Steamy Sisters (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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Caleb pushed his head deeper into the warmth between her legs, his senses intoxicated, but not yet overwhelmed, loving the taste, feel and fragrance of her pussy, burrowing instinctively, knowing that more than anything else in the world he wanted to be here right now, with her, and inside her. Her pussy was now very wet and his tongue slid easily inside. He began to rhythmically thrust and withdraw his tongue, and with each inward movement, took as much of her as he could in his mouth.

Jessica let the ripples of pleasure wash over her body, a foretaste of the larger waves that would soon engulf her. She tugged at Caleb’s shoulder wanting him to move further up her body and, in doing so, allow his cock to replace his tongue inside of her.

He was reluctant for his mouth to leave her pussy, but at the same time, his cock ached to be held tightly by her. He got to his knees and pushed her legs up and apart. He looked briefly at her beautiful pussy, its lips apart revealing the luscious pinkness beneath. His cock quivered as it sought out her pussy, and its head brushed against her vulva and over her clit.

Jessica pulled Caleb’s body towards her, wrapping her legs tightly around him, not wanting to let him go. She needed him now. She needed him hard and deep within her. She wanted to feel their bodies become one.

Caleb’s cock found its way through the double gates of her labia, and glided effortlessly into the moist tight tunnel below. A perfect fit. He began to move in and out, the pleasure heightened by every forward thrust, as her vaginal walls gripped him. He lowered his upper body onto her. And felt her swollen nipples against his chest, and the firm full breasts below. His lips found hers and their tongues played together in the warm caves of their mouths.

Jessica, now pinned to the bed by Caleb, ran her hands along his back, drawing
invisible contour lines with her fingers as she silently mapped every square inch of him, taking in all the valleys and peaks of his muscles, claiming the territory as her own.

Their bodies worked together effortlessly, like experienced dance partners who moved instinctively, muscle-memory rendering thought unnecessary, knowing each others minds, anticipating the next turn or pass.

Caleb began to move quicker as he felt Jessica’s grip on his shoulders tighten, her fingernails beginning to dig into his flesh. His own breathing became more rapid as if trying to imitate hers.

Jessica was nearly there. Each thrust from Caleb was sending electrical currents through her. The grinding of his pubic bone against hers stimulating her clitoris and making the pleasure almost unbearable. She clamped her legs more closely around him, tightening her pussy around his cock.
She moved her hands down onto his firm butt and controlled his movements, pulling him ever deeper and harder into her. She felt his cock extend right into her, as deep as it could go, his balls slamming against her vulva. She pushed him out again before, almost aggressively, drawing him back. The pleasure was nearing it’s climax. Her mind began to swirl, and her conscious thought melted away, as she let the intense feelings take her over. Nothing else mattered now, she wanted him to be inside her, and waited for the ecstasy of release. She was there. Caleb came down and into her one last time, and the tidal wave she longed for finally crashed down on to her and carried her away helplessly. She cried out as the nerve ending over her entire body pulsed with pleasure, and her pussy released it’s warm juices to intermingle with Caleb’s.

Caleb felt himself come inside her, and he buried his head in her neck, as his weary body slumped against hers. He felt her warm breath on his shoulder and heard the moans of pleasure from the same open lips. Her body was wonderful. Firm yet soft, and inviting, and perfect.
He ran his hands through her long hair and gently kissed her. He felt overwhelmed with this woman. The way he had never really felt with anyone else. A curious mixture of uncontrollable lust mixed with
intense feelings of warmth, affection and protectiveness towards her. Was this love? Was this the woman for him? The

They lay together for a while, their bodies slowly regaining strength, finding joy in each other’s embrace. Post sexual bliss at its best. No worries. No regrets. Just warmth and happiness, and the relief that they had finally found each other.

Caleb kissed her and held her close, and she snuggled against him. He pulled the comforter over them both, and they dozed merrily, not wanting to leave the warmth of each other or the bed.

Jessica put her leg over his and played with his cock. “Well, that was good.”

“It was, wasn’t it,” said Caleb. “Finally.”

“What do you mean, finally?”

“Been waiting a long time to be with you.”

“How long?”

“Probably since the first time I saw you. When we were teenagers.”



“You didn’t say anything.”

“Guess I figured if it was going to happen, it was going to happen. And tonight it did.”

Jessica nodded. “Worth the wait?”

“Oh yeah. Definitely worth the wait. Big time.”

She smiled, put her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She felt overawed by her feeling towards him, but didn’t know if she could let this happen.
She thought she’d had everything planned for this summer. She knew exactly which houses she was going to target, she knew which people deserved to lose a little bit of their wealth, after they’d taken so much illegally or immorally from others. It had all seemed so right and so easy when she and her friends discussed these things at college. She was sure the Occupy
movement were basically correct in what they were doing, but she now wondered if the methods her own little cabal had decided on were the correct ones. The one thing she hadn’t planned on was falling in love with Caleb. And now there was a conflict between her social ideals and her heart. She didn’t want to hurt Caleb, or get him into trouble. And as he lay beneath her, drifting off to sleep, she pondered what to do next. Heart or head? It was a dilemma as old as time itself.

Chapter Five

Caleb woke first, an organic alarm clock in his brain telling him it was time to get up and go to work. Jessica was still lying on him, fast asleep.

He moved her gently as he tried to get out of bed, but she stirred and held on, not wanting him to go. “Stay a bit longer.”

Caleb didn’t really need any extra encouragement. He’d woken up with a huge hard-on, which had only got firmer still when he’d pulled back the comforter and caught the early morning light shimmering on Jessica’s naked body. She looked beautiful. That, together with the softness of her skin against his, was making him as horny as hell, and like all men, he loved sex in the morning. There was no finer way to start the day.

He put his arms around her and pulled her close, his warm cock nestled snugly against her butt, his hands gently massaging her breasts, his lips kissing her shoulders, and nuzzling the back of her neck.

Jessica giggled as she felt the heat of his cock. “You feeling frisky?”


“Me too. A little.”

“Just a little?”

“I’m a bit sleepy.”

“It’ll wake you up,” said Caleb, laughing. “Better than coffee.”

“I bet it will. Just wake me up slowly, though.”

“You want it in a kind of laid back style, huh?”

“I like getting laid in any style. But in the mornings I
like nice, easy, comfortable sex.”

“You want me to do all the work?”

“Maybe not all of it, but that would be nice, honey.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” said Caleb, amused at Jessica’s candour. He placed his hand under her top leg and lifted it higher, exposing her pussy. He let her leg rest on his and he slid his finger tips between her labia, opening her up, making sure he could enter her easily. His fingers sank into her and he pushed her moisture upwards, before withdrawing them and finger painting her pussy juice onto her clitoris, which was now emerging from its hiding place, eager for his touch.

Jessica lay with her face on the pillow and closed her eyes, as if the loss of sight might heighten her other senses and make the pleasure more intense. She felt for Caleb’s leg and squeezed his thigh, An unspoken command for him to continue.

He flicked his cock against her butt cheeks a few times as he manoeuvred it towards her vagina, rubbing its head along her opening, lubricating it with her honey juice. He entered her smoothly and slowly until his penis had travelled its full length, and began to glide in and out of her. He placed his hand on top of hers, interlaced their fingers, and guided them both down between her legs, where they stroked her clit together. He let her hand dictate the pace so that he might better understand her body’s needs, and adjust his own rhythmic movement in time with her.
He kind of liked this slow pace as well. There was no sense of urgency. He would come in good time, and it would be all the better for the slow build up to climax.

Jessica lifted her head from the pillow and craned her neck sideways, her lips searching for his. She kissed him softly, and rubbed her face against his, before letting her head fall back on the bed. The morning sleepiness was now leaving her body, and with it the need for a more lively pace took over her thoughts. She scrambled up onto her hands and knees, making sure that Caleb moved with her, not wanting his cock to leave her. She spread her legs wider, inviting him to take her harder and faster.

Caleb kneeled behind her, pushing deep in to her fully exposed pussy. His hands gripped her hips, and he pulled her on to his cock, his eyes taking in the beautiful curve of her butt as it seemed to slam down onto him with each thrust.

Jessica placed her hands on the rail at the top of the bed, clenching it tightly, her head slumped down between her outstretched arms, her long hair falling on to the bed. This was bliss. Being fucked by her man in the first light of morning.
She moved her butt in a circular motion, in time with Caleb’s own movement, and the rhythm was replicated by her breasts which swung freely beneath her.

Caleb moved up real tight against her, his thighs almost holding her. He slid his palms up her back and gripped her shoulders to steady her as he began to pump faster and faster. He wasn’t going to hold out much longer. So much for slow sex. He needed it fast now. Hard and fast. And he upped his stroke rate as if racing for a finish line.

Jessica, too, was having second thoughts about her easy, comfortable sex thing. This was good too. Real good. And she gave in to the moment, and embraced the change of pace.
She wanted him harder than ever, and she was glad that he had taken her from behind, allowing him to let rip and completely bliss her out with each deep penetration.

They both came together, as he gave a final, powerful thrust. His cock buried deep, his body slamming into hers, the loud slap of his crotch against her butt signalling the finish line had been reached. He squeezed her breasts as he came, scissoring her nipples with his fingers, and pulling her
toward him. She let go of the bed rail and fell back into him, letting him wrap his arms around her, before they both slumped back onto the bed.

Caleb awoke an hour later, realising he was late for work, but not particularly bothered about it. He was in too much of a good mood, and wasn’t going to let work spoil things.
He’d been right, sex in the morning really did set you up nicely for the day ahead.
He took a shower. Got dressed, and sat on the side of the bed.
He checked Jessica. She was half asleep. He kissed her on the cheek. “Got to go, Jess.”

“Okay,” she murmured. “Call me later.”

“No problem,” he said, and left the house.

Jessica got out of bed at ten, showered and had breakfast. She drove into town to do some shopping, and stopped off for a cup of coffee and a read of the newspaper. She felt so relaxed this morning that she’d clean forgotten about returning to Szabo’s house to finish the job. And she was in two minds as to whether to do it at all. Now that Caleb was in her life, she was wondering if she shouldn’t just forget about it completely. It had been fun whilst it lasted. Maybe it was time to let it go. But, on the other hand, the charities she had been giving the money to could always use more. And she rather liked her self image as a latter day Robin Hood.

She’d decide later. Today she would rest. She picked up the paper and took a cursory glance at the first few pages. Page five had an article on the Economic Forum, and Szabo’s face was smiling out at her in a half page photo. She read it quickly, taking in the details about the new takeover battle he’d just won. Rationalisation. Efficiency savings. Greater staff productivity. All the usual buzzwords and phrases were there. Weasel words designed to hide the fact that he’d be taking over a perfectly good and profitable business, sacking half the workforce, and breaking up the company for this own profit. This guy really was pure scum.

She felt herself getting angry again, and any doubts she’d had about leaving Szabo alone disappeared. She’d remove what she could from his Lodge, and, at least, score some sort of symbolic victory over this reptile.

She gathered her things and went home. She had planning to do.

Chapter Six

Thursday arrived. Jessica ran to pick up the phone in the lounge. “Hello.”

“Hi. It’s me.”

“Hi. Where are you?”

“In the middle of town. It’s crazy down here.”

“President’s visit?”

‘Yeah. The Secret Service have got just about every road blocked off. And he hasn’t even arrived yet.”

“What time’s he due?”

“Late morning.”

“Guess you’re gonna be busy all day, then?”

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