Tall, Dark & Apocalyptic (20 page)

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Authors: Sam Cheever

Tags: #apocalypse horror, #apocalypse fiction romance, #time travel romance, #horror, #horror and paranormal, #post apocalyptic romance, #horror action zombie, #futuristic, #witches and magic, #witches and sorcerers, #dark paranormal romance, #dystopian romance

BOOK: Tall, Dark & Apocalyptic
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Her mind clasped that warm thought, the dearest moments she’d ever known, and relished the time spent in Audie’s arms, wrapped in bliss as his body moved within hers. Yeira sighed, a smile curving her lips, as her life slowly ebbed away.

She would have been happy if only she couldn’t hear Audie screaming her name, his husky voice broken with pain.


Audie sat beside the bed and watched her, believing he’d never move beyond the pain of watching her die. Her body had been so broken he’d been sure it was beyond repair. When she’d sighed out her last breath, Audie had lost all reason. He’d turned a tear-filled countenance on the evil twins who’d visited such horror upon her and had found them lying on the ground a few feet away, twisted and glassy-eyed.

Whatsoever kills one, will kill all three…

He had nowhere to go with his rage. Audie had scooped her up and screamed his pain, pacing the scorched, bloody cavern as tears slipped down his cheeks.

He didn’t know how much time had passed but Yeira’s lifeless body grew cold in his arms and, finally, he realized he had to take her out of there.

He would give her a funeral, overseen by Audie and her friends, and then he’d provide a proper burial. Somewhere he could visit.

The thought was far from a comfort. His poor heart was flayed and bleeding, nearly as battered as the woman he loved. Audie knew what he should do. But he couldn’t move. Couldn’t take that first terrible step toward finalizing Yeira’s death.

But he wasn’t left to his grief. The air had thickened before him and the Healer’s pinched features had appeared, his black eyes anxious. “How long, Hunter?”

Audie stared at him, numb with grief.

“How long since she died?” the gnome shouted.

He shook his head as pain jolted through him, taking away his breath.

With a frustrated expulsion of breath, The Healer reached a spidery hand toward Audie and wrapped it around his arm. Before Audie could react, the gnome was dragging both of them into the portal.

Audie closed his eyes against the tearing sensation of being moved through the void. Burrowing through the numbness, the pain was almost welcome.

As soon as they landed in the gnome’s treehouse, the little creature indicated the table. “Lay her down, Hunter. Quickly.”

He reacted to the pure urgency in the creature’s voice, knowing the gnome had loved her and was dealing with her death the best way he knew how.

Audie laid her gently on the table and leaned over her, pressing a lingering kiss to her temple.

“You lie down on the other table.”

Audie fixed the creature with a dull gaze. “Why?”

“Do you wish her to live?”

Audie was too astonished to respond.

“Lie down if you would save her!” The gnome’s crinkled face was red, his movements jerky. He was obviously under extreme duress.

Audie decided to humor him. He lay down and reached across the space, clasping Yeira’s cold hand. A sense of déjà vu swamped him, tearing at his heart.

They’d been there before, with happier results.

“Pray we’re not too late, stupid Sorceri. You should have brought her immediately.” The gnome shook his head and sliced the center of Yeira’s palm. “Did I not tell you that you were responsible for her safety? Did I not declare I’d hold you to account?”

When the Healer reached for Audie he didn’t even try to jerk away. He didn’t care if he bled. He didn’t care about anything.

The gnome replaced their hands, palms together. He wrapped a shimmering silver-blue rope around their wrists, tying them together. The rope spat with energy and stung Audie’s skin.

As he worked the gnome murmured to himself, a single tear glistening on his crinkly cheek. “It must work. It must. All my plans…” He threw Audie a glare. “All my preparations.” He shook his head, his pointed cap falling to the ground.

The gnome’s head disappeared. Then the quick slap of feet across the room. A moment later a vial rose above the table, filled with, by the looks of it, the same nasty potion he’d made them drink before. “Drink, Hunter.”

Audie didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the vial and downed it, feeling its horrible burn start in the center of his chest. He stiffened but ground his teeth against a scream. He no longer cared if the gnome killed him.

He didn’t care about anything.

The spidery fingers appeared above the table and lowered to his head. The pain slid away and Audie had slept.

He’d awoken, moments earlier, in the bed next to Yeira, just as before, but she was so still, so pale, and her chest didn’t seem to be rising and falling. Audie pulled her close, finding her less cold than before. And when he lowered his head to her face, a soft, fragrant breath filtered over his cheeks. For the first time since he’d pulled her broken from the floor, hope flared.

“She lives, but barely.”

Audie jumped, turning to the gnome, who sat in a chair across the room, his big feet sticking up on the end of stubby legs that didn’t reach much past the edge of the seat. “We were almost too late.” He watched Yeira with suspiciously bright black eyes. “We still might be.”

Audie kissed her temple, pulling her closer in the hopes of sharing his heat. “The potion, the blood exchange…they were to bring her back to life?”

The gnome nodded. “My brother foresaw the dark one’s trick. We realized the only way to remove both Edwige and Joris was to kill Glowbug.”

“But you brought her back?”

“Technically, yes. She was of your blood. As long as you lived Edwige’s spell couldn’t kill her.”

He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

The dark one thought she’d bound only three. The raven, Glowbug and herself. But I’d bound Yeira’s blood with yours. The witch wouldn’t have recognized the bind until it was too late. That’s why she tried to kill you.”

“To remove my link to Yeira?”

“Yes. But she never counted on another bind…the one of the heart. Yeira couldn’t watch you die, so she sacrificed herself instead.”

Pain sliced vivid and fresh through his heart. She’d died to save him. Audie thought he might die himself from the pain.

“You’d have done the same for her.” The Healer slanted a speculative gaze on Audie. “It is your mutual love that allowed my spell to work. Without that the bind wouldn’t have taken.”

Audie picked up Yeira’s hand, lifting it to his lips. Her skin was so soft, so pale…so warm.

The fingers twitched and her chest suddenly rose on a healthy breath.

Audie pulled her close, his face hovering over hers. “Yeira?”

Her eyelids fluttered and hope flared. “Wake up, Beauty. Open your eyes.”

The chair across the room creaked and the gnome plodded over. He climbed onto the bed and settled himself beside her.

Yeira opened her eyes and blinked, looking confused.

The Healer placed a hand over her heart and smiled. “A good strong beat.” He tapped the ends of his long fingers on her cheek as she turned to him. “You will heal, Glowbug.” Nodding once to support the sentiment, the gnome slipped down the bed and headed toward the door.

“Do not tax her, Hunter. You will have many years to enjoy the things your filthy mind contemplates.”

Audie’s eyes widened as Yeira laughed. “I hate it when he does that.” Her voice was soft, rusty, and more beautiful than anything a choir of angels could produce.

He kissed the back of her hand. “I’ve never been so relieved to look into your eyes, Beauty.”

Two bright spots of color flared on her cheeks, transforming her pale face to health. But she frowned. “You should have let me die.”

Audie tightened his hold on her hand. “Never.”

She watched him for a moment and then sighed. “We had a deal, Kord.”

“I’m breaking it.”

She frowned.

“Aside from the fact that I’m completely and hopelessly in love with you, our deal was for me to kill a monster. The only monster in this room is me, for not sooner recognizing what a treasure you are.”

She shook her head but he placed a finger over her lush, soft lips. “It’s true. Your blood isn’t black, you don’t carry evil in your heart. You’re no more your mother than I am. You’re not even reborn. I tested Grimm’s blood in the dead lands. He bled black like a reborn. Your blood is red. Your mother didn’t bring you back from the dead, she only spared your life. You’re not one of them.”

She pulled her hands from his, plucking at the sheets and avoiding his gaze. “And if I were…a reborn? Would you hate me then?” She lifted her gaze to his. “Because those are my people, Audie. I won’t relinquish them. Not even for you.”

He gathered a thick ribbon of soft red hair, sliding it between his fingers. “I consider Grimm a loyal Sorceri and a good man, despite his recent bad decisions. I’ve called him a friend and I don’t expect that to change. Your people are my people, Yeira.”

Her lips curved upward, tremulous, tentative. “Do you mean it?”

He smiled back. “Every word. I love you, Glowbug. And I want to spend my life with you.”

She groaned, her smile widening. “If you love me you’ll never call me that again.”

He tugged on the silky red curl. “Why not, it suits you.”

She shook her head, the smile sliding away. Her eyes filled with tears. “This is too good to be true. I think I’m still asleep.”

Audie recaptured her hand and lifted it to his lips, sliding his tongue over the back and pulling her fingers into his mouth one at a time.

By the time he reached her thumb her lids were heavy with pleasure. He reached up and tugged on the top button of her sleepwear. “I assure you, you’re not asleep, woman.”

He tugged the second button as she watched.

“I don’t know. This sure feels like a dream.”

He tugged another and the nightdress gaped open, uncovering a plump breast with a perky pink nipple. “In your dream, do I do this?” He lowered his head and captured the pert nipple, sucking it gently as she gasped.

Her hands slipped into his hair. “Yes. You do that and…other things.”

Audie pulled the covers back and slipped a hand over her bare leg, sliding the thin fabric of the gown up her thigh. When his hand covered her mons she moaned, long and soft. “Was I doing this?” He inserted a finger into her moist heat.

“Oh god, yes! You were definitely doing that.”

He slipped a second finger into her vagina and slid them deep, pulling them slowly out again as she shuddered. “Tell me you love me, Beauty.”

He dropped his mouth to her breast again and increased the tempo of his fingers as her velvet pussy contracted around them.

“I do, Hunter. I love you with all my heart.”

Audie lifted his head and pulled away just long enough to divest himself of his clothes. He settled between her thighs, his cock heavy and hard. “Are you still dreaming, Yeira?”

She widened her legs and wrapped them around his hips. His cock rested against the moist heat of her pussy and Audie cocked his hips, sliding the thick head inside.

“I’m dreaming about your very dirty mind.”

He laughed and plunged deep, capturing her breath as she sighed with pleasure. Yeira twined her arms around his neck and lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. She accompanied each stroke with an eager little sound that thickened his cock and tightened his balls.

Audie’s lips pressed hungrily against hers, his tongue indulging in a sweet invasion of her mouth, tasting and teasing, sliding over her tongue and along the sharp edges of her teeth. She was a smorgasbord of flavors, scents and sensations.

He wanted to experience it all.

The woman he loved was sweet and spicy…soft and sharp…curved and slender.

Her gasps were a song, her sighs a caress.

Audie lost himself in her sensuality, cherishing every stroke, every touch, every taste as they climbed together toward the impossible power of their release.

They’d suffered apart. They’d suffered together.

They were creatures of powerful magics and terrible aspirations. They’d been enemies and friends… adversaries and allies. They’d fought their feelings, trying to ignore overwhelming lust as they struggled to find common ground.

But through it all their hearts were beyond their control. Their bodies had ambitions of their own. And in the end they were bound together by the strongest power the universe holds.

The force of love.

It was both powerful and terrifying. But there was nothing stronger in all the twenty worlds or epochs.

And Audie was glad of it.



Sam Cheever writes fast paced fantasy and romantic fiction with feisty characters who deal with life's little challenges in unique and often hilarious ways. As a reader Sam is very impatient. She quickly loses interest if a story doesn't have a good pace and snappy dialogue. Sam's inability to focus in a backwash of human angst and subtleties works out well for her readers, since she writes the way she likes to read.

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