The Adventurer (21 page)

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Authors: Diana Whitney

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Adventurer
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“So soon? “

“It’s a long drive. ” “You’re going back to Los Angeles tonight? ” She couldn’t hide her dismay. Alerted by the distressed quiver of her voice, Devon questioned her with a look.

She swallowed hard. “I, uh, was hoping to give you a tour of the house.

“I’ve already seen the house, ” he replied, obviously perplexed “I was talking about the-” a nervous cough nearly smothered the final words “-guesthouse. ” He stared at her, mystified. “I thought you were staying in the guest hou-” His eyes widened with sudden enlightenment He blinked twice, swallowed once and roughly cleared his throat. “What would your parents think about this, uh, tour? ” The truth was that they’d been so concerned about her dearth of relationships that they’d probably uncork a bottle of bubbly and celebrate. Naturally, she had no intention of revealing that to the man that she had, for all intents and purposes, just invited into her bed. She glanced away, feeling suddenly shy and wondering what had possessed her to be so incredibly bold. But she didn’t regret it-not yet, anyway-and so she answered Devon’s question with as much casual candor as she could muster.

“Trust me, they won’t mind. “

He studied her for a long moment, then lifted her hand to his lips.

“I’ll let you lead the way. “

Somehow Jessica doubted he was referring entirely to their short walk to the cottage. Instinctively she recognized his subtle promise to allow the evening to progress at whatever pace she selected. Since she was already nervous enough to jump out of her skin, his sensitivity was deeply appreciated The guesthouse was nestled at the far side of the garden amid a lush forest of foliage. Barely visible from the main house, the cottage provided complete privacy and a comforting sense of isolation. It was, Jessica thought, rather like a secluded vacation bungalow snuggled in the tropics of an island resort. She loved it here. Over the years, the tiny cottage had been her haven, her retreat from a world that had not always treated her kindly. Now she opened the plain wooden door, wondering if Devon would find it as inviting. He stepped inside, glancing curiously around the compact interior. Jessica anxiously followed his gaze from the tiny kitchenette, with it’s miniature refrigerator and RV size range, to the sitting area consisting of a mauve-and-burgundy-print sofa and matching recliner, along with two tables and a brass floor lamp.

She clasped her hands together. “What do you think? “

He didn’t answer right away. Instead, he strolled across the small room, eyed the half-read newspaper sprawled on the coffee table, then plucked a wadded sweater and a pair of socks off the back of the chair. He held up the garments and grinned. “I like it. It’s you. ” ‘ The goofy look on his face made her laugh. “Make yourself comfortable. I think there’s some wine in the fridge. ” “That sounds great. ” He draped the socks and sweater over the chair before settling onto the sofa. “This place reminds me of a flat I once had in Belfast. ” ‘ Jessica took two wineglasses from the cupboard and glanced over her shoulder.

“Is there anywhere in the world that you haven’t been? “

“There are a few islands off the coast of Greenland that I’ve missed. I flew over them once, though, if that counts. ” ‘ “It doesn’t. ” After uncorking a half-full wine bottle retrieved from the refrigerator, she filled the glasses and took them into the sitting area. ” Don’t you ever get tired of traveling? ” A peculiar sadness clouded his eyes. “Sometimes. ” He took the glass she offered, smiling his thanks. “But moving around goes with the territory. Jessica sat beside him, sobered by the reminder that Devon Monroe was a man for whom permanence was not an option. Last week, she’d been philosophical about that simple truth; tonight, she was deeply disturbed by the realization that sooner or later he would leave. Her heart twisterl at the thought. She took a sip of wine, trying to compose herself. It tasted bitter. She set the glass aside. Feeling even more apprehensive, she squirmed restlessly, acutely aware that for the first time that evening they had nothing to say to each other. The strained silence stretched on as Devon savored his wine and Jessica fretted, wondering if intimacy between them would be a mistake. She’d had a few such relationships in her life, friendships that had evolved slowly into love affairs. The result had always been the eventual loss of both the friend and the lover. Inevitably, the men in her life had wanted more than she’d been willing to give. They’d wanted permanence; she’d wanted freedom. They’d been in love; she’d been in like. Now the situation had apparently been reversed. It was she who had stars in her eyes and Devon who was the restless one, with his yearning gaze glued to the horizon. He couldn’t promise her forever; all he could offer was now.

And because she loved him, it was all she would ask.

But if they couldn’t share a life, they could share memories , memories created tonight-if she had the courage. A gentle thunk broke into her thoughts as Devon had placed his half-empty wineglass on the table He propped an ankle on his knee and turned to face her. “I’m not going to bite you, Jessica. “

She felt her face heat. “I know that. “

“Do you? ” He studied her for a moment. “I’d rather cut off an arm than to hurt you. ” “I know that, too. ” She slumped against the soft cushion. “i guess I’m a little nervous. ” ‘ He absently tugged his earlobe. “So am I.”

The surprising confession caught her off guard. “Why? “

“This is kind of a big step for me, ” he said, with a sheepish grin that tugged at her heartstrings. ” To tell you the truth, it’s been a long time since I’ve been seriously involved with anyone. ” The fact that he considered lovemaking to be a serious involvement was a great relief. This was also a big step for Jessica, an emotional commitment that was as frightening as it was exciting.

Devon slid an arm around Jessica’s shoulders, drawing her onto his lap.

He sighed contently as she laid her head on his shoulder. “I guess we’re just a couple of sexual wimps. ” ‘ She smiled and nuzzled the exposed flesh at the base of his throat. “I think it’s too soon to make that evaluation. ” A fine mesh of goose bumps emerged as the tip of her tongue traced a corded muscle from his collarbone to just below his ear. He shivered. “I think you could be right. ” “Hmm. ” As she continued her tactile exploration, his scent enveloped her with dizzying results. Her heart beat faster. A slow heat throbbed deep in her belly. She felt as though the room were revolving around them. Devon’s flesh quivered beneath each delicate nip, each sensual taste, until a slick film of perspiration misterl his face and a gratified groan rumbled from his chest. His reaction empowered her, filling her with the exquisite joy of having given him pleasure. Soon she was completely immersed in exploring his body, testing the firmness of his muscular chest, savoring his tangy taste, absorbing his masculine heat until she wasn’t certain where he left off and she began. When her fingers tangled in the annoying fabric of his shirt, impeding her progress, she tugged irritably at the buttons. In less than a minute, the cloth parted to expose a sculpted chest defined by an enticing spatter of silky hair. She touched him gently, reverently, following the firm contours with her fingertips. She laid her palm over his heart, feeling the power of each rhythmic beat beneath a tickle of fine hairs. “I’hen she saw it, a jagged red scar extending from the base of his shou)der to where his arm folded against his ribs. She bit her lip, gingerly touching the thickened tissue with her Backlit by the living room lamps, Devon’s silhouette fingertip. She lifted her face, searching his eyes, and would loomed in the doorway. Jessica saw his hand touch the wall have asked about the wound except that he silenced her with ‘ searching for a switch. “No lights, ” she said quickly. a kiss so sweet, so deep that everything else was wiped from He hesitated briefly, then lowered his hand. ” “All right. ” ‘ her mind. He stepped inside and closed the door. Except for a thin She whimpered deep in her throat and wound her arms shaft of moonlight from the window, the room was en around him, pulling him closer, and closer still.

His hands gulfed by darkness. framed her face with erotic desperation.

His desire burned Jessica took a deep breath, felt around for the edge of the through his touch, his kiss, the ragged throb of his pulse quilted bedspread and turned down the covers. As her eyes where his wrist pressed against her ear. adjusted to the dimness, she spoke to the shadowed figure Jessica felt as if she were falling, plummeting through q still positioned by the door. “The bed is ready. ” time and space in a dreamlike swirl. She sank into a soft “Okay. Great. ” Feeling the air with stiffly extended arms, cloud, pressed there by the weight of Devon’s body. There he moved cautiously forward. After two steps, he rammed was a tugging at her waist, then a fluttering sensation into the corner of the dresser, spun around, tripped over skimmq her ribs. Jessica’s open suitcase and with a surprised bellow, flopped Her mind cleared slowly. The cloud became the sofa face first onto the mattress. cushion on which she was reclining. She vaguely realized Hornfied, Jessica frantically patted the mattress until she that her blouse had been loosened; and although Devon’s found a warm, quivering hunk of flesh. “Are you all lips were busily investigating the tasty flesh of her throat, his right? “Sure. I just like to make a memorable entrance. ” Devon stiffenerl her spin She snuggled old tfupa shaft of panic chuckled, rolled onto his back, and burst into laughter. Devon levered up on one arm. “What’s wrong? ” Jessica straightened, not sure if she should be insulted. “Nothing. ” She quickly rearranged her blouse to cover en she realized that two adults groping around a pitch her bare skin. The light emitted by the room’s two lamps black room like a couple of shy adolescents was pretty funny seemed suddenly blinding. “I just think we’d be more com-see She smiled, as amused b Devon s howls as she was by for table in the bedroom. ” And in the dark. the ludicrous situation. A snicker slid from her own throat, He sat up. ” Are you sure? ” then another and another. She threw herself on the bed, laughing, and patted the pillow beside her. ” Come here. ” The question referred to more than changing rooms. Devon gasped for breath. ” I don’t know where you are.

“Yes, I’m sure. “

“Here’s a clue. ” She grabbed the pillow and aimed a swat Seeming relieved, he stood and helped her up. She gave at a dim shadow hunched at the foot of the mattress. his hand a reassuring squeeze and led to the only door other ” Ahaiq, “qe shadow lunged. than the entry. She hurried across the darkened room, Jessica squealed and they rolled into a giggling tangle of scooped a small pile of freshly folded linen off the bed and limbs. Their laughter died slowly, comfortably, as they set set it on the dresser. fled into each other’s arms. As Devon lazily stroked her arm, Jessica sighed. “You must think I’m really strange, making you go through all this. ” ‘ He brushed his lips across her brow. “Being bashful isn’t a crime. In fact, I think it’s kind of adorable. “

Jessica cringed inside. Her feelings went beyond being adorably bashful.

She wanted to be perfect for Devon and her body would never be perfect again. It was as simple and as complicated as that. She’d thought she’d come to terms with her scars; now she wondered. Certainly Devon knew those scars existed-she’d been honest about that-but for some odd reason, she couldn’t shake off the irrational feeling that if he didn’t actually see them, he might forget about them.

Or perhaps, she might forget.

The melancholy contemplation was interrupted by a delicious shiver when Devon kissed the sensitive pulse point at the curve of her throat. “You taste so good, ” he murmured’ Like honey on sweet cream. ” She arched her throat, thrilled by his moist kisses and the soft tickle of his fingertips teasing the delicate ilesh of her inner arm. Moaning, she pushed at his open shirt, shoving the fabric over his shoulders. He shrugged the garment off and tossed it aside. The mattress dipped as he swung his legs over the side to remove first his shoes, then his jeans and finally his socks. He returned to her side wearing only his briefs. Following his lead, Jessica pulled off her canvas skimmers and dropped them beside the bed. She was nervously fiddling with the front button of her slacks when Devon’s warm palm slid over her hand. He whispered in her ear,

“Let me. “

She gratefully relinquished the task allowing hi. “n to undress her with royal care. He slid the linen slacks over her hips, pausing to kiss each thigh, then each knee and finally each trembling ankle before draping the deflated garment over the foot of the bed. Jessica lifted her arms, allowing him to ease the knit top over her head. She stopped him as he reached for her bra clasp. She simply held his wrist, saying nothing, too embarrassed even to look up. His response was to sweep her into his arms in an embrace so loving that it took her breath away. The sweet sensations intensified slowly, methodically, like the sensual strains of Bolero building to a crescendo of passion Every kiss lit another flame in her burning belly; every scorching stroke of his fingers sent sparks down her spine until she was on fire, burning with a hunger that only this man could sate. She craved the feel of his masculinity, the warmth of his furred skin against her palm. She longed to memorize the landscape of his body with her fingertips. And so she touched him, gingerly at first, barely skimming his firm abdomen with her knuckles, then more boldly, tracing the thickening path of hair from his naval, over the elastic border and finally laying her palm over the thin cotton which covered the part of him that she sought. The strength of what she felt was awesome, pulsing with power and with a hunger equal to her own.

His body shook beneath her touch. His breath came in tortured gasps.

Finally, when he could endure no more, he hooked his thumbs beneath the elastic and removed the obstructing garment. All of him was now hers. She measured him with her hand, massaging, stroking, pleasuring him until he cried out in desperation. He turned the tables quickly, sweeping away her lace panties and initiating a sensual caress that made her crazy. She thrashed, she moaned, she clutched at his shoulders. Then, when she was certain she was actually dying, he moved over her and positioned himself at the threshold. She arched up to meet him. He framed her face with his hands, whispered her name, and gave her his love.

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