Tag Team (21 page)

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Authors: S.J.D. Peterson

BOOK: Tag Team
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He knew what he wanted to do. Knew what he hoped would happen, but…. Christ, they weren’t going to make him ask, were they? He looked back and forth between Rig and Bobby; both men had matching grins and predatory gazes. Mason swallowed hard and his pulse sped up.
Ask me. Take me. Fuck me
, Mason pleaded silently. He opened his mouth, the words on the tip of his tongue, ready to be shouted. A part of him, a very, very strong part of him, wanted to fall to his knees and start begging. He was frozen to his seat and couldn’t get his limbs to respond. His mouth flopped open and closed with as much success as a fish flopping around on the bottom of a boat. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t seem to make a single sound. Fuck! He’d gone mute.

“Mason?” Bobby said, his voice deep and husky, and the sound of it went straight to Mason’s straining erection.

He cleared his throat and tried to ask for what he needed, but again no sound passed his lips but the whooshing sound of his breath. Not only was he speechless and frozen, he couldn’t even find the courage to meet their gazes and beg with his eyes.

As if they had been silently sending messages to each other, Bobby and Rig both moved their chairs closer to Mason. With his head down he had the perfect view of two very naked men with two very large, very hard erections on either side of him. Mason’s mouth went completely dry.

“All you have to do is tell us what you want,” Rig murmured and then leaned in and kissed the side of Mason’s neck.

“Just tell us what you need,” Bobby added and pressed his lips to the other side of Mason’s neck.

Mason tilted back his head, giving the men more room to work. It was the only response to the warmth and tingling sensation he could muster.

A large hand landed on his left thigh, seconds before another landed on his right. Both hands tickled the inside of each of Mason’s thighs, setting off sparks of pleasure that raced to Mason’s groin.

“Is this what you need?” Rig asked, but his hand on Mason’s left leg did the real asking as it inched higher. The tips of Rig’s fingers brushed gently against Mason’s balls, up the outline of the bulge in his shorts, continuing to the waistband. Mason lifted his hips without hesitation as his shorts were pulled down, releasing his straining erection.

Mason nodded, a pitiful moan escaping his parted lips.

“And this?” Bobby murmured against his neck, still kissing and licking as the hand on Mason’s right leg disappeared seconds before a warm callused fist wrapped around his cock and stroked it from tip to base.

He grunted and pushed up into Bobby’s hand.

“I think that sounded like a yes,” Rig teased and nipped Mason’s ear, causing Mason to shudder. “What do you think, Bobby? Did it sound like a yes to you?”

“I don’t know,” Bobby responded, nosing against Mason’s jaw and down the side of his neck, the tip of his hot tongue leaving a wet trail along Mason’s flesh. “I was sort of busy and not quite sure I heard him right.”

The hand on Mason’s dick started a slow rhythm; each pull ended with Bobby’s thumb teasing over the flared head before moving achingly slow downward again. Bobby set a maddeningly slow and gentle pace, while Rig was getting bolder, more aggressive with Mason’s sac, tugging and rolling his balls in the palm of his hand. They didn’t actually expect him to answer, did they? His pulse was pounding in his ears, his breath already beginning to come in short pants, and his hips were snapping against those wonderful hands. Surely that was answer enough.

“Just say yes, Mason,” Rig encouraged.

Apparently they did expect him to answer, and Mason finally pushed out what sort of, kind of, maybe, sounded like a yes. Thankfully it was close enough for Rig, because the next thing he knew, Rig was lifting him from his chair, his face still buried in the side of Mason’s neck.

Mason whimpered a broken sound when the hands on his groin disappeared, but it turned into a deep needy moan as Rig started sucking on Mason’s neck as he headed toward the bedroom. The instant he was dropped on the bed, Bobby and Rig lay down next to him, and those wonderful hands were back on him, pulling off his clothes and tossing them haphazardly around the room.

Once he was stripped bare, both Bobby and Rig slowed in their urgency and took a moment to stare down at Mason’s naked form, their hands moving almost reverently along Mason’s chest, abdomen, and limbs. Rig licked his lips; the heated look on his face, the need and want and desire swirling in his eyes, caused a shiver to run down Mason’s spine.

Bobby and Rig worked like a well-oiled machine; each movement of their hands complemented the other. They seemed to know exactly where to touch him, one man’s touch heightening the pleasure of the other’s. Mason reveled in their attentions, willingly giving himself over to them. Whatever they wanted from him, they could have it, as long as they kept touching him, loving him.

Rig took Mason’s mouth, pushing his tongue deep, kissing Mason languidly. Mason went passive, opening to him and allowing Rig to explore his fill. Mason whimpered into Rig’s mouth as Bobby latched on to one of Mason’s nipples, teasing it with lips and tongue until it was erect. Mason arched his back as Bobby’s teeth scraped along the hard nub and he started sucking hard. With hands holding him, mouth covered, and the wet sucking heat on his chest, Mason could only squirm and moan and react to the pleasure inflaming him.

“You drive me crazy with how much I want you,” Rig said against Mason’s lips.

Mason gasped with how intensely Rig’s words affected him. The sentiment behind them, the desire and raw need, caused something deep inside him to react as completely and as powerfully as his flesh responded to their physical touch. Mason couldn’t put his finger on why those words tore at him. It was something he’d have to consider later, but not now.

“Please,” he said between kisses. Mason wasn’t sure what he was asking for: more touch, more words, more of everything Rig and Bobby were giving him.

It was the right word to finally mutter because Rig and Bobby responded immediately. Rig took his mouth again, tangling his hand in Mason’s hair and holding him still as he devoured Mason’s mouth. Bobby moved across Mason’s chest, his beard tickling Mason’s flesh until he latched on to Mason’s other nipple and sucked it hard.

Mason’s eyes fell shut. This was who he was, what he wanted, and what he needed. To have Bobby and Rig control every aspect of his pleasure and body; even his very breath belonged to Rig in that moment.

“I want you,” Rig said, breathless as he pulled back from the kiss just enough to meet Mason’s gaze.

He’d both fantasized and feared this, but as Rig spoke the words, a trigger was flipped inside Mason, and any fear that might have lingered drained away with the anticipation flowing through him. He dug his fingers into Rig’s shoulder and moaned wantonly. “Don’t ask, just take,” he murmured as he lowered his eyes submissively away from Rig’s lust-filled gaze. It was the closest he could come to begging to be dominated.

Rig propped himself up on an elbow and scanned the area. “Shit!” he grumbled.

“I’m on it.” Bobby told him and rolled away.

Mason watched Bobby move across the room toward the door, ass swaying and large erection bobbing as he headed out. It was only after he’d disappeared that he found enough brain cells to figure out where the man was going, and he chuckled and pointed at the bedside table. “There are condoms and lube in the back of the drawer.”

Rig sprung from the bed and practically ripped the drawer from the table as he scrambled to get at the supplies. “Bobby! Get your ass back in here, I got it,” he yelled and dropped the entire box of condoms on the bed and snapped open the top on the lube.

Mason couldn’t help but laugh again at the crazed look on Rig’s face as he slicked up his fingers, before tossing the tube onto the bed next to the condoms. Rig narrowed his eyes; he wasn’t laughing as he took in Mason’s body spread out on the bed. Rig reminded Mason of a wild animal, coiling in readiness to spring upon its prey. A violent shudder went through Mason that stopped the amusing sound as his breath caught.

“How do you want it?” Rig asked as he dragged one slick finger along Mason’s thigh.

“Don’t,” Mason drew out, another shudder coursing through him before he could finish his sentence.

Obviously Rig got the message just fine, and he grabbed onto Mason’s calf and tugged him to the edge of the bed. “I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. Roll over, boy,” Rig demanded huskily.

Mason’s heart went into to overdrive. Being called boy
like that
for the first time in months both hurt and excited him, but his body responded without hesitation and he hissed when his erection pressed against the mattress.

“Thank fuck. Everything is at our place,” Mason heard Bobby gasp and then groan as he moved up behind Mason. Even with his face buried in the mattress, he could feel the man’s eyes on him.

His hips were grabbed and lifted from the mattress. Mason scrabbled against the soft cotton sheets as he struggled to find purchase as he was yanked farther off the bed. His fist curled in the sheets as his feet hit the floor. He barely had time to adjust to the new position when a slick finger brushed against his crease. Rig held his hip in a tight grip, his blunt fingers digging in as he continued to tease and probe Mason’s crease. Mason tried to push back, wanting those exploring fingers to move deeper, enter him, but the hold Rig had on him made it impossible to move and he whimpered in frustration and need.

“Be still, boy,” Rig murmured. “I know what you need,” he promised.

Mason turned his head until his flushed cheek lay against the cool cotton, watched Rig out of the corner of his eye, and did as he was told.

The bed dipped on the other side of Mason seconds before warm, strong hands began kneading the muscles of his shoulders and lower back. “Look at you,” Bobby said appreciatively. “So beautiful.”

“Beautifully sexy,” Rig added in a raspy voice.

Mason’s legs were gently pushed apart by Rig’s foot until he was spread wide open. Mason held his breath, his body thrumming as Rig teased at Mason’s ass, tapping and pushing against his entrance. Mason sighed when Rig finally pushed the tip of one finger into him, the sound turning to a broken moan when Rig only continued to tease him with just the tip, moving it back and forth only ever so slightly.

Other than the tight grip on Mason’s hip, the two men continued to touch him gently. Bobby’s hand moved from Mason’s scalp down to his ass gently, soothingly as Rig continued to play with his ass painstakingly slowly until Mason thought he’d go mad with anticipation.

Whether coincidence or simply that Rig could read Mason’s body perfectly, he pushed his finger deep just as Mason opened his mouth to beg for more. Mason suspected it was the latter, but in that moment he didn’t really care what the reason was as long as Rig kept doing it. Mason grunted and moaned and whimpered, words lost as Rig continued to move in and out of his ass with a slick warm finger at a faster and faster pace. There were two and Mason could only babble in thanks as Rig fucked his ass, twisting and turning his hand, scissoring his fingers, intensifying the pleasure of each stroke.

“Fuck! Open that,” Rig barked, causing Mason’s eyes to fly open and look up at him in question, but the order hadn’t been directed at Mason, but rather Bobby whose hands left Mason’s back. The sound of a plastic wrapper crinkling could be heard seconds later.

Mason didn’t turn to make sure, his gaze riveted on Rig’s face. His jaw was clenched so tight it made the muscles in his cheeks twitch, and there was a light sheen of perspiration on his forehead. It was his eyes that held Mason captive. They were so dark, the pupils blowing out the color, but it was the glint of danger that thrilled Mason the most. In one look, Mason knew that Rig was barely holding back the animal that wanted out, and he couldn’t help but poke it, tempt it. Mason’s own beast shrugged off the kid gloves, having been pushed too far to care about anything but carnal needs, instinctual needs that overrode everything else.

“Fuck me,” he growled and shoved up onto his hands, his knuckles white as he gripped the mattress, bracing himself against the attack he knew would come.

Rig didn’t disappoint. His sheathed cock head pushed into Mason in one slow thrust until his groin was pressed tight against Mason’s ass.

“Ah, God!” Mason’s hands tightened further in the bedding as pain surged through him at the sudden invasion. He gritted his teeth, taking short shallow breaths through his nose as his body adjusted to Rig’s thickness. Mason squeezed his eyes shut and tried to will his body to relax.

The fingers that dug into Mason’s hip ever so slowly began to loosen their death grip as Rig began to pull out slowly a fraction of an inch and carefully work himself back into Mason. He could feel the effort it took Rig to go slow by the way his body trembled against Mason’s and the harsh breaths coming out as a hiss. Finally, with the infinite care Rig showed him, Mason’s pain began to ebb as the pleasure flowed, spreading through him with each pulse. The ache of being full and stretched farther than he had in months became a throbbing need for more.

Mason opened his heavy-lidded eyes and once again met Rig’s, pleading as he grabbed onto Rig’s hip, encouraging him to move.

Rig pulled out until just the head of his cock was breaching Mason and then pushed in deep. “Is this what you need?” Rig grunted and did it again.

Mason’s back arched as he cried out. “Yes! Plea—” The rest of the word was not discernible as Rig slammed into him again. It was the last semicoherent word that left his mouth as Bobby positioned himself on his knees in front of him and offered his fat cock. Mason hungrily accepted the offer and sucked it deep into his mouth with a satisfied moan.

The room filled with the sounds of skin slapping skin, suckling and slurping, as well as pleasure-filled grunts, curses, and moans. Mason’s focus was torn between the way Rig held him, pulling him back hard on his cock over and over and over, and the way Bobby’s cock filled his mouth, the musky, bitter taste of him, and trying to bring the man as much pleasure as Rig was giving him.

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