
amazing. Her body, mind and soul were his, completely and utterly his.

Meeting her demands, he exploded in hot bursts
inside her followed by a deafening roar of ecstasy. She gasped and arched back.
He held her tight as a dark power rocketed through her body with each burst of
his seed. Her entire body tightened and she screamed again. She jerked and
thrashed against him with what seemed to be every individual cell responding to
the change.

He lowered them both onto their sides. As
promised, he spooned against her back, locked within her. He pulled her hair
off to the side and kissed her neck.

Her teeth chattered as her entire body quivered
against his. She closed her eyes and willed her body to relax.

“Are you okay?” Kamen asked, concern lacing his

She laughed. “I’ve never been better. Just need to
stop shaking.”

“It will pass, but I can place you into sleep to
make it easier.”

“No, I don’t want to sleep.” Bad things happened
when she slept. She placed his hand over her heart. This was where she needed
him for more than the reason Apep had taken part of it. It had always been
empty until now. She turned her shoulders so she could look up at him.

With his mouth slightly parted, the gleam of teeth
showed through. She traced his lips with her finger, coaxing him to open
further. He pulled away slightly. “Sorry,” he said, embarrassed.

Despite the angle and still being filled by him,
she pulled him down to her lips and kissed him. She pushed her tongue through
his tight lips, sending a strong message he need not hide from her. He
cautiously opened his mouth to her probing. Her tongue traced the outline of
large incisors. He closed his eyes and finally kissed her back.

The tip of his fang grazed her lip and drew a
small amount of blood. His tongue danced across and the hunger of his kiss
deepened, leaving her breathless. A deep purr rumbled through his throat. He
broke her kiss enough to shift them without pulling out of her. He now settled
on top between her legs. He found her lower lip and sucked it into his mouth.

She gasped against his mouth when he pushed his
cock deeper. A renewed heat bloomed in her chest, pushing more of the coldness
away. She slid her legs up and around his hips and pulled him in tighter. He
broke his kiss and pulled back to stare down at her. A crimson fire danced
behind his eyes. A smear of blood covered his lower lip.

He was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. She
arched against the mattress when he rocked his hips slowly. “Feel like
running,” he said with insecurity that broke her heart.

“Fuck it,” she groaned and dug her fingers into
his shoulder. Her body was already on fire from the first time. She pushed on
his shoulders. “Let me on top.”

“You are perfect where you are.” He kissed her
hard, his tongue strong and demanding before he broke off to kiss down the
column of her throat. He paused at the curve of her neck, and his thrust became
more rapid. He groaned as she tightened down on him, heralding an incredible
orgasm. Tilting her head further, she grabbed his head and pulled his mouth against
her neck. “Take me.”

He gripped her hips and thrust deeper, yet he
still hesitated at her neck. She couldn’t hold back any longer. Her core
twisted in a tight ball of ecstasy that burst pleasurable waves through her
entire body. She arched and screamed his name.

He clamped down on her neck, piercing her skin.
His body jerked. Hot bursts of power shot through her as he came. Her orgasm
surged again, leaving her shaking and breathless. The draw against her neck
stopped and he groaned.

His entire body went ridged and then ice cold.

“What’s wrong?”

He reached down between them, grabbed his shaft
and jerked out of her. Pain burned through her vagina. He leapt off the bed and
ran into the bathroom. She swung her legs out over the bed and chased after
him, only to find the bathroom empty. Stunned, she looked around the room and
ended up facing the mirror.

Blood trickled down her collarbone. She grabbed a
wash cloth and pressed it to the punctured marks. Warmth between her legs drew
her gaze down. A small smudge of blood.

“What the hell just happened?” she asked an empty

Chapter Thirty-One

Kit stepped out of Kamen’s shower and stared at the
stone door, wondering what she had done wrong. Everything seemed perfect, up
until the last minutes of their love making. He had worried she would be the
one to run. Now, she milled about Kamen’s room, waiting for him to return. She
stared again at the door leading down to the chamber, confused as to whether she
should pursue him or allow him the space he needed.

She rubbed the towel through her hair and dried
her body. Her insides ached, and tingled with a strange dark energy, no doubt
awakening her demi-god form. Despite the euphoria, dread made her stomach

The cold ache in her chest reminded her Apep’s evil
was still clasped tightly onto her human soul. The fact that Kamen’s mark had
yet to appear solidified her fear. She touched the two puncture marks and
inspected them in the bathroom mirror. The thought that her blood was
contaminated too made her cringe. Was that what chased him off?

She pulled on her leather pants and grabbed
Kamen’s shirt. Bringing the fabric to her nose, she inhaled. His scent filled
her senses. She gathered the material and tied a knot in the waist.

Sitting on the bed, she drew her legs into her
chest and placed her chin on her knees. Her heart brought her back to Kamen’s
room and she gladly surrendered it to him, what there was of it. For so long
she had protected herself against getting hurt, leaving herself isolated and
alone. At one time it gave her solace, now she hated it.

He had to come back.

Angry with herself, she kicked off the bed and
went to Kendra’s room. She needed information, and if anyone knew about Kamen
it was his family.

Bakari opened the door. His nostrils flared before
he looked past her and down the hall. Kendra appeared next to Bakari, dressed
in her white robe with a gold belt. Her widened eyes settled on Kit’s neck. “I
take it you found Kamen.”

Kit had done more than find him, only to lose him
again. “He locked himself in the chamber. I need to figure a way to get in

Her sister touched Bakari’s arm. “Do you mind
getting Lilly?” He nodded and exited the door. Kendra grabbed Kit’s hand and
pulled her into the room and to the chaise.

Kit grunted, thinking she had come full circle. Right
back on the chaise, confused and agitated. She flopped back and rested her head
on the wall. Kendra sat next to her with her hands in her lap. “So Kamen agreed
to see you.”

“Yes. It was the best sex of my life,” Kit said, flatly.

“That’s saying a lot.” Kendra giggled and squeezed
Kit’s hand. “Oh, come on. I can say that now, can’t I?”

“So you think now that you’ve had sex after all
these years, you have the liberty of making fun of me.” Kit smirked, but it
faded when she thought of Kamen. He had been a perfect lover up until the point
he unplugged and ran. “I think this is payback for all the rotten things I did
in life.”

“What happened?”

She rolled her head to stare at her younger
sister. “Okay, this is just weird you asking me.”

“Yeah, it is.” Kendra shrugged. “Spill.”

Lilly opened the door and walked in. Kit eyed Asar
and Bakari pacing outside the room before the door closed.

“Hey, you haven’t gotten to the juicy details yet
have you,” Lilly said with a smile, but then pulled up short of the chaise.
“Why do you look that way?”

“We were just getting to that,” Kendra answered.

“He tasted you.” Lilly inhaled a soft breath and
pointed to her neck.

“Apparently I must taste like shit because he
pulled out and disappeared.”

“Oh.” Lilly sat down next to Kit. “I can see how
that can be upsetting. I can talk to Asar, and see if he can find out why.”

“Why don’t I just write a note that you can pass
to Asar, who can pass it to Kamen and he can send it back?” Kit growled, hating
Kamen wouldn’t come out and tell her what was wrong. Did he regret bonding with
her? She leaned on Lilly’s shoulder. “Sorry. I give you permission to kick my
ass for that one.”

“Remind me later. I only suggested it because Asar
knows more about Kamen than anyone.”

“Kamen needs to be the one to tell me. I know he
wants to protect me, but it feels like he is shutting me out.” She wanted to
know everything about him. Hell, even now she would give anything to be with

“If it’s any consolation, Asar is the same way.
Once your bond is established, they can’t hide anything from you. It is a
blessing but also a curse.”

Heat flared under Kit’s skin and she fanned her

“Your body is beginning to transition.” Lilly

Kit frowned. Despite the flush of warmth
throughout her body, her chest remained ice cold. Painfully so. Instinct told
her Kamen had to be present when her transition took hold.

Kendra jumped up and grabbed her book. “Of course,
Kamen is the Devourer. He’s your antidote, Kit.”

Kit rubbed the ache in her chest. Nausea rolled in
her gut. “I need to get into the chamber.”

“You don’t look so good.”

Kit met Lilly’s concerned stare. “I don’t feel
very well.”

Lilly jumped up and ran to the door. Asar was
waiting on the other side. “I think it’s happening.” Asar followed Lilly’s gaze
to the chaise.

Kit glanced down. A shadow of her hieroglyphics
formed on her arms, much faster than it had for her sisters. She had finally
joined the club. For all the hate she had for her demi-god form, she didn’t regret
her decision to be with Kamen. She would come to terms with it for him. Her
fingers trembled as she pulled the collar of her shirt. Kamen’s hieroglyphic
symbols had yet to mark her chest. Based on the coldness in her soul, she
worried they never would.

Splinters of pain ignited as the fire pressed
inward towards her heart. A cold clammy sweat broke over her skin. Kit
staggered to her feet, pressing her fist into her sternum. “I need to go.”


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