Star Fish (18 page)

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Authors: Nicola May

BOOK: Star Fish
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– Thirty One –

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time leads to a missed opportunity of happiness today.

The week flew past. I got my head down at work and limited myself to one glass of wine per night with my dinner. I even stayed in every night, despite constant efforts by Brad and Liv to get me down the pub.

Saturday morning arrived, as did my period, hurrah! I had a sumptuous lie-in, followed by my favourite breakfast of carved ham and poached eggs. Life felt better.

Christopher hadn’t called me yet to check on how my date with Charlie had gone. Strange. Just as I was thinking this, the phone rang and it was him.

‘Spooky – was just thinking about you,’ I said.

‘Nice things, I hope! Just wondered if you would consider an honest Cancer as your next contender?’

‘I’ve only just got over Mr Leo and the injuries I sustained from him.’

‘Yes, I did hear.’

‘Oh, did you indeed?’

‘Anyway,’ Christopher speedily continued, ‘we don’t want to talk about him now, we need to find you a new date.’

My Piscean intuition picked up on Christopher’s haste to change the subject.

‘Spit it out about Mr Leo, come on. I know there’s something I should know.’ Just saying the words ‘spit it out’ brought back embarrassing memories of my mistimed debauchery with Charlie.’

‘He doesn’t want to see you again, Amy Just said he didn’t think you were the type of girl for him.’

I thought this might be the case, but just hearing the words was quite hurtful, despite him being a drug taking scallywag!

‘Oh well, you win some you lose some I guess,’ I said breezily.

‘So Mr Cancer?’ Christopher reiterated.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him yet that one of the life-changing decisions I’d made since my pregnancy scare was that Charlie Collins was the final Starr & Sun contender in my search for a sole-mate.

‘I’ll call you next week and let you know, bit busy with other things at the moment.’

‘Cordelia sends her good wishes, by the way.’

It made me laugh that Christopher and Cordelia had seemed to take me under their wings.

I was going to concentrate on just me for the moment. My head still wasn’t completely straight after the Kieran incident. I was going to cut down on my drinking, lose the stone I had wanted to lose for years and basically stop being a certified nymphomaniac. From now on I would wait for Mr Right. Someone who cared about me for who I was, and who I got to know before I jumped into bed with him.

Thinking about this brought back memories of Will. We had waited a whole year before we had slept together. Granted, we were young but just waiting made the whole event really special. I had been so in love with him. We used to laugh so much together that my sides would be splitting. Will was my rock. He had helped me through the loss of my mother, which had meant a great deal to me.

I decided to contact him. Of course I could meet up with him and not sleep with him. He was an outrageous flirt, but he had always been faithful to me, so why would he want to sleep with me anyway, as he had a girlfriend?

I rang Directory Enquiries and got the phone number for W.W. Go-Karts. The dulcet tones of cockney Vince came down the line.

‘Will? Nah he’s not ’ere at the moment, love.’

I didn’t want to leave a message.

‘Oh, OK. When will he be around and I’ll call back?’

‘He’s on holiday, taken a couple of weeks off with the missis. Thailand, I think he said. I’ve got a message book here for him – shall I take ya name?’

‘No, it’s OK, thanks. It’s not important. I’ll catch up with him when he’s back,’

I replied despondently.

Fate will prevail if we’re destined to meet up. I thought. Trust Will to be in Thailand. He really was textbook Sagittarius with his flirtatious ways and love of travel.

The phone rang as soon as I put it down. It was Jon.

‘Hiya, Amy, how are things?’

‘Hello you,’ I replied chirpily. ‘Good to hear from you. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster of a few weeks but I’m good at the moment thanks,’ I told him. ‘No one bought next door yet then, I see?’

‘That’s partly why I’m calling. Just wanted to let you know that a handsome, debonair chap will be moving in next weekend.’

‘Oh my God, do you know if he’s single?’

‘Amy, you are such a girl! He is now, unfortunately, but somehow I don’t think you’re really his type.’

The penny dropped. ‘Oh Jon, sorry you’re single but it’s bloody fantastic that you’re moving in. That has really made my day. Are you OK though? I know how much you cared about Andrew.’

‘It’s been tough. We’re still friends, but leaving Scotland is the best way for me to move forward with my life. OK, Amy, must dash, packing to do. See you next week.’

‘Looking forward to it. Bye now.’

– Thirty Two –

An attractive proposition leads to you becoming the centre of attention.

It was ages since the whole of the gang had got together so I arranged an impromptu dinner party at mine the following Saturday night. Jon had now moved in so I thought it was a good opportunity to introduce him to everyone at the same time.

It was to be quite a party. H and Horace, Sam and Katie, Liv and Jack, myself, Brad and Jon. Anna and Boyd sadly had other arrangements, although I don’t think Anna was that bothered. She had rung the night before to inform me that although her bowels were almost cured, she was sure my cooking could turn even an iron stomach to molten metal. Nice!

Brad arrived early with a bunch of yellow roses and a box of wine in hand. He seemed to be getting stronger by the day now. He kissed me on the cheek.

‘Princess, you look wonderful as always. Now what culinary delights are you dishing up tonight? I’m starving.’

‘It’s an ensemble of dishes taken from my favourite recipes from The Curry Castle Cook Book.’

‘What time are they delivering it?’ he enquired laughing.

‘Nine p.m., now let’s have a glass of wine whilst I lay the table.’

Penelope appeared and swiped his paw at Brad’s foot.

‘I tell you Amy, that cat is a demon. Mind you, if you’d cut my balls off and called me a girl’s name I don’t think I’d be too happy either!’

The others started to arrive. H’s bump was beginning to show now. Horace was running around her getting everything she needed. He looked like a mad professor with his mop of red curly hair. When H announced she was marrying Horace four years ago I had said to her, ‘You do realise they’re going to be gingers, don’t you?’

‘What are?’ she had replied innocently.

‘Your kids, silly.’

‘Oh Amy, don’t. I had actually thought of that. I’m probably going to be the only mother who hopes the baby is born with no hair. I shall have the hair dye and clippers ready just in case!’

Sam and Katie were so gooey over each other it was quite sickening. They complemented each other fantastically, both with their long flowing locks and good looks. Katie’s newfound interest in New Age philosophies meant that there was never a shortage of conversations on yins and yangs, chakras and chis.

‘A little gift for you, Ames,’ Sam said, thrusting yet another candle into my hand. ‘Guessed the old love corner could do with a boost.’

‘I’m actually off men at the moment, Mr Clark. I’m looking inward and finding myself before I launch myself at another potential victim.’

Just as I was finishing my sentence Liv flew into the dining room, auburn hair flowing, looking completely gorgeous in a green velvet mini-dress.

‘This is Jack, everyone,’ she announced. And before anyone could say hello.

‘Oh, and this is Ryan. Hope you don’t mind, Ames, but Ryan is one of Jack’s old Uni mates and we’d arranged to meet up before your little impromptu soirée.’

‘More the merrier, you know me,’ I said breezily.

Brad poked me in the back and whispered, ‘Sweetie, don’t spend
long looking inwardly.’

Ryan was a complete babe. He was around six foot two, with rugby player build. He had black wavy hair and was dressed immaculately in a crisp white shirt and black jeans. He handed me a flower that he had picked from my front garden.

‘Couldn’t gate-crash empty handed,’ he smiled.

I had expected him to be Irish but he had a West Country accent.

‘Oh, so you’re not from the Emerald Isle as well then?’ I enquired.

‘No. I live in London now but I was born and bred in St Ives.’

‘How lovely.’ I replied. ‘I love the coastline of Cornwall. Had many a happy holiday there as a kid.’

‘Yeah, it is beautiful. I’ve still got a holiday place down there but there’s not much call for my line of work in a seaside town, unfortunately.’

‘What do you do then?’

‘I’m a TV producer.’

Liv butted in. ‘My dear Minger, when you have finished gabbing, any chance of some vino?’

‘Surprised you haven’t emptied the wine rack already. Help yourself.’

‘Dinner will be ready at nine,’ I announced.

‘I can’t smell anything cooking,’ said Horace innocently.

With this the doorbell rang.

‘Oh, that must be my personal caterers,’ I declared in a posh accent. It wasn’t actually the caterers, but Jon.

‘Come in, come in, babe.’

I directed Jon through to the dining room and gave him a quick introduction. I hadn’t actually told Brad that he was gay, as I didn’t want him to think I was trying to set him up so soon after Sean’s death, although quite obviously I was.

When I went to the kitchen to put some plates in the oven to warm and to open some more wine, Brad followed me in.

‘Bit of a feast for you tonight, eh Ames? They are both so cute. Ryan’s a bit on the tall side for me but Jon, is a complete doll.’

‘Thought you’d think so; he wouldn’t be interested in me though.’

‘Oh don’t say that, my sweet. You know you’re beautiful, there would be no reason why he wouldn’t be.’

‘The fact that he’s just finished with his boyfriend might be one,’ I replied, smiling.

‘Oh, my God I don’t believe it!’ Brad exclaimed. ‘And I can’t believe you didn’t tell me before.’

Everyone was secretly pleased when the takeaway arrived and they didn’t have to be subjected to one of my usual disgusting concoctions.

‘Dig in!’ I invited them.

The wine and conversation flowed. I was really happy to see that Liv had met her match with Jack. What he lacked in the wallet department he made up for with his sense of humour and quick wit. I just knew that she would not get bored with him as she usually did after a couple of dates. She came out with me to the kitchen to clear the dishes.

‘Anyone I should know about in the wings or in rehearsal now?’ I enquired.

‘Actually, my smug minger friend, I expect you can tell that the one on the stage is putting on a fine performance at the moment.’ She threw back her head and laughed. ‘I love you, Ames, you know me so well.’

Brad and Jon also seemed to be getting on really well. I had heard them talking about Sean and saw Jon put a caring hand on Brad’s arm as he was talking. Although Ryan was very good-looking he wasn’t really my type. We got on well enough but he wasn’t ‘sparky’ enough for me, plus I’d noticed he’d got really big ears. He was also very clean-cut and seemed very sensible. He even placed the different Indian foods tidily in piles on his plate, rather than throwing them on like everybody else. Must be a Virgo, I thought to myself. I knew that I couldn’t have fancied him or I wouldn’t have brought up the subject of the dating agency.

‘I want you all to know that I’ve decided I’m not going to subject myself to any more Horoscope dates,’ I announced to the table at large.

‘Oh Amy, why?’ H said, quite perturbed by my announcement. ‘I was wondering why you hadn’t called on me lately for my dresser duties.’

‘I thought you wanted to have a date with all twelve star signs?’ Katie enquired.

‘To be honest I’ve had a laugh but most of them were complete disasters. It’s only Aquarius, Virgo and Cancer that I’ve yet to subject myself to. Oh and Sagittarius, but I went out with Will all those years ago and if it was meant to be with him it would have worked out then, wouldn’t it?’

Brad, who had been following my every move, pointed out, that although I had lusted after my personal trainer, I hadn’t properly dated a Capricorn yet.

‘I’ve taken Capricorn off the list,’ I said boldly. ‘Christopher is a Capricorn and I’ve probably had more contact with him than anyone else. He is very sweet, but just doesn’t do it for me,’ I explained.

Ryan, who had been sitting quietly through my soliloquy, suddenly spoke up. ‘I’ve got a proposition for you.’

Everyone went silent.

‘I’m a Virgo, and I like attractive brunettes with a good sense of humour.’

I gulped, terrified of what he was going to say next.

‘But that’s got nothing to do with my proposition.’

Everyone laughed out loud.

‘So, what exactly are you proposing?’ I enquired.

Ryan then became completely animated. ‘I’m working on a show at the moment, it’s a dating game show and I’m looking for likely ladies to be contestants to find their dream date.’

‘Oh my God, how exciting!’ Liv exclaimed. ‘Can I come on it?’

Jack looked really hurt.

‘Only joking, my sweet,’ she said lovingly to him, looked at me and continued,

‘Amy, you just have to do it. It’s perfect for you. You know you’ve always secretly wanted to be on TV.’

Brad said camply, ‘I shall be your agent. I can see it now. People will be asking who the cute boy is who escorts you everywhere.’

I could tell Ryan was pleased by everybody else’s enthusiasm.

‘I think you’d be great, too,’ he told me. ‘What do you say, Amy? We’re shooting the first show next Saturday.’

‘Ooh, I don’t know,’ I dithered.

‘As her agent I can answer for her,’ Brad said boldly. ‘And she’s doing it.’

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